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Berikut adalah copy pasta tulisan tsb posting yang terpisah. Pada tulisan tsb ada bagian yang ingi saaya tanyakan, karena mengusik hati saya. Tentunya jawaban yang benar dan alkitabiah tidak hanya bisa mencerahkan saya,tetapi juga para pembaca lain yang peunya keinginan tahu yang sama dng saya. Walaupun silsilah Yesus di Lukas 3. Selanjutnya baca selengkapnya copy pasta saya!! Herodes mengumpulkan semua imam kepala dan ahli Taurat bangsa Yahudi, lalu dimintanya keterangan, di mana Mesias akan dilahirkan. Alur perjalanan adalah ke Selatan: Nazaret — Jerusalem — Betlehem total sekitar km. Betlehem dicapai setelah lewat Yerusalem. Kemudian Yesus berangkat dari situ dan tiba di tempat asal-Nya sendiri patris autos \\\\\\\\\[Mark 6. Dimanakah letak Kota Nazareth , karena saya mencari di peta dan tidak menemukan Nama Nazareth tercantum, begitu pula perjanjian lama tidak menyebutkan kota Nazareth. Blog tsb menulis :. Lupi, Faenza, , p. Jadi, setiap bulan dari Januari s. Dan ada juga mereka yang menentukan tidak hanya tahun dari Tuan kita lahir, namun juga harinya; Dan mereka katakana itu terjadi di tahun ke Agustus, dan di hari ke bulan Pachon. Dan para pengikut Basilide sekitar M memegang hari baptisanNya sebagai sebuah festival.. Dan mereka katakan bahwa tahun ke Tiberus Caesar adalah hari ke Tubi dan beberapa katakan itu adalah hari ke di bulan yang sama.. Tidak jelas mana yang asli diantara ke-7 manuskrip tersebut. Namun, penetapan resmi tanggal 25 Desember sebagai tanggal lahir Yesus, tampaknya karena Paus Julius di M atau di M. Hari libur ini, mempunyai nama yang sama dengan nama Gubernur yang berkontribusi pada masa sensus. Inilah mengapa Lukas 2. Ini menyampaikan tanggal Yusuf dan Mary harus ada di Bethlehem. Deja vu? Untuk urutan kehadiran, Balaam, tampaknya hadir paling akhir, karena setelah balaam, roh kudus meninggalkan dicabut dari bangsa NON Israel secara permanen:. Yoma 9b Sotah 48b. Sanhedrin 11a. Sample Mesiah turunan Israel ada banyak. Kuil ke -2, dibangun jaman Koresh oleh Ezra dan Nehemia, kuil ini hancur pada tahun 70 Masehi. Kuil ke-3 belum terjadi lihat Yehezkiel 40 Yesus dalam kisah kehidupannya, tidak berurusan dengan menyelamatkan Israel dari tangan bangsa lain, atau dari penyembahan terhadap Tuhan lain. Kemudian, Jika benar Mary dan Yusuf tahu bahwa Yesus anak Allah dan benar bahwa mereka mengalami sendiri keajaiban seputar kelahiran Yesus, maka:. Mengapa Mary dan Yusuf tega-teganya tidak memberitahukan keluarga dan para tetangga asal-usul ilahi-Nya? Mengapa Mary dan Yusuf tega-teganya tidak memberitahukan keluarga dan para tetangga bahwa Yesus adalah Mesiah? Benarkah Yesus anak Allah? Yesus Bin Panthera? Tampaknya klaim kaum Yahudi bahwa Yesus anak Haram telah ada dari awal kehidupannya, misalnya:. James Tabor. Yebamoth Folio 49a. Shabbat b. Malaikat Tuhan mendatangi dan kemuliaan Tuhan bersinar meliputi mereka da memberitahukan bahwa christos kurios telah lahir. Antiquities of Jews, buku ke-7, ch. Nazaret — Jerusalem — Betlehem. Karena Kitab Suci mengatakan, bahwa Mesias berasal dari keturunan sperma Daud dan dari kampung kome Betlehem tempat Daud dahulu. Juga, jika konsistem dengan klaim keturunan Daud, maka di jaman kerajaan Yehuda, para Hakim benar dan Nabi benar, ketika wafat, di kubur di Betlehem. Raja Israel yang benar dikubur di kuburan Raja di Yerusalem, Sementara Yesus, ketika wafat pun, tidak dikuburkan di Betlehem juga tidak di kuburan Raja, di Yerusalem, Kenapa? Setelah Herodes wafat, melalui surat wasiatnya, Kaisar Agustus membagikan wilayah itu pada pada 3 anak Herodes:. Karena