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Support Log In Please, enter your username. Please, enter your password. Remember Me. Hong Kong. Forums Living in or moving to Hong Kong. Forum search. Posted by sukosuko1 11 yrs ago I've heard from my teenager that esf students are buying drugs from an adult dealer somewhere around stanley beach. I've just talked to the stanley police station but they need more info. If anyone can ask their teen and find out the nickname or location or description of this man please post on this board. Regardless of your views on casual drug use it is doesn't seem like a good idea to have these types of people in stanley. Please support our advertisers:. I agree with nw's sentiment. Your post makes it sound like drug dealing is ok, but not in a place like Stanley. I'm guessing a few wealthy expats that got stoned at university think its fine for 12 year olds to take ketamine. Regardless of your views, the penalties in Hong Kong are insanely draconian compared to western countries, 3 years for possesion, 10 years for distribution. A few years ago a 16 year old australian boy was sent away for 9 years. Perhaps there is something wrong with them mentally or their home life is lacking. I wouldn't want illegal drugs to be sold anywhere but the problem isn't really the dealers. It is the buyers. I've found out from esf that the police are already all over the problem. My point is that the rules do apply to foreigners. The police are actually much stricter and more vigilant in other residential areas of hong kong where is why they need some nudging to take action where all the rich kids with family lawyers to protect them hang out. And then you go and say things like 'the rich kids with family lawyers'. That won't win you a lot of friends. For the record, I basically agree with your stance. From where did you get that I am an intellectual who wants to liberalize drugs? Philly Cheese 11 yrs ago I can't make heads or tails of what suko just wrote. I don't agree that the problem is all with the buyers They are in business and so will do certain things to ensure their business and demand for their product. If there were no dealers most kids who are taking would channel their energies elsewhere. Gosh this is harsh, as good a parent as one tries to be sometimes children will go off the rails. There are so many stories where you have one child in a family that has gone off the rails whilst the other ones are normal, so how do you pin that one of the family, home life if they are mentally normal? It's just one of those things I think. Anyways, to keep the conversation thread going There is a shop in stanley that sells weed, the police watch it 24 hours a day I guess in some ways this is more reassuring than having a strungout desperado dealing it. I guess the kids are just taking a gamble on not being at the wrong place at the wrong time whenever the next police crackdown occurs. The illegality does indeed make it more exciting to the teens. There is a huge drug problem in Hong Kong, you don't see it because the majority is in the local community not the expat community apart from the odd bankers snorting coke. What about the rehab centres out on the islands, full of kids? Have you not see the anti-drugs posters and banners all over HK? Selling to expat kids is, and has long been, a favoured route for the local pushers as they are seen to have ready money supplied by their 'rich expat' parents. They are also as madam x says young, curious and impressionable. Suko's original post may not have read with the intention that she meant, but yes, she raises a good issue. How do we stop this insidious problem in order to protect our kids? If we know where dealing is happening whether it be Stanley, Wan Chai or TST then surely we should do what we can to stop it. I'm just venting my frustration here and an insolvable problem. A certain institution on the south side of the island used to have a sort of 'lounge' where the students went to use. HKIS also had a serious issue with narcotics in the late 90's, until they imposed mandatory random drug screening within the student body - which i'm all for, school testing would stop abuse. Although the testing would have to be done in a far more competent manner than the laughable scheme put forward by the HK government scheme last year and have a better track record of not providing false-positive results , taking a hair sample from any part of the body would give you the narcotic record for the individual being tested for many months prior to the test even if the substance being abused is a water based soluble, like Ketamine or Cocaine. But that's not really a 'designer drug' either - it was first synthesized by a Merk scientist in In fact, i take serious gumption with the term 'designer drug' as it implies a degree of perceived 'safety' which may be contributing to the abuse of narcotics by HK youth. They are drugs. A pot shop, in stanley? I have seen a lot of very permissive parents here and the wealthier the parents the more neglected the children in a lot of cases. I've seen a lot of young adults I knew who grew up in these families unable to hold a job as adults and just disappear from the radar screen. I'll track down the shop selling weed in stanley and confirm if this is the case Susie1 11 yrs ago Many years ago, my son then 14yrs started to mix with a group of less than desirable boys at school, his reports went on a downward spiral, and instead of wearing his school uniform properly, he looked scruffy--shirt half in half out, and his school tie with the knot halfway down his chest. He was always arguing with us about wanting to stay out late, and his 'bad' mates started to harass us if we brought him in. I found out he had been smoking 'pot' on a regular basis for a few months, one of his mates stole my duty free