C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part



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C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

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C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

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C25 SMD code, C25 datasheets, smd datacodes for C25 electornic semiconductor part

Akimov D. Sources and Detecti on of Dark Matter in the Universe ed. Cline, Elsevier,. Cline D. In Sources and detecti on of dark matter and dark energy in. Semicustom arrays for the implementati on of fr on t-end electr on ics. Atkin 1 , A. Demin 2 , I. Ilyushchenko 1 , M. Khokhlov 2 , S. K on dratenko 1 ,. The approach to designing applicati on specific ICs of fr on t-end electr on ics on. During the last several years the volume of data, collected from radiati on. The tasks of fr on t-end electr on ics have been also expanding — often it should provide. Custom-made ICs, manufactured by. However, a demand on relatively simple ICs, c on taining 8… SAs, the applicati on specific on es allow to implement a greater number of. Classificati on and characteristics of the existing analog and analog-digital SAs. In order to raise the integrati on scale functi on al complexity of. The best soluti on c on sists in the transiti on to applicati on specific SAs, wherein any. Table 1 presents some examples of analog and analog-digital SAs, bel on ging to. The selecti on criteri on for the data of this table was the active status of. The latter, however, c on tains on ly npn microwave. The general quantitative characteristics of the c on sidered ASSA are as follows:. Right from the start of developing the complementary ASSA especial attenti on. At high-frequency. Some test circuits allow, moreover, to average the value. The list of test circuits, accommodated on. Full functi on al units circuits 1…6 are intended for a final verificati on of the. Proceeding from the study of test chips, there was carried out the correcti on of. The use of the existing general applicati on and functi on ally oriented analog SAs. However the choice of applicati on. The applicati on specific analog. Ilyushchenko and oth. An applicati on specific semicustom array for the implementati on of multichannel. Arkhangelsky, E. Atkin, S. K on dratenko and oth. Analog semicustom array for the implementati on of wide-band amplifiers. Table 1. Examples of analog and analog-digital SAs, bel on ging to different groups. The functi on al ability - up to 42 op amps, more than pF and almost 2 Mohm of. Applicati on fields: sensor,. Characteristics of npn. The objective of this article is Web-site of the informati on and diagnostic system. Visualizati on of the on -line m on itoring results and their analysis are provided. The created and functi on ing Web-site is a final link of aroundthe-clock. Only on the Web-site. The informati on and diagnostic system has been. Modern science is internati on al. This is a c on sequence of the necessity to joint. The interchange of informati on by means of recent development in communicati on is a. The modern tendencies of. Automatic informati on and diagnostic. Pulsed reactor IBR-2 was put into operati on in Now IBR-2 has on e of the. The average power of the reactor. Comparatively l on g durati on of the neutr on pulse - But the necessity for creati on of a source with l on g - from several hundreds. From this point of view, the exploitati on experience of the first LPS — pulsed reactor. IBR-2 reactor safety is being provided by the. The reactor supports the scientific program for the external. Several moderators are arranged. Each horiz on tal neutr on guide — except 13 and 14 — is an equipped research facility. The informati on and diagnostic system of IBR-2 pulsed neutr on source. AIS is intended for the reactor staff and for neutr on guides users. Architecture of diagnostic system is based on the data processing. Main database is. It allows. During realizati on of the diagnostic system the new Web-site with. It provides around-the—clock access to IBR-2 data Fig. The informati on. This unit of main references can be divided subjectively into data presentati on. This is a most informative subsecti on of the Web-site: it includes all Informati on is presented mainly as real histograms not. GIF files which are being renewed periodically in the on -line mode. For example,. Data analysis secti on is based on two subsecti on s:. All data of this secti on is systematized according to years as histograms and stored as. For example, Fig. The realized Web-site is a most powerful tool for visualizati on of the IBR Aksy on ov V. Shabalin E. Astakhov Yu. A et al. Tulaev A. Bashevoy V. Christiansen T. To be more c on crete, the issue c on cerns the investigati on of cosmic rays in the. The interest in this energy range c on sists in that the data of various experiments, performed. Interacti on of the primary particle with the target results in the producti on of charged. At a certain distance sufficient for separating the sec on dary. The distributi on of these particles,. Such a layout of the apparatus permits, for the first time, when. These plates. SD1 is a pad detector c on sisting of 15x15 mm 2 pads, while the others. The strips in each pair of detectors are oriented al on g mutually perpendicular. The readout of informati on in SD2 and SD3 is realized from every other th strip,. Thus, the number of registrati on channels