Buy now Factory wholesale men bag simple crazy horse leather messenger handbag retro leathers mailman bags college style pocket decoration shoulder for $117 right now with delivery

Buy now Factory wholesale men bag simple crazy horse leather messenger handbag retro leathers mailman bags college style pocket decoration shoulder for $117 right now with delivery

Introducing the >Factory wholesale men bag simple crazy horse leather messenger handbag retro leathers mailman bags college style pocket decoration shoulder< with the best price - only for $117

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Please take a close look at the following product introduction. All the pictures are taken by real products of the factory. The warehouse can only send the style above the picture, not the imagined style. If the style is different, the warehouse will inform you in time, please understand, thank you.Style: casual messenger No.: 4077(hangzhourouqi) Fabric: PU leather, plaid, printed, Inside: Polyester (based on factory delivery) Colors: black, brown, coffee, Dimensions: 29*23*7cm Packing weight: 1kg (filled with filler to prevent damage during transportation)

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