cigarette about to sell and fund some more pot,that is how I found out. My reaction, I called our local police station, they had been doing a campaign for just this kind of thing, and offered help. Their special 'drugs team' PC came out and gave my son one hell of a lecture, it really scared him, and this PC kept in touch for some months. Then, I went into his school the next day to speak to the headmaster, I told him exactly what was going on, and the action I had taken. They agreed to work with the special PC, and the pot smoking was stopped straight away. Whenever a relative rang me, I told them what my son had been doing, that hurt my sons feelings a lot, his grandparents, aunties and uncles knowing. I expect you call this tough love, but it worked, and my sons grades improved at school, finally gaining 8 GCSE A levels. He is now 31yrs old, and in a very stable relationship engaged to be married next year, if I speak to him about naming and shaming him all those years ago he is glad I did it, because some of his less than savoury mates he has seen 'fall by the wayside' and not do so well in life. We brought up 3 children, fostered many, had no helpers-because we were in the Uk, I stayed at home and looked after my children, with only my husbands Uk wage, we never had a lot of money to give to the children, they didn't have mobile phones or cars until they earned a wage to fund it themselves, They are now healthy, happy adults aged between years old. Tough love and hands on parenting works. The buyer calls a number and places an order, the driver then sends a Text to the buyer along the lines of 'Your taxi booking is accepted, Taxi Number XX will be at your location in X minutes'. Keep an eye out My own two cents, parents need to give a crap about their kids and yes educate them if they are going to choose school. And take time to find out who their friends are, let their friends come over, be IN their lives. I have younger kids and their dad homeschools them for now. They have loads of friends and activities to do to keep them busy. Fighting for your kids means you will have to fight with your kids at some point! I'm amazed when parents refuse to fight with their own kids and choose the permissive easy road. I think a few troubled kids want to pull their schoolmates into their problems and can be very persuasive. And on top of that they want drugs Surprise, surprise. You reap what you sow. And people want to blame innocent hard working drug dealers. Peds 9 yrs ago 'And people want to blame innocent hard working drug dealers. Remmy 9 yrs ago Meanwhile Starbucks openly sells coffee to schoolkids in Stanley, some as young as Ed 9 yrs ago You hit the nail on the head with that Remmy Remmy 9 yrs ago Yip - Ritalin is another example. There is an absolute Ritalin epidemic in the US. And all legal of course. And companies making billions of the sale of it. And yet the black guy, smoking a bit of weed, as opposed to the brat from the white rich family taking Ritalin - well he gets arrested in thrown in jail. Although Obama is addressing that now So many people here order through a central taxi number. Put your order in and 10 minutes later a taxi turns up with the stash. Not good, but a very very open secret here. Am sure all the HKIS kids have the number Grow up! Remmy 9 yrs ago nttaipei - you say its 'not good', but actually, provided the quality is OK, this is actually a very convenient service for people who want to purchase or drugs. Drugs does no good to anyone in anyway and yet you tend to promote it? I think that was used in the comment regarding dealers Apparently not all know how to see it in text! Brocko 9 yrs ago One of the greatest misconceptions about the entire drug trade is that they need to be 'pushed. The whole notion of a drug pusher is utter fallacy. Drugs sell themselves. No dealer ever sold to someone who didn't want what they were selling. They'll ask you if you want anything, then when you say 'No, thanks,' they completely disappear. Drug dealers exist, because there is a niche for them to exist. Remmy 9 yrs ago Exactly - the term 'drug pusher' is mainly nonsense. They are usually dealers who satisfy demand. The biggest actual 'pushers' are Starbucks, the tobacco companies, and the alcohol companies who spend HUGE amounts pushing their drugs. As for dealers, look a the risks they take to provide drugs to those who want them. You have the people who ship them in, some on or in their bodies risking death and long sentences , you have the larger scale suppliers at risk or large sentences, you have the smaller time guys selling to end users, always at risk of a police arrest. Not an all an easy job, given the downside risks. Peds, as for drugs doing people no good, that is also a nonsense statement. For many users, drugs provide a lot of pleasure and enrich their lives. Most people who use extacy, cannibis, or cocaine for example will testify to that. Using the term 'drug abuse' to discribe any type of use often done by the media and by biggots is another nonsense term, as it assumes that all use is 'abuse' which is not. There are some drugs which the term is appropriate for, tobacco being one of them, as any degree of consumption is inherently an abuse, but this is not necessarily the case for all drugs. Further, who are you, or who is the goverment for that matter, to dictate what things a free person in society should be permitted to ingest, be it chocolate cake, chicken, coffee, marijuana, alcohol etc etc. Legalize it all, ensure a safe consistent supply, and educate to enable people to make wise choices. Peds 9 yrs ago The pushers are just innocent and its up to the individual if he buys or not?!?! The term Pusher is because you 'push' the drugs to the person, and as you guys said its up to the person of he wants it or not. Remmy, of course obviously the Drug