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For everyone who is sure that the book is the best gift under the tree and the main companion on the New Year's journey, ELLE has compiled a selection of the main bestsellers in the section of fiction, which we have voraciously read throughout the past year. About what : Painful breakup of the spouses Jacob and Julia, who lived half their lives in marriage, against the backdrop of a global tragedy - an earthquake in the Middle East, which leads to a military conflict. Why read : There were many conversations around the new novel of the American writer, which had been waiting for ten years: some critics compared it with the best works of Philip Roth, others branded it as self-repetition. We suggest that you buy the book and form your opinion. Foer will greatly delight the least biased with traditional, stumbling dialogues in the best traditions of his famous novels 'Full Illumination' and 'Terribly Loud and Extremely Close. About what : Jerusalem Oblomov wanders around the Eternal City, trying to understand the vicissitudes of his personal life, but more and more - in his chaotic dreams and projects. Why read : The first edition of the famous book of a modern Israeli classic in Russian, imperceptibly reminiscent of Goncharov's novel, and with it other works of Russian literature - with its leisurely pace, imagery and internal monologues for an entire chapter. In short, perfect reading for lazy holidays. About what : In the final part of the Neapolitan Quartet, sworn friends Lena and Leela return to their hometown, give birth to daughters and end their long-standing rivalry. But their trials don't end there. Why read : Literary critic Galina Yuzefovich called the Neapolitan Quartet almost the main bestseller of the s. It is best to read an epic about female friendship at a pajama party - out loud in turn with your beloved girlfriend. About what : The story of girls from good families who fell into the totalitarian sect 'Family' of the murderer Charles Manson, sentenced to nine life terms. Why read : Despite the stated theme, the novel by debutante Emma Kline is primarily not about a bloody sect, but about a difficult period of growing up and a fragile girl's soul, which, in an attempt to escape adolescent loneliness, falls into the clutches of a sophisticated maniac and manipulator. About what : The scene is a crumbling Hungarian collective farm in the mids. Beggar peasants receive news of the return to the settlement of a man who for a long time was considered dead, and they associate this event with almost the second coming. About what : A successful lawyer finds out about an inoperable brain tumor and decides to shoot himself in the forehead, but then the doorbell rings. A mysterious stranger invites him to join a secret club: kill a man deserving death in exchange for the fact that the next member of the club will kill him. About what : An attempt to create a family saga, turning into a reflection on how our personal memory is formed in principle, and whether we can be absolutely objective in our memories - especially those associated with high-profile events of the twentieth century. Why read : Numerous experts, including film critic Anton Dolin, called Stepanova's book one of the best Russian-language texts written in recent years. Which in itself is a reason to run after her right now. About what : Seventeen stories with heroes wandering from history to history, who sometimes go to the moon in a makeshift rocket, then get stuck in Paris during the promo tour of the famous blockbuster, returning over and over again on the same memorable day in And his collection is an excellent candidate for New Year's gifts. About what : A married woman Yonghe sees bloody nightmares and stops eating meat - this innocent decision leads her and everyone around her to a series of tragic circumstances. Why read : In , the controversial novel by a Korean writer received an International Booker - thanks in part to a translation by Deborah Smith that amplified the 'supernatural combination of beauty and horror. About what : The action takes place in in the English town of Hardborough. The widowed Florence Green decided to open a bookstore and sell literary masterpieces there, for example, Lolita. Not all residents liked this idea: someone quietly resented the 'ridiculous little books', and someone openly put a spoke in the wheel. Why read : Translator Anastasia Zavozova, whose Facebook page serves as a literary guide for many book lovers, called 'The Bookstore' almost the most beloved English novel. Fitzgerald wrote it in in the same year the novel was shortlisted for the Booker Prize , but in Russia the book was published only this December - hurry to the store until it is sorted out. About what : The adventures of a boy Peter, who lost his mom, and an orphan fox named Pax is a heartbreakingly touching story of friendship, loneliness and the experience of loss. No matter what anyone says, people still read books. Which is good news. They read, buy, discuss what it means - literature is alive. InStyle has brought together some The list of the best is in our review. Nesbe