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While there are an increasing number of apps designed to help drug and alcohol users in recovery , drug dealers are also taking advantage of apps to increase their customer base. In a article for the Guardian, Leah Borromeo monstris explored the use of such mainstream apps as Instagram, Tinder, Kik and Depop for drug dealing. I have just 4 April updated the post with another app running in to legal challenges — weedmap. On Instagram, people looking to buy drugs simply search via hashtags such as weed4sale or the names of the drugs themselves mdma, mephedrone etc. The customer then contacts the owner of the account and the deal moves along through direct messages. In the case of Tinder, potential customers can swipe through profiles until they find a dealer and match with them. Buyers can either meet face-to-face or pay online and have their purchases posted to them. While online payments such as bitcoin and pre-paid gift cards such as Vanilla Visa are encrypted, Ms Borromeo says that more traceable measures such as unattributed bank transfers and PayPal are also used. In the UK, this means of selling New Psychoactive Substances or legal highs will soon probably be illegal once the government decides to implement the New Psychoactive Substance Act. It should have come into force on 6 April and is now scheduled for some time in Spring this year — the reasons for the delay are set out in this Guardian article by Alan Travis. In addition to the mis use of mainstream apps, there are also a number of apps dedicated to accessing drugs. For a full rundown, check out this article by Annie Lesser but dedicated apps which piqued my interest for their ingenuity and entrepreneurship include:. Weedmaps sometimes called Yelp for pot the smartphone app Weedmaps enables users to locate dispensaries and delivery services selling the green stuff. The company has been among the breakout success stories of legalization thus far. While federal illegality in the US makes it very difficult for a company to sell cannabis in more than one state, Weedmaps faces no such constraints. When a visitor lands in Portland, Denver or San Francisco, they might not know the local dispensary or product names, but they know to check Weedmaps to find out. Responding to Ajax, Weedmaps did something almost unheard of for a cannabis company: it politely told the regulator to get lost. Nestdrop started as an alcohol delivery service before morphing into an app to help you get medical marijuana delivered. With MyDx, you can find the perfect strain to fit any mood. The device and app developers behind MyDx are also working to apply this technology to test food and water for unwanted chemicals as well as air quality. This app is basically Tinder for stoners. You enter your energy level when on weed, what you want to do with the other party chat, go out, or stay in and list the activities you enjoy when high. When there are so many apps out there to help people access drugs more easily, the value of the work by the Global Drug Survey becomes even more obvious. GDS drugs meter app allows users to see how their drug use compares to other people just like them, offering objective, personalised feedback that takes their personal features in to account. With an overview of total drug use and in depth analysis for nine drugs at present, drugs meter gives objective feedback informed by medical experts. It is committed to giving honest, accurate information. All data is anonymous, secure and cannot be traced back to any individual. Please share any drug apps that you think may be of particular interest via the comments section below. Fascinating insights into changes in drug and alcohol taking behaviour during the global pandemic — interim findings from Global Drug Survey. GDS provides new data on the latest drug trends and crucial public health and policy issues, as well as a range of fascinating facts. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction surveys the latest apps responding to drug use and associated harms. Submit your job opportunities here Contact me Advent Quiz. Click to Subscribe. Using apps to buy and sell drugs. Russell Webster April 19, While there are an increasing number of apps designed to help drug and alcohol users in recovery, drug dealers are also taking advantage of apps to increase their customer base. Share This Post. Related posts. Drug and alcohol use during coronavirus Fascinating insights into changes in drug and alcohol taking behaviour during the global pandemic — interim findings from Global Drug Survey. Seven things I learnt from the Global Drug Survey GDS provides new data on the latest drug trends and crucial public health and policy issues, as well as a range of fascinating facts. Smartphone apps for problem drug users The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction surveys the latest apps responding to drug use and associated harms. Drug and alcohol treatment goes digital Substance misuse treatment providers embrace digital for a better user experience. Eight things I learnt from the Global Drug Survey GDS provides new data on the latest drug trends and crucial public health and policy issues, as well as a range of fascinating facts. I am currently on recovery. I am on treatment with methadone. Twitter Facebook-f Linkedin-in Youtube. Back to Top. Consent Management Privacy Policy. Privacy Policy Required. You read and agreed to our Privacy Policy. Get every blog post by email for free. First Name. Last Name. No Thanks.

