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Cyprus Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics

The national focal point was created in March by the Cyprus Anti-Drugs Council, the main coordinating body responsible for drug policy in Cyprus. The primary role of the national focal point is the collection, analysis, and evaluation of information and data concerning the drug-use situation in Cyprus and the implementation of EMCDDA activities and other related national activities. E-mail addresses have been inserted in a way discouraging spam. Please replace \\\\\\\\\[a\\\\\\\\\] by before actually using any of the e-mail addresses. Last updated: Thursday, May 19, Focal point contact information. Key national figures and statistics. In the third general population survey was carried out in Cyprus on licit and illicit substance use, and mental health issues the previous surveys were carried out in and The sample comprised 3 respondents aged 15—64 who were Greek speakers residing in the government-controlled areas. Cannabis remained the most prevalent illicit substance used; however, there are indications of a decrease when compared to the survey data. Among to year-olds last year prevalence was 4. Cocaine was the second most prevalent drug reported in and Last year prevalence of cocaine use in was 0. A strong link between gender and illicit drug use was re-confirmed in , with males having higher prevalence rates for all drugs. The survey indicated the mean age of cannabis experimentation was 18—20 years, which coincides with an obligatory enrolment to and release from the National Guard service for all men. Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use is higher among males than females. However, it remains low in comparison to an average rate calculated for all countries participating in the ESPAD study. Look for Prevalence of drug use in the 'Statistical bulletin' for more information. Top of page. Prevention and health promotion constitute some of the most important elements of the National Strategy on Illicit Substances Dependence and the Harmful Use of Alcohol —20, which emphasises targeted prevention and proposes to support universal and environmental prevention activities. The Cyprus Anti-Drugs Council CAC is responsible for monitoring the implementation of prevention and intervention programmes, through their accreditation, evaluation and funding where possible. In prevention guidelines were adopted that aimed to unify and standardise prevention programmes by defining the main prevention approaches and discussing quality and effectiveness, and these were used as a reference point to certify and fund the programmes. Universal prevention is the most common mode of prevention implemented in school settings, targeting mainly lower and higher secondary school students. The prevention activities in schools are implemented as part of the health education programme. School-based programmes mostly focus on awareness raising and on providing information about drugs, while some of them address the development of personal and social skills. The Fred Goes to School Programme, which is an adaptation of the FreD Goes Net programme, is an ongoing project carried out in school settings targeting young smokers and students who use alcohol. In a total of 28 universal prevention programmes were accredited through the CAC accreditation process. The majority of the programmes were implemented on a national level and they mainly include information about psychoactive substances like alcohol and tobacco, self-development, strengthening self-esteem, enhancement of resilience, attitude change, improvement of communication and training of teachers as regards drug-related issues, as well as training parents regarding their role in drug prevention. The age ranges for the target group are between 6 and 22 years. As evidence-based practices regarding prevention are currently geared to include important environmental dimensions, the prevention programmes in Cyprus also include environmental interventions such as the protection of health through legislative measures i. The legislation to completely ban smoking in public places is an essential environmental prevention strategy with benefits that carry over for the whole range of addictive substances. In the past few years, special attention has been given to accelerating the implementation of targeted selective and indicated prevention activities. Efforts are made to promote the implementation programmes in high-risk areas. In eight 8 selective programmes were funded. See the Prevention profile for Cyprus for more information. Details are available here. Estimates of problem high-risk drug use based on treatment demand data, including problem high-risk opiate users and problem injecting drug users, are available annually from In there were estimated to be 1 high-risk opioid users sensitivity interval: —1 , or 1. Although an increase in the estimated population size was noted in , no conclusions could be drawn regarding the actual changes. The estimated number of people who injected drugs opiates and cocaine in Cyprus in was sensitivity interval: — , or 0. It was estimated that there were methamphetamine users in sensitivity interval: 80 to , or 0. Based on the general population survey data, it is