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Read User Reviews and Submit your own for Life is Strange 2 on PC - Metacritic

Cones, Bosko, Hashish Zihuatanejo

Mixed or average reviews - based on Ratings. Please sign in or create an account before writing a review. Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews. Life is Strange 2 PC. User Score. User score distribution:. Positive: out of Mixed: 55 out of Negative: out of Review this game. Your Score. Rate this:. Log in to finish rating Life is Strange 2. Life is Strange 2. Share this? Check box if your review contains spoilers. Check Spelling. User score By date Most helpful view. Refund requested. I mistakenly bought the entire Season instead of trying out Episode 1 first - you should NEVER pre-order any game and always wait for critical reviews first. Life Is Strange 2 is a game where you have no abilities and your entire mission is to escort a telekenetic 9 year old across the country. The characters are downright unlikable. The older brother in the game makes the most irresponsible decision he possibly can by running from the police and trying to cross the border to Mexico. Unfortunately the entire game is built upon this failed story plot. Since the older brother is running to Mexico, the game is one giant escort quest. The rest of the game cannot make up for the shortcomings. On a technical note, the graphics are upgraded and look quite nice - but they come with a caveat. If you want an example of a poorly optimized game, this is it. Little or none character development and stupid actions that you just have to deal with it. Top of that SJW propaganda and seems like dontnod got woke I regret that i bought this game and trusted … Expand. Trash, which is a shame since I loved LiS. LIS2 has none of that. Is that what you call FUN? Game has no LIS soul. It has no soul whatsoever actually! Wait, what worldbuiling are we talking about? Why not just go on Twitter? Playing as Kara, ALL you do is take care of Alice, avoid miserable situations, hide from people who want to hurt you, and see the very worst of human kind. A great game, no more, no less. Who complain the presence of political content and talk of objective judgment should stay silent. A similar game have to talk about political content, like the first two game did in their way. The story is strong, the character also, the music is perfect like always and so is the dubbing. The game offer a fresh new kind of adventure, different from the A great game, no more, no less. The game offer a fresh new kind of adventure, different from the first season and from Before the Storm, but still similar for the kind of emotion that the adventure transmit. Highly suggested to anyway who appreciate a story well written. I cried twice already. Damn this game wreck me so much. Sad to see people judging game based on the 'wrong side of politics' even though it just brings inhuman behavior into spotlight, it seems for some it is just too much. Overall great game. In some cases hard to have as strong connections to characters as in LiS1, but I was surprised how well they still managed to do so with such a short 'on-screen' time with fresh characters. Ok, where to start As a person who has always been a big fan of the franchise, I believe it is interesting to make a valid analysis of the reasons why my opinion about this game end up being a little bit mixed. That happens, mainly, because the dynamics of the game introduces a storyline where almost none of the characters seen on an episode show up again on the next one. It can be annoying the way people just seem to disappear through the narrative making most of them just another road acquaintance of which you feel knowing very little. And that does not happen only with the characters, the places are also less emotionally remarkable and can be synthesized as beautiful landscapes you see for 20 minutes and soon have to go away. Although this 'life on the road' feeling feats well with the game context the way how it was developed ends up compromising the proximity relationship between the player and the established universe. There were a lot of moments that I felt more touched by Easter eggs of the first game than on supposedly dramatic moments of the sequence. Even on Captain Spirit, you can feel a stronger presence of sentimental and emotional sensitive moments. When it comes to the possible ending, the game can be separated on 4 'main' outcomes with other 3 more 'minors' variants inside those four. I think we can say all of them are 'ok' and, somehow, can even be considered less 'cannon' than the ones on Life is Strange 1. As interesting as seeing how your actions can 'affect' the behavior of your young brother, and that is an actual NICE addition to the gameplay, there are times where you will do everything to convince Daniel to do a certain action and he will simply act like a spoiled kid. Daniel IS A KID and he is expected to act as such however; sometimes it just begins to feel more frustrating and boring than it should and you start to feel more like in a babysitter simulator. The art style is preserved but everything seems to be more polished. The