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Keep up with the daily news in Slovenia by checking the morning headlines here. What to find out what happened last week i n Slovenia? Look no further. The following schedule was prepared by the STA :. The covers and editorials from leading weeklies of the Left and Right for the work-week ending Friday, 20 December. Mladina: Chinese-owned Gorenje seen as threat by Germany. STA , 20 December - The left-wing weekly Mladina is concerned about whether the Slovenian government is aware of the geostrategic interests involved in Gorenje becoming a Chinese company, predicting that Germany will make an all-out effort to prevent Hisense from making a foray into the European market through Slovenia. He says that this complicates the situation for the Slovenian household appliance company, because the moment it was acquired by Hisense, Gorenje became the company that the European industry and countries, in particular Germany, will do everything to stop in its expansion efforts. Wise countries, especially small ones play at several sides, cooperate with various global superpowers thus establishing its power internationally. He goes on to say that China cares equally little about Slovenia, except when its geostrategic interests are concerned, wondering whether the Chinese government is extorting Slovenia over Gorenje into adopting Huawei's 5G technology, which he infers from Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit. He wonders whether the Slovenian government and intelligence services think ahead far enough, including how Slovenia's position in the eyes of the German government has changed and what will the consequences be for Gorenje. We are a country without long-term alliances, we do not have an ally of our own like the Croatians, who have Germany, or the Serbs France and Russia. Or Ljubljana airport, where Lufthansa, one of the shareholders of the German operator of the airport, has now taken over most of the air traffic to and from Slovenia. Reporter: Poor governance at state-owned companies. A big sack of money that many of the chosen ones feed from He says that Mercator and Gorenje were driven to such a poor state by domestic owners and managers that they are now being salvaged by foreigners. Under the headline Thin Red Line, the editor concludes that Mercator and Gorenje are 'paying the toll of the notorious 'national interest'. Other 'flagship' state-owned companies are bound to face a similar fate in the future. Once they have turned into a heap of rust and politics is forced to sell them. All our posts in this series are here. Check the date at the top of the page, and you can find all the 'morning headlines' stories here. You can also follow us on Facebook and get all the news in your feed. A schedule of all the main events involving Slovenia this week can be found here. This summary is provided by the STA :. LJUBLJANA - An audit conducted by the Environment Ministry has found serious shortcomings in approval procedures for a stretch of an EU-subsidised sewerage project that some say could jeopardise the source of drinking water for , residents of Slovenia's capital. The audit report, released by the environmental organisation Alpe Adria Green on Friday, finds that the Ljubljana city authorities obtained the development permit and necessary environmental consents for the C0 waste water collection channel before an environmental impact assessment procedure had been conducted. He is wanted since Thursday. The rule is to be set down in the company collective bargaining agreement. Seven out of ten trips were abroad, of which three out of four to Croatia, data from the Statistic Office show. On average, Slovenians stayed 5. Visiting Ljubljana? Check out what's on this week , while all our stories on Slovenia, from newest to oldest, are here. If you're learning Slovenian then you can find all our dual texts here. If you're not in town for the week of this guide 23 - 29 December, then you can see all the editions here , and if there's event or activity you want to promote in a future edition of What's on in Ljubljana please get in touch with me at flanner at total-slovenia-news. If you want something a little different and easy to print, then a comprehensive PDF of events for the next seven days , as prepared by Ljubljana Tourism, is here. If you're in town and want to follow the news then check out our regular morning headlines for Slovenia here. That requires a ticket, but something free is the same area is the Magical Forest, to , which will host creative workshops of making environmentally friendly Christmas decorations. There will also be organ grinders wearing vintage clothing and performing without monkeys. Details here. Note that you also get a great view of the lights from up on the hill. Live music continues every day, including Christmas, from to in Novi trg. Thursday, the 26 th , Dedek Mraz, or Grandpa Frost , will appear riding in his carriage, drawn by white Lipizzaner horses and accompanied by a procession of snowmen, bears, rabbits and other creatures from folk and fairy tales. Another thing that starts 26 December is the series of free concerts in Kongresni trg that run up until New Year. The artists take the stage at , and the biggest names — i. Want to see Dedek Mraz, aka Grandpa Frost , back in and ? Click this way. There are no new movies this week, and the biggest ones in town seem to be the following:. In town and looking for a gift or souvenir? Take a look at Cook Eat Slovenia - the book. How much do tourists spend in Slovenia? Find out here. While the Old Town is quaint, and full of music, where does Ljubljana really shop? One popular answer is BTC City , a vast complex of malls, entertainment facilities and more, including more than 70 different food vendors , offering everything from Slovenian to Thai, Indian to Italian, Mexican to Chinese. Check out my recent visit here. Looking for something different to eat? Trubajeva cesta, running right by Dragon Bridge, has the greatest concentration of 'ethnic food' places in Ljubljana , and thus perhaps the country. Check out our walk through guide as of June Ljubljana is forecast to be the fastest-warming city in the world over the next few decades. If so, check out our collection of quotes and clips to learn more. Learn more about it here , and see the current schedule here. Note - most children's films will be dubbed sinhronizirano - for subtitles look for 'podnapisi'. Kinodvor —This is an arts cinema , not far from the train station, that shows new features as well as hosting the occassional festival. Kinoteka — And not far from Kinodvor you can find this revival cinema , which shows art house classics along with some deep dives in the archives. Kolosej -The multiplex out at BTC City Mall shows all the big movies, with well over a dozen titles on the schedule, although note that there are far more movies than screens, so some of the older ones mayonly be playing once or twice a week. Komuna — The cinema in a basement behind Nama department store shows two or three different features a week, usually including the biggest titles. Looking for a souvenir you'll really enjoy? Take a look at Broken Bones Gin , the first gin made in Ljubljana learn more here , and try it at the Central Market or selected downtown bars. Know that big triangular building behind the train station? Learn what's inside here. Compared to some European capitals it can seem that nightlife in Ljubljana ends rather early, especially along the river, but there are still bars that stay open late and clubs were you can dance until dawn, and perhaps the best place to stumble across something interesting is the legendary Metelkova. Be aware it's a grungy kind of place and not for all tastes, but also that there's considerable variety to found within the various clubs there, from death metal to electropop, gay cabaret to art noise. You can read 'the rules' of the place here. And if you're curious about how the place started then read our story, and look at some pictures , about last year's 25th anniversary. Channel Zero — DJs shows here include regular dub nights as well as electronic music. Gala Hala — Another Metelkova venue, you can sometimes hear bhangra and Bollywood here, but more often funk, hip hop, breakbeat and so on. Klub Cirkus — The more commercial end of clubland, and a venue that aims to serve the student party scene. Expect house, anthems, and bangers. Klub K4 — The home of techno, old and new , along with various other electronic genres,. Koncertna Dvorana Rog — There are irregular DJ sets at this underground not literally venue at the far end of Trubarjeva cesta, and they range from techno to goa to drum'n'bass. Orto Bar — 80s and 90s throwback nights can often be found here, along with rock-based DJ sets. Balassi Institute — Free Hungarian music , when available, from the Hungarian cultural institute just a short walk downriver from Dragon Bridge. Cankerjev dom — The main arts venue in the country hosts classical, opera jazz, folk and occassinally pop. Channel Zero — This Metelkova venue sees live shows from punk and rock bands , as well as others. Gala Hala — Another Metelkova venue with indie bands of various styles. Klub Gromka — Live music is often metal, from sludge to stoner, death to thrash , while punk bands also appear, as do others. Orto Bar — The home of live rock, metal, punk and other guitar-based genres. Pinelina dnevna soba — LIve music is rare here, but it does happen. Slovenska filharmonija — Classical music in the centre of town. SNG Opera and Ballet - As the name suggests, here you'll find the best of opera and ballet in the country. Slovenska cesta, See more pictures of Old Ljubljana here. Cankerjev dom - The main arts venue in the country always has something of interest going on. Mini Teater Ljubljana —The English schedule of varied performances, for adults and children, for the month is here. Ljubljana Puppet Theatre - Puppetry has a long and noble tradition in Slovenia, and you can see performances for children and adults including non-puppet shows drawing from the Theatre's rich repetoire as well as new productons. Pocket Teater Studio — There are regular flamenco evenings at perhaps the smallest venue town, but note that the number of seats is very limited, and thus you should make a reservation via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Back to the top. Drogart is an organization that aims to minimise harm on the party scene , and offers drug-testing services and reports on their webpage. You can find the latest warnings on fake drugs and high strength pills and powders in Slovene here. However, be