estimated that about 0. Look for High risk drug-use in the Statistical bulletin for more information. In a total of 21 treatment units reported treatment demand data 16 outpatient treatment centres, four inpatient treatment centres and one non-governmental organisation NGO. In a total of 1 clients entered treatment, of whom were new clients entering treatment for the first time in their life. The number of reported drug treatment clients, including new treatment clients, more than doubled between and ; however, in this trend stopped. This increase, spanning almost a decade, was attributed to the expansion of outpatient treatment, an improvement in data reporting and the reinforcement of police activities in treatment referrals. Although heroin remains the main opioid reported, since the number of users entering treatment for the primary misuse of oxycodone, which can be prescribed as a substitution medication, has increased. Since , when the emergence of methamphetamine crystal meth users among treatment entrants was first highlighted, a growing number of clients have sought treatment because of methamphetamine use, many of whom were receiving treatment for the first time in their lives. In the mean age of all treatment clients was 28 years, while new treatment clients tend to be younger, on average 26 years old. Foreigners mainly Greek constitute a significant proportion of all treatment demands, and this is one of the peculiarities of treatment demand data in Cyprus. It may be explained by the proximity of the two countries, the common language and the greater availability of substitution treatment in Cyprus, without waiting lists. The use of opioids as a primary drug seems to be higher among this group of treatment clients compared to the Cypriot clients; drug injecting and sharing of injecting equipment are also reported to be more prevalent among foreigners. Look for Treatment demand indicator in the Statistical bulletin for more information. Data on infectious diseases are provided by the Department of Infectious Diseases and the National AIDS Programme of the Ministry of Health, while data on drug-related infectious diseases are primarily obtained via the implementation of the drug-related infectious diseases DRID key indicator. In , among tested injecting drug users, Around two-thirds of these positive HCV tests were among injecting drug users of foreign nationality. Look for Drug-related infectious diseases in the Statistical bulletin for more information. Drug-induced deaths in Cyprus have been reported by the Special Registry since In six drug-induced deaths were recorded, which is twice more than in In all of the decedents were male, with a mean age of Two these cases involved other opioids than heroin oxycodone , as confirmed by toxicological results. The drug-induced mortality rate among adults aged 15—64 increased to 10 deaths per million in , but remains below the European average of Look for Drug-related deaths in the Statistical bulletin for more information. The Cyprus Anti-Drugs Council CAC is responsible for the accreditation, evaluation, funding where possible and coordination of all programmes, actions, and activities related to psychoactive substances by both governmental services and NGOs, as well as the private sector. The CAC also draws up the methodological guidelines and operation specifications of prevention and treatment programmes. For this purpose, treatment guidelines have been developed see National Report to the EMCDDA , providing a nationwide system assuring the minimum drug treatment quality standards. In the pillar of Treatment and Social Reintegration, the main goals of National Strategy include: provision of treatment options for specific groups such as migrants, women, drug users with dual diagnosis , increase of accessibility of treatment by including low-threshold services in treatment centres, extending the working hours of treatment centres, implementing a Protocol for referring soldiers to drug treatment, introducing legislation for the provision of alternatives to incarceration. The treatment system in Cyprus consists of counselling, rehabilitation, detoxification and substitution centres. All counselling, outpatient and inpatient programmes use psychosocial interventions as their primary treatment tool. In there were 17 specialized drug treatment outpatient centers. Two of the centers offer adolescent counseling services, seven of them mainly provide counseling and motivation enhancement to adults, four offer more intensive care and two are substitution units. Additionally, during one drop-in centre was established focusing mainly on problematic drug users. In no specialized treatment was available in prison, but this started operating in Six of the outpatient drug treatment programmes are offered by the public sector, ten by NGOs non-profit and one is offered by a private party for profit. Most treatment units report abstinence as their main treatment goal, followed by infectious diseases prevention, the development of self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence and life skills training. The opioid substitution treatment OST programs and the drop in center report harm reduction as their main goal. As to inpatient treatment, it consists of four units; two hospital-based residential drug