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The number of active cases in Croatia stands at 23, Since February 25, when Croatia registered its first case of the infection, a total of , people have contracted the novel coronavirus, 2, of them have died, and , have recovered, including 3, in the last 24 hours. December 6, — With the project In Cultura Veritas, kilometers of wine roads and 80 cultural heritage sites were connected in the cross-border area between Zagreb County in Croatia and the Obsotelje and Kozjansko subregions in Slovenia. As Lokalni. The goals were also to strengthen the capacity of local stakeholders and the comprehensive promotion of tourist destinations from the Zagreb County and the Slovenian subregions Obsotelje and Kozjansko. This project idea was developed thanks to the recognition of common and insufficiently promoted tourism potentials in the cross-border project area. The area has a rich and somewhat forgotten cultural and historical heritage preserved in about 80 cultural heritage sites located along km of wine roads. It is in this area that the oldest vine in the world is located, the one from Maribor. Also, the fluttering and fresh white wine Kraljevina, which is believed to have been drunk by the famous Beethoven, is an autochthonous variety produced only in the Zelina area in Croatia. Zagreb County was the leading partner of this project and thus digitized the tourist offer of the new cross-border tourist destination. A digital catalog with the cultural and wine offer of this area is available on the project website , where you can find information about winemakers, museums, natural heritage sites, photographs, multimedia content, and interesting facts and legends about famous people associated with the project area. The digital catalog is also available on a mobile application, as well as on tourist machines and smart benches set up by the Zagreb County in the center of the cities involved in the project — Sveti Ivan Zelina, Jastrebarsko, and Samobor. To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page. December 6, - City Center One Split is making the lives easier for many citizens who don't have time to get to their local green market or pazar in the early morning. Introducing City Pazar! Namely, Slobodna Dalmacija reports that City Pazar is an indoor market located at the western entrance of City Center One Split, on the ground floor of the center. City Pazar is the first permanent market in the shopping center that is supplied with fresh, quality, and selected groceries daily. City Pazar is located next to the Interspar and has working hours from 9 am to 9 pm, the same as the center. And in a truly diverse offer, customers will be able to find, among other things, milk and dairy products, meat and cured meat products, fish and various seafood, bakery products and desserts, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, and other delicacies. City Center One Split pays exceptional attention to hygiene and adherence to all measures of the Civil Protection Headquarters daily. Distance has been set at which customers can stand in line, special security guards make sure that everyone is wearing a mask and that the flow of people is maintained, and there are several special stations with hand sanitizer. Larger shops are located on the edge of the market, while the central square is reserved for family farms. There is nothing that this part of the mall does not offer, from fresh cheeses, dried meat products, various honey products, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a daily offer of fresh meat and fish, to various delicacies and bakery products. Thus, the city's traditional market experience has been giving a modern makeover to accommodate many of the citizen's fast-paced lifestyles. More information can be found HERE. December 6, - The latest news for flights to Croatia as Windrose cancels certain departures to Zagreb in December. Croatian Aviation reports that due to new epidemiological measures, Windrose Airlines has canceled certain departures on the route Kyiv - Zagreb - Kyiv. Namely, because the entry of foreign nationals into the Republic of Croatia is limited after the last epidemiological measures were introduced, Windrose Airlines canceled certain flights to Zagreb in December. Windrose will not fly on the Kyiv - Zagreb - Kyiv line on December 6 and 9 Wednesday and Sunday , and the normal flow of traffic on this line is expected from December The airline leaves the possibility of additional flight cancellations, which will primarily depend on border measures and decisions of the national headquarters related to the entry of foreign nationals into the Republic of Croatia. The airline sees great potential on the line to Zagreb. The airline was scheduled to introduce an additional, third flight a week on this route, beginning in December, every Friday, until the end of the winter flight schedule. As confirmed by Windrose Airlines, the reason for not going ahead with additional frequencies is the result of the previously mentioned epidemiological measures and restrictions at the borders that directly affect reservations, both on this route and others. The line will continue to operate twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. Windrose Airlines plans to increase the number of weekly flights to Zagreb in the summer flight schedule in , provided that the epidemiological situation is much better and that there are no restrictions on international travel to or from Croatia. Confirmation of the potential of this line is in the excellent Load Factor in October and a satisfactory number in November, especially at a time when international travel is kept to a minimum. For the latest travel info, bookmark our main travel info article, which is updated daily. Read the Croatian Travel Update in your language - now available in 24 languages. December 6, - A plan for easing COVID measures in Croatia should be introduced by the National Civil Protection Headquarters, stating concrete, measurable numerical parameters for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the rather strict