aware that all the usual drugs are illegal in Slovenia. CBD is legal, though, and our retailer of choice can be found on Trubarjeva cesta - read more about Sena Flora here. See more of his work here. You can find our Top 12 list of things to do with kids in Ljubljana here. With regard to the latter, take a look at our guide to six places that serve good ice cream in winter , and thus are serious about the dessert. The English schedule for the month is here. Ljubljana Puppet Theatre - The puppet theatre near the Central Market and next to the Castle funicular has a full programme or shows, for children and adults, with the schedule here. I f you're looking for more general links on 'gay Slovenia' , including a history of the scene and various projects, then you can find that here , while our stories about the community can be found here. Klub Monokel — This lesbian bar in Metelkova is open every Friday, although sometimes there are other events. Klub Tiffany —And the gay bar next door is also open on Fridays. Other things coulds also be planned, so click on the name to find out. But beyond that the current owners, the City of Ljubljana, have laid out a varied, interesting and enjoyable programme of events, one that rewards regular revisits. On until 17 November Mighty Guardians of the Past: Castles in the Slovenian Lands , a presentation that delivers on the promise of its title. I try and get up there every Saturday morning to clear my head and move my feet on the trails, and never tire of that end of the hill. Read about our guided tour here. Take a look at some pictures here. Image: Nejc Bernik. Balassi Institute — The Hungarian culture centre is next to a Spar and Hofer, and not far from Dragon Bridge, and always has something interesting going on. Learn more here. City Museum — The Museum in French Revolution Square an interesting permanent exhibition on the history of Ljubljana , from prehistoric times to the present day, with many artefacts, models and so on that bring the story alive. You can read about my visit here. Ljubljana - Un known Ljubljana is on at the top of the hill, a free to enter National Geographic exhibition with photographs of some of the lesser seen parts of the city, with one example below and more here. MAO — The Museum of Architecture and Design has much of what you'd expect, along with some temporary shows and a good cafe. Because — how do art and avant-garde progress? By making sensible what is beyond. At the end of the day, Dead and Alive is a quantum time search for an engaged form. Alan Ford was recently at the National Gallery - read more about this comic book here. You can read about our visit to the room containing sacred art from the Middle Ages here. The real Robba Fountain can be found in the entrance to the National Gallery - the one you see in the Old Town is a genuine fake, as seen below and reported here. Meanwhile, the museum's Metelkova branch, located between one branch of the Moderna galerija and the Ethnographic Museum has some rooms on Church art, furniture and weapons , with the latter including more guns than you'll see anywhere else in town, and quite a thrill if coming from a nation where such objects are not household items. A fragment of a Coptic textile; 5th—6th cent. National Museum of Contemporary History - Tucked away in park Tivoli, you can see a permanent exhibition on Slovenians in the 20th century. Slovene Ethnographic Museum — The museum has two permanent exhibitions. One of these is called Between Nature and Culture , and has a great collection of objects from Slovenia and around the world, well worth the trip up to the third floor to see it as recounted here. Union Experience — The Ljubljana-based brewer has a museum showing the history of the company, with the ticket also including access to part of the factory and a few samples of the product. You can read about our visit here. It's not a formal museum, but if you're interested in ' Yugo-stalgia ' then you'll enjoy a trip to Verba, a small, privately run space that's crammed with objects and pop culture items from the era, and is conveniently located at the start of one of the short walks to the castle. It's also a great place to take pictures, if you leave a donation, and you can read more about it here. Alternative Ljubljana isn't a museum or gallery, as such, but instead turns the city streets into a museum and gallery. Learn more about Ljubljana with ' 25 things to know about Slovenia's green city of dragons ', or take a look at our guide to spending from four to 48 hours here. We took a walk with one of the authors who showed us how much there is to learn and enjoy if you slow down and pay attention - read about that here. Ljubljana has some beautiful buildings from the early 20 th century, in the Secessionist style, like the one below. Learn where to find them here. Some view of the city you can only get from the river. If you'd like to take a boat ride then read about my experience here. If you'd like to spend an evening painting with others, then take a look at Design with Wine , which organises painting parties on Trubarjeva cesta,. If you want to see some antiques , then check out the wonderful Antika Carniola, as discussed here. The man behind it, Jaka Prijatelj, has a fine eye for life on this street, as you can see on his Facebook account. If