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No рап ofthis book rnау Ье reproduced ог utilized iп апу \\\\\\\\\[опп ог Ьу апу rneans, е lес tгоп iс ог rnесhапiсаl , iпсllldiпg photocopying and recording ог Ь у ап у iпfогrnа tiоп storage апd retrieval вуз теш , without the w г i ttе п регrnis s iоп of Ье publisher. Muslim Conver1s Аэвос. АШih the All-Mighty says: 'Ппв day Ьауе 1 perfected уоцг religion \\\\\\\\\[ог уои and сошрlеtеd Му \\\\\\\\\[ауorироп уои and Ьаме chosen \\\\\\\\\[ог уоц ls1аш as yourreligion. Islam is сошрlеtе апо репест апо is not thereafter susceptible to ad iition ог abгogation. Being етегпа\\\\\\\\\] and uпivегsаl, the Islamic Law, which was гпапе Ьу 00 1 \\\\\\\\\[АШih\\\\\\\\\] Нiшsеlf Who knows what is best тог us цпсег аН спсшпэгапсев , is геsiliепt апп acijustabIe to the changing сопсшопз of tiше and рlасе. ТЬе репесноп of Is1am is шапifеst in the fact that Оод \\\\\\\\\[АШih\\\\\\\\\] has тпаое it reign зцргегпе and ргеуа\\\\\\\\\]\\\\\\\\\] омег other геligiопs. Не has also cho sen \\\\\\\\\[О1' them ls1аш as tl1eirreligion because it is the Тгшп, апс тог this reason Не wi11 not accept апу other \\\\\\\\\[eligion Ьш Islam. Islam gives its followers happiness in this world апо etemal bliss il1 the life to соте. Islam simply гпеапз total submission to the Will ofАШih. No falsehood сап арргосп it from before ог after it: it is set dоwп Ьу пте Аll-Wise, Wortl1yofаН praise. Тпеге is по ошег book, religious ог otl1erwise, whicll has Ьееп given this unparalleled саге iп гесогdеd history. The Оцгап is now availabIe iп its огigiпаl \\\\\\\\\[опп withollt сhапgе of апу kiпd. Oneness of the Lord Tslam calls to the beliefthat the Creator ofthe uпivегsе is Опе апd Unique without апу partners. His пашге is so sublime that it is гаг beyond ош limited сопсерtiопs. Не is поt а теге abstract of рпйоворпу. Не is the Егегпа\\\\\\\\\], without Ьеgiппiпg ог end, тле Absolute, Who is not liited Ьу шпе ог place ог сiгсumstапсе. Nопе лав tlle rigl1t to Ье wогsmрреd except Him. His Кnowled ge ехtепds to еvегуtmllg з е е п and цпзееп , рге вепг апо future, пеаг апd гаг. His Сгасе and Мегсу аге ппооппсес. Апсi 11С Iшs fllll kпоwlссlgс ofall tI1iпgs. Glогу Ьс о A1Jal1! Птеу аппэшс falscly witllOlIt krlOvlcdgc sопs апо саllgl1tсгs to Him. Не сгеагсо all tl1il1gs, агк! So wогsl1iр Him \\\\\\\\\[Аlопс\\\\\\\\\]. Апеl Нс паз 11С powcI' о disposc оГ all аffаiгs. It significs that there is Опе Supremc Lord ofthc univcrsc. Unity pervades the whole universe. This сап Ье seen in their utter submission to His Will. The perpetual succession of day and night in the most orderly manner; the course ofthe sun, the тооп and the mighty stars ; the ceaseless altemation ofthe four seasons; the functiol1ing of the whole universe inc1uding its most subtle elements in the most precise and systematic manner. А mind whose ceaseless creative activity the processes of nature -is but ап outward гпаппезг ап оп! We witness а superbly f1awless рlап in the universe; сап it Ье without а Ргапп ег? We see оvеrwhеlш iпg beauty and h агшопу iп its wогk iпg , сап they Ье without а Сгеатог? We observe beautiful iпtгiсаtе dеsigпs in nature; сап it Ье without а Designer? We \\\\\\\\\[е е\\\\\\\\\] а lofty purpose in physical апd huшап ехistепсе; сап it Ье without а Will workiпg Ьеhiпd it? We find that the uпiv егs е is like а з пр е г о гу wгittеп, fа sсiпаtiпg аdvепtuге , сап it Ье without ап Ашлог? WllO Ьаз made tlle earth а resting place for уоц and the sky а сапору and sent down rain from the Ьеамепв, апо А Glimpse at the Beauty ofIslam Не has pгo vid ed \\\\\\\\\[шгпап beil1gs with all the песеззагу pгoofsш the цпгуегэе апd witllil1 themselves so that it Ь е с огп е з шапifеst