proposal of the epidemiologist, easing measures would take place in three rounds and will depend on the average number of those infected during the last 14 days and the share of those infected among all those tested. The first round involves opening restaurants and increasing the number of people allowed at gatherings from 25 to But for that to happen, it is necessary that the day incidence per , inhabitants does not exceed , and that the share of positives among all daily tested is less than ten percent over a period of seven days. In the second round, cafes would open and 50 people would be allowed to gather. This step can be taken when the day incidence will not exceed The third round implies permission to increase the occupancy of public transport and gatherings of up to people, but only when the day incidence rate per , inhabitants does not exceed , and the share of positive cases in relation to the tested does not exceed 5 percent. Croatia currently has a day incidence rate of On Saturday, the National Civil Protection Headquarters issued a statement with the latest data on the state of the coronavirus epidemic in Croatia. To read more about coronavirus in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page. Croatia is no exception. Nowadays, Croatian kids get gifts twice in December. Once on Christmas Day and also on 6 December, St Nicholas Day in Croatia although, in some parts of southern and north-eastern Croatia, the traditional day of gift-giving is St. Lucia's Day - 13th December. On the evening of 5 December, children place their shoes or boots by the window, within easy reach of St Nicholas as he passes. When they wake on 6 December morning, they rush out of bed to see if St Nicholas has visited. If they've been good, their shoes might contain gifts like chocolates and sweets. If they've been bad, the shoes might contain a piece of birch wood or a rod — something with which they should be reprimanded. No youngster is all good or all bad. It's very common for Croatian children to receive both — a lighthearted acknowledgment of their changeable behaviour. Saint Nicholas of Myra, also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in modern-day Turkey. He is thought to have lived between — AD, during the time of the Roman Empire. Little written evidence from the time of his life exists about St Nicholas, but he was persistently eulogised in writings and in art after his death and for hundreds of years afterward. Constantine is said to have freed Saint Nicholas from prison after he had been placed there by the preceding Emperor Diocletian. Many stories about his life have made St Nicholas one of the most popular and celebrated of Christian saints. He is the patron saint of children, coopers, sailors, fishermen, merchants, broadcasters, the falsely accused, students repentant thieves, brewers, pharmacists, archers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, Russia, Greece, Liverpool, Moscow and Amsterdam and many other places. St Nicholas is one of the most popular names for churches in the Croatian diaspora. It is the secret giving of gifts that lies at St Nicholas's inspiration for Father Christmas, indeed the name Santa Claus is partially derived from Sinterklaas, Nicholas's name in Dutch. This reputation comes from one of the most consistently repeated tales about Nicholas's life. The picture shows St Nicholas anonymously leaving dowry money for the sleeping sisters. It is said that Nicholas heard of a formerly wealthy devout man who had lost his money and could no longer afford dowries for his three daughters. This meant that they would remain unmarried and probably be forced into prostitution. Nicholas decided to help them and went to the house at night. He reached in and anonymously left a purse filled with gold coins, a dowry for the first daughter. After her wedding, Nicholas repeated his secret generosity for the next two sisters. In some tellings, Nicholas was discovered by the girls' father on his third visit and Nicholas told him he must remain silent about the identity of the gift giver. The story is so unique and so often retold, many historians believe that it must stem from some truth. As the patron saint of fishermen and sailors, St Nicholas Day in Croatia is marked in some very distinct ways at different points on the coast. An old boat is set alight and burned as an offering. The statue of St Nicholas in Baska Voda sits next to the harbour. Town residents gather by the statue on St Nicholas Day in Croatia. They burn an old boat that night and, following a Mass for children, adult attendees throw apples down to the children from the choir gallery upstairs. These days, the gift-giving of St Nicholas Day in Croatia is a token affair, marking tradition. But, in regards specifically to the exchanging of presents, St Nicholas Day in Croatia used to be the main event — Christmas Day was free of gift-giving, reserved as a day to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. Perhaps Christmas was better celebrated in this traditional way? Still, few kids in Croatia will complain about receiving gifts twice in the month of December. December the 6th, - The ongoing coronavirus crisis has made just about everything ten times more difficult than it should be. While the horrific stories from hospitals circulate and the worrisome financial issues being faced by companies only add to what is a very bitter tasting broth, one Rijeka pastor has thought up a plan of sorts. Many Croatian companies have rather successfully managed to turn to online sales in order to make ends meet as facilities close down, but could we have ever imagined that the church might do the same? This Rijeka pastor has let everyone who might need to know that although he can't come and bless anyone's home personally because of the risk of contagion, they're free to ''do the blessing'' themselves, as long as they send their payments. As Index writes, due to the coronavirus epidemic, the Catholic Church in Croatia, more precisely its parishes throughout Croatia, could lose significant funds they regularly receive from the blessing of houses. As such, one