scenarios are astonishing and you just want to have a camera to capture the moment. About the soundtrack, like in all the other games of the franchise, this one remains as a strong positive point. The highlight here would maybe be an absence of remarkable songs in the last episode, especially in the final scenes. At the end of the day, the game comes with a very different proposal and, for most of the public, DO NOT expect to experience it with the same intensity as the first season. Of course, different narratives have a different impact on different people, however; the minimum expected from a game that carries the same title is some patter and coherence of experience, otherwise, you have to give up some identity core aspects. But it definitely feels like a step back compared to the other games of the franchise, especially the first season. Life is Strange one can be unforgettable. Life is Strange 2 is just another good game. El problema de la trama, para mi, es doble. Y eso, en un juego de decisiones, es frustrante. Y hay que reconocer que, al menos en mi experiencia, es un juego carente de bugs, algo no frecuente ultimamente. This review contains spoilers , click expand to view. Pros: -Graphics are awesome, fits the game really well. Cons going to talk about all of them below in more detail -Weak Story -The character we play is not the main character of the story. The character we play is the worst. There are choices that made without the player, and he makes the most irrealistic, stupid choices ever. By the end of the story he will either get himself killed or goes to jail. His decision making is worse than Chloes, which is not an easy task but the writers managed to do it. But at least Chloe was a likeable rebelling teenager. Sean is just stupid. Why is the story weak? For multiple reasons. First of all, its forced on us, and the first major decision made it very obvious that all the choice in this game are going to be illusions of choice. Examples: -Dad gets shot no matter what you choose. There is one thing in common with these choices: Racism. Its like rewriting the first Life is Strange where everyone around Max and Chloe are sexist and we have to listen to sexist remarks through 5 episodes. The dad gets shot because the cop is a scared racist, the kids got bullied on multiple occasion in the episode because everyone apparently are racist in this story, Sean gets kidnapped because the old man is a racist So, there comes the second and the third con together. Our character is not the main character of the story which already made it worse , its Daniel. Daniel, who also got the special ability. Our character is just a side character who is there to help Daniel get through his story. The second game bring up this thing: Racism. All the things thats happening to our side character is because of racism. This game should be cancelled and make a game about the story of Max and Chloe as i said above. Personally, to my mind this is the perfect sequel that develops the ideas of the previous part, adopts all the advantages, improves them exponentially, and also tries to get rid of the minuses of the original, trying not to introduce new defects. From the first trailer, I prepared a place in my very callous heart for this masterpiece, next to LiS1, a prequel to the original game and a Personally, to my mind this is the perfect sequel that develops the ideas of the previous part, adopts all the advantages, improves them exponentially, and also tries to get rid of the minuses of the original, trying not to introduce new defects. From the first trailer, I prepared a place in my very callous heart for this masterpiece, next to LiS1, a prequel to the original game and a prequel to the sequel, and I have never been disappointed in the purchase. Even classical works of literature are not always so emotionally strong, catchy, loud and memorable, not to mention games. I regret that I passed this game only because I can not experience the emotions of the same strength as it was during the first passage.. One of the best stories in video games. One of the best stories in my non-strange life. Отличная во многом улучшенная со времен первой части игра, очень быстро проникаешься атмосферой и историей двух братьев, которая не отпускает долгое время. Произвела на меня не меньшее впечатление, чем первые две части, фанатом которых я являюсь. Коротко, но зато без спойлеров. Странно, что тут много отрицательных отзывов, на мой взгляд это связано с тем, насколько люди прониклись Отличная во многом улучшенная со времен первой части игра, очень быстро проникаешься атмосферой и историей двух братьев, которая не отпускает долгое время. Странно, что тут много отрицательных отзывов, на мой взгляд это связано с тем, насколько люди прониклись героинями первой части и самой игрой, которая была прекрасна. Но все же глупо из-за этого не замечать хорошего в новом. Exploring the forest and a couple of other locations and taking care of your brother is not my idea of LIS game. The game feels boring and fails to make me feel emotional and connected. Some positive notes: the soundtrack is awesome as always in this franchise, the voice