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Although it is not known yet the amount of money that had been collected the president of Association couldn't hide his satisfaction with the response of this action and he is convinced that the amount of money that had been collected so far will be enough to cover financial construction and buying of that indispensable apartment in Zagreb. And taking into account that this perle of croatian national herritage was performed in Dubrovrnik last time exactly 55 years ago, and people of Osijek who this year celebrate their th birthday were also guests here in the south of Croatia last time years ago, then should not be wonder the response of audience of all generations, as well as the phenomenal atmosphere which culminated at the end. When we talk about Dubrovnik performance a great credit equally goes to the really big ensemble, with great soloists, choir and orchestra, which was governed by maestro Mladen Tutavac. Their daughter Eva was interpreted by exquisite Vesna Baljak , who received completelly deserved the loudest support from the audience. It is obvious that this role was made for her. Grad Dubrovnik. During the program the goal of raising funds was mentioned on several occasions and efforts of our organisation to succeed in it, while our videos were turning on the screens all the time. Rheumatoid arthritis Coeliac Asthma Other. Events in year EU4U on the Isle of knowledge - subject 'Human rights'. On this occasion, about 30 members workgroup were formed by special system of recommendation and from all parts of Croatia, all educational levels, variety vocational areas and representatives of variety categories of citizens, but with their social or professional activities connected with human rights. This workgroup was moderated by prof. Slaven Letica , accompanied by lecturers msgr. Ivo Banac. The entire program on the Isle of knowledge lasted from September 30 through October 19 with variety of themes: bussines, education, sciens and technology, healthcare, judiciary, media, human rights and local self-government. Among the many distinguished guest-lecturers there were also Vincent Degert, prof. Regarding the work conception, it was not usual educational and training program. It was well premeditated socialization through the lecturers interpretation and discussion, over guided walks and introduction to island, njegovim stanovnicima, it's residents, the way of life and rich history, experience exchange in relaxational environment of the natural beauty and silence. According to this, there exist the expectance of very high and quality results of entire activities, which will produce a single document that communicates the attitude of civil opinion-makers from various social groups about advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative sides of joining to EU, reasonable doubts and objective anticipations, in colloquial elaborated thematic, to relevant experts. Such declaration will be presented to the senior official representatives, Croatian parlament, negotiators, ministries, institutions, nongovernmental associations, media and publicity. As well as the rights of children are indivisible component of human rights, we believe and hope that we've contribute with our participation, attitude and consideration to making of recommendation and conclusion of this community. Towards expansion of an idea, informing publicity and promoting the value of similar projects, for better future of Croatia and protection of rights of our, the results will be published on our web site. ACMT, September Guest lecturer was Ms. Bonnie B. Helms, consultant for managing and fund raising with more than 25 years experience in both for-profit and not-for-profit management and fund raising. The lecture and discussion were held in english. Helms has a long-standing experience with many american organizations and a lot of projects worthy several milion of dollars. She presented her definition, like she calls it 'six I's' : I dentification, I ntroduction, I nformation, I nvolvement, I nvestment, I nclusion. The lecture was intended to those who are interested for developing of funds from institutional donators, those who have partial knowledge at this field and those who represents commercial sector. Suggestion for fund-raising comunicate needs of organizations, firms and other users with potential donators. After the lecture we discussed about this subject in our local community. She remarked the importance of continued acting and expanding knowledge and experience, because of the world civil society continuous developement as it is make great positive influence both on world economical and political progression. Helsinki-Finlanda, September From september 11 do 14 in Finland capital city Helsinki, we have participated in conference of European Association for Children in Hospital. Our representative was our honorary president mr. She applyed our association 'Together to health' as a member candidate at last years Wienna conference. This year we are accepted as associated member. In respect of our long and successful colaboration with Paediatric department on promoting humanization of children medical care and promoting of the sick children rights, both in health care system and in society, accession to EACH we understand as very valuable and advanced step forward. Particularly as regards of cooperation and experience exchange, which will be helpful in our further work, in respect of 18 EACH European members, with differente health policy and differente socioeconomic status. European Association for Children in Hospital is an umbrella European organization who gather associations which consults, informs and supports families of sick children, promote the rights of children in hospital, among physicians and other medical staff, negotiate with executive and legislativ bodies about improvements of children status in health care and treatment conditions. Unfortunately, among the full members, there is still no Eastern-European association, while the