treatment programmes, a therapeutic community and a residential treatment programme. One of the hospital based residential drug treatments is offered by a public facility and the other one by a private for profit agency. Non hospital based residential treatment is offered by an NGO non - profit , as is the therapeutic community offered by another non-profit NGO. OST, was introduced in Cyprus in It is offered by two main specialized drug treatment services units, one hospital linked to the main units as an extension , and also by one private clinic. The substances currently used are oxycodone, dihydrocodeine, buprenorphine-based medication and methadone only for detoxification purposes. Since , when clients in OST were reported, a significant downward trend is observed, for which there is no clear explanation. It should be also noted that foreign nationals primarily from Greece account for one-third of all OST clients. See the Treatment profile for Cyprus for additional information. The main actors responsible for organising and implementing harm reduction programmes include the various departments of the Ministry of Health, such as the National AIDS Programme and the Mental Health Services. A reparative law was passed in that declassified the provision and supply of syringes and needles by health professionals to injecting drug users as an offence. In a drop-in centre was established to provide needles and syringes to people who inject drugs. The centre also offers overdose prevention, counselling for risk reduction and sex education. Syringes are also available for purchase in all pharmacies. Other harm reduction measures that are provided by all governmental and some non-governmental treatment programmes include: i vaccinations and testing for infectious diseases with further referral for treatment; ii psychoeducation; and iii medical care whenever necessary. Furthermore, in the CAC published the report Preventing the spread of infectious diseases in Cyprus , which contains specific recommendations for harm reduction interventions, including carrying out a bio-behavioural surveillance survey that combines collecting biological samples blood and behavioural indicators. In addition, aiming to reduce the risk of infectious diseases transmission, the CAC in cooperation with the Ministry of Health is promoting the introduction of vending machines providing sterile needles and syringes. See the Harm reduction overview for Cyprus for additional information. This may be due to its geographic location at the crossroads of three continents, and its regular connections by air and sea with European, Middle Eastern and African destinations. According to the police, illegal drugs enter the government-controlled areas from the Turkish-occupied area in it was the main heroin trafficking route and from other European Union countries. Air transport remains the most common mode for smuggling illegal drugs into Cyprus, especially in the case of opium, heroin, herbal cannabis, cannabis resin, ecstasy and cocaine. New psychoactive substances mainly arrive via the postal services. Most of the cannabis herbs and stimulants seized in originated from the Netherlands, while cannabis resin came from Lebanon, heroin from Afghanistan and cocaine from South America. According to data from the DLEU, 1 drug-law offences were reported in slightly more than the offences reported in , with cannabis responsible for of these offences. In an increase in the number and quantity of herbal cannabis seizures was reported The number of seizures of cannabis resin and cannabis plants decreased in comparison to The quantity of plants seized slightly increased plants seized in , compared to in , while the quantity of cannabis resin seized was only 90 g. The number of cocaine seizures was higher than in all previous observation periods, and a record amount of The number of seizures involving heroin continued to fall, with a record low of 11 seizures and the quantities seized below g. With regard to synthetic stimulants, methamphetamine is the most frequently seized synthetic substance with 73 seizures in , and g seized. From 28 seizures of ecstasy a record 17 tablets and 1. As in the previous year, in a number of seizures involved new psychoactive substances, while the quantities remain low, except in three cases, when 3 kg of AM, 2 blotters of 25 C-NBOMe and 99 kg of mephedrone were seized. Look for Drug law offences in the Statistical bulletin for additional data. In Cyprus drugs are classified as A, B or C according to their level of harm, with class A causing the most harm. Penalties for drug use in Cyprus go up to life imprisonment for all classes, but this has never been implemented. Possession for personal use is regarded as a serious criminal offence, punishable by up to 12 years in prison for class A drugs, eight years for class B and four years for class C; however, first-time offenders aged under 25 should not be sentenced to more than one year in prison. Trafficking class A or B drugs may be punished by up to life in prison, while trafficking class C drugs carries a penalty of up to eight years. In limits on the quantities for personal use were introduced, whereby possession of a quantity of a substance above the assigned limit may lead to the presumption that the person intended to sell