amounts to for SD1, for SD2 and. A special feature of. For the registrati on of informati on from the remaining microstrip detectors, the Viking. Thus, the total power c on sumed by the electr on ics of these. For organizati on of the trigger, layers of scintillating strips are introduced into the. One of these fibers is c on nected to the photocathode of a. At the same time, the informati on from individual scintillator strips permits pointing. Reading out. A versi on of the block diagram of the trigger system is presented in Fig. The multichannel. The signals from the anodes of the single-channel PM for each layer are sent to discriminators. This chip has an integrati on. The signal from the analog output of VA32 is sent to the selecti on. When the amplitudes of signals from the successive planes exceed the amplitudes. The time required for producing this c on trol signal does not exceed 1. After the readout of informati on from the VA64 chip, c on trol signals are produced for. The power c on sumpti on by the single-channel PMT amounts to 1. In c on clusi on , the authors express their profound gratitude to D. P on tecorvo, without. Adams , G. Basindzhagyan et al. Grebenyuk et al. Performance m on itoring was another goal of this exercise, where a prototype. The architecture of the m on itoring system will be described, which c on sists. All these values can be visualized on web pages both on a. IT divisi on. Starting in , roughly on ce a year a data acquisiti on system is. The idea is. For this reas on a prototype called dateStat. In the following we will introduce dateStat by. C on cluding remarks and an. Review \\\\\\\\\\\\\[3\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Our porti on of the testbed c on sisted of the following comp on ents, which. Trunking between 2 switches four parallel Gigabit links. The full events are then formatted. Online performance m on itoring of the overall system was an essential functi on al. For this purpose the Performance and Excepti on. M on itoring PEM software package \\\\\\\\\\\\\[8\\\\\\\\\\\\\] was planned to be used, however, it could. Also, an identificati on in terms of. In an early versi on of dateStat these statistics files were c on verted to gif files. In the final versi on these statistics files were. Despite the simple design and rather inefficient implementati on of dateStat, it. Figure 2 shows a series of. The following subsecti on s will present performance measurements. As a result these plots dem on strate an excellent stability of a. Two types of saturati on s are visible:. Figure 5 shows the performance of DATE standal on e runs for a varying subevent. Ethernet c on nectivity. This kind of dependence is important to know, since the. Most interesting are runs that employ the complete data acquisiti on chain. In the. The latter c on sisted of 12 tape devices, hence not more than. Much effort was dedicated to parameterize. In total 3. The traffic generated by the LDCs was proporti on al to the. The testbed and the. It derives performance data at. Based on this prototype a new m on itoring tool. Barring, J. Baud, J. The first RORC versi on is based on the. The document describes the prototype versi on in three secti on s. An overview. The card has been designed to be well adapted to. The implementati on of the firmware will be presented. In the c on clusi on the future plans and the. The DDL c on sists. This naming c on venti on is based on the fact that. This card was used for testing the prototype versi on of the DDL comp on ents as. The results of. The development was split into two phases. This will reduce the latency and the software interventi on , so the DAQ software. The required bus functi on s are. The firmware is divided into three parts according to functi on s they. It also manages the add- on logic bus, performs the arbiter functi on. This part c on tains the. It c on tains FIFOs to store the. The c on trol of the card is d on e by commands. A command may have parameters. The add- on logic is notified if there is a new command waiting in the. This is d on e by a hardware interrupt that is raised if on e predefined byte. The resp on se of the RORC is sent back. However, the RORC shall not generate any resp on se without a request from the. The add- on logic keeps track of the outgoing mailboxes to avoid overwriting any. The PCI bridge has a bit bi-directi on al. The add- on logic can use this bus to. The add- on logic c on tains a. The arbitrati on is based on a. It c on tains FIFOs on both the transmit and. It is either the output of the read DMA channel. Depending on the destinati on the command will be interpreted or sent. It c on tains the DMA engines, which c on trol the data. The PCI bridge c on tains primary registers to c on trol the data transfer. When the. This will be used in the next versi on of the Data Acquisiti on and Test Envir on ment. The software running on the machine is. In this c on text page means a buffer of a. The RORC stores. The latter requires explanati on. The hardware has to report the software about the. The address of this locati on is. The sec on d word. The test firmware c on tains a simple DMA engine and a pattern generator. At the end of every block a counter is. The most important signals, which c on trol the DMA, are placed on logic analyzer. These signals. In the first test the performance measured in stand-al on e operati on. There was. The computer had single. Figure 5: DMA speed vs. In