brought the story of revenge, evil and the struggle for power into the seventies last century, to a Scottish city where corruption has affected both the police and the government, where drug dealers rule everything and it always rains. This time, Robert Langdon will have an adventure in Spain. Invited to the presentation of some landmark discovery, Langdon witnesses a murder - before his eyes, his former student Kirsch, who has become a billionaire and a famous futurologist, is shot. The killer is a former military man who lost his family and considers Kirsha to be the culprit of the tragedy. Well, and then the ball is traditionally twisted and unwound. Origins is Brown's fifth novel about Langdon. Immediately after the release of the book in the States, there was talk of a possible film adaptation - of course, with the participation of Tom Hanks, who had already played in three films based on Brown's books. They choose with the heart. This is about the writings of Anna Gavalda, honest and very human. Another book by the famous Frenchwoman, published in the author's homeland last year, is seven short stories written in the first person. Living people. The warehouse at the very end of the store, the kilometers that I walk in a day, fatigue, hygiene concerns, the fight against scabies, shingles, rhinitis, and everything else. Plus, I think he was sincere. All this really interested him. Otherwise, we would have noticed long ago that we are freezing in our chatter, leaning against the railing of a balcony over winter Paris. The rating of bestseller books will not be complete without this work, dedicated, as the name suggests, to the ability to be happy. Labkovsky is one hundred percent convinced that the human right is to be happy and do what he wants. About this his book, as always written in a very accessible language, does not abuse moral teachings and general reasoning about anything. However, it is better to read Labkovsky than to talk about him. So here are a couple of quotes. Do only what you want. Don't do what you don't want to do. Immediately talk about what you don't like. Not answering when not asked. Answer only the question. When clarifying the relationship, talk only about yourself. Dissatisfaction with life is the absence of love. Bring it down. There is no purpose for which it is worth putting up with something in a relationship. Yakhina is the case when popularity comes naturally. A book comes out, they write about it, they say - first a little, then more, more, and in the end it comes to a real hype. This was the case with Guzel's first novel 'Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes', and this is even more powerful with the new book. The story of 'Children' takes place in the twenties of the last century in the Volga region. Jacob Bach is a teacher in the colony. He lives in solitude, devoting himself only to his daughter, and writes fairy tales that turn into reality. My Children is a real bestseller. Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that you discover this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps. Join us at Facebook and In contact with. The question 'Which is better: a movie or a book? The only indisputable fact is that before entering into such discussions, you need to get acquainted with both. The Circle Internet company unites in a single system the e-mail of its users, their pages on social networks, information about bank cards and purchases. The result of this process is the receipt by a person of an online universal identifier. But in practice, not everything is so smooth A romantic story of the 17th century in which the artist falls in love with a young married woman. Together they decide to take on a risky floral business in the hopes of building their future. The novel is based on real events in the midth century, when the Japanese authorities unleashed the most severe persecutions against Christians. Three young Portuguese priests make their way into this formidable country, tightly closed to foreigners, in order to refute rumors about the shameful apostasy of their teacher, Padre Ferreira, and to continue the secret preaching of Christianity in Japan. In search of her missing father, the brave beauty Belle ended up in the castle of the terrible Beast. The girl did not even suspect that an enchanted prince was hiding behind the frightening appearance of the monster. An American family buys an old English mansion. The former owner warns about an unusual inhabitant of the castle, but Mr. Otis are not in the least afraid of the ghost. The ghost turns out to be of character and decides to scare and drive away the unlucky Americans at any cost. Thirteen-year-old Conor suddenly learns of the imminent death of his mother. The monster from his dreams helps him to come to terms with this, to experience all the sensations and come to an understanding - an old yew tree that turns into a monster when the boy is especially ill. Luce Price is very unlucky in life. A man mysteriously dies in a fire in her presence, and the girl is considered guilty of his death. And if not for the outbreak of love for Daniel, her classmate, Luce's life would