Buy now factory outlet women bag snake chain bags color contrast leather messenger handbag fashion snakes leathers shoulder handbags for $84 right now with delivery

Buy now factory outlet women bag snake chain bags color contrast leather messenger handbag fashion snakes leathers shoulder handbags for $84 right now with delivery

Introducing the >factory outlet women bag snake chain bags color contrast leather messenger handbag fashion snakes leathers shoulder handbags< with the best price - only for $84

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Style: Chain Bag Number: Z804 Fabrics: PU leather Colour: White, yellow, blue, black, Pink PU leather is fiber leather, which has excellent wear resistance, aging resistance and comfort. The allowable error of manual measurement is 1-3 cm. (Based on factory shipment as standard) The size and color are subject to the receipt of the goods. (Based on factory shipment as standard) The pictures are 100% actual shooting from the factory, and the accessories above are for shooting decorations and tools, not for sale..syi

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