the sec on d test a more realistic envir on ment was set up. The host computer. In order to increase the traffic on the PCI bus a Gigabit. The usage of the CPUs was also m on itored. Beside the. These functi on s require on -board memory too. The opti on of an integrated. Rubin, P. The results of works on the creati on of miniature multichannel printed circuit. The discussed PCUs measure 90 x 40 mm sq. The detecti on of various types of radiati on is an important part of many. The structural diagram of an up-to-date informati on and measuring system of a. The number of. It is obvious, that the link between detectors and registrati on equipment. The unit has 16 differential inputs with protecti on against overload. The amplifier can functi on in two modes: as a current amplifier, driven by a highresistance. As a voltage on e — in operati on with a PMT or its solid-state analog Solid-. State Electr on Multiplier. The load resistor can be then chosen in a wide range for. The corresp on ding examples of signal scope. The external view of the PCU is presented in fig. It is implemented on a The gain equals Rise time does not exceed 9ns. The base level durati on of. The following table presents the basic parameters of the PCU under discussi on. Besides the PCU A1, the assembly drawing shows the c on nectors for input and output. It is expected, that the designed units will be tested so on in an actual accelerator. Atkin, V. Chernikov, I. Ilyushchenko, P. Khlopkov, S. K on dratenko, Yu. Mishin, A. Pleshko, Yu. Volkov, A. Goldsher, V. The polarity of the output voltage — positive or. By R26 the oscillati on frequency of TL could be regulated. It is adjusted individually to corresp on d to the res on ance. Because of the high inductance of sec on dary. The output noise is drastically decreased more. Resistors R16 and R17 limit the short circuit output. A signal, proporti on al to the output voltage, is provided. UC input of the c on verter. It could be received from a manually c on trolled highstabilized. For this purpose the total output current passes through the resistor. A voltage, corresp on ding to the feedback chain current value, is fed to the U3B. In case of. For the c on trol of the low voltage c on verter Q3 the TL output. Thus the low voltage c on verter operates at double basic. The fully synchr on ized operati on of both. Q2 comm on emitter resistor R25 closes Q3 and the drain voltage of Q1, Q2 is. The experimental measured power loss in the c on verter as a functi on of. These results show, that under any c on diti on s the loss is. The relati on al model of data is used. The system operates on a cluster of. For data operati on s we. Implementati on of. Next generati on science will require co-ordinated. It will also allow interacti on with colleagues from sites all over the world as well as the. The project will. DataGrid project does not start from scratch in this challenge: it relies up on emerging. DML operati on s. Our assumpti on s are that next operati on s must be executed with highest priority:. Every DML operati on c on sists of series of operati on s on physical database. For more details see \\\\\\\\\\\\\[Ullman\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. In any case, physical operati on s on the. In classical DBMS another important assumpti on is that most of queries are. Even if this is not the case we can assume that. In such a case we can guarantee that executi on. Update operati on s can be very complex, but we assume that they are simple on es. From our point of view it is possible after careful investigati on to define typical. The three real data intensive computing applicati on s areas covered by the project are:. Our soluti on is based on computer architecture, which is a cluster farm like. This means that we have on e switch computer, which dispatch queries to all other. In this cluster all comp on ents are c on venti on al. The idea is that if some. When an update operati on arrives to the switch PC this operati on will be. Remember that these kinds of operati on s are. During the sessi on is possible the relati on size to approach its maximum size. QM PC will execute queries. This means that result will be composed joined on. If some queries are very complex they can be executed on. From user point of view c on ceptual database schema is defined at cluster level. The middleware will support the. In fact c on ceptual schema on DBMS. External schema in such a case will be supported as metadata in. The c on stant research developments of experimental technique at the Laboratory of. This progress stimulates an updating of electr on ic. Fr on t-end electr on ics. The basic electr on ic modules are performed. The sec on d. This was manifested in the creati on of. The basic ideas of the JCOP were first, to have a comm on. One of these. It is completely scalable up to the huge number of. You may find. The CMS collaborati on c on sists of over scientists and engineers from institutes. CMS is a general-purpose prot on -prot on detector designed to run at the highest. The best possible electromagnetic calorimeter to measure the energy of phot on s. High quality central tracking to allow rec on structi on of charged particles and. A Standard Model Higgs bos on with mass between the lower limit given by. LEP and GeV would be discovered via its two phot on decay already at modest. It is part of a network of systems, which c on trol. Some of. These c on trol systems are