association 'Together to health' is one of the rare applicants. Apartment in Zagrebu, July 2 We welcome our benefactors, one of the many who recognized this project's usefulness, but we particularly accent them, because they've found us. We first met mr. While we chat about our project he offered help on apartment adaptation when we buy it. Domazet found and recommend construction company u Portal owned by U. Domazet also connected us with donator for furnishing apartment mr. New Apostolic Church in Republic of Croatia every single year forwards a foreign aid funds which are intended to humanitarian project across the Croatia. We welcome our donators in a joy and pleasant ambience of the new apartment and we are very thankful on their kindliness. City hall, 26th May Volunteer work, partnership and civil society in community. It is the title of lectures by Prof. So we find out that volunteers' work is very poorly represented, that most volunteers come from middle class, and that it is influenced by free time, family and membership in different associations. And the reason why the number of volunteers is so poor is money, crisis of values, lack of culture of being a volunteer and mutual distrust of the institutions and state towards the citizens. However the conclusion is that our civil society, develops in that direction and that the culture of volunteering will get accustomed as soon as possible but until then we have to restore confidence, open institutions towards citizens, create partnerships and thus open the door to volunteerism for the general welfare of community. Uvala Lapad Lapad bay , 24th May There were included numerous associations from Dubrovnik whose primary activity puts and accent on health, healthy food and quality of life, aswell as general in human's life and as in risky groups of diseased. Our association represented itself on bench with materials connected to chronical diseases of children and work of the association. However the goal of this activity was not collecting donations and since we handed out our materials we consider this activity successful. There was also presented an Aerobic workout, and we have been entertained by Association of youth Bonsai. Dubrovnik associations showed with this activity great interest for presenting their own work and their goals, will for expanding the consciousness of how important the quality of life is since it is a significant factor in preserving health, as well as in environmental protection as the main predisposition for repression of certain urban milleus illnesses. Link to photo gallery. We introduced the children in kindergarten with alergies and asthma, and how to avoid asthma originator, also how we breath and where the air comes from when we blow a balloon, how to blow in spirometer, and all through the game and the story giving them at the same time balloons and asthma entertainment magazines where through children's painting magazines, labyrinths or different crossword puzzles they can learn enough for their age. Lecture in the local library was held by mr. Thus it is very important to educate medical staff in the distric clinics and the general public about it. It is important to recognize the first symptoms of allergic and to work on prevention of the disease by avoiding longer allergen exposure, and in case of early development of disease to start therapy in time in order ot control the disease successfully. Radonic explained the principle of help and self-help in case of asthma attack and the importance of proper use of medicine stressing that the inhalation medicines are rare target drugs which by inhaling go directly into the target organs not entering into the blood circulation, and with no influence on the rest of the body. Our meeting lasted from to hours, and we separated with mutual agreement that it wasn't the last and that such practice would continue in the future. Dubrovnik, 27th March Dubrovnik, 18th March Opening ceremony of playground for children with special needs. Revelin, 8th December Zagreb, 30th October After long search and many offers we found the appropriate apartment that would satisfy all our needs and possiblities of accomodation of 4 families at the same time. The size of apartment is 76,11 m2 and it consists of entrance, living room, kitchen, bathroom with toilet, dining room, 2 bedrooms, hall, toilet, gallery and shed, while it will eventually contain 4 bedrooms. In the apartment are currently held smaller modification works and furnishing and it should be ready for moving in by the end of February , when we have to move out from the apartment in Sv. Association room, 29th October In the end he wished good luck to the new working presidency with hope in greater success in future work of Association. Roberto Machiedo was elected for the new president of Association, he thanked to the members for their confidence, and he thanked especially to the former president for his devoted work in the Association in the previous years. There were also mentioned the issues of inactivity of some members of Association and it was concluded that the same will be talked about at a regular annual Assembly of Association. The priorities now are finishing the project of buying an apartment and furnishing of it by the end of the year. Zagreb, 15th October Although humanitarian acitivities have been determined by the Statute of Association since its foundation, Association was finally and officially declared as a humanitarian organisation with the consent of the Ministry and was registered as such in register of humanitarian organisations. In this way Associaton will be able to use, by Law given privileges, for its humanitarian actions and thus will assist in the further work of Association and in helping families with sick children. With third birthday concert Radio Laus celebrated its fifth birthday as so far in humanitarian astmosphere. The members of our Association, as well as the members of other Associations, who take care of sick children had free entrance and reserved places. In this way the