the substance. The limits include three or more cannabis plants, 30 or more grams of cannabis or its products and 10 or more grams of prepared cocaine or opium or its derivatives. While there has been a tendency towards increased sentencing in recent years, there is also an ongoing effort to promote the implementation of alternative measures to imprisonment in the criminal justice system. In the pre-trial phase, there is an alternative to prosecution for young drug offenders arrested for the first time. The National Strategy on Illicit Substances Dependence and the Harmful Use of Alcohol provides the overarching political framework and priorities for the period — The Strategy aims to contribute to a reduction in drug demand and drug supply in Cyprus, and a reduction in the health and social risks and harms caused by drugs. It covers two main policy areas: drug demand reduction and drug supply reduction; and four cross-cutting themes: promotion of evidence-based policies, research, monitoring, and evaluation. The strategy uses five pillars to address these policy domains and key issues: prevention, treatment and social reintegration, harm reduction, supply control and regulation, and international cooperation. The framework, aim and objectives of the Strategy also serve as a basis for two consecutive four-year Action Plans. The Cyprus Anti-Drugs Council is primarily responsible for the coordination of its implementation, but also implements specific actions itself. The Action Plan for —16 provides a list of specific actions with a timetable, responsible parties, indicators and assessment tools. In Cyprus the Inter-Ministerial Drugs Committee is the high-level mechanism responsible for coordination between government ministries. The CAC is presided over by the chairperson appointed by the President of the Republic, who also functions as the National Drug Coordinator, and has seven members who are nominated by the Council of Ministers. The CAC is responsible for the planning, implementation, supervision and monitoring of the National Strategy. Among its duties, the CAC also functions as an advisory body on drug issues for the government. In this respect, it uses a system of ad hoc expert meetings to address issues related to the National Strategy. In the methods used to estimate public expenditures were improved, following the results of a study commissioned in 1. In the total drug-related expenditure 2 represented 0. The total expenditure was divided into three main areas Table 1 : law enforcement 0. Trend analysis shows that between and total drug-related public expenditure grew steadily from 0. The latest available data show that in it decreased to 0. Since then expenditure has remained stable, varying between 0. The total budget is the sum of labelled and unlabelled drug-related expenditures. The national focal point is active in promoting and stimulating further research in the drugs field. The top research priorities are to estimate drug use in the general and school populations and to obtain the most accurate estimates of problem drug use. Recent drug-related studies focused mainly on aspects related to prevalence incidence and patterns of drug use. See Drug-related research for more detailed information. It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation. If the index of a country is higher than , this country's level of GDP per head is higher than the EU average and vice versa. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who were: a without work during the reference week; b currently available for work; c actively seeking work. Head of national focal point: Ms Ioanna Yiasemi. Home Countries. Cyprus country overview Cyprus country overview. About NFP. On this page Prevalence of drug use Prevention Problem drug use Treatment demand Drug-related infectious diseases Drug-induced deaths and mortality Treatment responses Harm reduction responses Drug markets and drug-law offences National drug laws National drug strategy Coordination mechanisms Public expenditure Drug-related research Data sheet. Drug use among the general population and young people Content for prevalence. Prevention Content for prevention. Problem drug use Content for problem drug use. Treatment demand Content for treatment demand. Drug-related infectious diseases Content for drug-related infectious diseases. Drug-induced deaths and mortality Content for drug-induced deaths. Treatment responses Content for treatment responses. Harm reduction responses Content for harm reduction responses. Drug markets and drug-law offences Content for Drug markets and drug-law offences. National drug laws Content for National drug laws. National drug strategy Content for National drug strategy. Related downloads National strategy downloads. Cyprus National drug strategy EL. Coordination mechanism in the field of drugs Content for Coordination mechanism in the field of drugs. Public expenditure Content for Public expenditure. Drug-related research Content for Drug-related research. Data sheet — key statistics on the drug situation Content for Data sheet. EU range Year Country data Min. Key national figures and statistics Content for Key national figures and statistics. Contact information for our focal point Address and contact.

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