completely. Another system, which is c on nected to the DCS. It is a standal on e system, but allows. It delivers m on itoring data of different kinds to the DCS system. The DCS. It will transfer. It will receive all necessary accelerator data for. During data taking, it receives from the runc on trol. Sensors and actuators are in general placed on the detector or close to it. These items. These devices are further interfaced to the supervisory system via device servers like. The sec on d part, which the supervisory. This should not on ly include development, but as. The systems, which are used for the supervisi on level in all industrial c on trols. Using for all CMS c on trols the same commercial standard framework allows us to build. This system is a kind of. It will be the basic skelet on of. A system can be spread over several PCs or more than on e system can be run on. It can. Each of these. The mix of ready to use functi on al comp on ents and easy and open programming. Such APIs can give complete c on trol of these. In additi on , all changes can be d on e on line without compiling,. For synchr on isati on purposes, each event has a. The framework is for the use of the c on trol system developers and should finally include. In additi on , the framework defines guidelines for colours, f on ts, page layout, naming etc. Since the CMS detector c on sists of different sub detectors a possibility to partiti on the. Partiti on ing means, that a sub tree is cut off the command. In this way logical comp on ents can be operated in standal on e without the. This mode will mostly be used. The partiti on ing capability is part of the command hierarchy, which allows us to keep any. This adds three properties to the nodes. Tools will be offered to change the status of all three properties. Every top level node has. Partiti on ing out a sub tree automatically creates a new top level node in this. The n on -partiti on ed nodes below a top level node inherit the ownership of the. Commands can on ly be given on the top level nodes. This prevents. Normally on ly the owner can send a command to a. However, the owner can decide to share a node and c on sequently somebody else. For physics data taking on ly during specific times of the year will. The comp on ents of the functi on al architecture menti on ed in chapter 4 are illustrated in. The foundati on has defined and released five. On the other hand, c on trol software, as. OPC is on ly. OPC is the recommended way to c on nect commercial. Like most communicati on. The basic c on cept of the DIM. Servers provide services to clients. A service is. It is available on almost all operating systems, it is very simple and robust and used. Its inter-operability makes it an attractive tool to link processes on. SCADA system and custom software and keeps the code on on e side unchanged although. Independent debugging on both sides is possible. Recently a discussi on was initiated to use also Ethernet as fieldbus network. Support for all those is already in place. PLCs are simple, very reliable fr on t-end computers, which are used everywhere in. They support several specific standardised. Normally PLCs are c on nected to devices via fieldbuses. Note that these devices have to work mostly in a difficult envir on ment c on cerning. Those devices are then linked via device interfaces to the. In the following, a selecti on of vertical slices either already existing or. In the future this OPC server will be extended to c on nect to. The c on trol of all CMS gas systems covering hard- and software will be designed,. In their design on e or. The c on trol and regulati on of all CMS cooling systems will be covered in an analogous. To this end the. In the first design. They intend to c on nect to the. For the c on trol of all CMS racks housing the read-out modules of the sub-detectors, we. In this prototype a PC steers c on trol units, on e sitting. This c on trol unit comprises the. This unit is c on nected to a power distributi on box,. We intend to measure and m on itor. A custom software layer. As all. The c on figurati on of all these electr on ics is part of DCS. The set up. The data are downloaded to the electr on ics via the FE supervisors fr on tend. The API receives orders from. It can fetch the data from the database. Through the PVSS-. The data for the c on figurati on of the fr on t-end c on troller FEC are kept in an external. This API embeds the hardware driver of the fr on t-end electr on ics. After the. A process, which calculates new c on figurati on parameters for. In order to be able to use this new versi on for downloading, the versi on has to. It receives with the request together a descripti on for the. These test beams are. The architecture is fully modular, therefore the development of the c on trol of. This allows. In additi on , the structure of DCS is. A newer technique of creating vacuum tubes models was developed, on the basis of. Simulati on s of possible variants of the power amplifier electrical circuit were made. Accuracy of the model was experimentally tested on the wideband amplifier. The main task of simulati on is to derive values for the circuit elements to reach the. An Additi on al task is to determine the necessary parameters for the. Creati on of adequate models equivalent circuits for all circuit elements. Figure 1 shows on e half of the push-pull amplifier circuit. This is a classical variant. The models of the Siemens RS tetrodes. A major problem of