organizers showed who were those these noble efforts were directed to. Sports Hall, 29th April Osjek Opera House raised the people of Dubrovnik on their feet! Revelin, 15th April Blue Room of the General Hospital Dubrovnik, 26th March There was held a regular annual Assembly Meeting of Association where were also present besides regular members some guests of honour and some supporting members. The agenda was unanimously accepted and it included: 1. Election of working presidency and recording secretary 2. Report about work of Association and financial report for 3. Plan of work for 4. Modification of the Statute of Association 5. Election of Disciplinary Commission 6. Election of the Supervisory Board 7. Defining criterion for membership in Association Among other things the modification of the present Statute of Association was unanimously accepted, by which certain items from the old Statute were deeper elaborated, and it the Statute was extanded due to extension of Association activities. At the same timethere were elected the new members of the sevral bodies of Association, arranged by the new Statute. The recommendation of book of regulations was brought into consideration, and there will be necessary certain corrections and final processing. The Statute of Association,as well as the record protocol from the Assembly will be published on the web pages after notarization in the Office of the State Administration. Revelin, 20th February In organisation of Mea Culpa d. All started on the Stradun infront of St. It continued in Revelin with unusual group masks, which besides standard presenting for rewards had also prepared special performances and in that was they additionally raised the atmosphere. The party continued till late in the night, and it was certainly sussessful in humanitarian sense. Split 14th and 15th February, In organisation of association SANUS from Split, 15th February International Day of children suffering of malignant diseases, for the first time officially recognized in Croatia, was celebrated with rich two-day program with guests respresentatives of all associations from all counties of our beautiful country. Hotel Dubrovnik President, 10th February On 10 February in organisation of Association of Construction Engineers Dubrovnik there was a traditional ball of engineers. It was held in hotel President this year, where appeared all those who live for and from engineering in our county, as well as their guests. Apart from their mutual socializing let the other professions look up to them! And this time, as usual, humanitarian auction of the paintings of famous Dubrovnik painters and sculptors obtained excellent results. Revelin, 27th January In the conditions of full Revelin and audience in good mood, Gibo created a phenomenal atmosphere and in more than 2 hours long concert he enjoyed as well as the visitors. In an intimate relationship with the audience Gibo elicited during the concert song from our mouth, smile on out faces and tears from our eyes. The income was intended for our Association and restoration of the church of St. Revelin, 21st January U In fortress of Revelin on 21 January turned pilot project of mutual Christmas banquet into praiseworthy action of Dubrovnik entrepreneurs. So this year , for the first time very successfully ended the action due to kunas had been collected. In the action participated: Vodovod Aqueduct Dubrovnik d. Domouprava Dubrovnik d. PGM Ragusa d. GP Construction Company Dubrovnik d. Vrtlar Gardner d. Hilton Imperijal Dubrovnik d. Port of Dubrovnik d. Grand Hotel Park d. We can't find right words except one big THANKS, with the hope that such banquet, although the first won't be the last and that it will be organised every coming year, and collected funds direct on those to whom it is really necessary because there are many associations and organisations which take care of children, sick, elderly and infirm and they always need help. Therefore, blessed every such praiseworthy move and thanks once again to all for the realization of the same. In Zaton, 20th December Those hardworking little children, with big heart, welcomed the visitors this year with their works, plays, recitals, songs and dance. A big thank to those little angels. In Dubrovnik, 8th December Along with his medical career which he practised as chief of surgery in clinical center Mercur, famous physician and humanist, didn't forget his first love song and music. On this occasion was presented his CD. We thank from the heart to the organisers for their nobility. In Dubrovnik, 3rd December In Dubrovnik, 3rd and 4th November Takeover of donation for apartment furnishing We welcome our benefactors, one of the many who recognized this project's usefulness, but we particularly accent them, because they've found us. City hall, 26th May Volunteer work, partnership and civil society in community It is the title of lectures by Prof. World Asthma Day She also emphasized the importance of continued and proper use of therapy, as well as the top regular measurements of air flow in the lungs and writing the journal in order to keep correct records of the state of illness. It is important to know that the children with successfully controlled asthma don't differ from healthy children at all and have no restrictions of activities except that they still must take account of the surrounding area without allergens and irritants. Regular election Meeting of Assembly On Thursday at On the agenda of the session was: Financial report of the work of Association for the year Report on funds spent on buying and furnishing the flat Working plan of Association for Dismissal of members of the duties of working bodies and leaders of sections Selection of new members of working bodies of Assocation and leaders of sections Other Assembly was aquainted with the costs of furnishing the flat in Zagreb and it was presented what had been done so far by different reports and photos. All agreed that that job had been done successfully, and that the funds for purchase and furnishing of the flat were