acting is very good as well. I bought only the first episode. Will I come back for more? Way too much swearing, slang, weed, booze, smoking, sex references. All that leaves pretty bad taste in my mouth. Are most teenagers in America really like that? Dirt leftist propaganda without features of LiS 1. Most of all in Lis I liked the atmosphere, which is not in Lis 2 at all. After playing the first episode, I can say that this is a regressive leftist propaganda masquerading as a computer game. I was expecting a similar, great game, but instead of I got this propaganda piece. Sure, there was some political After playing the first episode, I can say that this is a regressive leftist propaganda masquerading as a computer game. Sure, there was some political messaging in the first game, but it was not as bad nor did it bother me that much. It was handled adequately. This really makes me sad. They even implement post-modernist phrases in the game, such as 'everything is political. These are the kind of things you learn from your Neo-Marxist professors. Now, I can understand that you have some political issues tackled in a game. Even post-modernist thought has it time and place. I could also say that racism is a good subject to tackle. Having a Mexican family as a center-stage is also a great idea. However, when there is no nuance or subtlety in your presentation, it feels forced. In this game, it is forced to the extreme. Everything is not and does not have to be political. The authors of this propaganda should really look themselves in the mirror and ask, 'I am really so much better than everyone else'. I bet majority of developers of this game were white, and probably white men. Most came from middle-class or higher background. Unfortunately, they have been taught to loathe themselves because of their skin color and perceived privileged. This group-based identity is over-riding their ability to treat people as individuals. I have to say that I am not American, but I am getting really sick and tired of regressive leftist politics pushed by entertainment industry and media there. Americans, including most white leftists, used to be proud of their country and heritage and now they see themselves as oppressors. In other words, this is just another developer infested with this social justice sickness along with a healthy dose of Trump derangement syndrome. I will not be buying the second episode or any other games from this developer. All of the reviews come from incomplete play through. The world is not a fair place, people do get racially profiled and shot for no reason, children get separated, to be angry about this and portraying it as some sort of All of the reviews come from incomplete play through. The world is not a fair place, people do get racially profiled and shot for no reason, children get separated, to be angry about this and portraying it as some sort of left wing progressive agenda is absurd, it happens get your head out of the ground. It made made me cry several times, I have never connected with a charterer as much as I did with Sean and with Daniel as well. As difficult as it is with the lack of a real happy ending it makes the game even more poignant. Play this with your heart and you will get the ending you need but not necessarily the ending the boys deserve. All I can say is hats off to the developers Id love more of this poignant and grounded story in the future of the franchise. This is an amazing game with tones of different consequences and choices, amazing atmosphere choices and other, its just amazing! Basically nothing that made people fall in love with the previous games is left here. This is an empty shell that clearly has the name 'Life is Strange' attached to it to make people pick something up they would not have bought otherwise. Instead of a great, engaging and lovingly told story you This is a terrible follow-up to Life is Strange, Before the Storm and even Captain Spirit. Instead of a great, engaging and lovingly told story you are bombarded with political messages all the time which I agree with, but that is not the point. Where Life is Strange drew it strength from subtlety to make you think this here offers nothing in comparison - you get told what is correct. Apart from the politics the characters are weak, the voice acting is sub par and not even the music can compare to the first season - it is a shame when a previous title in the series completely destroys the facial animations and lip sync in this one. The plot is you wandering around with your brother not really a spoiler since that happens after 20 minutes with forced interactions and 'on the nose' tests on morality. I find it hard to believe that this is actually the same team that created Life is Strange - the story quality in this one is so far below the first one that it hurts. Speaking of decisions, none here matter at all - I can live with narratives not branching wildly. But when I have the option to walk away from a fight and I choose to just leading to me being insulted again and then starting the fight away its just lazy. This is basically true for every major decision offered - there is not even a slight