model creati on is the correct descripti on of the active circuit. Generally, I anode and I screen are functi on s of. Using the characteristics of the tube — transc on ductance S, internal resistance R i ,. In this case the. It allows making AC frequency domain , DC, as well as transient time. The technique of the model creati on is described in. In this model the anode current depends on ly on the c on trol grid voltage and does not. This model is accurate on ly for the. In the case of large signals, the anode voltage V a,c variati on produces a large. To introduce the dependence of the anode current on the. First we have to make an interpolati on functi on of the cut-off voltage for the fixed. The calculati on of the anode current for an arbitrary value of the anode voltage. V anode using the interpolati on functi on V off previously obtained. Thus, the formula for the calculati on of the anode current for an arbitrary anode. I anode1 , I anode2 - known interpolati on functi on s of the anode current for anode voltages. This way of calculati on gives correct values for the anode current as well as a cut-off. At first it is necessary to make an interpolati on functi on of the cut-off voltage. Voff 1 V anode , Voff 2 V anode - interpolati on functi on s of cut-off voltages for fixed. Ia 2 V g,c ,V a,c calculated for screen grid voltages V screen1 and V screen2 using formula. The functi on I anode can be. Ia 1 , Ia 2 - functi on s of the anode current calculated for V screen1 and V screen2 using. It is more c on venient at first to make the interpolati on. The last step is to enter the associati on of the screen grid current. The c on trol grid current does not depend on the anode voltage, therefore the relati on. The introducti on of the. The center tap allows the c on necti on of 3 resistor blocks in a. The difference can. As a result of the simulati on the resistance will be lowered for the producti on. It is quite different with multicladding WLS fibres. The fibers c on tain a. For this aim. Every strip had two fibers, which were. The latter kept the fibers in firm c on tact with the cathode. The on ly absorbti on matter between the source and the. C on sequently, major part of the. A typical picture of the PMT current. Two upper histograms are for 8 odd strip, the first. The bottom. The dark PMT current is smaller than 1 nA. The distributi on of maximal currents. The separate peak on the right side of Fig. The block diagram of the test layout is given in Fig. It c on sists of three. The fibers are c on nected to the. Each sec on d fiber of the planes P1-P3 is c on nected via a. The PMT high. Besides trigger, the off line treatment of informati on. The c on diti on s of event selecti on are the following. The signals from PMT anodes went to the electr on ics that was developed for the. This electr on ics is based on the. All channels are c on nected to a flash ADC by. The results of measurements with cosmic mu on s are in Fig. The spectra show the. The X-axis is scaled in units of photoelectr on s ph. The spectra of cosmic mu on s of the scintillator strip detector with. It is the usual practice, because these values include many. Note the particular feature of these measurements. The statistics of mu on spectrum. As for PMT and amplifier gain its dispersi on is. The average calibrati on. From the received spectra in Fig. But the PMT. RM64 anode has the maximum allowable pulse current I a on ly about 0. The suitable multichannel chip is the menti on on e from Viking family. This chip has 32 channel and the increased noise rms electr on s ,. In order to assess the sensitivity of the PMT with low. The other anode of the. For determining the mean number of photoelectr on s N p. The formula follows from the Poiss on law: the possibility of. In our case with. The dispersi on of the main spectrum is determined by the Poiss on statistics of a. The latter is not very large. The width of the pedestal is. We are deeply grateful to R. Battist on , P. Levchenko and A. Olshevsky for their. Adams et al. Building of DataGrid infrastructure in Russia. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and institutes is under discussi on. Main goal for. Now we are participating in WP6 Testbed1, which deals with significant computati on al. The following institutes are participating in this activity: SINP. Software envir on ment for Testbed1 is RedHat Linux 6. Support for the PBS jobmanager in Globus 1. We are testing some special software written in. Globus Toolkit uses Xv3 cryptography for authenticati on and encrypti on , this means that. WP6 security team decided not to use. Only the local administrator of the resource gives or cancels the. EU-DataGrid project. There can be more CAs for different regi on s. Russian DataGrid CA uses. This means that the CA must be hack proof, and on ly valid real pers on s should be able to obtain. This scheme is good for small CAs with small amount of requests, but with large. Ph on e validati on of users is. We can setup several RAs in the different institutes and divisi on s and. CA administrator in this case trusts to the. RAs and does not make any validati on for the requests signed by a RA. We can also implement. Not the request generated using. The administrator validates the request using direct c on tact with the requester and. This signed request is then emailed to the CA. The CA. Our implementati on of the RA uses Globus certificates for signing certificate and. Our CA also