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The processing time is very fast within months. Antigua citizenship and passport offers visa free travel to countries and territories including EU schengen area, UK, Russia and more. The complete list of countries is listed in another page of this website. We work with many Government approved developers in the Antigua and Barbuda. We assist clients with full hand holding service. Antigua and Barbuda has a newly launched citizenship by investment program for investors who can directly acquire citizenship and passport by donation to a charity or through purchase of real estate. The country joins St. Kitts and Nevis and Dominica where the citizenship program is already up and running. We are pleased to inform that we assist business clients in acquiring passport in Antigua and Barbuda with minimum formalities, the easy way through our specialists in real estate. New Update: Due to International sanctions, nationals of Russia, Belarus and Iran are barred from applying for Antigua citizenship by investment. Post citizenship additions makes it easy to include family members or dependants any time. This way you dont have to spend huge amount of money initially. The new CIP legislation expands scope of dependants, makes it possible for investors to add more family members. The passport is granted for 5 year validity period after that it can be renewed. To renew after 5 years, you must have visited Antigua for about 5 days. These fees are subject to change. The new university campus is expected to bring economic benefit to the new Five islands campus of UWI and will inspire many youths to pursue tertiary education in the OECS region. We have our own inhouse real estate specialist assisting all our clients with easy paperwork in purchasing a real estate in Antigua and Barbuda. You must hold the real estate for 5 years after which you can sell it in the market and still keep the citizenship. It does not apply for NDF which is the cheapest option. Only CIP Approved properties are eligible for citizenship. You can see Full list of approved real estate here. Upon receipt of a letter of approval you will be asked to pay the balance of the government processing fees and your business investment amount within a 30 day period. Due to the potential varied nature of such investments any escrow agreement will be negotiated between the parties yet transfer of the investment sums must be made within a 30 day period from issuance of an approval letter. Approved business projects listed here. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are accepted for Antigua citizenship by investment program, according to a decision recently announced by Government. This proposal is still in the pipeline yet to be implemented. Some agents and developers do accept bitcoin. Nationals of the countries listed are eligible to apply for citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda under the Citizenship by Investment Programme after having met the following criteria:. The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has taken this position to safeguard the integrity of the Antigua and Barbuda passport and ensure that only persons whose past behaviour will not threaten the very well-being of the Citizenship Programme, can be accepted. You must visit Antigua for five days during your five year time, if not the passport will be automatically canceled or you will not be able to renew it. Antigua passport initially issued is valid for 5 years. After first extension, the renewed passport is valid for 10 years. You dont need to redo the investment. Just renew it at the nearest embassy or consulate. As of , Antigua ranks the 28th best passport in the world when it comes to visa free access to countries worldwide. The Government has signed several visa waiver agreements. You can see full list of countries here. Copyright C Antigua Citizenship. All content licensed under Creative commons. Toggle navigation. Passport within 3 months. Read More. Visa Free Travel Antigua citizenship and passport offers visa free travel to countries and territories including EU schengen area, UK, Russia and more. Citizenship Benefits Beautiful caribbean country with white sand and blue waters for exotic holidays. Cheapest family oriented citizenship program in the Caribbean. Lifetime citizenship for family and children with one time investment. Direct citizenship in Caribbean country. No wealth, inheritance, personal income taxes. No personal visit required No requirement to live in Antigua before or after getting citizenship. No interviews, business experience or language tests. Fast 3 months processing time for citizenship. Best second passport for travel. Freely hold dual or multiple citizenship with other countries. Oaths can now be taken at Antigua consulates worldwide. No government discounts announced by CIU Antigua. Future child of dependent child and future spouse can be added for citizenship. Antigua signed new visa waivers with Russia, Ukraine, Kosovo etc. Antigua now upgraded all passports to biometric passports. This offer is valid until 31 Oct Only families of six persons or more can apply for this fund. No time restriction on when a dependent may be be added to an application. Future spouse and Child Post citizenship additions makes it easy to include family members or dependants any time. A future spouse of the principal applicant. Family members The new CIP legislation expands scope of dependants, makes it possible for investors to add more family members A current spouse of the principal applicant; A child of the principal applicant, or of his or her spouse, who is 0 — 30 years of age and is financially dependent on the principal applicant; A child of the principal applicant, or of his or her spouse, who is 18 years or older but who is physically or mentally handicapped and who is living with and is fully supported by the principal applicant; A parent or grandparent of the principal applicant, or of his or her spouse, who is fifty-five years of age or older and who is financially dependent on the principal applicant. USD , for a family of six 6 or more i. One member of the family will be entitled to scholarship for 1 year tuition only at the University of the West Indies campus. Real Estate Investment We have our own inhouse real estate specialist assisting all our clients with easy paperwork in purchasing a real estate in Antigua and Barbuda.

