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On 25 January many Georgians are expected to hit the streets in protest for 8 years prison sentence handed down by the Georgian court to Giorgi Giorganashvili for the possession 0. Giorganashvili claims the drugs were planted to exert pressure. On 6 January the venerated Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church has included the call for humanizing the repressive drug policies in his Christmas Epistle. The top level politicians from President to the Justice Ministry officials responded with a choir of approval. Something important is afoot: a marginal issue only five years ago, reversal of repressive drug policy has become the mainstream policy premise, but as the latest outcry shows, much remains to be done. It has been massive, dedicated and social media savvy. It has been known as the White Noise Movement, and perhaps it is a precursor of the new type of policy campaign. A string of court victories In May Beka Tsikarishvili musician, filmmaker and photographer was arrested for possession of 70 grams of cannabis. In , the Constitutional Court of Georgia has ruled that possession of less than 70 grams of cannabis should not be punishable by imprisonment. In the further Constitutional Court ruling in a separate case stated that the private use of cannabis is not criminally punishable by prison term. The monthly court statistics showed that approximately one third of convictions were for drug-related offenses, usually involving youth and implying prison terms. The first positive ruling by the Constitutional Court helped lift the spirits of the campaigners and encouraged them to step up the efforts. In November , the activists behind the initial campaign launched the White Noise Movement, a platform that aimed at shifting focus from a rather a personal story of Beka towards the issue of reversing repressive drug policy. Video manifesto issued by the White Noise Movement in November framed their agenda in civil rights terms. By using charged messages, holding press conferences and discussions, and capitalizing on success of the previous campaign in the social media, the movement quickly gained visibility. Starting , it has also proven that no longer confined to social media, it could mobilize crowds in the streets for the cause. Referring to widespread accusations that the police would plant drugs on suspects as a pretext of arrest, the White Noise activists said the drug repression policies were a tool for repressing underprivileged Georgians. People addicted to drugs and drug consumers are demonized, they live under stigma and stereotypes White Noise Movement is their voice. Taking to the streets In June , White Noise Movement held a massive and widely publicized rally in Tbilisi against repressive drug policy, attracting massive crowds. The protest was exceptional as it was not linked to a partisan political agenda, neither headed by a political movement. Abzianidze, was stopped by the police and reportedly forced to take a drug test, dying soon after release. Protestors said his death was caused by diuretic pills that police forced him to take. But unlike many other Tbilisi-based social movements, the White Noise staged rallies outside the capital as well. These were liked to suicide of year old Demur Sturua, from rural Samtredia municipality. His family said local policeman pressured and beat Sturua to reveal drug users in his village, which reportedly led to suicide, as confirmed by the contents of the suicide note. The policeman in question was suspended and voluntarily surrendered to justice. He was subsequently acquitted by the court. The rappers made a video ridiculing the police and put it on YouTube, triggering the outrage of police officials. In June , the protesters hit the streets again in protest for detention of Birja Mafia. Outrage was large enough to force the Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili to react. One of the rappers was released in the investigation phase, due to lack of evidence. The investigation regarding the second rappers case, as well as regarding the claims of police malpractice is still ongoing. But it has also worked to build coalitions and lobby for legislative change. More liberal drug policy, including de-criminalization of soft drugs and treatment, rather than imprisonment of hard drug addicts can bring ten thousand people out of prisons and back with their families, the Movement claims. Advocacy is still backed with visible media and social presence. On 10 December , the White Noise held a concert to back the legislative changes. Around 20 local hip-hop artists performed for the concert-cum-protest. The combination of traditional street protests with social media-driven flash mobs, high level of presence in traditional media presence, by bringing its message to the capital as well the regions, by engaging youths as well as their parents, by talking to elite as well as fringe groups - the White Noise is a trailblazer in driving a new generation of political and advocacy campaign in Georgia. Even more impressively, it has eschewed political tagging, even though its cause was taken on by some parties, such as Girchi — a fringe but highly visible, liberal and social media-savvy outlet. Towards new politics? Youth-led social movements are growing in Georgia. The White Noise protests brought together diverse crowd which usually keeps its distance from traditional partisan cleavages. Protesting drug policy, they found their agenda, framed in the language of civic freedoms. Recently shown ability of the Georgian youth social movements do mobilize and collaborate across the divides may show us a glimpse of the new politics. In many ways, the White Noise campaign has already generated an important momentum for change. But the battle is not won yet. There are strong voices in the Georgian parliament and in police establishment that fear decriminalization of drugs. The year will show whether they will bring their campaign to legislative conclusion. But whatever the outcome, the White Noise already made history. It remains to be seen which movement will try to replicate their success, and what would be their preferred topic. Daily News Online. About Civil. Eng Geo Rus. Last updated: - 1 May. From White Noise to Public Voice. Latest News 01 May. We Have Moved to a New Platform. Givi Chichinadze will represent Vani and Khoni single-mandate constituency in the Parliament of Georgia. Bidzina Ivanishvili will be approved as the Georgian Dream party chairman at the upcoming convention. The parliamentary human rights committee decided to set up a working group for scrutinizing the draft law. New Abkhaz Government Head Appointed. None of the countries of the former Soviet Union except the Baltics are ranked ahead of Georgia. About Civil Georgia Civil.