Herodes yang agung wafat 4 SM. Ketika genap waktunya bertugas, ia pulang ke rumah. Beberapa lama kemudian. Josephus mengatakan: Tahun ke, pada masa jabatan raja wilayah Arkhelaus , Ia dicopot dari jabatanya dan dibuang ke Vienna. Daerahnya digabungkan ke provinsi Suriah. Kirenius dan Koponius dikirim ke Suriah untuk menjadi hakim bagi mereka. Kirenius, untuk urusan penghitungan harta, menjual rumah Arkhaelaus dan melucuti keuangan Arkhelaus. Koponius, ditugaskan untuk membawahi para Yahudi. Kirenius dan Koponius juga ke Judea, yang sekarang menjadi bagian Provinsi Suriah, untuk urusan yang sama. Kejadian Kirenius melucuti keuangan Arkhelaus dan penghitungan pajak terjadi di tahun ke kemenangan Caesar atas Antony di Actium \\\\\\\\\[Josephus, Antiquities of Jews, buku ke, ch. Inskripsi ini tidak mengandung material yang merujuk pada Kirenius. Inkripsi ini mendukung statement Josephus mengenai masa jabatan Kirenius di Suriah. Dikatakan saat itu, Yesus kira-kira seperti 30 tahun. Ini menunjukan beda tahun kelahiran Yesus antara 2 kitab Injil ini adalah Minimum 12 tahun! Catholic Encyclopedia, Christmas. Clement Alexandria M. Dewa-dewa yang lahir di 25 Desember. Blog ini. When was Jesus Born? Bagaimana cara mereka mengklaim bulan tersebut? Rotasi Tugas 24 Imam 1 tahun kelender Yahudi, normalnya terdiri dari 12 bulan jumlah hari antara s. Tentang penugasan para Imam, Daud membagi giliran tugas 24 turunan Harun: 16 dari turunan Eleazar dan 8 dari turunan Itamar melalui undian, yaitu ke-1 Yoyarib s. Waktu penugasan mulai dari Sabat s. Alkitab tidak memberikan petunjuk mengenai tahun dan bulan apa, pertama kalinya giliran sesuai undian itu dilakukan. Yesaya 7. Kitab Ezra dan Kitab Nehemia kemudian memuat kisah kepulangan orang-orang provinsi Yehuda dari Babel. Ia adalah ahli Taurat dan menjadi Imam selama 40 tahun. Nehemia datang di tahun ke pemerintahan Raja persia, atau tahun kenya Imam Ezra. Kitab Ezra dan Kitab Nehemia memuat nama-nama keluarga Imam yang pulang dari pembuangan:. Apakah bani Abia punah? Jika tidak punah, no. Ini sulit karena kitab Nehemia sendiri menyatakan ada 3 no. Note: Sanhendrin 93b. Permasalahanpun belum selesai, Yerusalem di abad ke-2 SM, dihancurkan lagi. Kali ini oleh Raja Antiokhus Epifanes, yang juga membuat para penduduk Yerusalem dan Yehuda diangkut pergi. Lihat di kitab Makabe buku ke Kitab ini bersama 8 kitab lainnya diakui konsili Trent namun tidak diakui Kristen Protestan. Kehancuran Jerusalem ini membuat para Imam juga tidak dapat melaksanakan tugasnya untuk waktu yang lama. Eusebius M — M. Beberapa lama kemudian Elisabet, isterinya, hamil dan selama 5 bulan ia tidak menampakkan diri \\\\\\\\\[Lukas 1. Dengan kendala-kendala di atas, penggunaan metoda rotasi tugas para Imam untuk menentukan hitungan kapan Yesus lahir, jelas tidak dapat diandalkan. Adakah cara yang lebih mudah dan kitabiah dalam menentukan kapan Yesus lahir? Mengapa Maria tinggal 3 bulan lamanya di tempat Elizabeth dan kemudian pulang tanpa menunggu Yohanes pembaptis lahir? Maria tinggal 3 bulan di tempat Elizabeth karena saat Ia datang adalah musim dingin. Alkitab mempunyai rujukan bahwa orang memang menetap ketika bepergian dan bertemu musim dingin. Jika demikian, mengapa Ia pulang tanpa menunggu kelahiran Yohanes pembaptis? Selama 3 bulan di tempat Elizabeth, kandungannya berusia lebih dari 3 bulan. Di bulan September para gembala menggembalakan ternaknya di padang rumput:. Namun herannya, bapak-bapak gereja tampaknya lebih suka menumpang hari kelahiran para dewa Pagan untuk menetapkan waktu kelahiran tuhan mereka, Yesus Kristus, Kenapa? The book is