have turned into a real hell. The main character Mac has lost his youngest daughter. Soon, evidence of her probable death at the hands of a maniac was found in an abandoned hut. Four years later, his father, who has not come to terms with the loss, receives a suspicious letter advising him to visit the same shack. Roland is the last member of the ancient knightly order of archers. At first alone, and then with a group of loyal friends, he makes a long journey through the post-apocalyptic world, reminiscent of America of the old West, in which magic is present. The book tells the story of the lives of three women who performed the most complex calculations to launch astronaut John Glenn into orbit and return safely. Bruce Cameron convinces us that dogs are capable of feelings that are not available to everyone. Published annually worldwide. And was also incredibly rich in book novelties. But it's unlikely that all of them will be able to devote time to them. This is the second novel Paul Hawkins in a row that becomes a worldwide bestseller. Her Girl on the Train became a worldwide phenomenon, staying 20 weeks at number one in the UK's best-selling books. The author describes his new novel as a psychological thriller about 'difficult' women The main character Jules comes to the provincial town of Bedford to pick up her niece, who was orphaned after her mother's suicide. And the more Jules tries to understand the circumstances of his sister's death, the less he believes in her suicide. Indeed, in this story, the mystical Mortal Backwater appears, in the waters of which many women died. You can find out the price. The new novel by one of the most famous Russian writers of our time takes place at the end of the 21st century. The main character is a literary-police algorithm Porfiry Petrovich He investigates crimes, and writes detective novels about them in his spare time. The usual way of his existence changes when Porfiry Petrovich is rented out to art critic Maruha Cho. IPhuck 10 - rather non-fiction: a collection of essays, united by the main characters. Pelevin talks about the difference between artificial and natural intelligence, about gender and sexuality, about contemporary art. The new book by the famous oriental writer Elfin Safarli is a reflection on love and death, on the simple joys of life and the severity of losses. These are letters that an elderly single father writes to his lost daughter in the hope that someday they will certainly get to her. In letters, he tells her stories from his past, comfortably describes his daily life, gives important advice, shares parental wisdom and even the smell of the ocean. You can buy the book. In , the girls have already released one bestseller - a book of the same name, about how foreigners see Belarus. Its plot is based on a Belarusian folk tale « Not strength, but boldness », redesigned to fit modern kids. The Six of Crows was written in , but received an official translation only this year. And of course, the loudest novelty in the young adult segment could not but become a bestseller. IN Cutterdam - the main secret international black market - young criminal genius Kaz gathers a team of six people completely different from each other. Together they will have to commit the theft of the century, which will make the heroes rich if they succeed. Of course, if they finish the job before interrupting each other. The book is on sale. The main popular science book of this year is devoted to the largest part of the human body - the skin. If you are looking for cosmetic recipes, then pass by, if you want to understand what the skin consists of and what it is for, then you are here. The book was written by a dermatologist. At the very beginning of the 20th century on the island Castellamar off the coast of Italy, where residents know each other by name, a doctor arrives Amadeo Esposito. He buys an abandoned bar called House at the End of the Night and reopens it. The reader will have to spend almost a century in this place, living through all the dramas, trials, love affairs and life stories of four generations of the Esposito family. Home at the End of the Night is a marvelous family saga that combines 20th century history with island legends that will delight all lovers of atmospheric stories. How much does a book cost? The sixth book of the Echo Dreams cycle tells about new adventures sir Max , who got into the world of his dreams, dreams, magic and decided to stay there forever. And the new story begins very simply: caring friends lock the protagonist in prison so that he finally gets enough sleep. And while Sir Max is resting, a wizard appears in his world, who knows a special spell that can be performed only by giving someone his heart. The hero of the book is ready to acquaint the reader with this spell, as well as give instructions on how to deal with other people's hearts. No bestseller list is complete without a self-help book, and ours has one. Popular blogger Mark Manson opposed the ubiquitous cult of success and positiveness. The recipe for a happy life for the author is healthy indifference, and the way to achieve it is to analyze one's own and