to тл егп that Не is the true God, апd th егеfоге they should vогshiр Him апсl di s сhагgе theiI' duty tоw агd s Hirn iп the best possible тпапп ег, His sigпs аге sсаttегеd еvегуwhеге , w i thiп ошsеlvеs and iп the еп tiге шпм егз е. Sошеtiтеs Не dгаw s ош аttспtiоп to thc Рппстр! А Ь еоошп who lived пт the heart of the desert was о псе asked: 'Wlшt is уо ц г емсепсе of the existence of АШih? With some editing. А Glimpse at the Beauty оПslаm What about the sky and its mighty constellations, the mountains and their passes and the oceans and their great waves, do these not testify to the existence of the Omnipotent, Wise God? At other times Не лпгосцсез the faclllty of the лпейест and insig11t iпtо the amazing creation of the Ьеа-еп в and the гпагсеюпв objects they contain: А Glimpse at the Beauty ofIslam Agail1 шгп уоцг visiol1 а sссопd пгпе: уоцг sig1lt wi11 \\\\\\\\\[оп1у\\\\\\\\\] гепцп о уоц соп fLlsed агк! It is ош powers that wc shall find fai1 to go beyond а certain limit. This Verse, as wel1 as others, a1so invites цв to study and observe the ехtегпаl wor1d as пшппегу as оцг powers wil1 al1ow. А Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam At certain times Не calIs оцг attention to ponder оп t11e еапл and the various р\\\\\\\\\]апts it contains: 'Апё iп the earth а ге diver5e tracts, аdjо iпiпg опе another, апd gardens of viпеs and fields sоw п wit11 согп and ра1т trees, growing out of s iпg1е гоотз ог otheгwis e ; Птеу аге watered with the same water, yet some of them We make тоге exce11ent than отп егв to eat. Therein, veri1y, аге s igп s \\\\\\\\\[от а реор1е who uпdегstапd. The Оцгап is replete witll Ьеашцп! Апс among His sigпs is т ле сгеаtiоп oftlle Ьеамепз апе Пте еапп, апё Пте мапапопя \\\\\\\\\[п уоцг lаl1gшgсs апd уо цг союгз. То Hi belol1gs емегу Ьеiпg tlшt is Пте пеауепв and tl1e еапл. А' аге devolltly оЬеdiепt О Нiш. Sllcl1 is the сгеаtiоп of АШil1. Nay, Ьш пте tгапsgгеssогs аге iп гпаппевт еггог. Не сацвез tl1e liviпg to isslle \\\\\\\\\[гогп пте dead. Апё Не is тпе Опе to cause the dead to issue \\\\\\\\\[гогп tl1e living. It is А Glimpse at the Beauty of lslam 16 Не Wlю шаkеs тпе stars \\\\\\\\\[as Ьеасопв\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ог уоц, tllat уоц гпау gllide yourselves, witll their help, throllgll tile dark spaces о\\\\\\\\\[ lal1d апо sea. We detail Оцг sigl1s \\\\\\\\\[ог people wlю kпоw. It is Не Wlю lшs produced you fгош а sil1g1e зоц\\\\\\\\\] : птеп шеге is а гсstiпg place апd а геровпогу. We dctail Оцг sigпs \\\\\\\\\[от people wlю нпdегstапd. It invites us to contemplate how the kingdoms and empires that were опсе f10urishing brought about their own ruin as а гезцп of their disobedience to the Law ofАl1аЬ: сп О. ABi:i11 brought utter dеstгuсtiоп ироп гпегп, апd вппйаг \\\\\\\\\[fates await\\\\\\\\\] tlюsе who геjесt АШil1. Vсгilу ш t\\\\\\\\\]13t аге sigпs. WOllld Птеу поt тпеп Пвгеп? Pharaoh was а у егу stubbol11 and сгце \\\\\\\\\] oppressor who епs lаvеd the Israelites and refused to accept the truth that Moses рге s епtеd to him аlоп g with other numerous clear signs. The Ошвп says ofhim when Ье was. J ео с:. The шаtегiа ргезепсе of the шuшшifiеd body of the тап who knew Moses and resisted his peas is still with us. The stories that the Оцгап шепtiопs , аге not шеапt for entertainment but for reflection. Не has not created anything without а purpose: 'Апd We created t the пеамеп and еапп апd all tl1at between шегп, witlt рцгрозе! All:lh has а serious purpose behind it: '1 l1ave created t Пте jiПI1 апо гпапкпк! Мапу people nowadays il1cluding some Muslims think that worship is limited 10 religious rialsonlysuchas рга уег, charity and fasting. This rather dis10rted meaning of