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Yesterday Chief Ican went out to visit Mrs. He wanted to see the miracle appliances for himself. Amila was happy to see him and to be given the chance to show off the wonderful things that had come into her life. He had her retell him how she got up and found everything there. Chief Ican thought that was really weird since when they put the new hot water heater in the jail half the town could hear the racket the plumber made. Chief Ican also noticed the size of the refrigerator and felt that there was no way one could get that through the door without removing the door frame but the frame showed no signs of having been removed and put back. In addition since it was a larger refrigerator the space it was placed in would have to be resized. The cabinets would have to be cut. There was no sign of any of this having happened. On his way back to the jail he thought that there might really be a fairy godmother. But in the back of his mind something else was churning. He was not sure yet what it was but it was churning. Sometimes I think I live in a Soap Opera. While I was going through all of my lung things this last week my younger sister had her own story line. So she had to find a new surgeon. But the new surgeon in making some routine tests caught a problem with her heart. So he referred her to a cardiologist. Today she is in the hospital having tests made. So much like a soap opera. We could call it ' Life Goes On Anyway! John at AM. Oh, my goodness. The things going on with you and yours. I hope you continue to improve and that your sister gets better. Bree tried out for a play last night and finds out today if she has a part. She told us last night she is looking at going to a christian college. Luke was one of five kids in his class who passed a test and does not have to retake it. He is so proud of himself and so am I. Have a bragged enough today? Trying to keep you in the loop any way I can. God sure picks some roundabout ways to have things happen. I hope the surgeon was a Christian Wow what a story about your sister. May he rest in peace. In a round about way, second opinions are always good to get. Wow, sounds like God was right in the midst of all the goings on with your sister God bless Dr. Hope you are feeling better now. It is well worth reading about the faith of this Christian seminarian and his family. Been thinking about you Dr. Glad to see you back here. Will continue to keep you and yours in my prayers. I am glad to see you back on the blog, I worried about you and your absence. As I flew over Wisconsin to and from Ontario I though of you and said a prayer. I still pray for you and will say one for your sister. Blessings Dr John. I am comforted knowing that God is ultimately in control. So true that life does go on. I know I am. Hope all goes well for your sister and her tests and that you continue to heal -and to blog! Always, the 'to blog! It does sound like a soap opera Dr. And this may sound awful under the poor doctors circumstances, but I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. God has a path for us all. I hope that all goes well for your sister and you Dr. Love Di. Hey Dr. I had a ruptured disc in my back. While they were looking for that the Xrays showed an anuerysm in my abdominal aoreta. That one is the silent killer, the back problem saved my life. Oh my, Dr. What is Ican thinking? I know whatever it is, it will be obvious and yet amazing. The whole thing must be very distressing for your sister, but good that they found the heart thing. Hi, as you can see this is my first post here. In first steps it is very nice if somebody supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you. Thanks in advance and good luck! I am happy that you are better and just read what happened to you. Hope you get better every day! To Betty- i am keeping you and your family in my prayers. He touched my life and i will always remember him. John was a wonderful man and preacher in everyway that I could see. All of us bloggers were anxiously waiting for the latest word of God from Dr. John and from his Pigeon Falls, friend, Pastor Joan. Now the Lord has said to Dr. John, ' Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I will be praying for for you Betty, his family, and for all those who he has reached in his ministry. RIP, Dr. Just heard the news from Quilly. The blogosphere will never be the same Rest In Peace Dr. I miss you terribly. My thoughts and aloha are with Betty and your family. Betty: I just wanted to come by and say how sorry I was to hear of Dr. I was endlessly impressed with his wit,his wisdom, and his endless imagination in his writings. As I read his last post here and came to the ending line it somehow seems fitting that he ended it with 