supports certificate. In future the email robot will keep. This means that for the best security we must update CRLs. We are now developing the new CRL update scheme, which uses notificati on messages for. Russian DataGrid Certificati on Authority started issuing certificates that are accepted. Soluti on s used in the Certificati on Authority showed. In order to provide a full-range participati on of Russian scientists at the LHC. Several PC-Linux clusters with. As the Grid technologies will be used for a realizati on of a distributed model. Applicati on Working Packages. One of the main problems are. Figure 1: Current status of comm on resources of a prototype of a Russian regi on al. Kodolova, E. Tikh on enko. В этом режиме разрешение. Korobchenko, F. Levchanovski, V. Unified VME-based data acquisiti on. Al on g with the Petabytes of data expected to be collected, CMS will also generate an enormous. This paper describes soluti on s developed at Caltech to address. Alliance resources. We will report on the results of producti on using Grid tools Globus, C on dor-G to. It is being. LHC accelerator. At a rate of 40,, times per sec on d, the LHC accelerator lets two bunches of particles. In every bunch crossing in the. The collisi on phenomena. Figure 2 shows an example of an event, with the. Figure 3: The CMS on line and offline systems and their envir on ment. Note that the picture of the collisi on products is complex,. The measurements of the. The size of the raw data for a. CMS has the high event rate of 40,, events per sec on d because, like in many high energy physics experiments,. Of the 40,, events in a sec on d, some are selected for storage and later. This selecti on is d on e with a fast real-time filtering system figure 3. The raw detector data of each. The nature of physics analysis implies several problems and opportunities for physics data handling systems like. These problems and opportunities have been extensively studied in the RD45 project and. Some of the main points are as follows. The CMS offline hardware will c on sist of computer installati on s arranged in a hierarchical structure as shown in. This figure was adapted from \\\\\\\\\\\\\[10\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. In year , the offline hardware c on sists of a large central computing. Below that,. At the moment of writing, on ly a. Going towards , the number of deployed centers. Around , on ly some of the centers in figure 4 will already be in operati on : the expected number is about 2. The scalability requirements for the grid comp on ents delivered to CMS by. The testbed c on figurati on for the. Whereas some other CMS software systems will also. Some on e pushed a butt on in Caltech to start the run. After the butt on was pushed necessary input files were automatically. C on dor flock. Once the ORCA phase finished the output was. C on dor DAGMan is used to run the pre script, then the A job, then the B job, and finally the post script for each of. We will submit a. This special gatekeeper on beak allows the executable to be run in the scheduler universe on beak. This collecti on. The bottom line is that there will be no need to c on nect to Wisc on sin and start the C on dor run from there. C on dorG. Authenticati on is automatic since the credentials have already been passed from Caltech to Wisc on sin. The globusrun will be sent to. NCSA platinum Linux cluster which will so on go into producti on. The last part of the job running at NCSA will. Foster, C. Kesselman, S. Bethke et al. Report of the steering group of the LHC computing review. December University of Technology, May Web site:. Holtman, H. Holtman, P. File and Object. Bunn, Harvey B. Newman, Richard P. Wilkins on. Final Report of the Globally Interc on nected. Rec on structi on Software for CMS. The ORCA project. Reclustering of High Energy Physics Data. Shoshani, L. Bernardo, H. Nordberg, D. Rotem, A. Multidimensi on al Indexing and Query. Coordinati on for Tertiary Storage Management. ОС Linux RedHat 6. The main characteristics of the Silic on Pixel Detector. These calculati on s are carried out in different computer. Some essential modificati on s in the computer code are made to reduce the. The additi on al computer codes. The comparis on of the calculati on. Especially the EGS4. Blagoevgrad mu on ic telescope. An experimental direct check oh this model is made. Triggering and data acquisiti on system is developed. Experiment automati on c on trol. The possibility for absolute calibrati on of water Cherenkov. Many problems in experimental cosmic ray physics need a precise simulati on. M on te Carlo simulati on s of electr on phot on cascades, which are part of extensive air. Most of the well known codes like EGS4 \\\\\\\\\\\\\[1\\\\\\\\\\\\\],. At the same time the experimental possibility of. The methodologycal investigati on shows the. The results is. For example for primary prot on at TeV for on e shower the file is about. So some modificati on s in the source code are carried out, the redirecti on of the. At the same time EGS4 gives the possibility to simulate electr on phot on. When a charged particle penetrate in the medium and its velocity exceeds. We check first if the particle is in the regi on of interest. If the particle is. This approach. This is a good estimati on. In CERE subroutine. The total number of. One of the possible verificati on s is the use of gamma source with energy. We have used a 60 Co. An attempt to estimate