worship has по place iп lslam. Sil1cethe teachingsofIslamencompass а11 aspects oflife, а 11 human acts аге deemed acts of worship if they аге done for Alh alone and in accordance with His Divine Law and the teachings of His Last Messenger. The Ргорпегй says: 'Аспопз агс Ьу \\\\\\\\\[пгсппопв. Neither slumЬеглог sleep overtakes Him. Islam is а уегу sirnple religion with а very clear and sirnple set ofbeliefs and practices. It is also а мегу easy religion. IlS 11imsclf \\\\\\\\\[п 11is 1'Сligiоп villllot Ье ablc 10 соппппе ill at уау. Ьш try 10 Ье пеаг 10 репесноп Saldt \\\\\\\\\[ргауег\\\\\\\\\] in Is! А Muslim is required to perform аЫutiоп Ьу wаshiпg some parts ofhis ог her body with water. This requirement, however, сап uпdег certain circumstances Ье substituted with Тауаттит, ог the wipil1g оуег the \\\\\\\\\[асе апd hands with с! Wl1el1 уоц ппсгп! But if уои аге i1l, ог а \\\\\\\\\[оцгпеу, ог апу отуоц согпез \\\\\\\\\[гогп al1swering tllC са1l от пашге , ог уоц l1avC Ьесп \\\\\\\\\[п соптасг witll А Glimpse а т the Beauty of Islam 25 АШih says: 'Вш if опе is forced Ьу песеззпу, withollt willtu1 disobedience, пог trasgressil1g опе 1imits, тпеп Ье is glliltless. Мцвйгпэ\\\\\\\\\] аге ехсцвес Гог \\\\\\\\\[шппгеппопаг\\\\\\\\\] еггог. It extends оуег the entire spectrum of! Itdoes not allow а hierarchy of priests ог intermecliaries between God and human beings, по far-fetched abstractions, and по comp! Everybody сап readi! These instructions provide us with аН тпе detai! The Prophetic traditions go as таг as showing us а\\\\\\\\\]! This is the reason why it is not оп! А Glimpse а! No раппет Ьав Нс: tl1is агп Iсопппапоео. The expression А Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam 29 These шiгасlеs were confined to their tiше and the place where they were sent. Moses had а rod which, when he threw it, would ппп into а snake. Не did this in the presence of the Pharaoh to ргоме to hiш and to his шаgiсiапs that he was truly sent fгош God. They crossed оп foot while Pharaoh, who саше in ршвшг with his troops, was оvеrw11еlшеd Ьу the sea. Не and his шеп all perished wl1ile Moses and his followers safely crossed the sea. JeSllS Chri st, son of Магу, who had а пшасшоцв birth, was also supported with certain шiгасlеs, which were restricted to his tiше. Не would also сцге the blind and the lepers, raise the dead and infonn Н1е people ofwhat they ate and stored in thei! It speaks elearly апd guides to the right path. It is stгаight, elear апd цпоегвгапсао\\\\\\\\\]е. А Gliшрsе at the Beauty of Islam 31 Islam stгеssеs тоdегаtiоп in eveгything and сотшапds its fоllоwегs to eschew а11 ехtга vаgапсеs in апу diгесtiоп. It takes deep iпtегеst in the зршша! It сотшапds its fоwегs to ргераге themselves \\\\\\\\\[ог the Негеаftег while at the same time lawft. Fо llо v i пg Пт е шidсllе course iп worsllip is tJle best altematiуе as well as the пашга\\\\\\\\\] way of' disсhагgiпg оц г duties 10wards оц г Creator. So whoever пппз away тгогп ту way \\\\\\\\\[oflife\\\\\\\\\] is пот ofте. They sc strike а perfect1y jl1st гпеазцге between Пте two ехтгегпез. The Satan \\\\\\\\\[е11 Ьу his iпgгаtitнdе А С й гпрве а! Vcrily sрспd tl1Г i fts аге Ьгошегв of Sаtап. Апd thc Sаtап is еус г uпgга tе! А fcw тогsеls wOl1ld Ье sllfficiet тог птсгп о kccp зоц! Do поt excccd tlle limits set iп уоцг ,'cligiOll, пог say of Allal1 апуйпп\\\\\\\\\]; Ьш пю ггшп. His Wогс! Islam brought Кnowledge when the whole world was engulfed in utter ignorance. Iп the Name оfуошLогdWhоhas created \\\\\\\\\[аН that exists\\\\\\\\\]. Не пав сгеаtеd тап \\\\\\\\\[гот а clot \\\\\\\\\[а piece of thick coaglllated blood\\\\\\\\\]. Не lшs tallght тап tlшt whicl1he knew not. It awakened in тап the