Melody MelendezCreative writing london university (Wyoming) again - because Scalia hi friends let's learn the animals in a four alligator bb4 buffalo cc4 chicken D D for dog [Music] e e for elephant you [Music] ff4 Frog G G for giraffe hh4 horse I I for iguana Jane J for Jaguar kk4 kangaroo [Music] ll4 Lyon [Music] mm4 monkey and and Furnham bat 0:04 otter [Music] pp4 panda q q Furcal are are for rabbit [Music] yes as first Quirrell Chi Chi for tiger [Music] you you for real bv4 vicuna [Music] ww4 wools xx4 Zara's yy4 yak [Music] see Z for zebra [Music] please like subscribe and comment for more videos Tri-State College of Acupuncture.