others' life failures. The official translation of the detective novel 'Chemist' from the author of the famous vampire saga became a sales leader as soon as he got to the warehouses of online stores. The main character, nicknamed the Chemist, is working on a scientific project for the American intelligence services. At one point, the employers realize that the Chemist knows too much and decide to eliminate her, but the girl is not ready to give up so easily. Here are the best books of - readership rating. You will learn what to read so as not to come off. The latest bestsellers from the past two years - and - are the first to read. Here, only the most modern and popular books, and not only fiction books for reading, have added to our list of the best and most interesting, but also books for self-development Russia and foreign. Edward Kirsch is a famous futurist and billionaire who decided to open his research to the whole world. He is going to tell you that all religions can be easily exposed. Having organized a solemn ceremony at the museum, he invited all the famous scientists. It was at the very moment when Kirsch was already making a speech that an unknown person kills him. Among those invited was Robert Langdon. This is a Harvard professor familiar with the professor's research. Now he wants to restore the work of the scientist and find his killer. Langdon will travel through Catalonia, church secrets and ancient ciphers. In modern society, success is promoted: you need to be richer, smarter and better than everyone. On social networks, you can read a success story about how to make millions in one day, and the feed is full of photos of people who live better than you. However, such a positive once again reminds us of what we have not yet managed to achieve. Can you be happy under such circumstances? Mark Manson - famous blogger - talks about philosophy of life. He will teach the art of not giving a damn. You will learn what you really need to be happy and how to cut off the secondary in order to enjoy life, and not show it to others. Revolutions don't just happen, and empires don't perish overnight. After , we were able to understand why the empire demanded internal changes and why not everyone decided on such changes. On the pages of his book, Mikhail Zygar will talk about how the once famous empire moved towards disaster. The focus is on Russian society. The Russian Empire was born, developed and disappeared in After reading the history of a century ago, you will understand why such events occur today. Before us are four heroes: a pilot, an art critic, an Altai shaman and a Moscow artist. Everyone leads their own life, but an unusual situation arises that brings them together. They need to complete a task. It turned out that the director died in the Tambov library, and after that unusual phenomena began to occur: the library was destroyed in order to find world treasures. Apparently, the library staff was under surveillance. But what is hidden in these books? Why are there only four of these people? The heroes know how to manage unusual vehicles, perform complex surgical interventions, solve ciphers and shoot perfectly. They will answer all your questions and unravel the tangle of events. Tsar Petr Alekseevich is carrying out reformatory transformations that could not but affect world history. All the circumstances that were present in his personal life, the nature of his mind, personal phobias and addictions have become part of the national heritage and are perceived as something generally Russian. In this book, you will learn how the Russians did not follow history, created it and why they did it on a whim. The program fights against the System. And the System is all-powerful and corrupt. She has her own price, but at the same time she is not able to appreciate anything. Sharkov, the general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, knows perfectly well that the controlled program is his last chance to restore order in law enforcement agencies. However, one of the radicals disappears. After this event, incomprehensible twin murders began to occur. Now it became known that the fanatic killer is at large, and the program will be destroyed. What should General Sharkov take to restore his life's work? Harry Hole stepped out into the sun on a typical June afternoon. He felt a balance and a kind of harmony. This is how Nesbo's novel The Police ended. However, Detective Harry had been deceiving himself all this time. The world is still cruel and imperfect and requires a strong hand to bring order to it. Harry Hole returned to Oslo to continue his police service and resume his hunt for a serial killer who used a dating site to attack girls on dates. However, having attacked the trail of a famous criminal, the detective will plunge into his own dark past. If the battle is won, this does not mean that the war has been won. Alexander Barinov managed to fight off the Albanians, but this does not mean that now his existence has become calm and quiet. He still knows how to control the situation and is responsible for his actions. However, everything in life does not turn out as planned, and the drawn