variation. I would have not expected Dontnod to fail so hard. The dialogue consists of Disney Channel original movie teens mixed with dead memes from and throwaway slasher movie fodder. The only exception is when the para-protagonist Daniel is whining or causing literally every conflict in this season. Daniel makes this already lackluster and boring experience so much worse by ruining everything and then blaming it on the protagonist Sean while he receives no repercussion. The writers have never met a year-old in their lives judging from how he acts. Daniel is written like a five-year-old who throws temper-tantrums every episode and never experiences any true character growth or remorse. His power is only used in the climax of each episode or to cause conflict. Sean is a rather boring protagonist, however he at least shows some basic character-depth and progression over the course of the 4 current episodes. Daniel on the other hand starts out as a whiny, entitled brat and progresses to be an edgy, whiny, entitled brat. All the side characters are one-note and, due to the nature of this type of story, only appear for about half an episode each. The writers decided to strongly push politics in this game, which is perfectly fine, however it is done in the least subtle, respectful, or thought provoking way. Regardless of your political stance, whether hardcore liberal or extreme conservative, you will hate how they propagate their message. It is extremely forced and contrived. For example, in episode 4 Sean, the protagonist, pulls over to sleep after a long drive across states. There was no build-up to this character, no reason he would be there, and no reason he would harass this random teenager. This scene is entirely arbitrary and only exists to force out its political message. A scene like this occurs at least once every episode so far and every one of these scenes are just as forced and come in at random. In fact, nearly all of the antagonists are racist. Which would be fine if they would at least take the time to develop the characters beyond just being racist. If the writers wanted to write a story addressing underlying racism in America then they should have learned about subtlety and nuance. The gameplay feels like a less involved Tell-Tale game heck, even the cringey 'Minecraft Story Mode' had more gameplay and better decisions to be completely honest. All you do is walk around an area, pick things up, and then have poor character interactions. LiS 1 at least had puzzles and Max had rewind powers and moral dilemmas over the choices presented. Before the Storm had likable characters despite their poor decision making and lack of super-power. Even Adventures of Captain Spirit had an interesting setting and environment. In LiS 2 the biggest dilemma is trying to find the plot because most of the episodes lack one. Here all decisions have barely any consequence. Even the ones that do still feel empty since you are jumping months between episodes and barely see the impact of your decisions on other characters aside from a letter you get in episode 4 that only serves to remind you these off-screen characters even exist. This game has no real game play and the dialogue options lack importance. This story could have been done well if the writers took the time to flesh out the characters and the world they live in. The political message could have been decent if the writers did it subtly and tactfully. Just a terrible game with awful story. Sure there are slight Just a terrible game with awful story. The game also fails horribly at trying to be political propaganda with many logical gaps. The plot is boring and feels too railroaded. What little choices are left to the player have consequences that often make poor sense, giving a persistent sense of frustration. Topics are delivered in quite an heavy handed way and many plot holes are never covered. A large portion of the game consists of cutscenes and tons of meaningless dialogs combined with boring gameplay. I honestly do not think I have ever been more disappointed in a video game before. I really wish I could rewind the time and get my money back But I totally do not recommend Life is Strange 2! This game fails hard in the one aspect Life is Strange 1 outperformed itself in. Will say though, everything that happens before the uhm I felt like this was going to be an awesome sequel in the Life is Strange This game fails hard in the one aspect Life is Strange 1 outperformed itself in. I felt like this was going to be an awesome sequel in the Life is Strange series. I was let down hard. A good story. The apple fell so far from the tree. I dont know what is wrong with this people, this is a good successor of LiS. The story is solid, with a clare objetive and a continue fight for get it. This is a evolution of LiS, why? The game the addresses many social issues I dont know what is wrong with this people, this is a good successor of LiS. The game the addresses many social issues that are presents in america. В целом мне понравилось, не знаю почему многие пишут о не понимании взаимосвязи персонажей, возможно у них нету семьи и им не понятно что такое забота