the number of Cherenkov phot on s generated in water by. Due to the Compt on scattering and producti on of. Cherenkov phot on s are generated. A part of the radiated Cherenkov phot on s after. The amplitude distributi on of the anode pulses of PMT1, which. An additi on al modelling of the Cherenkov phot on s trajectory in the tank permits a. All the Cherenkov phot on s emitted in the. With calculated efficiency of Cherenkov phot on s registrati on and the. This studies permits to make an efficiency estimati on of Mu on ic Cherenkov telescope. Other possible verificati on of the model is the comparis on with another code for the. Cerenkov effect simulati on. A simple model of the atmosphere have been introduced. The variati on of the refractive index is. This is important for the lateral distributi on functi on of Cherenkov. We take into account on ly the total number of Cherenkov phot on s at sea observati on. The ideology of most M on te Carlo codes used in radiati on physics is first calculati on. One of the problems in these calculati on s is the reducti on of. Other problem is the precise calculati on of energy losses for medical dosymetry. One calculate analytically the. This process is most. The given circuit of time to time c on verter time expander , uses the method of recharging. It can be used for measuring short time intervals, in the nano-sec on ds ns. The circuit can retain a good linearity, while used. The coefficient of expansi on depends on the relati on. The results, received during the experimental examinati on of the. At first sight the measurement of time intervals seems to be on e of the easiest. These correcti on s are due to. This error is a functi on of the moment phase of the sampling. Increasing the clock frequency can on ly decrease the error value but it is not a. An eliminati on of the error implies a synchr on izati on. A higher accuracy can be achieved by using combined time-code c on verters TCC. The sampling clock is synchr on ized. In this method two generators are used. They are synchr on ized with the start and the. Their measurement is d on e. Several schematic designs of time to time c on verters are known. The design. The charging current generator is realized with the operati on al amplifier U and. The transistor T 1 and the diode D 1 form a differential current switch. If a input pulse with a durati on t u comes, the transistor T 1 is being closed. During the charge of the integrating capacitor the discharging current I 2 is. After the end of the shaped pulse the transistor T 1 is switched on , the diode D 1. A recharge process begins and the discharging current creates a voltage fall on. Taking into account the requirement the initial and the final voltage on the. To ensure a work inside the linear part of the c on versi on functi on it is. The time to time c on verter circuit c on sidered here allows a high expansi on. The comparator used is LM We investigated the linearity of the transmissi on ratio of the circuitry in the. The durati on of the expanded pulses were. The difference between the given and the measured and then. The standard deviati on of each point in the investigated range is within ps. The total instability of the. Chu and K. Fergus on. Ovenless oscillators will resolve picosec on d pulses,. Electr on ics, McGraw-Hill Publicati on , vol. Hoskins, Data Acquisiti on Circuit Collecti on. Linear Technology Corporati on ,. Bumbarov, P. Petev, T. Kunov, I. Vankov, 'Computer c on trolled power system for HPD. Geargiev, L. Dimitrov, I. Atanasov, I. Vankov, 'Computer c on trolled. The system has been designed for m on itoring the gas compositi on inside the big. This is necessary for c on trolling the. The principle of measurement is based. For higher noise. They are c on nected via. The latter is c on trolled by a host. The four measured signals are multiplexed and sent. The relati on ship between the speed of sound in a gas and the molar mass of the. This method is c on venient and quite. Additi on ally an oxygen electrochemical sensor is used to determine with high. Temperature is. The block-schematic is given in figure 1. The divider produces three synchr on ized signals with different. The latter works in a start-stop mode and measures the propagati on time of the. Figure 1. Block-schematic of the system for remote gas m on itoring. Measured signals: 1,. The temperature sensor is a. Finally the signal is sent over a l on g twisted pair cable to the remote host. The c on trol of the system is performed by a set of three. The signals are calibrated and the. The low-dispersi on comparator, working in a c on stant fracti on. Its output signal permits the work of an event choosing. Minimizati on of propagati on delay dispersi on for different. N on -linear characteristics of. The current. The usually. Our aproach. Usage of n on -linear methods allows minimizing dispersi on. Dependences of propagati on delay on input overvoltage for the. This fact allows reducing the power c on sumpti on of. Volkov Yu. Компоненты системы работают. Поддерживается обмен стандартным и расширенным форматом CAN Specificati on 2. Electr on ics и c помощью системы программирования DirectSoft ведется отладка программ. Kaminsky, et al. Geneva, August , , pp. Novokhatsky et. The interest of the piezoelectric transformer is to propose new. We proposed to use the. PVDF in transverse mode and have several sec on dary c on nected in series. The regi on s for each active part are. A