path from the theoretical turns into practical. Dmitry Bykov knows how to experiment. In this novel, you will learn about three different stories that are united by a single place and time. The thirties of the XX century - this time in an incredible way intersects with the middle of the 41st year. The philologist - a former student of IFLI - returned from emigration, and it seems he decided that now he can influence what is happening in the country. A war is already in the air, which some are afraid of, while others are rushing. And it seems that the beginning of the war will cut all the knots and give all the answers. Dmitry Glukhovsky wrote his first realistic novel, The Text. This is a story about how generations collide, how love can become impossible and why retribution is useless. Moscow in the present. All memories are stored on the phone. There are photos and videos of our favorite moments. In the mail you can find information about business negotiations and instructions from the mother. The browser stores what is interesting and hides from others. In the chat, we confess our love, say goodbye and seduce. This is our time. The phone is us. If someone gets a phone, they will become its owner. But when others notice it, it will be too late. After the disappearance of my mother, very strange phenomena began to occur. Four years have passed. The official investigation was unsuccessful, and the private investigators failed. And my father and I have long come to terms with what is happening. But now I didn't even know what to think. Did I really see my mother? Or maybe it's just a woman who looks like her? Every time I wanted to approach her, I ran away. Obviously, someone started a cruel game with me. Now is the time for your own investigation. I have an assistant Leo Berzin. He is a successful businessman, handsome, and strange rumors have always circulated about him. But can I trust him? In this story, the main role is assigned to the woman. In her youth, she was a parachutist and a balloon pilot. She had a personal tragedy that forced her to take up another business in another country. She went through the looking glass, where she works as a beautician and lives in New York. The heroine is constantly faced with fantastic events, which are sometimes very discouraging. And it's all about love. From the book you will learn about the history of Russia during the reign of Putin from to To write the book, the author used documents, reliable sources, unique interviews and information from the president's inner circle. It brings together facts, events, opinions of various heroes who will tell you about the full picture of life in the Kremlin. Why did he suddenly turn from a pro-Western president with a liberal direction at the beginning of the s to an authoritarian ruler and an ardent opponent of the West? Marina Komissarova is a journalist, blogger and psychologist with 20 years of experience. She has developed a unique system for working with a personality - psychoalchemistry. Its audience is constantly growing, and the blog has been translated into dozens of languages. You will learn how to unfreeze and pump love resources. Thanks to this book, hundreds of people have already come out of the crisis of their personal lives. It is enough to melt yourself a little in order to increase energy resources and achieve success, controlling your own destiny. Life has always been amazing. You never fully know what awaits you around the corner, whether the good will be bad and the bad will be good. Did you become an orphan very early? Did you wander a lot and for a long time trying to find a suitable job? So this is bad for you. But if you are young, pretty and have already found your place under the sun in the capital, then this is good. If you were slandered by a former boyfriend, then this is bad. But if someone has managed to clear your good name, then that's just fine. But it turns out that you are a witch yourself and you can study magic at the Academy of Magic. If everything works out, you will live happily. Think it's too good to be true? What is really appreciated by magicians? Honor, Strength, or Knowledge? Will you eventually have to choose between your own freedom and security? Death has settled in the world. Civilization disappeared, and its place was taken by zombies, destroying everything in the area. Fear and devastation reign. Only three survived here. And each survivor has to make a difficult choice that predetermines his life path. These were the best books of The reader rating mainly Russia will help you figure out what to read so as not to come off. The new bestsellers of and are now always at your fingertips. Add modern and popular reading books and the list of the best and most interesting to your bookmarks. Share in the comments which book you liked the most. Portal for the student. Social Studies Physics Literature History. Home Dictations in the Russian language. Alex Woods' by Gavin Extens. Jonathan Safran Foer 'It's Me' About what : Painful breakup of the spouses Jacob and Julia, who lived half their lives in marriage, against the backdrop of a global tragedy - an earthquake in the Middle