о ком-то кроме себя, в игре раскрыта братская любовь, так же в игре продумали множество концовок, к которым приводит то на сколько хорошо именно ты воспитал своего брата, я не знаю как можно этого не видеть, только если играть с закрытыми В целом мне понравилось, не знаю почему многие пишут о не понимании взаимосвязи персонажей, возможно у них нету семьи и им не понятно что такое забота о ком-то кроме себя, в игре раскрыта братская любовь, так же в игре продумали множество концовок, к которым приводит то на сколько хорошо именно ты воспитал своего брата, я не знаю как можно этого не видеть, только если играть с закрытыми глазами наверно I liked the superpowered kid angle, though I think they were a little too reserved with it. Again, they should have been less reserved and gone more crazy cult. Всю игру раздражало поведение младшего брата, нелогичные повороты сюжета, но, как ни странно, по итогу ощущения скорее положительные. Графически игра лучше предыдущей, музыка так же на высоком уровне тут вкусовщина конечно, знаю многих кому не нравится подобная музыка. Концовки игры на этот раз разрабам удались. Игра на любителя, я любитель. The atmosphere in the game is nice, and endings felt emotional, plus the fan service for first game fans. Как жаль, что такое увлекательное приключение завершилось на такой грустной ноте я о своей концовке с посадкой Шона. Это, конечно, не первая отличная часть, но все же игра выдалась весьма увлекательной. Отдельное спасибо хочется сказать разработчикам за шикарную музыкальную подборку и за техническую часть проекта никаких багов, отменная оптимизация, приятная глазу графика и анимация. Но во всем этом и есть свои минусы: использование силы слишком кастрировано, не приносит особого удовольствия, и конечно же глупый сценарий повадки Дэниэля, непонятный ход действий копов, родных и близких Диазов и самого Шона, а также чересчур грустные и туповатые концовки. Its one of my favorite games and narratives ever. Truly mature and heartbreaking and overwhelmingly politically relevant. Also one of the most complex choice based mechanic in any choice based game yet. One of my favourite games I really got involved in the story and the bond between Sean and Daniel. Even after the ending I thought about what I could have done better to get a better ending. Абсолютно тупейшие сценарий, тупейшие главные герой, грубая и прямолинейная левацкая политическая повестка, отсутствие интриги, отсутствие обьяснение суперсилы, отсутствие логики, унылый геймплей по сравнению с предыдущими частями, отсутствие морали. Если вы здравомыслящий человек, то единственная эмоция которую будете испытывать - это кринж и гнев от нелогичности и тупости всего Абсолютно тупейшие сценарий, тупейшие главные герой, грубая и прямолинейная левацкая политическая повестка, отсутствие интриги, отсутствие обьяснение суперсилы, отсутствие логики, унылый геймплей по сравнению с предыдущими частями, отсутствие морали. Если вы здравомыслящий человек, то единственная эмоция которую будете испытывать - это кринж и гнев от нелогичности и тупости всего происходящего в игре. Но тем не менее во втором сезоне life is strange есть и плюсы, это - геймплейная и визуальная стилистика, атмосферность, красивые виды, рисование, большая свобода действий в отличий от предыдущих частей, пусть и иллюзорная и наличие 4 концовок, весьма неплохих. Но все это мелочи по сравнению с минусами игры. This is not a LiS game, the developers had a chance to create something really special but decided to completely crap on the franchise. Imagine a proper sequel the fans deserved. It This is not a LiS game, the developers had a chance to create something really special but decided to completely crap on the franchise. It beggars belief. The fans were robbed, betrayed. No one wants to play as 2 dudes, and the political correctness is big. SJW anti-Trump, left wing garbage that deserves to be deleted and thrown in the trash. Why not a story of her working for the FBI helping them to crack cases. Even I can come up with a decent synopsis that would have worked. Imagine the FBI are trying to find a serial killer, they send Max back into the past to find out who the killer is, but she gets personally involved with the victims already dead in the future and breaks the 4th wall. She was meant to witness from a distance, but ends up feeling compelled to save a victim, and now she is in danger. If she goes back to the future, her new found friend will die, can she alter the course of history for the good of all? There Dontnod, I did it for you, get on it, no need to thank me. BtS was the same, no politics round of applause for Deck9 Whoever came up that going down this path was a good idea needs firing. What a terrible waste of a huge opportunity to make it into AAA game development. A true sequel with Max would have been a major success. Another game ruined by SJW politics. I love the first one, but put the sequel away after the first episode. This game is a masterpiece. It has a fantastic story, with amazing main and side characters, and an awesome soundtrack. The number of people who are unhappy with this just shows how much we need games like this. We waited long for