Drug possession

Buying cocaine online in Melbourne

Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication. We help Victorians with their legal problems and represent those who need it most. Find legal answers, chat with us online, or call us. You can speak to us in English or ask for an interpreter. You can also find more legal information at www. It is against the law to use, possess, cultivate or traffic a drug of dependence, including marijuana, heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, LSD and ecstasy. The penalties for using and possessing small quantities of illegal drugs are treated less seriously than for trafficking and cultivating drugs. Importing or exporting drugs is an offence under Commonwealth law. Possession is one of the most common drug offences. Possession means having a drug on you or in a house or property you occupy. This includes cannabis growing anywhere on the premises. You can be charged with possession if drugs are found in a car you own or you are driving. If you are caught with a small quantity of cannabis or heroin and it is your first offence , you will usually get a warning caution instead of being charged with the offence. The police informant makes this decision. You will have to agree to have drug counselling and to attend a drug treatment centre. If you do not go along as agreed, you may be charged by police later. For the police to prove a charge of possession in court, you must have known that the drug was there and have intended to possess it. Read How we can help before being interviewed by police. The penalties are much higher for trafficking an illegal drug. They depend on the quantity you have and how old you are. Cultivation is the offence of growing narcotic plants. These are cannabis, opium or cocoa plants. The maximum penalty depends on whether you are found guilty of trafficking as well. These are indictable offences. If you are charged with cultivation, read how we can help before being interviewed by police. Whether you are guilty depends on the exact facts and circumstances of your case. The magistrate will look at this in the courtroom. If the police charged you with possession of cannabis, they may also charge you with use of cannabis. Use includes smoking, inhaling fumes, injecting or swallowing an illegal drug. The police can charge you if they saw you using or trying to use cannabis. They can also charge you if they did not see you using but you told them you used it. It is still an offence to possess a quantity over 50 grams and under grams. It is more serious to have over 50 grams but not necessarily considered a traffickable quantity. If you have been charged with possessing more than grams of cannabis or more, the police may have also charged you with trafficking cannabis. If you have been changed with trafficking cannabis, speak with a lawyer. If you have a future court date, you may be eligible to get help to prepare before you go to court. You can request help online. The prosecution must have evidence that an offence occurred. For the offence of possession of cannabis, the police have to prove all of the following:. Getting diversion means your case is treated differently. It is normally for less serious cases. You must agree to certain conditions, such as doing the Cautious with Cannabis program. You do not get a criminal record. To get diversion you must admit that you broke the law. This includes everything in the statement of alleged facts. Tell the magistrate that you know you broke the law but you would like diversion. If the police have not recommended diversion for you, you can ask to adjourn put off the case. If you agree that you broke the law, you should tell the court that you are pleading guilty. During the court hearing, the prosecutor will read out the statement of alleged facts. The magistrate will find you guilty and give you a penalty. If you plead guilty the magistrate treats this as a sign that you are co-operating and may give you a less severe penalty. For more information visit our page Going to court — pleading guilty. If you believe that you did not break the law, or you disagree with what is in the statement of alleged facts, you must tell the prosecutor before your court date that you plan to plead not guilty. They will hold a summary case conference with you before your case is heard in court. If you still want to plead not guilty after the conference, tell the magistrate. The magistrate will adjourn put off your case for another day. You will come back to court for a contested hearing. When you come back the magistrate listens to evidence from you and the police before making a decision. You should have a defence. Saying that you did not know you were breaking the law is not a good enough defence. If you are pleading not guilty, get legal advice before the contested hearing. See Going to court — pleading not guilty. You may have a defence if:. If this is where police found the substance, you will have to prove to the magistrate that it was not yours. You can ask the magistrate to adjourn to put off your case if you have a good reason. For example, to ask police about diversion or get a lawyer. If you have not adjourned your case before and you are on summons, you may be able to get an adjournment without going into the courtroom. When you arrive at court, go to the counter and tell the staff you want an adjournment. If you are also found guilty of using cannabis, the magistrate could fine you up to five penalty units. This is on top of the fines for the possession charge. If you are found guilty of cannabis possession the magistrate may give you a fine. This depends on the amount of cannabis you pleaded guilty to possessing. If you pleaded guilty to possessing up to 50 grams of cannabis the magistrate could fine you up to five penalty units. If the police also charged you with using cannabis, and the magistrate found you guilty, the magistrate could fine you up to five penalty units. This is on top of the penalty units for the