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Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. A strong international research crew on board the Akademik Treshnikov , a Russian research vessel chartered for the voyage, will collect a variety of marine data for studies on the impact of climate change in the Southern Ocean. Swedish philanthropist Frederik Paulsen, founder of Ferring Pharmaceuticals, is the main sponsor of the expedition, which has been organized by the newly established Swiss Polar Institute in Lausanne. Replica of ice-age cave opens in France A replica of Lascaux, a cave in southwestern France that is famous for its galleries of ice-age paintings , opened its doors to the public on 15 December. The original cave has been closed to visitors since , after heavy tourist traffic caused the stunning paintings, estimated to be 18, years old, to deteriorate. The first replica of the cave, which opened in , featured just the two main galleries. Eczema activity On 14 December, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the first new drug to treat eczema — a chronic inflammation of the skin that causes severe itching — in more than a decade. The drug, an ointment called Eucrisa crisaborole , inhibits the protein phosphodiesterase 4 and was developed by Anacor Pharmaceuticals of Palo Alto, California. Two days later, Swiss drug-manufacturing giant Novartis announced its intention to buy a separate company, Ziarco in Sandwich, UK, which is developing an oral eczema treatment that targets a histamine receptor. Novartis did not disclose how much it was paying for the company. On 15 December, the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority announced that clinics can start to apply for licences to conduct limited trials of the technique, which aims to prevent mothers from passing on mutations in cellular organelles called mitochondria. The move makes the United Kingdom the first country to explicitly permit the controversial therapy. To strengthen UK science, the committee recommends finding opportunities to establish at least one new international research facility, and offering compelling research-funding and settlement packages to attract top talent from around the world. Perry pictured governed Texas from to and sought the Republican presidential nomination in As governor, he supported fossil-fuel production, and questioned the science underlying climate change. Critics have voiced concern over his lack of scientific or technical background. In , he proposed eliminating the energy department. Despite his ties to the fossil-fuel industry, the share of energy production from renewables in Texas increased substantially during his term as governor. Trump has also reportedly selected Montana congressman Ryan Zinke to head the Department of the Interior, which oversees federal public lands, natural resources and Native American programmes. Like Perry, Zinke has expressed doubt over human-induced climate change. He has voted in favour of coal extraction and oil and gas drilling. Both nominations will need confirmation by the Senate. Hicheur had previously been jailed in France for alleged terrorism offences — a conviction strongly disputed by him and his colleagues — and after his release in had restarted his research career in Brazil. He was mysteriously deported from Brazil in July. Having renounced his French nationality in October, the Franco-Algerian physicist intends to fly to Algeria within two weeks. French authorities have agreed to lift the house arrest on his departure day. No Stamina The Republic of Georgia has banned controversial stem-cell entrepreneur Davide Vannoni from working in the country. In March last year, Vannoni was convicted in Italy on charges of conspiracy and fraud for administering unproven stem-cell therapies in that country, but his sentence was suspended on the condition that he halt his procedures. In October, Italian prosecutors investigated allegations that his Stamina Foundation was offering treatments again, in Tbilisi. Mini accelerator Physicists are a step closer to creating a miniature particle accelerator, it was announced on 14 December. But tests in its initial week of operation showed for the first time that pulses of protons can generate the wave of plasma needed to do just that. Harnessing the effect, which had previously been seen only in simulations, could eventually lead to smaller, cheaper particle accelerators. The sublease ruling stems in part from a legal challenge from Native Hawaiians, some of whom say that the TMT will desecrate sacred land. The telescope has a back-up site in the Canary Islands if it cannot be built in Hawaii. The agency has approved 19 new drugs so far this year, its lowest annual tally in nearly a decade. The FDA attributed the decline to fewer submissions and the approval of five drugs ahead of schedule in Source: National Science Foundation. Tweet Follow NatureNews. Reprints and Permissions. Ice-age paintings, eczema drug and a Principia first edition. Nature , — Download citation. Published : 21 December Issue Date : 22 December By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Advanced search. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature. Download PDF. Subjects Business Policy. The week in science: 16—22 December The new replica of the Lascaux cave paintings opened on 15 December in Montignac, France. Credit: Source: FDA. Additional information Tweet Follow NatureNews. Rights and permissions Reprints and Permissions. About this article. Cite this article Ice-age paintings, eczema drug and a Principia first edition. Comments By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. Journal information About the Journal Awards Editorial policies. Search Search articles by subject, keyword or author. Show results from All journals This journal. Close banner Close. Email address Sign up. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Sign up for Nature Briefing.

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