you want something bigger, head to Tivoli Park. Learn more about that here. Nataraja Studio. Want to stretch and breath? Then check out our list of drop-in yoga classes for tourists, visitors and the uncommitted. We go to Nataraja Studio, by Dragon Bridge, and here's a story about it. Prefer to have someone else stretch you? The check out the totally legit massages you can get from Sense Wellness - either in one of their spas or in you home, office or hotel. And - to repeat - these are legit and non-sexual in nature. There are some golf courses near Ljubljana, but even ones further away are not far, as seen in our list of all the golf courses in Slovenia , which usually run until the first snow. Most of Slovenia is only a few hours from Ljubljana, and you can easily visit Lake Bled , Lipica Stud Farm , Postojna Cave , Predjama Castle , the coast and other locations, while if you'd like to take a photo of from that bench in Bled, then you can learn how to get there here. We've also written guides on spending from four to 48 hours in Bled and Piran. If you want to get a Ljubljana Tourist Card , which gives you travel on the city buses and entry to a lot of attractions, then you can read more about that here , and if you want to use the bike share system , as useful for visitors as it is for residents, then you can learn more by clicking this. Manual wheelchair users can also borrow, for free, an attachment that will motorise their equipment , as reported here. There aren't many places to eat after midnight , and most of them are by the train station, as reported here. Here's an incomplete list of bars downtown that will satisfy your craving for the demon weed. If you get a hangover then find out where to get paracetamol and prescription drugs in Ljubljana here , while details on emergency birth control can be found here. What follows is a weekly review of events involving Slovenia, as prepared by the STA. He warned however that carbon neutrality should not come at the expense of cohesion funding. The country fared best in terms of governance efficiency, and worst in natural capital and resource management. Both ministers also welcomed a preliminary trade agreement reached between the US and China. Cerar said China was an indispensable strategic partner of the EU even if the two sides did not always share the same positions. The opposition Democrats SDS calme second at Moreover, The Bank Assets Management Company later said it was in talks with several European regional carriers to increase flight frequencies on major routes connecting Ljubljana. He deems environmental issues one of Slovenia's major challenges for the future. MADRID, Spain - Foreign Minister Miro Cerar presented Slovenia's stance on multilateralism and efforts related to climate change, sustainable development and gender equality on the final day of the Asia-Europe Meeting, he also held several bilateral meetings. LJUBLJANA - Just over a year after its launch, the Ljubljana-based European Blockchain Hub, a cooperative designed to act as a platform bringing together blockchain stakeholders, declared bankruptcy, the main reason being that some stakeholders had failed to deliver. He received the honour for his oil painting Spring in Mountains. The rates are above the euro area average. Since Slovenia implemented the arbitration award in December , it issued over EUR 1 million in fines against Croatian fishermen in Slovenian waters. LJUBLJANA - Slovenian troops serving in international missions and operations discussed security situation in an annual video conference with the Slovenian president, defence minister and the chief of the general staff. They reported being satisfied with their equipment, except for those in Latvia, who complained about the light armoured vehicles. The exchange was launched on 26 December as the Yugoslav Stock Exchange. The decision is not yet final and Agrokor's successor, Fortenova said it would fight it with all means available. Fortenova described the agency's move as a coordinated effort to secure Slovenian suppliers of Mercator favoured position in Mercator group. The report, compiled by the parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Commission, finds that the Slovenian government and the intel agency SOVA were not involved in the violation of the arbitration agreement, attributing the blame for the scandal, which Croatia used as an excuse to withdraw from the arbitration, on Simona Drenik, Slovenia's agent in the procedure. Austria is the only neighbour doing better, ranking 13th. Mlinar said the vote showed that 'we want to overcome borders'. He suggested the EU habitats directive may have to be changed. Some of the things that needs addressing are education, social security contributions for priests and financing of heritage. STA , 20 December - Slovenia's forest management is facing a number of challenges due to severe windstorms increasing in intensity and frequency, a consequence of climate change. This year's extent of related damages has been the greatest so far, with experts urging adapting forest management to global warming. The bark beetle outbreak and spread, caused by the and windstorms, posed another threat, forcing the government to declare a natural disaster this year. The annual forest increment has been nearing 9 million m3 of trees. Meanwhile, last