Buy now 920-005 Flo Smart Water Leak Detector, White, 3-Pack for $298 right now with delivery

Buy now 920-005 Flo Smart Water Leak Detector, White, 3-Pack for $298 right now with delivery

Introducing the >920-005 Flo Smart Water Leak Detector, White, 3-Pack< with the best price - only for $298

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Smart technology detects leaks to help reduce the risk of water damage by providing 24/7 monitoring Connects to the Moen Smart Water App to notify you of moisture through notifications to their smartphone. The Moen Smart Water App can also be customized to monitor moisture levels, humidity, and temperature. Offers the ability to use and connect multiple detectors for whole-home protection. Available in single or multi-packs, providing the opportunity to achieve home water management on any budget.syi

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