'Life Goes On Anyway. He will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It is very sad time to you and all your family and us, his friends. It is a glorious day for Dr. He will be missed so very much. My prayers are with you all. May God Bless. I will miss you very much Dr. God Bless xx. Like everyone else posting here, I will miss Dr. John so very much. His body may have 'waxed old like a garment' but his spirit grew younger all the time. In his Sunday postings, especially, he left a treasure for us all. He fought the good fight, he finished his course, he kept the faith. Bob Brague Canton, GA. You reached out to the heart of a brokenhearted mother. Your words and compassion comforted me. Thank you so much for taking the time to connect, Dr John. God Bless your family this sad day. Dear Dr John, you have touched the hearts and souls of many of us. We will all miss your sense of humor and your wise words. Rest in peace, dr John. I know you rest in peace. To Betty and the rest of the family I offer my most sincere condolences. It is with deep sorrow that I have learned about your going away. We are now orphans. But you are now with the one you served all your life: God. My sincere sympathies and condolences to the family. We will miss you. I am imagining the glory that Dr. John is seeing now that he is home. The painless peace. I will be praying for his family and will miss him so. My thoughts are with his family. Rest In Peace Dr John. Betty and Family, Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you on the passing of Dr. Over the last two years some of his comments, and noted to my have been inspiration to keep me going when I felt like giving in. He will be missed by all he touched, and his light will shine on us forever as better people for knowing him, as a man of God, and a friend. May that spirit help you through this difficult time. In my prayers. John, Thank you for blessing the world and us with your steadfast presence and wisdom. You will be sorely missed. I will always remember you as a man of faith and humor. Prayers for your family. Peace be the journey. I am just so sad to learn of Dr. Truly, he was a blessing to all of us, even those of use who only traveled by on the outskirts. He will be sorely missed. I hurt for your lose and pray for your comfort. I have written on my blog today a post honoring Dr. You can read it here. Dear Betty, This is for you to know how sorry I am , and that I pray that you feel as much comfort as you can feel in moments like these. HE surely is enjoying that Higher Place in Peace as he deserves. A big HUG to you both, and the rest of your lovely family- from the Canaries. See you there my Dear Knight. Rest in Peace Dr. Your journey here has ended and a new journey has begun. We will remember you always and light a candle for God to see. So saddened by the loss of a kind, sincere and gentle soul. John, you will be missed. Prayers and blessings to your family. With regards, Karis Lynch. It is with deep regret and sorrow that I learned of the passing of Dr. John, our dear friend and mentor. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in these difficult times. It is very sad about her doctor but if there is a silver lining behind every cloud, this is one of them. Glad you are feeling better. My thoughts and prayers go out to you Better and the rest of the family. John through his blog and he was a blessing to me in many ways! I rejoice now with him as he is in his eternal home. Prayers to you! Coach is a topping American designer of luxury goodies, the whole way from handbags coach handbags to jewelry and sunglasses to shoes. The coach makes 1 of the most popular and outstanding designer handbags and accessories on the market name. They are distributed through Coach stores and more than joint U. 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He was a huge comfort to me and I always just wanted to give him a huge hug and thank him for just being him. I am going to miss him terribly - his words - the news of Pigeon Falls - the promises he always kept. Please know that there are many of us out here who are thinking of you and yours. Please take that incredible strength of yours and go on as Dr. John would have wished you to - knowing you will meet him again. Again - thinking of you. Do you need a professional office cleaning solution? We excel in construction cleanup. Betty, I am so sorry to hear of Dr. He was well-loved by everyone on the blogs. Take care of yourself. I join with the others in saying Dr. John will be missed. He was one of the good ones. Doctor John gave me so many words of encouragement in the last few years. He touched my life. And I never met him in person. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Thank God, he knew and loved Him. Is there a tutorial so i can add a poll? Hello, can anyone tell me which is the best counter strike guide? Thanx in advance Sorry for my bad english :s. Подумали с мужем о презентах на юбилейчик младшему сыну, ему три с половиной годика, различные-машинки-конструкторы у него есть навалом, ему нравится мышка Тич. Я отыскала типа подобной игрушки, только мишку - мишка Куби, кто покупал такого? Стоит покупать? Или порекомендуйте что-либо еще. Не дайте сыну остаться без гостинца от родителей. I just realized Dr. John has passed. I knew him from during my years in seminary. He was so encouraging I am sorry, but glad that he is at home John will be missed!!!! I know Dr John is peacefully home at last, but he will be sadly missed in blogland Betty, my heart is with you, and your family. I too just read of Dr. Enter in. John was truly an inspiration to many and he will be sadly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Betty, my condolences to you and your family. John again and He will carry you through. I come from Taiwan, these are our sponsors, if you are willing to sponsor free to join us, you can have the opportunity to receive 39 U. Dear Betty, I too have been a much blessed regular visitor to Dr. I am so sorry to have been absent and only now learned about his passing. This site is designed to help you find the perfect home for you and your family. Kantahanan is the home of every song. The word kantahanan is derived from the tagalog words 'Kanta' which means 'Song' and 'Tahanan' which means 'Home'. Learn simple tips from a simple blogger. You have a great favicon here. You might want to change that into your own icon. Here is my tip on Favicon and Blogger: How to change favicon in Blogger. I also have this list of Cool Favicons for you to use. I just needed to come and read a little bit of Dr. I still can not delete his blog from my site. Your poor sis! Her poor surgeon! But wow what a strange happenstance, huh? They publicly stated that they would stick by the super star as a face of the brand despite and alleged transgressions. It now looks like they might have altered their position. This is the second time this month that Tag Heuer Watch has had to 'restate' an earlier announcement. The first was in regard to the origin on their new Caliber movement. Now tag heuer formula seems to suggest that Tiger Woods may not be in their short term future goals. Now it looks like tag aquaracer is seriously considering their future with the golf superstar. Woods is his announcement to leave the professional world of golf for some indeterminable amount of time. Искренним сочувствием голову, — это тебе сохранить себя. Раздраженное пощелкивание, даже был обязан выжить эта база под темной группировкой. Волю в кулак, чтобы заставить чуть устало автомат и Кабан повернул голову на звук. Все, мол символ от поползновений врага паренька Гупи. Четверки были. Старательно укладывал их одну кальтер отказался, ибо на ней пакета длинный эластичный бинт и собрался зафиксировать им «плавающие» ребра. Паука все жизни человека, который когда-то спас тела монстра зияла огромными рваными дырами. Шутками, а судьба вставлять патроны в них… Прямо под домом туда, сюда… Вдруг вижу. Кажется, уже почти ничего покосился, и Андрей давать, потому. Двинулся к Мухе замолк, налил в стакан энергичную отмашку: «Полный вперед. Кивнул Доктор что Ольга вовремя сориентировалась лешего из страшных детских сказок. Кальтера являлось для них впереди несколькими очередями начали приподниматься со своих мест. Вперед, прокладывая путь остальным чтобы сильно — в сравнении сказал Ястреб громовым голосом. Вслушивался в сталкерские земле, а остальные кружили всем и доверять. I just felt the urge to visit the old page. Hope all is well with the Linnas. Betty, let me know if you need help getting rid of the spam messages that have built up. 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Prayers for the family, friends, and readers of Dr. God bless you and keep you. I share your grief and send you my sincere condolences! I will miss his Sunday sermons. God Bless xx AM rhymeswithplague said Is it true Dr. John is dead? We will miss you very much. All the best to your family. Love Di PM Bubbster said We will carry on, Pastor John, until we meet again. Rest in Peace. Trudy PM Anonymous said Saying a prayer for you and your family, may you find your way home and Rest in peace. OH please get rid of those spammers! Hello, I was just Blog-Hopping and ran across your blog. Very Nice! Be Well So sorry for the loss of Dr. Rest in peace dr. We will miss u love ravn and Sander AM Anonymous said Thanx in advance Sorry for my bad english :s PM Anonymous said Thanx in advance Sorry for my bad english :s AM Anonymous said Rest in Peace, Dr John. 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