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As soon as you enter Temu, you are assaulted by a barrage of stimuli. Further down, the platform displays another countdown: in this case, the timeframe is much shorter if you want to take advantage of its flash deals. Temu is one of the new e-commerce platforms from China ; Shein and Miravia are two others. They all share a common style based on a deluge of promotions of all kinds. In this way, they have flooded social media sites with advertisements and have become the talk of influencers within a very short time. Known for selling clothes at low prices, Shein has been a runaway success among young people, who flock to its pop-up stores whenever they open. The platform has gained popularity through discounts and sales. The same is true of Temu , which arrived in Spain in April ; by July, it was already the most downloaded application nationally. In August alone, it had one million downloads, while the second on the list was TikTok , far behind, with , Shein and Miravia occupied the third and fourth positions, respectively. From there, they take you to the applications, which always have a super-big discount in exchange for registering. These apps base their strategy on a steady stream of incentives for consumers to buy. They launch expiring offers and hand out discount codes, which are disseminated through social media, including WhatsApp and Telegram groups. These tactics inspire a sense of urgency in consumers. But there is financial muscle behind these platforms. And Amazon has already started to feel the pinch in some areas. In the same period, Temu went from According to the Global Wireless Solutions consultancy , in the UK, Amazon lost 1 million cellphone users in the first six months of the year, falling to 8. Meanwhile, Shein doubled its cellphone users to 2 million. And, after its April arrival, Temu reached 3. These online marketplaces have based their rapid rise on promotions. The former refers to buying something impulsively and the latter implies reiterative consumption. But this happiness is very short-lived. At Shein, there is a games icon as soon as you enter. Clicking on it brings up a panel with prizes, as seen in a video broadcasting a recent campaign, and you can use virtual coins to tap on a button and, after a stimulating beep, you find out which discount coupon you get. Pablo G. Nov 11, - CET. Copy link. Growth based on aggressive offers These online marketplaces have based their rapid rise on promotions. China Temu Shein Miravia Amazon. Disfruta de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas. Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas. Italiano online. Nuevo curso 'online'. Crucigramas minis. Crucigramas Tarkus. Sudokus mini. Sopas de letras. Global MBA. Clases virtuales. Posgrado en Recursos Humanos. Palabra secreta.

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One of the more frustrating things about public policy in the United States is how the dominance of corporate interests makes simple reforms that could save thousands of lives impossible. To wit: Here is the story of how Amazon and other retailers are facilitating the epidemic of deaths from fentanyl. We know that fentanyl deaths rose percent from to Two-thirds of the ,plus overdose deaths in America last year were due to fentanyl. It is the leading killer of Americans aged 18 to 49, and it has devastated communities across the country. Drug enforcement efforts in the U. China is the source of most of the chemical compounds that cartels use to make fentanyl in illicit drug labs. Without these raw materials, much of the fentanyl trade would be stopped. More from David Dayen. Now, of course this would not halt opioid addiction or use by itself; traditional smuggled heroin would likely fill in the gap. But fentanyl is orders of magnitude more dangerous than heroin thanks to its extreme potency, which is a principal cause of the overdose epidemic. The tiniest of measurement errors can lead to an overdose, and black-market drug dealers are not exactly known for their responsible metrology. Customs enforcement officials have begun to charge Chinese firms that produce and ship these precursor chemicals and produced fentanyl as well , and President Biden, in a summit earlier this month, pressured Chinese President Xi Jinping on the matter. The U. But while Chinese cooperation is welcome, the bigger problem is that the vast majority of fentanyl chemicals sent from China are not inspected at all. Section of the Tariff Act of allows for goods under a certain value to be shipped into the U. Anyone who has flown on international travel is familiar with this from their declaration card when they return to the U. There are only two countries in the world that have a higher de minimis value than the U. It was not the original intention of de minimis rules to build a parallel, off-the-books customs system, used often for illegal goods shipping. Why did this change happen? Because e-commerce firms, primarily Amazon, wanted to be able to bring in goods from China to their warehouses or even directly to their customers without any taxes or tariffs. These small shipments have exploded in frequency. In fiscal year , By fiscal year , that number was up to Some experts put that number much higher. Congress is aware of the problem. A bill from Sens. The House Select Committee on China has investigated rampant use of the Amazon loophole from fast-fashion companies using forced labor. Mike Gallagher R-WI , has expressed optimism that legislation reforming de minimis would pass this year though passing anything in Congress is incredibly optimistic. Of course, this is terrible news for the companies exploiting the loophole for tax benefits, like Amazon and other online retailers. So they are firing up their lobbying engines. Chamber of Commerce and the National Foreign Trade Council a trade group of importers deny that counterfeit goods or fentanyl enter the U. Lobbyists and their allies are also complaining about higher CBP costs for inspections of small packages, while not mentioning that it would be the importer who would have to pay those charges. Keep in mind that when indictments were handed down on the companies sending precursor chemicals for fentanyl to drug cartels, they were reportedly packaged to appear as dog food, nuts, or motor oil. Financial Times reporter Rana Foroohar reported recently that one-third of the revenue growth from Meta this year is due to these two fast-fashion firms. The Biden administration could actually use executive authority to remove certain de minimis exceptions. But in a meeting last week about combating the entry of fentanyl, administration officials actually claimed that reauthorizing the warrantless spying provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was critical to stopping the supply. But the fact that fentanyl is coming in through ordinary shipping services without inspection seems to be the low-hanging fruit here. The process of customs inspection has been almost totally circumvented, to the benefit of two groups: e-commerce companies raking in cheap goods from China, and drug traffickers. The latter may be a universally hated scourge, but the former is quite powerful. And so abuse of the loophole continues. There's too much at stake this November for us to quit. As we navigate another presidential election year, thoughtful independent journalism is more important than ever. We're committed to bringing you the latest news on what's really happening across the country this election season, shining a light on the stories corporate media overlooks and keeping the public informed about how power really works in America. Quality reporting doesn't come for free, and we don't have corporate backers to rely on to fund our work. Everything we do is thanks to our incredible community of readers, who chip in a few dollars at a time to make what we do possible. Any amount you give today will help sustain this crucial work. You can help power this newsroom by making a donation today. Skip to main content. Newsletter Signup Become A Member. Back to Search Results.

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