year's allowed felling amounted to 6. More trees had to be felled in the recent years, partly due to clean-up efforts resulting from windstorm damage. After the ice storm, causing damage to more than 9 million m3 of trees, bark beetle poured gasoline on the fire and devastated more than 8 million m3, while windstorms wreaked havoc on some 3 million m3 of trees. Since , forest rangers have had to fell almost 18 million m3 of trees. Clean-up felling has accounted for at least half of all cutting down in the past years. During winter, such removal efforts need to go on since the majority of bark beetles overwinter in adult development stages and have to be decimated during the wood removal and processing. One of the main future challenges in the field will be adapting tree species. The spruce is the most endangered one, with its share decreasing in areas unfit for its growth. On the other hand, the beech tree acclimatises more easily, which is reflected in its share being on the rise. However, the experts believe that the beech tree will stop flourishing due to climate change as well, with the oak and other deciduous trees thriving in warm climate. Whereas global warming has a negative impact on forests, trees play a major role in mitigating climate change since use of wood and wood products is beneficial for balancing out carbon emissions, maintaining the ability of forests to store carbon and introducing renewable materials and energy sources. Strengthening Slovenia's timber supply chain is thus essential. The country exports some 4 million m3 of timber a year, which then becomes value-added wood abroad. The target is to process at least 5 million m3. The Slovenian State Forests company plans to set up four centres for collecting and processing wood across the country. Between December 20, and March 20, daily visits to ski resorts are possible with a shuttle bus from Bled. For the timetables, tickets, reservations, and a map, please click here. STA , 20 December - Home price growth accelerated in the third quarter of , with average prices rising by 8. Prices of second-hand homes rose by 3. While the prices of used apartments, the biggest single category of real estate, grew at a slower rate, 1. Transactions remained brisk as well, as homes worth EUR million changed hands in the three months, just EUR 10 million less than in the second quarter. There were very few sales of new homes: second-hand homes accounted for EUR million of the total transactions. More on this data can be found here. A total of 3, migrants have asked for international protection. This year's situation shows a steeper increase year-on-year. August saw the greatest surge of illegal crossings of the border per month since the mass migrations, with the situation getting more manageable in autumn when the temperatures started dropping. The police has recorded an increase in the number of asylums requests as well - in , 2, asked for international protection, while in the first eleven months of , 3, did the same. Most of those procedures have been completed, with 67 persons granted asylum. Considerably more illegal migrants were handed over to the Croatian authorities this year as well - some 10, compared to 4, in Most of them were from Pakistan. Mlinar said key challenges were speeding up EU funds absorption and opening dialogue with other ministries. Milnar's appointment was hailed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry GZS , which along with municipality associations expressed the expectation that she would make EU funds phasing more effective. The appointment of Mlinar, an ethnic Slovenian from Austria, was met enthusiasm among the Slovenian minority in Austria and Italy. Polnar said he did not intend to leave the deputy group and would continue to vote as he pleases. The core of the bill remains the abolishment of a monthly levy of around EUR 35 and its replacement with a new monthly levy of EUR The new levy will no longer be collected by insurers, but by the ZZZS public health fund, which now collects compulsory contributions paid by employers and employees. The final reading is scheduled for January. Citizens from Pakistan, Algeria and Afghanistan were processed by police officers most often. Asylums applications rose to 3, in the first eleven months, from 2, in The company offered to complete the contract for EUR The last chance for potential complaints expires in eight work days, but even if these are made, DARS expects the contractor will be introduced into the project in March at the latest. Work on the Slovenian part of the tunnel is estimated at EUR 60 million. With the joint call, Slovenia wants to avoid complications that have arisen with the selection of the bidder for the Slovenian part of a second tube of the Karavanke motorway tunnel. He will start his third four-year term on 23 March This could extend its life beyond the currently scheduled end of activities in Slovenia had transposed the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive in , but this March the European Commission warned Slovenia and several other member states that some provisions were missing in their national laws. The amendments fix that. It was, however, 8. The Statistics Office noted that business sentiment has not been as low as this year since However, this year's numbers were still 3. The