transfer matrix joining the. Figure 3 :Model of a transmissi on line for n on active mechanical z on e. A matrix represents each cell of PVDF, active and n on -active, and the transformer is. This model allows the determinati on of the output voltage E total of the. The PVDF is a material with str on g losses; these are introduced in dielectric c on stant. Using the model presented in the previous secti on , we have calculated the output. The results are obtained for an excitati on voltage of 1 V. S1,S2,S3,S4 — first, sec on d, third, fourth sec on dary element. The results. The obtained results allow the possible realisati on of transformer. The new type. These results will be now. This will be. Then the first realisati on will be d on e using microelectr on ics. Berlincourt, D. Curran, and H. Jaffe, 'Physical Acoustics',W. Mas on Ed,. The data. Chambers as dedicated detectors for the first level mu on trigger system. The RPC are gaseous. An RPC c on sists of two parallel plates,. The whole structure is made gas tight. The outer surfaces of the resistive material. The read-out. PET film. In this case the total induced signal read out by the Fr on t. End electr on ics is the sum of the two single-gap signals. The chambers will be operated in the. The RPC has to fulfill three basic requirements: good time resoluti on , high efficiency. To test the performance of the RPC, a dedicated. The efficiency will be defined as. This pulse originate either a mu on. For test purposes the FE accept a 4 bit test pattern. A FE board handles signals from up to 16 strips. A single channel c on sists of two-stage. At the output a LVDS signal is. The signal has a voltage of mV on Ohms. The block diagram of the readout system is given on fig. PIC16F by Microchip. The PIC is resp on sible for initializati on , mode set up, read out of. It reads the Virtex devices. The Virtex devices can act in two operati on al modes — data aquisiti on or noise. This signal is generated by trigger electr on ics. Each trigger generates an. Up on receiving a trigger. When the strip. The higher address is reserved for subset of command,. The PIC module drives the Xilinx devices through a simple synchr on ous serial bus with. Synchr on izati on clock is delivered from microprocessor. The PIC module acts as a master on the bus, starting a bus operati on. The bus command begins by a leading byte which c on tains four. At start up the PIC can opti on ally load mask to suspend data. DAQ, brought in. Due to reprogrammability of FPGA devices used as destinati on for the signals from fr on t. These architectures thus represent an attractive approach to. This paper. ADC with operati on al transc on ductance amplifiers in the feedback path. Furthermore these. The block diagram of general SDM is shown on fig. The SDM c on sists of a. The role of the feedback. X t is the input analog signal, e t is the error signal the difference. Much of this unpredictability is caused by digital. Also there is on e major. If we suppose that we. The general idea for adaptive S-D modulati on is the step size adopti on in the. The compandor as it is shown on fig. The block diagram for CVSD is shown on. If Lr andLr. A new practical implementati on of a first order c on tinuously variable slope sigmadelta. ADC with operati on al transc on ductance amplifiers in the feedback path is shown on. It c on sists from the following main blocks: input amplifier, input low pass filter. The signal from the input amplifier. The XOR circuit is. The increase of Iset 1 will increase the voltage over Rint,. Because of the investigati on s of this architecture are still in progress, we. Candy and G. And Syst. In all subdetectors they are very high number of measuring. Apparently such a quantity of fast electr on ic circuits has very high electrical. Table 1 the currents from these power supplies and total c on summated power for. The magnetic field inside the superc on ducting magnet \\\\\\\\\\\\\[4\\\\\\\\\\\\\], where are installed. On similar c on diti on s operate the end-. This envir on ment obviously. Also an integrated dose up to 2 Mrad and neutr on flux up to 5x10 On the periphery surface of the endcap magnet. The neutr on fluence, predicted for 10 years of. In the galleries — at a distance of about. The best c on diti on s are outside the cavern, but. The structure of the low voltage system LVS is shown on fig. In the first. This c on figurati on is identical for all. All these results show, that a very carefully estimati on of all factors in the. LV system should to be d on e in order to find an optimal soluti on. In the first stage three phase AC-. They are located in the c on trol room - outside of the magnetic. DC c on verters c on stituting the sec on d stage. They are installed on the outer surface. In EMU the low voltage regulators. These c on verters are installed in soft ir on boxes to reduce the. The cables between. The estimated voltage drop. The problems come from the hostile envir on ment of the DC-DC c on verters. A prototype for 6 DC-DC c on verters with. More complicated is the problem of the c on verter radiati on hardness. Its replacement by a. But in spite of low dose, the energy of the neutr on s is in the range between. And it is very important to investigate the tolerance of the c on verters. The results show that these. The c on clusi on. Besides these problems, the DC-DC c on verter soluti on is also expensive.

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