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Seychelles Country Report - Africa

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Living Values Education in the Seychelles continues to be very active. For the past eight years, under the direction of the ALIVE Associate, a campaign that focuses on one of the core values has been selected. This has ranged from gratitude, respect, kindness and happiness in the recent past. These campaigns are launched in a chosen school by the Minister for Education at the start of the school year and other schools then promote the value throughout the year. The campaigns are supported by the National media, through radio and television. A whole school approach is advocated and several training sessions have been held with the school community and parents. The feedback is very positive and the Living Values Education family keeps growing. We have extended the values work to the corporate world and government ministries. Living Values featured high on the training agenda. Promoting the values programme brings great gratification to the trainers and the appreciation is remarkable. I am more at peace with myself and as a result my home is a more peaceful and happier place to be. In these past years, I have been unable to attend international events, but we have been closely following the development and eagerly await the programme of events for the LVE 20th anniversary celebration. All schools both Primary and Secondary in the Seychelles are familiar with the LVEP as all School Management teams and school counsellors have been sensitised to the programme. To date, 14 schools out of the 35 have adopted the whole school approach to the programme. Please click on this link to see a power point presentation of a secondary school implementing Living Values Education with wonderful results. Living Values Education Training using a whole school approach continued during the second half of the year , mostly in schools on both Mahe and Praslin. To date, five more schools have followed the training, three Primary, one Secondary and one mixed, that is, Primary and Secondary, School for the Exceptional Child. The total of trained staff members for this period is As in previous schools, the teachers responded positively to the training. They participated actively and agreed that the LVEP would be a good programme to take forward in their respective schools. In most plans it was decided that the programme will be used at both school and classroom level so that every member of staff will be involved. A few suggestions given were: during assemblies a value will be presented and other associated activities will be carried out, morning talks with pupils will include discussions on a particular value, song, story, poem and poster competitions will be organised, LV clubs will be set up, values will be integrated in subjects, exhibitions and many others. The sessions were organised on a regional basis and the main aim of it was to enable the participants to be more aware of the values they possess and the same time be able to model these same values in their day to day practice at both personal and professional level. The sensitisation was well appreciated by all participants. This was conducted at the centre and the PTA representatives were given an overview of the programme and were engaged in a few reflection exercises. It was evident that the participants shared more or less the same values the same ones they would like their children to practise as well as the ones they would like to see being practised in the community, country and the world at large. Some time was spent on looking at ways in which such values could be practised at home to ensure a values based atmosphere in the home. Once again participants expressed their satisfaction at having followed the sensitisation and agreed that it was a programme worth having in schools. Response to the Living Values programme is very positive. The next step will be to conduct a formal evaluation to scientifically assess the impact. In May , an LVEP Train-the-Educator seminar was conducted for more than twenty educationalists from the non-formal education sector working with children. One of the recommendations stemming from this seminar was that LVEP be introduced in the formal school curriculum. Christopher Drake, along with Ruby, met with the Minister of Education to discuss ways of promoting the programme. This culminated in the organisation of another training session in September for a group of Deputy Heads and Studies Coordinators from all state schools on the main islands of Mah? Praslin and La Digue. The four-day workshop was facilitated by Mr. The workshop was opened by the Director General for schools, Mrs Jeanne Simeon, who said that there was 'a need for people to learn to understand, determine and appreciate what was of value to individuals and the community and to develop attitudes and values that could enable them to live harmoniously. Tuesday, 2 October , marked the opening of Teacher's Week in the Seychelles. The aim of the Conference was to introduce participants to Living Values and to sensitise them to the positive impact that such a programme could have on the lives of children and the school atmosphere. Mrs Geva Rene, Chairperson of the NCC, welcomed the guests and reiterated our commitment to the children by reminding us of the message delivered by the children at the U. N Special session in New York earlier this year. We promise that as adults we will defend children's rights with the same passion that we have now as children. We promise to treat each other with dignity and respect. We promise to be open and sensitive to our differences. We are children of the world, and despite our different backgrounds, we share a common reality. We are united by our struggle to make the world a better place for all. You call us the future, but we are also the present'. Christopher Drake, LVEP Coordinator for Hong Kong, who in his charismatic style captured the audience's attention throughout his presentation, delivered the keynote address. Some of his words, shared below, were much appreciated by the listeners and it triggered a yearning to discover more about the programme:. The implications of all this for educators are immense and lay before them a tremendous challenge. Education fails if its outcome is an individual who is intelligent, skilled and knowledgeable but unable to live, work and get on with others. We must not just learn about respect and understanding but to be respectful and understanding of others and their rights and freedoms. True quality education must help individuals identify, and adopt, personal and social values that they can call on to guide the decisions they make, their relationships, work and life as a whole. It must help them develop