Bydureon Medication

Bydureon Medication

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Bydureon is a diabetes medication utilized along with other diabetes meds including long-acting insulin to treat grown-ups and kids matured 10 years or more with type 2 diabetes whose blood glucose (sugar) levels are not controlled enough with different prescriptions.


What is bydureon and what is it utilized for?

Bydureon is given by infusion under the skin once seven days around the same time every week in the midsection (gut), thigh, or back of the upper arm. Patients infuse themselves whenever they have been prepared.

While adding Bydureon to sulphonylurea (one more sort of diabetes medication), the specialist might have to decrease the portion of the sulphonylurea on the grounds that there is a gamble of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels). While adding Bydureon to insulin, the portion of insulin may likewise be changed.

Patients utilizing both Bydureon and insulin ought to infuse the drugs independently.

The medication must be gotten with a solution. For more data about utilizing Bydureon, see the bundle flyer or contact your primary care physician or drug specialist.

How is Bydureon utilized?

Bydureon is given by infusion under the skin once seven days around the same time every week in the mid-region (gut), thigh, or back of the upper arm. Patients infuse themselves whenever they have been prepared.

While adding Bydureon to a sulphonylurea (one more kind of diabetes medication), the specialist might have to diminish the portion of the sulphonylurea in light of the fact that there is a gamble of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels). While adding Bydureon to insulin, the portion of insulin may likewise be changed.

Patients utilizing both Bydureon and insulin ought to infuse the prescriptions independently.

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The medication must be gotten with a solution. For more data about utilizing Bydureon, see the bundle flyer or contact your primary care physician or drug specialist.

How does Bydureon function?

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't make sufficient insulin to control the degree of glucose in the blood or the body can't utilize insulin really. This prompts an overabundance of glucose in the blood.

The dynamic substance in Bydureon, exenatide, is an 'incretin mimetic'. This implies that it acts similarly to incretins (chemicals delivered in the stomach) by expanding how much insulin is delivered by the pancreas in light of food. This assists with controlling blood glucose levels.

What advantages of Bydureon have been displayed in examinations?

Bydureon was powerful at controlling blood glucose in six fundamental examinations including almost 2700 patients with type 2 diabetes. In the examinations as a whole, the fundamental proportion of viability was the decrease in how much a substance in the blood is called glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), which gives a sign of how well the blood glucose is controlled.

The initial two examinations (in a sum of 555 patients) contrasted Bydureon and another medication likewise containing exenatide yet given two times every day, both given as extra treatment to oral diabetes prescriptions or diet and exercise alone. Toward the beginning of the investigations, the patient's HbA1c levels were around 8.4%. In the primary review, Bydureon diminished HbA1c levels by a normal of 1.9 rate focuses following 30 weeks of treatment, contrasted with a normal decrease of 1.5 focuses with exenatide given two times day to day. In the subsequent review, the typical decrease was 1.6 focuses following 24 weeks of treatment with Bydureon, contrasted with a normal decrease of 0.9 focuses with exenatide given two times every day.

The third review (in 514 patients) contrasted Bydureon and sitagliptin or pioglitazone as an extra treatment to metformin. Toward the beginning of the review, the patient's HbA1c levels were around 8.5%. Bydureon diminished HbA1c levels by a normal of 1.4 focuses following 26 weeks of treatment, contrasted with a normal decrease of 0.8 and 1.1 focuses with sitagliptin and pioglitazone individually.

The fourth review (in 456 patients) contrasted Bydureon and insulin glargine (long-acting insulin) as an extra treatment to metformin no matter what sulphonylurea. Toward the beginning of the review, the patient's HbA1c levels were around 8.3%. The typical decrease with Bydureon was 1.5 focus following 26 weeks, contrasted and a normal decrease of 1.3 focuses with insulin glargine.

In the fifth review (in 695 patients), Bydureon given with dapagliflozin was contrasted and Bydureon alone and dapagliflozin alone. All patients were additionally taking metformin. Toward the beginning of the review, the patient's HbA1c levels were around 9.3%. The typical decrease with Bydureon in addition to dapagliflozin was 2.0 focuses following 28 weeks, contrasted with a normal decrease of 1.6 focuses with Bydureon alone and 1.4 focuses with dapagliflozin alone.

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