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Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program was launched in This program made it possible to obtain economic citizenship. It is one of the newest citizenship by investment programmes in the region and significantly differs from similar programmes offered by other Caribbean jurisdictions in some aspects. In recent years, the tropical islands of Antigua and Barbuda have been attracting more and more tourists and fans of outdoor activities from all over the world. There are all the necessary elements for this popularity: wonderful rainforests, rugged volcanic landscapes, long sunny beaches and coral reefs that are perfect for fishing and diving. The funds of foreign investors are spent on the development of tourism industry, construction of infrastructural facilities and charity donations. Antigua and Barbuda also attracts entrepreneurs because the islands offer a good environment for the registration and operation of international companies. Under the passport program, you can obtain passports for spouses, minor children and parents over 55 for an additional fee even after you have obtained Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment. The government of Antigua and Barbuda is interested in a foreign capital inflow, so minimum requirements are set for participants in the citizenship by investment program:. The main advantage of the citizenship by investment program is four investment options to obtain a Caribbean passport. This option requires a donation to the National Development Fund, a non-profit organisation overseen by the Parliament. Funds are spent on state-controlled projects and donations. Antigua and Barbuda has an advantage over other Caribbean countries. However, you will have to pay a little extra for Due Diligence checks. A non-refundable donation to the National Development Fund of Antigua and Barbuda is one of the most advantageous citizenship by investment options for spouses with two minor children. This property must be part of projects which are approved by the government from reliable developers. Additional fees are paid for application processing, Due Diligence checks and taxes. Government-approved projects usually include holiday resorts, high-end residential properties in prestigious locations and tourism infrastructure. The property must be maintained for 5 years before it can be sold to recover investment. Under this option, investments are made in a new or existing business approved by the authorities. This investment option is only suitable for investors who are going to apply for citizenship for all members of their family consisted of 6 or more people. It makes one family member entitled to receive a one-year scholarship to the university. Antigua and Barbuda offers an investor the maximum number of options for investment compared with other Caribbean citizenship by investment programs. Your new passports will be delivered to your home. Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda can visit countries around the world, including the UK, Singapore and EU countries, without a visa or with an entry permit upon arrival. This passport gives you an access to a year business visa to the USA and a long-stay visa to Canada. The head of Antigua and Barbuda is the Queen of the UK, and the Governor-General, appointed by the monarch, performs representative functions. Therefore, citizens of these islands can stay freely in the UK for up to days per year and even have benefits for admission to the UK educational institutions. In EU member states of the Schengen Agreement, Antigua and Barbuda passport holders can stay for up to 90 days every six months. Tax residents of Antigua and Barbuda pay no tax on income earned both inside and outside the country. Zero rates are also set for taxes on wealth, inheritance and capital gains. The country has all the conditions for a successful business environment. There is a highly skilled workforce and a well-developed infrastructure on the islands. There is no taxation on company profits earned outside the islands. The procedure for registering an international business is simplified as much as possible. Antigua and Barbuda is one of the former British colonies in the Caribbean region. There was an economic growth and promising branches of the economy appeared after gaining sovereignty. As a result, the backward agrarian country has become a flourishing tourist region with tuition-free education, a well-developed healthcare system, three institutes of higher education, a relatively high standard of living for ordinary people and a low rate of street crime. During your 5-day residency on the islands, you will see an amazing place where you will live if you become a citizen. You may decide to stay longer. The unique island nature suits both fans of beach holidays and those who do not like to stay in one place for a long time, preferring hunting, fishing, diving and sailing. In order to protect foreign investors from fraud, government officials consider applications for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment only through a third party, licensed agents. Our immigration advisers say that standard application process usually takes from 3 to 4 months, but sometimes this process can take 6 months in case of unforeseen circumstances. Our team will help you choose the best option for your investment and estimate the cost of obtaining Antigua and Barbuda citizenship for you and your family. Our team will prepare all necessary documents which must be attached to the application for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment. All copies of documents must be notarised and legalised. All applicants must undergo a medical examination and submit the relevant certificates. After paying a