possession charge. You should tell the magistrate about your income and things you have to pay for, and whether you support a family. If you get a fine you can pay it straight away at court. If you do not pay the fine straight away, Fines Victoria will send you a Court fine collection statement. This will tell you how much you owe and when the fine is due. You can ask Fines Victoria for a payment plan if you cannot afford to pay the fine in one payment. If you do not pay the fine when it is due, Fines Victoria may increase the fine. The court can issue a warrant for your arrest. If you were charged with possession of cannabis, the magistrate can also put you on an undertaking to behave well for a certain amount of time. If you were charged with possessing other illegal drugs, such as heroin, cocaine or ecstasy you can be fined up to 30 penalty units. You could also be sent to jail for up to one year. You may need to convince the court that you did not possess the drug to sell, particularly if caught with a large quantity of the drug. If charged with possessing a large quantity of an illegal drug you may have to make the court believe that you did not possess the drug in order to sell traffic the drug. If the police took the cannabis, the prosecutor will apply to the court for a forfeiture order. This means that the police will not give the cannabis back to you. The court and the police can see your criminal record. Sometimes they can let other people know what is in your criminal record. A criminal record, especially with convictions, may make it harder for you to get some jobs or get visas to some countries. See Possible outcomes for traffic offences for more information about penalties and other outcomes. If you do not agree with the decision you can appeal to the County Court. You have 28 days to do this. Get legal advice before you decide. You could get a higher penalty. Courts recognise that people who are addicted to illegal drugs need help and support to overcome this. Updated 1 November Skip to main content. Drug possession It is against the law to use, possess, cultivate or traffic a drug of dependence, including marijuana, heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, LSD and ecstasy. On this page Drugs of dependence Possession of an illegal drug Drug trafficking Cultivation Going to court for possession of cannabis What are my options at court? What are the penalties if I am found guilty? Court support services Other support. It is against the law to use, possess, cultivate or traffic a drug of dependence. There are long lists of the kinds of drugs that are prohibited by law. Possession of an illegal drug Possession is one of the most common drug offences. Police caution If you are caught with a small quantity of cannabis or heroin and it is your first offence , you will usually get a warning caution instead of being charged with the offence. Drug trafficking You could be charged with trafficking drug of dependence if you are caught: with a large quantity of the drug preparing such as dividing the drugs into smaller packages or manufacturing a drug selling the drug buying drugs for a friend. Penalty for trafficking The penalties are much higher for trafficking an illegal drug. Cultivation Cultivation is the offence of growing narcotic plants. Going to court for possession of cannabis Cannabis is a drug of dependence and these drugs are illegal. Quantities of cannabis are defined as: small quantity — up to 50 grams traffickable quantity — grams or over, or 10 plants commercial quantity — 25 kilograms or over, or plants large commercial quantity — kilograms or more, or plants Whether you are guilty depends on the exact facts and circumstances of your case. Use of cannabis If the police charged you with possession of cannabis, they may also charge you with use of cannabis. Trafficking cannabis If you have been charged with possessing more than grams of cannabis or more, the police may have also charged you with trafficking cannabis. Help before court If you have a future court date, you may be eligible to get help to prepare before you go to court. What does the prosecution have to prove? For the offence of possession of cannabis, the police have to prove all of the following: the offence occurred at a certain time and place you are the offender you had a substance in your possession the substance was an illegal drug. What are my options at court? Admit to the charges and ask for diversion Getting diversion means your case is treated differently. Plead guilty If you agree that you broke the law, you should tell the court that you are pleading guilty. Plead not guilty If you believe that you did not break the law, or you disagree with what is in the statement of alleged facts, you must tell the prosecutor before your court date that you plan to plead not guilty. Possible defences You may have a defence if: the substance was not cannabis the substance was not in your possession. Fines The magistrate can give you a fine. This depends on the amount of cannabis you had. You can get: up to five penalty units for up to 50g of cannabis up to 30 penalty units or up to a year in jail for over 50 g but under g. Other penalties If you were charged with possession of cannabis, the magistrate can also put you on an undertaking to behave well for a certain amount of time. What else might happen if I am found guilty? Forfeiture If the police took the cannabis, the prosecutor will apply to the court for a forfeiture order. Criminal record What happens in court goes into your criminal record. This includes: the finding of guilt a conviction, if there is one penalties. Court support services Courts recognise that people who are addicted to illegal drugs need help and support to overcome this. Other support For more information, support and referrals, visit: Help at court Other support for going to court Other support for fines and infringements. I need legal information about. Back to top.

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