faculty of thinking and шgеd him to wогshiр the true God. The еагlу gепегаtiоп of Muslims Ьесате in а тпапег of а few уеагs а nation knowledgeable in religious as well as in worldly matters, after having groped in the darkness of ignorance \\\\\\\\\[ог centuries. Ieplll оГ tl1e occans seek tогgivспсss 10I' Ilim. Beneficial тешрога! When the еапу Мusliшs understood this fact, they excelled аll отлег nations and сапiеd the torch of knowledge Гог шапу сепшпев. As TW. Wallbank and А. Well-equipped hospitals, usually associated with mcdical schools, were locatcd in the principal greatest ofаll physicians was the 9th century figure AlRazi, known in the West as Rhazes. Не was the author of scores of scientific works, including а сошргеhепsivе шеdiсаl encyclopaedia and а pioneering handbook оп smallpox and measles. А 10th century physkian, Амтсеппа, согпрйеё а 11Uge Саппоп 0. Iшрогtапt advances were шаdе in a1gebra, analytica1 citics. At а time when superstition still hampered the practice of medicine in westeгn countries, Muslim physicians were diagnosing diseases, prescribing cures and регтопппп; advanced surgery Probably the А G li шрsе а! Апе г аП. А стовег k at the rв1ings of Is1am wi11геуеа! Is1am caHs to nobi1ity, truthfu1ness, chastity, justice, fu1filling the covenant, safeguarding trusts, disp1aying kindness to orphans and the роог, maintaining neighbor1iness, honoring the guest and enjoying the lawfu1 wOl'1d1y р1еаsшеs in тпооегапоп. It cal1s to righteouness and piety, and forbids SiIl and ггапвягеввюп. Iп а word, it calls to аll that brings about happiness and fOl'bids аН that is bound to trigger \\\\\\\\\[озз and ruin. Is1am provides а better a1temative тог еасЬ and еуегу thing it has declal'ed fOl'bidden and unlawful. Divination Ьу апоws \\\\\\\\\[for ascertaining 1ucky ог un1ucky moments ог whether опе shou1d undertake certain actions ог not\\\\\\\\\] паз Ьееп superseded Ьу another form of Salat \\\\\\\\\[ргауег\\\\\\\\\], namely SalatulJstikharah. In this ргауег опе sincerely prays 10 АШih, the Omniscient and Wise, 10guide him to what is beneficia1 and keep him away \\\\\\\\\[гот wha1 тау Ье harmfu1. Тпеу devote tЬеmsеlvеs completely to Him and totally sllbmit to His Will, seeking His Ьеlр to keep tЬеm оп the straigllt path, that of tЬе оемлп апd the рюцв , агк\\\\\\\\\] to gнard them against the рагп of those who паме gопе astray А Glimpse а! When they геасп the climax of wогshiр dшiпg Saldt, and шеп heaгts аге deeply ппоцег\\\\\\\\\] with awe and гсуегепсе, tl1ey ргоьггаге Ьеfоге Him , placing the most hопогеd рап of the body оп the Поог, showing gгеаt эшэппззюп and humility. The ехсеllепсе of Sa! When they perform it iп сопцгеяалоп, they establish strong social rclationships with отпсгв апd thcy stl'engthen these Ьготпепу ties witl1 эцсп qнalities as love, tendemess, гезресг агк! Modc о. It assumes а re! There is по ready еquivа! It does пот оп! The word is сотргеhепsivе and iпс! As Hamudah Abdu! Nor is it simp! It combines with all these \\\\\\\\\[meanings\\\\\\\\\] God-mindedness and spiritua! That is why there сап Ье по equiva! It is а clear expression of affection tоwагds the роог and the needy, which he! А Glimpse at the Beauty of lslam It also purifies the heart of the recipient \\\\\\\\\[ют епуу, jealousy and hatred, and fosters in his heart goodwill towards the contributor. It instills in the believers generosity, and purifies their heart \\\\\\\\\[ют being sel\\\\\\\\\[eentered and greedy \\\\\\\\\[от wealth. It is а рапасеа to тапу social cvils and а sure еше тог being stingy. The object ofZakiit is to provide relief\\\\\\\\\[ог the distressed апd ргогпопоп of the welfare of the есопотiсаllу less \\\\\\\\\[avored эеспопз о\\\\\\\\\[ the согпгпцппу. It also discourages the hоагdiпg of топеу and commodities, and thus епзцгез а brisk спсшапоп ofboth,resulting in а пеаппу сеопоту. It does по! It sccks to Ьгiпg аоош equitable аdjustшспt in tlle distribution оЕ we altll throHgh tlle Zak6t. Тhгоugh тпсзс тпсапз , it ргоvidеs for the есопошiс ргозрсгпу оЕа11 sections oftlle peoplc. Fasting is prescribed to уоц as it was prescribcd to тпозе bcfore уоц, tlшt уоц гпау Ьесогпе рюцв. It also helps th сш develop the virtue of displaying affection towards the р о ог and tlle distressed; wh en о пе obscrves fа stiпg апd uпdсгgое s the pangs of huпgег, опе actually геш ешЬег s the сопditi оп а п d distress of the рсог. Fаst iпg also develops the м а Гц аЫе qu alit y оГ р ап еп се апd пшшгез а gentle and \\\\\\\\\[огЬ еагiпg Fаstiпg iп Isl аш is есц а\\\\\\\\\] iп patience, and рапепсе iп its tum is есца! Besid es а11 тпе аЬоуе Ьепеtlts it is also ап actofworship that testifies to total зцоппвзюп апс оЬеdiепсе to АШi l1. Th e А Glil11pse at thc В еаш у о\\\\\\\\\[ Islal11 Опе lesson tl1at fasting teaches us is that а person who abstains fют the use of permissible things during the fast should оп по account indulge пт that which is рюhiЫ tеd. Indeed, the month of Рагпаоап is analogous to ап educational institution, which nurtures virtue and picty. For when а Мпзйгп fasts he not only abstains fюm food, drink and lawful sexual intercourse but also tries hard, to the best of 11is ability, to slшп аН evil actions that аге bound to inva1idate his fast. Н Ш IРilg. На purifies the soul and nurtures such поЫе qualities as generosity, fortitude and шоdеstу. Тlюsе who регfогш it аге сошшапdеd to avoid all fonns of wickedness and observe patience and perseverance. So wlюсvсг шгепёв to регтопп it тпеге. Distапсеs атс аппih ilаtеd; divcrgenccs ofгасе and color аге set aside in this тгагегппу of faith that цппез all Мцвйгпв iп опе great Ьготпегпооо. Мusliш s \\\\\\\\\[ее\\\\\\\\\] they аге all оп equal footing. На also providcs а good occasion to travel in the land to find out about its people and their сu stошs апd tгаditiоп s апd a1 so to Liiscover the lalld от гемегапоп э where тапу Prophets andMessengers called totheworship ofAllah агопе. На also provides а good occasion to travel in the \\\\\\\\\[агк\\\\\\\\\] to fiпd ош about its people and their сustошs and traditions and А Glimpse а! На a1so reminds those who регfогш it of the Day of Resurrection when аН лшпап beings wiH stand equa1 before the Lord of the wor1ds \\\\\\\\\[ог judgment, barefooted, naked and uncircumcised. For оп е cannot provide sucl1 provisions except in this уегу 1ife. For опсе we assume the state of lIzraт \\\\\\\\\[а state in which опе is prohibited to practice certain deeds that аге lawful at other times. This теге thought ргогпргз us to stгi vе hагd in ргерагапоп тог the Негеаftег. А Glil11psC а! The importance ofremembering death is extremely great and уегу beneficial. Its benefits аге countless. No опе will escape death and al1 mankind will eventual1y stand before АШih \\\\\\\\\[ог reckoning. Еог Пте life of tJlis world is Ьш goods апd сJшttеls of dссерtiоп. Life is Ьш а period ofprobation after which еуегуопе will see what he has done. Remembering death certainly l1elps lIS mend оцг ways апс try оцг best to work righteous good deeds and ward off evil actions. Were all human beings aware of the manifold benefits of геmеmЬегiпg death, justice would сеrtаiпlу Ье easy to аоппшвгег and реасе and progress would dеfiпitеlу prevail. It serves to raise mankind \\\\\\\\\[гот the class ofanimals, which аге devoid ofthe faclllty of inte11ect. They аге like cattle; пау, тпе у аге еvеп тоге astray. They аге iпсlесd qllite пеесйе зв. Ifthey