very well invested. In this session Assembly dismissed former members of Association executive body and elected new, the new representatives of Association, as well as the new section leaders. It was also took into consideration the establishing of a section of other or rare diseases, whereby the Association would join the work of the capital associations in Croatia linked to any possible sub-type of disease. Opening ceremony of playground for children with special needs On Tuesday 18th March it was arranged the opening ceremony of newly built playground for children with special needs of association 'Two Steps'. The opening ceremony was attended by numerous distinguished city persons, doctors and guests. The people from Dubrovnik showed once again their sensibility when children are concirned and very quickly collected the ammount needed for the realzation of the project. Now it is time to embad the awareness oh youth and future generations of the preservation of these values, protection of environment and maintenance and preservation of the results which were with this and other humanitarian actions achieved and all for the benefit of community and children as well. There is fully equiped kitchen, bathroom, hall, dining room, living room and one sleeping room while in the coming period it is expected completing of the next 2 rooms. The necessary preparatory work before furnishing had been done by construction trade Portal, owner U. To all contractors and donors we came with a recommendation of Mr Bosiljko Domazet and in this way we sincerely thank them for their kindness and cooperation. Unfortunately the weather was against us. And because of heavy rain and stormy south wind visit was far from expected. Despite this the song was excellent, and the guests who ran away from the rain enjoyed it. In this way we thank them all for support. As this concert would also have a humanitarian character voluntary contributions were collected for 3 months old Leona who is in the apartment in Zagreb at the moment , getting treatment. The money was paid into Leona parents' account. In the end he wished good luck to the new working presidency with hope in greater success in future work of Association Roberto Machiedo was elected for the new president of Association, he thanked to the members for their confidence, and he thanked especially to the former president for his devoted work in the Association in the previous years. We thank you all for being there especially the clapas Cambi and Cavtajke, with salute: 'See you again! Blue Room of the General Hospital Dubrovnik, 26th March Blue Room of the General Hospital Dubrovnik, 26th March There was held a regular annual Assembly Meeting of Association where were also present besides regular members some guests of honour and some supporting members. Split 14th and 15th February, In organisation of association SANUS from Split, 15th February International Day of children suffering of malignant diseases, for the first time officially recognized in Croatia, was celebrated with rich two-day program with guests respresentatives of all associations from all counties of our beautiful country. Planned construction project of 2 rehabilitation centers for the recovery children after therapy was presented to the Government and it is expected Its officially response, while the first news indicate that it will be fully supported. It was concluded that the situation was alarming, both in terms of personnel, doctors and support staff, and conditions in some centers, achievement of certain rights for parents of sick children, to the ever present problems of finance families of diseased children. All together supported the projects in the plan and agreed that the situation should be adjusted as soon as possible and to those children and parents provided dignified treatment and start questions about support to the profession, education of hematologists and ensuring of psychotherapeutic help for staff. The intimacy with parents and doctors passed in the very pleasant and emotional atmosphere, exchanging experiences, support and encouragement and will certainly result in lovely memories and new friendships. We hope to continue these pleasant encounters in the future. Link to photo gallery Hotel Dubrovnik President, 10th February On 10 February in organisation of Association of Construction Engineers Dubrovnik there was a traditional ball of engineers. In the name of all members of Association and all users of the still not existing apartment we thank to those who took part in the auction and in that way contributed that we are very close to get an apartment in Zagreb. Excellent musical performance of the back band and carefully selected songs for this typeof concert made a great impression and it will remain in our memory for a long time. Thank you Gibo, and come to us again. We thank the organisers for everything that had been done. Revelin, 21st January U In fortress of Revelin on 21 January turned pilot project of mutual Christmas banquet into praiseworthy action of Dubrovnik entrepreneurs. After the concert all reviews are more than positive, everyone is satisfied with seen and heard, clapas are pleased with support and we with result. A special credit we owe to the Fifi Sound who wired and illuminated everything. In this way, we thank to all of them once again, in hope that this action will continue next year too. The goal of promotion our web site infront of the reporters and the doctors was both to familiarize wider publicity with the work of our Association, with the problems of diseased children and their families,and invite them to join us in our efforts to provide as good treatment as possible. Along with congratulations for our previous success, we got support from the present doctors for our further work. On this occasion we presented our humanitarian action of collecting money for the apartment in Zagreb, which would use diseased children and their parents while they are on treatment and examinations there.

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