passport fee, you can obtain your passports at our office, or we will courier them directly to your home. An offshore business has become a key source of tax revenue for Antigua and Barbuda after gaining sovereignty. As a result, this jurisdiction:. It is also undesirable to have refusals to enter those countries with which Antigua and Barbuda has signed visa-waiver agreements. On the other hand, it is no secret that people invest in a second passport when they cannot obtain a visa for a particular country without leaving home. It means that if you have been rejected in the past, do not give up on obtaining your Caribbean citizenship by investment, especially if you ask a good immigration adviser for help from the beginning. If you want to be a tax resident, the easiest way to do it is to stay on one of the islands and spend there at least days per year. You can find a cost table above. You can apply for a second passport for adult children under 30 years of age if they are financially dependent on you, e. You can also include in the application: disabled children of any age, parents and grandparents of both spouses over 55 years old. Unmarried siblings of the main applicant or a spouse who are financially dependent on them can also obtain an Antigua and Barbuda passport. The same amount will need to be paid for a spouse or civil partner. Children under the age of 12 do not have to undergo a due diligence check. The department which is responsible for the investment programme is interested in attracting as many reputable foreign investors as possible. Therefore, if the information that you provide does not lead to a definite rejection, but at the same time does not give a comprehensive picture and backgrounds of an investor and their dependants, a decision-making official will send requests for more information. In order to accelerate the process of obtaining a second passport, you should gather all the necessary documents and fill out correctly a citizenship application form. The responsibility for success and speed of obtaining a Caribbean passport lies on the shoulders of the intermediary law firm. The key criterion, in our view, is a long-term experience of successfully solving similar issues and, as a consequence, a good reputation of the company on the market. The second most important criterion is multitasking. You can be helped with choosing a management company if you decide to invest in real property, or with moving if you obtain a passport to settle in a foreign country. The third criterion is an individual approach to each client and unique solutions that are perfectly suited to each particular case. Our experts have been helping wealthy people to obtain a second citizenship quickly, without wasting time or money for many years. Contact us now to discuss your requirements. Please fill the form below to make an appointment. We will contact you back to confirm your consultation. We use cookies on this site to ensure the most desirable user experience. By continuing to browse this website you are giving implied consent. Find out more. Our company Resources Contact Us. Back to page. Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment. The most affordable Caribbean passport and a great number of options for investment. Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program allows the whole family to obtain a Caribbean passport at the lowest price, gives visa-free travel to countries, including Europe, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong, and helps save on taxes. You pay an administrative fee for the processing of an application and Due Diligence checks, then you and your dependants over the age of 12 undergo background checks and Antigua and Barbuda authorities make a decision on whether or not to give citizenship to the applicant. Important questions about Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment. Why is it necessary for an investor to have due diligence checks and what exactly does an investor's impeccable reputation mean? As a result, this jurisdiction: is constantly under pressure of the global community; has to conduct due diligence checks on applicants for citizenship by investment. The ability to prove a legal source of income and funds which will be spent directly on investment in the island economy. How can I become a tax resident of Antigua and Barbuda in order to use many benefits? Why is the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program considered to be one of the most affordable in the Caribbean region? Whom can I include in my application for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship in addition to my spouse and minor children? How much is a due diligence fee in Antigua and Barbuda? What does the time frame of obtaining Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment depend on? What are the criteria of choosing an agent company for obtaining Caribbean citizenship by investment? Looking for an expert in citizenship by investment programs? Related services. Citizenship by investment. Second passport by investment We offer personalised and confidential solutions for obtaining second citizenship by investment in the country of your choice. Caribbean passport. Caribbean passport Get second citizenship by investment for the whole family with access to beneficial taxation and visa-free travel. European passport. European passport Get EU passport in 6 months and enjoy high standards of education and healthcare, benefit from favourable taxation and visa-free travel. Make an enquiry. How did you hear about us? I read an article I have seen an advertisement I attended an event Social network Facebook, Twitter, etc. Detailed information on how we process your data can be found on our privacy policy.

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