аге granted victory оуег their епегпу, they will raise the f1ag оfТГl1th high; оп the other Ьапс, ifthey аге slаiп in the stгuggle, they will certainly attain the tгuе reallife, to which the transient life in this world is but а shadow. Nay, they аге alive, fiпdiпg sustепапсе погп t11eiI' Lогd. The Оцгйп says: 'Апd figl1t птегп оп lll1til гпеге is по гпоге регзесшюп апd tlle гсligiоп is \\\\\\\\\[fгееlу ргогеввес\\\\\\\\\] тог Allah. Perhaps it is appropriate to гпеппоп here the fact that I s1аш А Gliшрsе at the Beauty of Islam , , As а шаttег of fact, сошрulsiоп is iпеошраtiЫе with Islаш beeause I slаш depends upon faith and sеlf-dеtепniпаtiоп and шегетоге would Ье шеапiпglеs s if it is indueed Ьу foree. Also supporting this is as ifthat Allah establishes choiee not Гогсе as цте way of differentiating betweentruth andfalsehood. They have found its principles straightforward and its all-inclusive teachings practica! Let us k at some ofwhat these реорlе have said. German socia! Iп the course of this effort, it dаwпеd оп те that the typica! Мап simp! The сгеаtеdпеss of what exists агоцпо lIS is obviolls; that Is! As of today 1 ат а I А Glimpse at the Beauty of lslam. But the feelings 1had while standing оп Mount Arafat оп the day ofthe На \\\\\\\\\[Мusliш pilgrimage\\\\\\\\\] was the most unique. It was ап exhilarating experience to see people belonging to different colors, races and nationalities; kings, l1eads of states and ordinary шеп fгош very роог countries, al1 clad in two simple white sheets praying to АШlh withollt апу sense ofeither pride or inferiority. It was а practical manifestation of the concept of the equality ofIslam. What was it that attracted уои particularly? А Gliшрsе at the Beauty of Islаш 56 Islаш appears to гп е like а perfeet work of агсппесшге. There шight have Ь ееп , along with it, other iшргеssiопs also whiell tod ay it is diffieult юг гпе to апаlуzе. After all , it was а гп ап ег of1ove; апd love is еошроsеd оfшапу thiпg s ; of оur desires and оur loneliness, ofоur I1ighаiш s and оur s hоrtеошi п gs, of оur stгепgth апd оur wеаkпеs s. So it was in пт у ease. I slаш еаше оуег гпе like а гоЬЬег who enters а Ьоцве Ьу пight; but, unlike а гоЬЬег, it епгегео to гегп атп \\\\\\\\\[о г good. Hobohm says: 'Whydo WesternersembraceJslam? There аге vаг iоus reasons тог it. Гп the first plaee, truth always пав its \\\\\\\\\[огсе. The basie tепеts of 1s1аш аге so rational, so п ашг а! Bawany, рр. А Glirnpse at tl1e Beauty of Islarn Then the idea of Ше апег death шгпэ the tabIes. Life in this wогld is по \\\\\\\\\[опяег the тпаш objective, апо а great рап of оиг Ьшпап energy is devoted to the Ь еttеппелt ofouг Негс апог. Fаithiл тле Day оfJudgешепtаutошаtiсаllуspurs а гпап to give ир шisdееds, тог good decds агопе сал ensuгe eternal salvation, although wrong deeds гпау prosper here \\\\\\\\\[ог а liшitеd period. The belief that попе сап eseape the eonsequenees оГ the judgшепt of а Just, lmpartial and Ошпisеiепt Lord makes опе thil1k twiee before опе does al1ythil1g wrong апс surely this ппегпа! Another thing that attraets foreigl1ers to lslаш is its emphasis оп toleranee. Then the claily prayers teaeh опе рцпсшайгу and the опе-шопth fasting enables опе to exereise self-eontrol, and without doubt punctuality and self-disciplil1e аге two of the most ппропапт attributes ofа good тап and а great тап. Now eomes the real асшеуешепт оflslаш. А Мцвйгп knows tllat, wllегеvег he is, he is being obseгved Ьу God. Тllis belief keeps him away from sin. As тап is паtшаllу inc1ined towards gооdпеss, Islam also offers реасе оГ mind апd l1eart-and tllis is wl1at is totally аЬsепt from the Westem society oftoday. Согппшшзгп паэ its attractions, so has весшаг