users would experience pleasure when taking drugs, why would they use that in the first place. Just to clarify, the drugs that we are talking about there are the prohibited drugs, why would label then as prohibited if they have no negative effects to one's body and specially behavior. Comparing drugs to chocolate cake, coffee, chicken?. Best of luck! Legalize them and if people want to mess their heads up it's their business and none of yours. Lucane01 9 yrs ago It all comes down to property rights. Do you own your body? If so, then you should be able to do whatever you want to it. Apparently the police tolerate the triads selling weed in Stanley but not harder stuff. I called the police hotline last year and they said they are 'aware' of the situation and seemed to suggest they do some bust and arrest people there once or twice a year. Whatever unlucky international student there at the wrong time is normally arrested and deported, I know of one family that had to return to their home country because of an arrest. I'm guessing a lot of people ranting about free rights are in denial over their own alcohol or drug use. Taking their free rights argument to the extreme, we should offer heroin to 10 yr olds and let them decide? I'm fine for adults to do anything they want but where do we draw the line with children? I agree the US rules are far too extreme Europe does seem more sensible and more focused on treatment. Abhaya 9 yrs ago 'Taking their free rights argument to the extreme, we should offer heroin to 10 yr olds and let them decide? Remmy 9 yrs ago sukosuko1 - you write about 'alcohol or drug use' as though there is a distinction. There is not. Both are drugs, and indeed alcohol is one of the more harmful and destrutive drugs that many humans chose to take. Certainly there are many many more alcohol and tobacco related deaths than there are marijuana related deaths. As for 'offering heroin to a 10 year old' this is nonsensical, unless perhaps the child was in extreme pain eg immediate aftermath of a severe accident and needed such medication administered by a medical. The point is not about forcing anyone to do anything, but rather allowing people free choice and liberty of their own person. Again, as I have said before, the key is education. If I had a 10 year-old, I would teach him to be very aware of the things he chooses to do to his body, and the risks and implications. This could apply to the sports he plays, the hobbies he has, the food he consumes, etc etc. With regard to the drug alcohol, I might be inclined to allow my boy a small sip of beer of wine if he was curious, explaining the importance of moderation, and encouraging him to learn the pleasure of the taste of the wine on his palate. Same if he wanted to try a starbucks coffee, or a CocaCola. Its very hard to 'ban' things like this outright. The best you can do is educate and produce a child that ultimatlly will make responsible and sensible decisions. HarryB 9 yrs ago I totally agree with that, what 'Remmy' writes here. Seems to me, that most of the people have their knowledge about drugs from sensational newspaper reports and do nopt think any further. Drugs will create problems, especially the addictive ones. However, there will always be a demand, and as long as this exists, drug cartels get rich, and the lonely user has no other way to slip into crime to satisfy his needs. Drugs like cannabis and marijuna are definitely less dangerous than alcohol, but still they are prohibited whilst alcohol is allowed and easily availale for everyone, no matter of what age. There is only on way to solve the problems: Legalize it. Supply the drugs via official centres, users need to be registered and the purity is controlled. That's how to stop illegal trafficking, take away the big money from the cartels and keep the users out of crime. Let's face it, drugs will be present everywhere at every time. Dealers arrested by police are replaced by new dealers within minutes, places known to be hot spots for buyers will be somewehre else when police raids them. Parents should educate their kids about drugs in order to minimize abuse, Susie1 has written down a very good example how it can be done. Some harsher methods might help too, such as a visit in the clinics were the wrecked drug abusers are being hold, just to show the kids how they might end up One should get full knowledge on how they get the drug, which friends of the kid is having the same problem There are a few private investigator who can help. But anyway, what do you think - a good thing or a bad thing? I've got mixed feelings on it - it would help keep it off the streets and out of Stanley :P which is a good thing, but maybe makes it easier to get hold of for kids. Afifah85 7 yrs ago Everyone keeps harping on the current trendy view Rampybd1 7 yrs ago Hello everyone , i think some political person n some powerful Hong Kong resident r connected with drugs dealers and they gets a huge number money from drugs dealer's. Hk police is very active against drugs dealer's. I just wanted to say that drugs dealer's gets shelter and support by hk powerfull residents. I think that I'm damn sure the cops will do something. Based on the photos, the dealers are South African with a big 50 cent old chain on their necks. Very ghetto! You must be logged in to be able to reply. Copy Link. Full Name Please enter your name. Email Invalid email address Please enter your email address. Period Monthly Weekly Daily. Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 Studio. Special Requests. Send Request. Support Hong Kong Business! You have reached the maximum number of listings for your package 0. To add more listings consider upgrading your current package. Please disable your Ad Blocker to:. Open the calendar popup. December

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