LiS2 and the first episode is already great. I really liked Max and Chloe but Sean and Daniel are also very great characters. The story has many different aspects and I personly think that the political aspect of the story is good. Not too much to destroy the story but the political We waited long for LiS2 and the first episode is already great. Not too much to destroy the story but the political touch give it more depth. Also, the game play is a little bit interactive than in the first game. With the first episode, Dontnod developed a good start of an intense story. A fantastic game, design, music I completely immersed myself in the story of both brother. This game takes a big leap from the first part and almostly only in positive way. It adds a lot of new mechanics, such as drawing warious landscapes, collecting souvenirs etc. This really should pay attention on this game, no matter what genres you like, I am sure it will not disappoint you. Take it, or leave it. Thank you. Not bad the first episode, I hope the rest will be the same. I understand why such a low score in the game, because the developers have removed Max and Chloe. The game is not bad, all good and positive. Music is good and well fitting. Good story with enjoyable mechanics. Well optimized. I have played the whole first episode on 4K, 60 fps which not only looks beautiful but also works surprisingly well. Also, the stereotyping thing that some people are so mad about is exaggerated stuff. For anyone wondering about buying this game, do some research, read up on many reviews and then you can decide if this game is for you or not. Eagerly waiting for next episode. In this game you have like every SJW and leftist propaganda possible. The game itself has a boring and non-inspiring story with many plotholes. I often found myself getting bored by too much unneccesary and cliche dialogue, and just wanted to push the story forwards faster. The characters behavior and decisions are totally dumb and irrational in many parts throughout the game. Graphics are okay I guess. Not bad but not really good either. There were no songs that stayed in my head, while I remember many songs from LiS 1 or Before the Storm to this day. It is a major letdown after LiS 1. LiS 1 was one of the best and most memorable games of my life, while LiS 2 is just There is no contest. Diese Verbindung auf sein klein Bruder zu achten ist richtig gut , habe mich laufend im Wald nach Daniel umgedreht weil angst hatte er geht mir verloren. Spiel ist super gelaufen keine Lags, Crashes oder sonstiges super ding Dontnod , Daumen hoch!!! The voice acting must be the absolute worst part of this narrative focused game where it should be a highlight. Game trying to be anti-racist , ends up being racist :d lol.. They would better spend more time developing that boring story rather than discuss politics LiS 2 is the worst game ever made by developers. Видимо, 'синдром Дэвида Кейджа' - профессиональное заболевание всех создателей французского интерактивного кино. Прогрессирует сей недуг из раза в раз по одному сценарию: разработчик выстреливает скромным и талантливым дебютом, после чего, распираемый ответственностью, начинает пытаться лечить души и вправлять умы, в процессе чего лопается и остаётся трепетать на ветру тенденций о боже, Видимо, 'синдром Дэвида Кейджа' - профессиональное заболевание всех создателей французского интерактивного кино. Прогрессирует сей недуг из раза в раз по одному сценарию: разработчик выстреливает скромным и талантливым дебютом, после чего, распираемый ответственностью, начинает пытаться лечить души и вправлять умы, в процессе чего лопается и остаётся трепетать на ветру тенденций о боже, какая метафора яркой, но невесомой тряпочкой. Вот и LiS2, ярко начав свою историю с катастрофы, к пятому эпизоду не только не удерживает планку, но комкает все наработки и отмахивается абсолютно никакущим финалом. Небрежные сюжетные швы решивших пройтись по всем проблемам общества сценаристов наложены небрежно и бросаются в глаза. Ближе к концу авторы спохватываются: не раскрыта тема ЛГБТ! Исправляемся: две трети финала занимает созерцание хрупкого благополучия меньшинств. Давно не встречали корыстных, жестоких сектантов? На секунду забыли, что расизм - плохо? Вот вам очередные демоны в людских обличиях. А если коротко, игра растеряла практически все достижения оригинального приключения Макс и Хлои, вплоть до музыки, которая здесь тоже никакущая. A great game, even though playing it makes me sad and angry on so many levels. While I really liked Life is Strange, Part 2 is even more intense and interesting to me. The bond between the brothers trying to cope with loss and their terrible situation makes for an intense stories. Loved it. Even though the brothers had so much to endure, and faced such evil. A good game about racism and A great game, even though playing it makes me sad and angry on so many levels. A good game about racism and what it does to people. This game is extremely boring with an inorganic story that just comes off as anti-establishment, anti-white, and anti-American. The graphics are cheap as can be, the music is uninspired, gameplay is minimal, and the