a depth of character and a clear sense of their own identity, integrity and what they believe to be important in life. We must learn about the values that will guide us towards desirable, fulfilling and worthwhile outcomes in our actions and daily life as individuals in our own right, the masters of our own selves, but also as citizens of the world community. To live in society is to accept the moral obligation, and civic duty, of being conscious that society comprises other human beings with rights and desires that must be acknowledged if not accommodated. The growth and development of moral values is not quantifiable in the same way as productivity or a national economy but these values are necessary for the maintenance of the social sub-structure. However insignificant it may seem, even the smallest of courtesies or expressions of civility can make life much easier and pleasanter for others, as well as contributing to the smooth functioning of society overall. In this way, as members of human society, each individual, and all of us collectively, are architects of the society of tomorrow; it is we who determine the future of humankind. Our actions do have an immediate impact on other members of society and their effect includes the fact that, starting from a young age, youth but also adults, observe the actions of others and then emulate what they see. This makes all of us educators by the example ' good or bad ' of our actions. In turn, this highlights the need for our learning processes ' both formal and non-formal ' to include ethics, spirituality, intercultural and international understanding and the implications that these have for our relationships. In a globalizing world in which no one is an island but all individuals are increasingly exposed to people of different cultures, conviction and outlook, social cohesiveness is under great strain. An education that leads to appreciation of our richly diverse heritage while also highlighting the common thread of our shared human identity and core values is of critical importance. The more we accept the personal challenge and responsibility of bringing these values back into our daily lives, the more everyone's rights will be observed and the more certain and secure the future will be. As educators one and all we must envision the future we want and commit ourselves to doing what we can do to weld the present to that better tomorrow. Education is of particular relevance in our endeavours to promote a free, egalitarian and harmonious society since it is the human mind that is the birthplace of the scourges of intolerance, discrimination and disrespect for others' rights and freedoms. And let it not be forgotten that the human mind and heart is also the cradle in which, nurtured by education, love, kindness, respect and responsibility may grow and flourish for all. The Conference was officially launched by the Minister for Education and Youth who said, 'Let us try to bring values into the heart of education and the learning experience of our children and youth. Let us, through Living Values, promote a better world, a world in which we all live our values, love, trust and respect for each other and move into the future with cooperation and understanding. The President in his message to the teachers on 'Teachers' Day' also reinforced the fact that teachers are 'the key to everything that we do in education for they also have a crucial duty to inculcate in children and youth fundamental values that are required to eliminate hatred, injustice, discrimination, hostility and other sources of conflict that are detrimental to global peace and harmony. The Indian High Commissioner Mr. The conference participants were exposed to a couple of LVEP activities and it was encouraging to see the fatigued Head teachers relaxing and enjoying the reflection exercises. Both my pupils and colleagues will experience the same thing. Wednesday 3 October , Mr. Drake and Ms. Pardiwalla met with all the staff of La Digue school, one of the outlying islands. La Digue has a population of approximately inhabitants and the NCC is presently running a project on 'Keeping Kids Safe' on that island which aims to reach out to each and every inhabitant. During Mr. Between October and September , teachers from the main island have been sensitised to the programme. Most schools have been introduced to the LV activities in assemblies and through integration through different subject areas. In September , a conference, ' Understanding the place of Values Education in classrooms'was held for Senior Management staff, Ministry of Education and educators from primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions across the islands, one hundred and fifty participants in all. It was officially launched by the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education and the Minister for Education, unexpectedly attended the opening ceremony, hence confirming the Ministry's support to the Living Values Education programme. In that same week a series of workshops were held for curriculum developers and teacher trainers from the primary and secondary curriculum teams under the theme, 'Making Values Education possible in the classroom, working toward Values-Based Education. During Christopher Drake's mission, constructive talks were held with the Minister for Education and his senior staff culminating in the commitment to adopt Living Values throughout all schools in the Republic. A sensitisation session was held for the cabinet of Ministers and the Vice-President pledged government's support to creating a values-focussed approach to education and would like to see this approach extending to families and to the community. The members of the National Assembly were also targeted and the session was very much appreciated by all present. They were taken through a values awareness exercise and the feed-back is that they would like a more intensive workshop where they could become more familiar with the programme and explore ways of introducing it into their communities. Sensitisation is ongoing. Enthusiasm for the programme is high amongst teachers. The Ministry of Education and Youth is committed and supportive. Living Values has anchored firm roots and is well on the way to establishing itself in all Seychelles schools. They tend to help each other more and above all show much more respect towards each other and their teachers. Efforts to change are being made by all. The LVEP has helped to curb some discipline problems among students and it's much more fun teaching them. Our job will be so much easier'. I view myself differently. I am more positive in my approach to life. All Rights Reserved. Home Welcome Why Develop Values? Subscribe Newsletter. Privacy Policy Terms of Use Sitemap.

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