index is however still well below that in December In December, consumer confidence increased by 1 percentage point over November and was 5 points above the long-term average. The news was at the press conference of his Jumbo-Visma team. Two years after launching the Slonline course is getting a second level, SLO 2, giving you a chance to expand your basic Slovene for courtesy of the Centre for Slovenian as a Second and Foreign Language. Registration is required but everything is free, with support for the course available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Croatian, and Russian. Eleven vocabulary areas are covered, as shown above, with options to learn the words — along with how to pronounce them — plus a memory game to test your knowledge. Putting things together into more useful chunks, especially important with regard to learning the declensions, aka skloni , you can learn phrases and dialogues covering the same vocabulary items. You can check out SLO 1 and SLO 2 here , while if you want something a little more advanced to play with that still holds your hand then why not check out our growing collection of dual texts, in Slovene and English. RSS feed. Next Week in Slovenia: 23 - 29 December, The covers and editorials from leading weeklies of the Left and Right for the work-week ending Friday, 20 December Mladina: Chinese-owned Gorenje seen as threat by Germany STA , 20 December - The left-wing weekly Mladina is concerned about whether the Slovenian government is aware of the geostrategic interests involved in Gorenje becoming a Chinese company, predicting that Germany will make an all-out effort to prevent Hisense from making a foray into the European market through Slovenia. Morning Headlines for Slovenia: Sunday, 22 December A schedule of all the main events involving Slovenia this week can be found here This summary is provided by the STA : Serious flaws found in contentious Ljubljana sewerage project LJUBLJANA - An audit conducted by the Environment Ministry has found serious shortcomings in approval procedures for a stretch of an EU-subsidised sewerage project that some say could jeopardise the source of drinking water for , residents of Slovenia's capital. Check out what's on this week , while all our stories on Slovenia, from newest to oldest, are here If you're learning Slovenian then you can find all our dual texts here. There are no new movies this week, and the biggest ones in town seem to be the following: Jump to listings In town and looking for a gift or souvenir? In warmer days than you'll see this week. Photo: JL Flanner Ljubljana is forecast to be the fastest-warming city in the world over the next few decades. Back to the top Looking for a souvenir you'll really enjoy? Photo: Genius loci d. Clubbing Compared to some European capitals it can seem that nightlife in Ljubljana ends rather early, especially along the river, but there are still bars that stay open late and clubs were you can dance until dawn, and perhaps the best place to stumble across something interesting is the legendary Metelkova. Klub K4 — The home of techno, old and new , along with various other electronic genres, Koncertna Dvorana Rog — There are irregular DJ sets at this underground not literally venue at the far end of Trubarjeva cesta, and they range from techno to goa to drum'n'bass. Back to the top Live music Balassi Institute — Free Hungarian music , when available, from the Hungarian cultural institute just a short walk downriver from Dragon Bridge. Back to the top Slovenska cesta, See more pictures of Old Ljubljana here Theatre and dance Cankerjev dom - The main arts venue in the country always has something of interest going on. Back to the top Harm reduction and drug testing Drogart is an organization that aims to minimise harm on the party scene , and offers drug-testing services and reports on their webpage. See more of his work here Things to do with children You can find our Top 12 list of things to do with kids in Ljubljana here. Klub Monokel — This lesbian bar in Metelkova is open every Friday, although sometimes there are other events Klub Tiffany —And the gay bar next door is also open on Fridays. Back to the top Museums and galleries Most public galleries and museums are closed on Mondays, although not the National Museum. Source: Mestna galerija City Museum — The Museum in French Revolution Square an interesting permanent exhibition on the history of Ljubljana , from prehistoric times to the present day, with many artefacts, models and so on that bring the story alive. Photo: JL Flanner Drink like a pro - find gallery openings. Photo: JL Flanner Ljubljana - Un known Ljubljana is on at the top of the hill, a free to enter National Geographic exhibition with photographs of some of the lesser seen parts of the city, with one example below and more here. Photo: JL Flanner Alternative Ljubljana isn't a museum or gallery, as such, but instead turns the city streets into a museum and gallery. Photo: JL Flanner Back to the top Other things to do in Ljubljana Learn more about Ljubljana with ' 25 things to know about Slovenia's green city of dragons ', or take a look at our guide to spending from four to 48 hours here. If you'd like to spend an evening painting with others, then take a look at Design with Wine , which organises painting parties on Trubarjeva