Rijeka pastor with a clearly keen entrepreneurial eye sent a letter out to the faithful, inviting them to bless their own homes, while the money that is donated to the Church during the blessing of the house can be paid by the faithful into a bank account. This was stated in a letter sent by a Rijeka priest from Skurinje, Novi list writes. We're living in uncertain and difficult times, times that aren't easy at all, so, we really need God's blessing to protect us from the coronavirus pandemic now. Unfortunately, due to the epidemiological situation, this year I decided not to to visit families to provide that blessing, so that I wouldn't end up being a potential carrier of the coronavirus infection and disease. I want to protect both you and myself,'' writes the Rijeka pastor from Skurinje. Furthermore, the letter lists the work that the parish from Skurinje has completed and all that it continues to plan to do. If you feel that need and if you want to donate your contribution to the parish this year, you can do so by bringing it to the parish office, sacristy or by sending it to the parish's bank account,'' writes the Rijeka pastor from Skurinje, thanking from the bottom of his heart those who choose to do so for their generosity. If you don't have holy water in your families, you can come to church with a bottle and take some,' the Rijeka pastor said before congratulating all believers on the upcoming Christmas period. December the 6th, - Croatian tourism recovery, and a recovery that comes as quickly as possible for this most important segment of the domestic economy, is necessary. The ongoing pandemic has dealt the sector, which makes up 20 percent of the country's GDP, an extremely heavy blow. Owing to that, a council to work on rapid Croatian tourism recovery has been formed. As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Minister of Tourism and Sport, Nikolina Brnjac, made a decision recently on the establishment of the Council for Recovery and Development of Tourism, the implementation of tourism in and improving the tourism offer that brings together all relevant stakeholders in the tourism sector to better prepare Croatian tourism for the upcoming period. The main tasks of the council will be to consider the most important issues related to the tourism sector, such as the implementation of tourism in under the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, the most effective promotion of Croatian tourism, providing tourism and hospitality services in accordance with all epidemiological measures and strategic planning, programmes and operational plans for Croatian tourism recovery. On top if that, attention will need to be paid to investments and reforms related to the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy for the period until , the National Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development from to , the National Reform Programme, the Operational Plan for Recovery and Resilience and the Multiannual Financial Framework for In addition to the financial support we provide with the aim of preserving jobs, the Programme for the allocation of state aid to the tourism and sport sector is also being prepared. We have important years ahead of us in which we'll need to create new foundations for tourism development with new strategic frameworks for tourism. The work of the Council will be aimed at finding answers to the questions of adapting Croatian tourism to the consequences of the crisis caused by the pandemic and the most successful way out of this difficult situation,'' said Minister Brnjac, who is also the President of the Council consisting of 31 members. After the Varazdin City Council's special session on the occasion of the City Day, observed on 6 December in memory of the city's patron saint, St. Avar called on the city's authorities to finance rapid antigen tests in the area and in this context he praised the example set by the City of Zagreb. You can see incidence rates for the municipality of Kneginec, Trnovec Bartolovecki and Varazdin where there are industrial plants, and the situation in those places is worse than elsewhere in the county, Avar said. On Saturday, the local authorities confirmed new infections with coronavirus and nine deaths linked to this disease in the last 24 hours. In the last seven days, the coronavirus incidence rate in the county was 1, per , inhabitants. The city's hospital is currently treating COVID patients, of whom 21 are in intensive care wards. Since the onset of the epidemic, people in the county have died of the complications linked to the COVID disease. The head of the COVID crisis management team for Varazdin County, Robert Vugrin, said at a news conference on Saturday afternoon that more stringent restriction imposed in the county two weeks ago had led to the stagnation of new cases. He refuted Avar's claims about hotpsots in the industrial plants and said that local transmissions had led to a surge in the number of new infections. The director of the Varazdin hospital, Nenad Kudelic said that today the hospital registered 10 fewer COVID patients than yesterday and that this decrease had occurred after a streak of many days with a rise in hospitalisation numbers. December 5, - The secret of one of Zagreb's lesser-known gourmet secrets is slowly getting out, and now there is a new way to try it - strukli with truffles. One of the most incredible things about Croatia, a land of 4 million people, is the richness and diversity on every level. Every village seemingly has its own dialect words, at least one unique tradition, and often some sort of culinary twist or ingredient which sets it apart form the rest. It is one of the reasons why writing about Croatia is such a fascinating job, for no two days are the same, and there is usually a surprise or three around every corner. Along with safety and lifestyle, it is one of the jewels of Croatian tourism around which I believe we should build our tourism - the unique authentic experience. A few weeks ago, for example, I was invited to go truffle hunting near Zagreb Airport in the region of Turopolje. Truffle hunting in Croatia