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Inventions of the German company Dr. Thormeyer MinoMax brand - the most effective drugs, which have repeatedly proved their effectiveness in the treatment of male and female pattern baldness, help to successfully solve the problem of alopecia once and for all. The problem of hair loss is facing more and more people. This can be influenced by completely different reasons: a genetic predisposition, a deteriorating ecology, various diseases, constant or sudden stress. In science, this phenomenon is called alopecia; it can be full or partial, also distinguish male and female pattern baldness. The main reason for hair loss is complex biochemical processes, in which an excessive amount of dihydrotestosterone accumulates in the hair follicle, which leads to loss of the follicle and, as a result, alopecia. For years, trichologists and biochemists around the world have tried to solve the problem of hair loss by studying in detail the processes and the effect of various drugs on them. To date, a solution has been found that can fully or partially solve the problem of alopecia in men and women. The main active ingredient of the lotion is minoxidine, which acts as a blocker of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, the main substance that provokes the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone in the hair follicle and its further loss. From the entire line, the drug is the most effective and able to cope even with active hair loss. Minoxidine is not present in the shampoo; the main active ingredient is co palmetto, one of the most powerful inhibitors of dihydrotestosterone. It does not stop its production and accumulation in the hair follicle, but significantly reduces the rate of enzymatic reactions. The basis of vitamins is biotin - a vitamin of group B, which provides significant support for the hair matrix, due to which they look more healthy and shiny. Additionally strengthens nails and is a source of energy for the whole body. Call-center working hours: monday-friday: 9. Request a call. Bookmark site Do you have any questions? Login Registration. Spiller Germany Dr. Hedison The Republic of Korea Dr. CHI Argan Oil Price грн. Day and night anti age formulas to eliminate wrinkles Daytime serum NANNIC not only fights wrinkles and prevents their occurrence, but also strengthens the skin. Multimasking hair with Davines Specialists of the brand have developed special rituals for maximum hair care and restoration. Fantastic world of insane flowers Stay unnoticed will not work if you make a coloring of curls in the salon or at home. MinoMax Germany. By purpose Hair care. Tonics and hair lotions. Pharmacy cosmetics. Если Вы отчаялись, вам не помогает ни один препарат на основе миноксидила, не беда попробуйте Миномакс, на сегодня ему нет равных по результативности. Немецкие ученые в одном препарате попытались соединить все известные человечеству средства от облысения, получив революционную формулу, останавливающую выпадение волос у мужчин и женщин! Благодаря многокомпонентному составу, MinoMax отлично борется с облысением любого типа и на любой стадии развития проблемы. MinoMax Лосьон для восстановления и роста волос у мужчин Hair regrowth as Minoxidil 60мл. Мощная комбинация смешанных на научной основе ингредиентов, которые в своем сочетании способствуют подавлению синтеза ДГТ, поддерживают жизненный тонус кожи головы, стимулируют кровообращение в фолликулах, удаляют загрязнения и активно стимулируют рост волос. MinoMax Биотин - витамин для роста волос. Витамин Н, он же биотин — основной компонент, который отвечает за обменные процессы. При недостатке этого элемента в организме, волосы тускнеют, становятся более ломкими и слабыми, что также может провоцировать их усиленное выпадение.

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