cesta, If you want to see some antiques , then check out the wonderful Antika Carniola, as discussed here. And - to repeat - these are legit and non-sexual in nature There are some golf courses near Ljubljana, but even ones further away are not far, as seen in our list of all the golf courses in Slovenia , which usually run until the first snow. Photo: maxpixel. Photo: Google Image Search Back to the top Getting around If you want to get a Ljubljana Tourist Card , which gives you travel on the city buses and entry to a lot of attractions, then you can read more about that here , and if you want to use the bike share system , as useful for visitors as it is for residents, then you can learn more by clicking this. Photo: JL Flanner There aren't many places to eat after midnight , and most of them are by the train station, as reported here. Last Week in Slovenia: 13 - 19 December, Related: Ljubljana Predicted to Be World's Fastest-Warming City The bark beetle outbreak and spread, caused by the and windstorms, posed another threat, forcing the government to declare a natural disaster this year. Housing Prices Rose 8. Morning Headlines for Slovenia: Saturday, 21 December Changes to health insurance ready for third reading LJUBLJANA - Parliament backed a set of changes to health insurance as it discussed on Thursday a bill eliminating top-up health insurance by folding it into mandatory insurance. Slovenia, Austria to jointly upgrade Karavanke rail tunnel LJUBLJANA - Finance reported that the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency and the company operating Austrian railway infrastructure had published the first in what is expected to be three joint calls for bids to upgrade the Karavanke railway tunnel. This part of the food and drink vocab list gives you some idea of the level. There are also memes. Total Slovenia News on Facebook. Editorial 11 Dec , AM. Gourmet Tarragon Potica. See more recipes in the award-winning cookbook, Cook Eat Slovenia, available here I must confess that, while I watched my mom making…. Photo of the Month. Photo galleries and videos.

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Joanna Yellowlees-Bound joins Iain for this special episode as we cover her year career in the ski industry, graduating from resort rep to managing director of Erna Low - one of the oldest ski companies in the UK. Joanna is one of the most experienced professionals in the UK ski industry, with a career that spans the first halcyon days of the ski business in the 80s to our post-Brexit world today, including a key role in the development of Arc I mix current episodes with those from your back catalogue. As someone who found skiing in middle age I am completely hooked. Keep up the brilliant work and here's to winter. There is so much to listen to in our back catalog: just go to theskipodcast. Our equipment specials are being published on the Skipedia YouTube channel. You can follow me skipedia and the podcast theskipodcast. Ellis Brigham are the winter sports specialists, with 16 shops around the UK where you can find all the kit you need for this winter. Alternatively, simply go to their website at ellis-brigham. Like all your episodes, this one was outstanding. Al has an excellent command of the subject, and he explains the basic foundational factors that go in to ski selection in an enjoyable and understandable way. You can follow Iaiun skipedia and the podcast theskipodcast. Click here to refresh the feed. We go behind the scenes of British skiing and snowboarding to find out what goes into running an organisation like GB Snowsport and how a country with no mountains outperforms countries from across the world. This episode is part of a series of podcasts we're publishing this winter focusing on women in the snowsports industry. I thought I was brave at 10 years old setting off into the hills on my own on a mountain bike After holidays in Tignes the last two winters my 6-year-old is hooked too. There is so much to listen to in our back catalog - we have covered so many destinations and stories - just go to theskipodcast. Width 72mm. Width 76mm. Width 88mm. Width 94mm. Width 96mm. Width 84mm. I really appreciate how you cover the latest in ski gear, travel, and sustainability. Thank you. Just go to theskipodcast. If you like the podcast, there are two things you can do to help: 1 Review us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify — it genuinely helps other listeners find us 2 Subscribe — so you never miss an episode You can follow me skipedia and the podcast theskipodcast. Today we look at skiing in Sweden and Hemsedal in Norway and we find out what it's like coaching your kids to be pro skiers. Plus we find out more about the European Sleeper service to Innsbruck and the Dolomites, as well as discovering what Crans Montana is like in September. Thanks for keeping this going over the summer, when most other ski related podcasts stop…roll on the autumn! You were talking about where to get second-hand skis. At the beginning of the season, a lot of resorts organise Braderies where the local shops pool ex-hire or last season kit to sell in one convenient place. Another great option is shops like Trocsport which sell secondhand skis on behalf of individuals. There are loads of small shops like this. You can do that too, there is so much to