voiceover is low-quality. I would only recommend LiS2 to This game is extremely boring with an inorganic story that just comes off as anti-establishment, anti-white, and anti-American. I would only recommend LiS2 to people who want to laugh at it, but ep. The game is just nasty. This illusion of choice is annoying. All dumb decisions of the heroes cannot be prevented in any way. Sometimes we are offered a choice, but the developers have already chosen everything for you, and in case of choosing the 'wrong' The game is just nasty. Sometimes we are offered a choice, but the developers have already chosen everything for you, and in case of choosing the 'wrong' option, in any case, everything will be as if you had chosen the 'right' one. For instance, our brother want to visit local market. Can we say him no? Yes, but after that he starts to whine and we agree anyways. I knew this will be fatal decision. But i couldnt prevent it. And it ruined the whole storyline. And stuff like this was all along the game. I dont like those characters, the story is really boring, SJW stuff and hypocrisy of those boys and devs is everywhere. I feel sorry for my time for this nonsense. Okay, here we go again bug my review. I love all of LIS, all games, but this one is tricky! I played, and I thought all characters who work honestly and not of color are racists. All homeless, crazy ones, and vagabonds are cool, multicultural, and people of color. All bad one characters are white, and the two guys trump through the Trump country to the Zihuatanejo. Oh, Randy, I hope you Okay, here we go again bug my review. And I saw only this point; it was a bold red line of each chapter. What did I saw at the end when I chose to go to jail? He gave 15 years for this, and after he saw the same brother who lives happily ever after, he will never come back to this. He lost it. The prison took everything from him for the better future of his brother. And after this, I see the problem with this game. Is that perfect story where one brother sacrificed everything for his young one who, in my opinion, was a little piece of crap, who killed so many people? No, we see white racism, but not the beautiful dramatic story as LIS always does. I feel so tricky. So, through all that I did in this game, now I see the story of friendship, brotherhoods, and helping hands as in the best King books. I walked through the LIS one. After a month, I occasionally saw that I could save the girl on the roof and was in shock. That is was a masterpiece! The Sean crying was a masterpiece too. This is the only reason I gave it 8. But I will never play in this game again! The story in this game is very weak. Boring and cringy. Billions of bugs like a floating beer or people getting invisible all of a sudden. Facial expressions? Never heard of. Body language is absent. Maybe the worst part is claiming inclusivity and stuff and sending kids with Mexican origin to the marijuana farm for work. It is the most racist thing they could do, especially after the redneck scene where they pointed out to all these stereotypes. Beyond disappointed. Игра заслуживает внимания! Что может показаться в начале игры - это то что игра довольно скучна, DONTNOD в этот раз решили начать зацепку и развитие сюжета чуть позже чем в прошлой части, затянув с вступлением. Но со временем вы втянетесь в игру и начнете переживать за главных героев которых жизнь потрепала не совсем по их вине. После несчастного инцидента вам передстоит не только Игра заслуживает внимания! После несчастного инцидента вам передстоит не только выживать и заботится о своем брате - который является 'особенным ребенком', но и к вам перейдут обязанности родителей - это воспитание брата. Спасибо за прочтение моего обзора Играйте только в хорошие игры! Emotional game with strong characters. Great music, natural dialogue. Really makes you think and view the world from the eyes of someone else.. On a road trip with the main characters you meet good and bad people and have to make the right calls on who to trust. Main topics are family, racism and living on the road. Beautiful scenery and classical, nostalgic life is strange-feeling. Having read most of the negative comments I can say that they either are angry that the popular characters from the first game did not come back or claim that the main characters being victims of racism is 'leftist SJW-propaganda', so if you are triggered by the existence of racism you probably should not play this game. Хз почему её все хейтят игра, классная не смотря на повесточку. I loved your first game. My love increased with the dlc that came out. I still had hope in life is strange 2 episode 1, and as we progressed, the badness of the story ruined my gaming taste. When you remove the story from the game whose only feature is the story, you have life is strange 2. Stories revolving around fictional politics and social justice is one thing, actually putting real ones in a video game? No thanks, especially not in a Life is Strange game. Characters become straight up racist against the Mexican protagonists telling them they are the reason to 'build a wall' is just quite literally the worst thing you can