East, which leads to a military conflict. Elena Ferrante 'The Story of the Missing Child' About what : In the final part of the Neapolitan Quartet, sworn friends Lena and Leela return to their hometown, give birth to daughters and end their long-standing rivalry. Emma Cline 'Girls' Phantom press About what : The story of girls from good families who fell into the totalitarian sect 'Family' of the murderer Charles Manson, sentenced to nine life terms. Federico Axat 'Last Chance' About what : A successful lawyer finds out about an inoperable brain tumor and decides to shoot himself in the forehead, but then the doorbell rings. Maria Stepanova 'In Memory of Memory' New publishing house About what : An attempt to create a family saga, turning into a reflection on how our personal memory is formed in principle, and whether we can be absolutely objective in our memories - especially those associated with high-profile events of the twentieth century. Tom Hanks 'Unique Specimen' Azbuka-Atticus About what : Seventeen stories with heroes wandering from history to history, who sometimes go to the moon in a makeshift rocket, then get stuck in Paris during the promo tour of the famous blockbuster, returning over and over again on the same memorable day in Khan Gan 'Vegetarian' About what : A married woman Yonghe sees bloody nightmares and stops eating meat - this innocent decision leads her and everyone around her to a series of tragic circumstances. Sarah Pennipaker 'Pax' About what : The adventures of a boy Peter, who lost his mom, and an orphan fox named Pax is a heartbreakingly touching story of friendship, loneliness and the experience of loss. Yu Nesbe 'Macbeth' 'I thanked and agreed when I realized that I could choose a play that fascinated me since I watched the film Macbeth by Roman Polanski,' said the Norwegian detective. Join us at Facebook and In contact with The question 'Which is better: a movie or a book? The Circle by Dave Eggers The Circle Internet company unites in a single system the e-mail of its users, their pages on social networks, information about bank cards and purchases. Tulip Fever by Deborah Moggach A romantic story of the 17th century in which the artist falls in love with a young married woman. Fallen by Lauren Kate Luce Price is very unlucky in life. The Shack by William P. Young The main character Mac has lost his youngest daughter. A Dog's Purpose by W. Victor Pelevin 'iPhuck 10' The new novel by one of the most famous Russian writers of our time takes place at the end of the 21st century. Elchin Safarli 'When I return, be at home' The new book by the famous oriental writer Elfin Safarli is a reflection on love and death, on the simple joys of life and the severity of losses. Katherine Banner 'House at the End of the Night' At the very beginning of the 20th century on the island Castellamar off the coast of Italy, where residents know each other by name, a doctor arrives Amadeo Esposito. Max Fry 'Give My Heart' The sixth book of the Echo Dreams cycle tells about new adventures sir Max , who got into the world of his dreams, dreams, magic and decided to stay there forever. Stephenie Meyer 'Chemist' The official translation of the detective novel 'Chemist' from the author of the famous vampire saga became a sales leader as soon as he got to the warehouses of online stores. Dan Brown. Origin Edward Kirsch is a famous futurist and billionaire who decided to open his research to the whole world. Further Mark Manson. Further Mikhail Zygar. The empire must die Revolutions don't just happen, and empires don't perish overnight. Further Tatiana Ustinova. Earth gravity Before us are four heroes: a pilot, an art critic, an Altai shaman and a Moscow artist. Further Victor Pelevin. Asian Europeanization. History of the Russian state. Tsar Peter Alekseevich Tsar Petr Alekseevich is carrying out reformatory transformations that could not but affect world history. Further Alexandra Marinina. The price of the issue. Volume 1 The program fights against the System. Further Yu Nesbo. Thirst Harry Hole stepped out into the sun on a typical June afternoon. Further Andrey Cruz. The land of the superfluous. Kommersant If the battle is won, this does not mean that the war has been won. Further Dmitry Bykov. June Dmitry Bykov knows how to experiment. Further Dmitry Glukhovsky. Text Dmitry Glukhovsky wrote his first realistic novel, The Text. Further Tatiana Polyakova. Time is the judge After the disappearance of my mother, very strange phenomena began to occur. Further Dina Rubina. Babi wind In this story, the main role is assigned to the woman. All the Kremlin men. A brief history of modern Russia From the book you will learn about the history of Russia during the reign of Putin from to Further Marina Komissarova. Defrosting secrets Marina Komissarova is a journalist, blogger and psychologist with 20 years of experience. Further Nadezhda Kuzmina. Fiery wind witch Life has always been amazing. Further Galina Gromova. Bay of Hope. The task is to survive Death has settled in the world. Further These were the best books of Feedback map of site About the site.

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