listen to in our previous episode, just go to theskipodcast. If you like the podcast, there are three things you can do to help: 1 Follow us. Chemmy Alcott is probably the most well-known woman in snowsports in the UK. After a racing career that took her to four Winter Olympics, she now balances presenting Ski Sunday on the BBC, with bringing up her young family and coaching new aspiring racers. Plus, we have the latest gossip on which European destination Vail Resorts are planning to buy next. We went to the Dolomites with Inspired Italy last season. It was an amazing adventure; great terrain, food, and people. Plus we report on Tignes' decision to split with Compagnie des Alpes. By Design. Super interesting. In this episode we focus on Courchevel, including an update on the Saulire cable car and how the resort is surviving without Russians, plus we discuss summer in Les 2 Alpes and find out about the new Northern Snow Show. I always listen to them as they remind me of all the places we've skied and boarded over the years. We also look into how SBIT are lobbying for more trains to the Alps and the possible Youth Mobility Scheme, which would be great news for young people wanting to do a ski season. Iain was joined by Australia specialist and founder of the Snowbest. I remember the old SCUK forum days. There are episodes of The Ski Podcast to catch up with. We find out about the off-piste resort of La Grave and the state of the snowsports market in the USA, including ways to tackle climate change and bring newcomers to the sport. Love the podcast, thanks! There is so much to listen to in our back catalog, just go to www. There is so much to listen to in our back catalog, just go to theskipodcast. I skimmed previous episodes and was surprised to see you've never covered the Brit favourite of Sauze d'Oulx. It suffered an unfair reputation as a Benidorm-on-snow resort in the 90s, particularly after a very sneering Wish You Were Here episode. It's actually a charming old town and has a fabulous ski area linking to the huge Vialattea' Paul Bond: 'Episode was as ever great listening. I've skied all over Europe and finally skied in Baqueira in March. Plenty of challenge with a unique vibe but also easy for a mixed ability family to ski the same mountains and meet up. My top tip: Hire a car from Toulouse and stay in Vielha in valley: a great old town with lots of accommodation and good value eateries. This special episode is an interview with pro-skier and filmmaker Paddy Graham. Paddy was one of the first wave of British freeskiers who burst out of the UK dry slope and indoor scene into the international arena in the earlys. Paddy is an extremely accomplished freeride and freestyle skier, but is best known for the incredibly creative ski films that he's starred in and produced, as co-founder of the legendary production company Legs of Steel. I retired to the Swiss Alps in and have listening since then. I loved the early episodes with Jim, but I have to say the podcast has gone from strength to strength since you took it on alone. We discuss Baqueira Beret in Spain and finding out about skiing in China — the fastest growing ski market in the world. We discuss Les 2 Alpes in France, Trysil in Norway and find out more about a great new way of travelling to the snow on your ski holiday. It helps me out with a bit of research. I have taken the decision to offset my carbon to mitigate air travel, but the lack of economically viable train option from Manchester and similar areas remains a problem. I'm heading to Engelberg in just over a week. I'm currently wrestling over travel - given my concerns around climate change. Currently my calculations are that it will be cheaper to fly. I wondered whether you have any tips for reducing the cost over the Eurostar and SNCF published prices. Keep up the good work with the podcast. This episode is a special interview with professional snowboarder Xavier De La Rue. We speak about his competitive past, the cliff named after him in Verbier, his move into film making and adventures in places such as Alaska, Svalbard and Antarctica. We also discuss his almost fatal avalanche and how it changed his views about risk-taking. Finally, we talk about sustainability and his Audi Experience Camps taking place in Verbier this winter. We find out more about Val Cenis and the Haute Maurienne area of France as well as discoving what the skiing in Slovenia is like. Iain was joined by freelance journalists Katja Gaskell and Rob Rees. I am sure you could get him back on, sounds like he has a hundred more stories in him. I was keenly interested in your interview with Mike Goar from Vail Resorts. I also found the two recent episodes discussing the resorts in Norway fascinating. Keep up the good work. In this episode, we discuss Verbier, Saalbach Hinterglemm and the impact of climate change on ski resorts. Iain was joined by freelance journalist and regular guest Catherine Murphy and David George, founder of the PisteHors. In most of the Vail Resorts-owned resorts prices have gone sky high so only the rich can ski. Ski passes are almost three times the price of a European ski resort. Lift lines are unbelievably long. The local staff are removed to bring in centralised American staff, ripping the heart out of the resort. 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