put in a video game. Top that deterring Stories revolving around fictional politics and social justice is one thing, actually putting real ones in a video game? Since Episode 1 is free, see for yourself. Very emotional, deep, atmosphere is top level all the time. The first 2 chapters are just boring as hell and nothing really happens. It got better in chapters fortunately and I actually got emotionally invested in the end. This game was boring! If you expect the same hype as you got from the first Life is Strange game, you would be disappointed! The soundtrack was okay but the story was weak. Немного завысил оценку, чтобы она оказалась 'зеленой'. Сделал это для того, чтобы поддержать усилия разработчиков и приободрить еще не игравших в эту игру. Я и сам был таким сомневающимся, потому что начитался плохих отзывов, обвиняющих игру в политической пропаганде, навязывании лгбт-ценностей, скуке и бог весть еще в чем. После того, как прошел, могу сказать следующее: - никакого Немного завысил оценку, чтобы она оказалась 'зеленой'. После того, как прошел, могу сказать следующее: - никакого засилья пропаганды в этой игре нет, все истерики на этот счет опираются на пару мимолетных эпизодов, которые размываются в общей истории и не являются сколько-нибудь узловыми для сюжета. Плюс флаг радужных цветов на трейлере в последнем эпизоде и короткий разговор с гей-парой. В целом игра хорошо сделана, с приятной графикой, своей особенной атмосферой, сюжет годный, а различные концовки определяются вашими выборами по ходу всей игры - это именно то, чего многим не хватило в первой игре. Теперь о минусах: - Макс и Хлоя из первой части были очень запоминающимися, каждая со всоим характером, своими тараканами, своими взглядами на мир. Братья Диаз в этом плане невнятны, полное отсутствие харизмы. И все. Сверхъестественная сила не у персонажа, которым мы управляем, а у его брата. Да и сама она не очень интересная. Это сильно подрывает интерес к игровому процессу. Справедливости ради, второй LIS ощущается масштабнее первого из-за разнообразия и широты локаций, а также раскинувшегося на несколько штатов повествования. Итог: игра заслуживает внимания и прохождения, сделано качественно, многое усовершенствовали, но сам сюжет и геймплей не вытянули до планки, заданной первой частью. В итоге впечатления после нее двойственные. Quite good, but unfortunately loses what made the first game so great. Pros : The characters grow kind of and learn from the beginning of the story The soundtrack is quite good The graphics are very nice with more diverse Quite good, but unfortunately loses what made the first game so great. Pros : The characters grow kind of and learn from the beginning of the story The soundtrack is quite good The graphics are very nice with more diverse landscapes A few side characters make the story more interesting More endings and choices than LiS1 … Expand. The story is outright disgusting. Also there is a 'cherry' on top: absolutely hideous pro-illegal immigrants agenda. Life is Strange 2 feels very different than the original, but not always in a good way. It plays at a different area, focuses on new characters and handles different topics than the original. I have to give it credit for its originality. When I played it, Life is Strange 2 feels very different than the original, but not always in a good way. When I played it, I had some fun, but now thinking about it makes me start to see its issues. It pushes its political and social agenda far too much into the viewers faces. It takes much of its fun away. I got what they were trying to do. Police brutality, cults and racism are actual and important issues in the modern world and especially in the USA, but the game went too far with its agenda. I would have prefered to see a much more grounded story without too much political ideas. I will keep it short, because I feel very conflicted about this game. It is definitely something different from the first part, because it lacks the mystical gameplay. Personally I liked the Diaz brothers very much. This is not unforgivable per se, but the plot feels forced because of that. I was very sad at the end, though I have to say none of the 4 endings are making any sense. By showing a pro immigration message they ignored that neither Mexico nor USA are law-free. The latter may have a in part stupid judicial system, but definitely not us stupid as they tried to show us here says a European. I like the art style, and the soundtrack, though one can argue it was better in the first part. As a fan of the first part you should give it a try. But you may be disappointed at the end. Essential Links. Critic Reviews All reviews ». Critic score distribution:. Positive: 6 out of Mixed: 5 out of Negative: 0 out of Game World Navigator Magazine. Riot Pixels. Unfortunately, glaring plot holes, shallow supporting characters and weak attempts at gameplay make this journey worse than it could be. Still, if you make it to the end, it is almost worth it. Read full review. The fifth and final chapter of Life is Strange 2 lets us say goodbye to the story of Sean and Daniel. See all critic reviews ».

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