but not in Istria? Just outside Zagreb? I had never heard of such a thing and I was more than a little skeptical. But - and not for the first or last time - I was wrong, and not only can I confirm that the Zagreb truffle industry is alive and well, but also that some of those lovely truffles you are sampling in Istria have their origins in the forests around Zagreb. But if the truffle hunt was a surprise, so too was the lunch that followed. A Dalmatian restaurant recommended by MIchelin in the heart of Velika Gorica, offering local Turopolje specialities, including black and white Turopolje truffles, including this g gem below. You can read more about the truffle-themed lunch in the article above, but there was one more gourmet addition to a fabulous lunch at Mon Ami restaurant which I only tried later that night when I got home. Over lunch I was introduced to a very nice young lady called Ivana Belosevic, who ran a bakery called Cipov in the nearby village of Busevec. Cipov was a type of bread only eaten during holidays such as Christmas or Easter. A traditional name for a business which is helping to produce some fabulous authentic Croatian dishes, such as strukli. The conversation at lunch was as good as the excellent food, and I enjoyed listening to Ivana talk with passion about her bakery business, where she has been making homemade strukli now for some 15 years. Another Ivana - Alilovic, Director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board - approached her and asked her what she thought about making strukli with truffles. Zagreb has a great truffle story which is being left untold, and delicious authentic local dishes flavoured with local truffles would be perhaps the best way to promote the story. Strukli is akin to a savoury strudel, with cottage cheese the key ingredient, and one of Croatia's most famous - and popular - dishes. It is best-known in the region of Zagorje, but appears in various formats in other parts of the country. You can see how it is made in the English-language video above. I am not aware of anyone else making strukli with truffles. Ivana's new Facebook page also shows strukli with apricot, and I am sure that a visit to the Cipov family bakery in Bresovec will yield plenty of other culinary delights. As we previously reported, one of the successful tourism stories in this crazy year was the launch of the Around Zagreb platform , which is a joint effort from the city and county tourist boards of Zagreb. This has helped to considerably widen the scope of tourism possibilities in the capital, in the form of day trip activities just outside the city. In an era of social distancing and outdoor activities, Zagreb County is rich in authenticexperiences - both active and culinary - away from the crowds. The pumpkin offer of Ivanic Grad with its own pumpkin festival , Zumberak trout, and the authentic Samobor quartet of salami, kotlet, mustard and kremsnit, not to mention the local Plesivica wine region, have enough authenticity and unique flavours to entice curious foodies. The new strukli with truffles is just one in a number of excellent local authentic product which is made with passion and care by small local family businesses. Individually, they are tiny businesses struggling to survive, especially in this most challenging of years. Collectively, they offer a fascinating web of authentic excellence, which shows the true diversity of Croatia's traditions and heritage. In another nice initiative that we reported on recently, the regional tourist board has launched a seasonal campaign to both highlight and promote these businesses. The local producers are collected in interestingly designed categories that will change in weekly cycles from December 3 to December 1. Relax and reward your body, 2. Decorate your home with Christmas magic, 3. Prepare your holiday table, and 4. Sweet Secrets of Zagreb County. With their creativity, they refresh our heritage and enrich the entire offer of the region. Natural cosmetics and healthy food, medicinal preparations, imaginative decorations and everyday items for the home, irresistible treats etc. Each of these products bears the signature of its origin and its author. Domestic goods that are truly domestic, but also different. We want to raise awareness about the importance of buying from local producers and help all of them in the branding and promotion of products that we can be proud of. Daily Travel Updates Click for latest flights, border, corona news. Available IN 24 languages Latest Croatian travel info in your language. RSS feed. Sunday, 6 December There are currently 57, people in self-isolation. To date, , people have been tested for coronavirus, including 9, in the last 24 hours. Friday was the official opening. What can be found at the City Pazar? Prerada The oldest bakery whose offer is impossible to resist. Veronika Delicatessen The rich taste of dairy products. La Delta - Cakes and cookies The most famous confectionery in Split. Dujmex Delicacies from the Imotski region right on your plate. Kastela Souvenirs Association Unique objects created with the soul of Dalmatia. Zdrawo Slastice Sweet snacks that break down all stereotypes. Kupilek Blackberry wine, jam, and other products for a sweeter day. Healthy and Quality Frutarija Fresh fruits and fruit juices for a better day. Among them, 2, patients are in hospital, of which are on respirators. Saturday, 5 December County crisis response team head refutes claims about hotspots in factories The head of the COVID crisis management team for Varazdin County, Robert Vugrin, said at a news conference on Saturday afternoon that more stringent restriction imposed in the county two weeks ago had led to the stagnation of new cases. But authentic Croatian dishes with a twist. Such as strukli with truffles. And so a new gourmet treasure was born - strukli with truffles. Michael and St. Terms of Service Privacy Policy. Subscribe To Our Newsletter. Cookies make it easier for us to provide you with our services. With the usage of our services you permit us to use cookies. More information Ok.

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