democracy and Nazism. Вш попе has got а complete code ofa поЫе life. Опlу Islam Ьав it, and tl1atis why good теп етЬгасе it. Islam is пот tl1eoretical; it is practical. Islam is пот dераrtтепtаl affair; it теапs complete впоппзвюпto the will ofGod. It Ьаз wanned ту зоц! How logical! I slаш is so шоdеm , so applicable to the world today. Later I саше to realize tlblt Ьеге was а faith broad as huшапitу itself, ready \\\\\\\\\[о г the guidапсе ofrich and роor alike апd able to break down all barriers ofcreed and союг. Rockwell writes: 'Тл е siшрliсitу of I slаш, the power1lJl арреаl and the соmреlliпg аtmо sрhеге of its mosques, the eamestness of its faithful followers, tlle confidence inspiring realization of шilliопs tlHougllOut the world who апswег the five daily call s to ргауег, these factors attracted гпе погп the tirst. But after 1 had dеtегшiпеd to Ьесогпе а follower of Islam, 1 fоuпd гпапу deeper геаsопs тог сопfiгшiпg пту dесisiоп. The шеllоw 1 ibid. The mosque is а рlасе of quiet contcmplation and sclfeffacement in thc grcater rca1ity of tl1e God. The democracy of Islam has always арреагео to те. Potentate and раирег have the same rigl1ts оп the floor of the mosque, оп their knees in humble worship. There аге по rented pews or зресга! The Muslim accepts по тап as mediator betwecn himself and his God. Не goes direct to the invisible sourcc of crcation and life, God , without reliancc оп а А Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam 61 The universal brotherhood of Islam, regardless of гасе, politics, соlor or country, has Ьееп brought home to гпе шоst keenly гпапу tiшеs in ту life, and tl1is is another feature which drew гпе towards t11e Faith. Маhаtша Gandhi, for instance, writes in Young lndian, '1Ьесаше гпоге than еуег convinced that it was not the sword that won а place for Islаш in those days in the scheme oflife. Itwas the rigid s iшрliс i tу, the utter selfепасегпепг of the Prophet, the всгцршоцэ regard \\\\\\\\\[ог his pledges, l1is intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his absolute trust in God and his own шissiоп. These, and not the sword carried everything before thеш and surшоuпtеd еуегу trouble. Michener writes in the Reader :S Digest, under the 1 ibid. Вrowпе writes iп The Prospects ofIslam: ' Iпс idепtаllу these well-established facts dispose of the idea 50widelyfosteredinChristianwritings about the Мцзйтп э that wh erever they wепt, forced реорlе to ассер т Islamatthepointofthe sword. What Islall1 preaches is опе tl1ing and wl1at so тапу Muslims nowadays practice is SОll1еth iпg else. The опl у way whereby we do justice 10 Tslam is 10 find ош abou1 its поЫ е teacllings 1 ibid. The famous popular singer Cat Stevens WllO later embraced Islam о п се observed: 'It will Ье wrong to judge Islam in tl1e light of the behavior of some Ь асl Muslims who аге always shown оп the media. It is like judging а сат as а bad оп е if the driver is drunk апё 11е bangs it with the wall. Islam guides all human beings in daily life -in its spiritual, mental andphysicaldimensions. Then we сап see the iclea of Islam. Лs Maurice Bucaille put it: 'The totally erroneous statements made а оош Islam in the West ат е sometimes the result of ignorance, and sometimes ofsystematic denigration. The гпозт зепопв ofall the lшtГLlth s told about it а ге however those dealing with facts \\\\\\\\\[от while mistaken opinions ате excusable, the presentation of facts пшппц; contrary to reality is not. It is clisturbing to read blatant шпгшл з in eminently respectable works written Ьу authors who а ркюп а те highly qLlablied. А Gliшрsе at the Веашу о! You just clipped your first slide! 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