designed as a dictionary, and not as an encyclopaedia; that is, the uses of words and phrases as such are its subject matter, and it is concerned with giving information about the things for which those words and phrases stand only so far as correct use of the words depends upon knowledge of the things. A third and a fourth peculiarity are the direct results of the preceding ones; if common words are to be treated at length, and their uses to be copiously illustrated, space must be saved both by the curtest 1 The remarks likely to be needed for reference on pronunciation, inflexion, Ac. In attaching this great importance to illustration, by the need of which the relative length of articles, and our manner of expressing ourselves on every page, are governed, we are merely acting, with the exaggeration imposed on us by our limited space, upon the principles of the O. This procedure—first the collection of sentences from all possible sources as raw material, and then the independent classification—we have often followed even in that part of our book A—R in which the O. For the purposes of a dictionary that is not to be bulky and yet is to give a fuller treatment than is usual in dictionaries of its size to the undoubtedly current words forming the staple of the language, selection among these intruders is a difficult but very necessary task. The most that can be hoped for is that every one conversant with any special vocabulary may consider us, though sadly deficient on his subject, fairly copious on others ; the meaning of many learned words that have been omitted as having no pretence to general currency may easily be gathered by reference first to the stem, which is often the subject of an article, or to another word of which the stem is clearly the same, and secondly to the suffix. In another class of words and senses the test of currency has led us to diverge in the opposite direction from the practice usual in dictionaries of this size ; if we give fewer scientific and technical terms, we admit colloquial, facetious, slang, and vulgar expressions with freedom, merely attaching a cautionary label; when a well- established usage of this kind is omitted, it is not because we consider it beneath the dignity of lexicography to record it, but because, not being recorded in the dictionaries from which our word-list is necessarily compiled, it has escaped our notice ; we have not, however, consulted slang dictionaries nor made any attempt at completeness in this respect. In dealing with verbs such as level, rivet, bias, whose parts and derivatives are variously spelt, the final consonant being often doubled with no phonetic or other significance, we have as far as possible fallen in with the present tendency, which is to drop the useless letter, but stopped short of recognizing forms that at present strike every reader as Americanisms; thus we write riveted, riveter, but not traveling, traveler. In words of the type ardour, colour, favour, where the O. Words in which -y- has intruded itself without completely dispossessing a more correct -i-, as sylvan, tyro, tyre, we have given with the -i- forrn either alone or placed first. In stating the plural of words in -o, we have found it impossible to draw any satisfactory line between the words that prefer -os and those that prefer -oes; it may perhaps be laid down that on the one hand words of which the plural is very commonly used, as potato, have almost invariably -oes, and on the other hand words still felt to be foreign or of abnormal form, as soprano, chromo for chromolithograph, have almost invariably -os ; of many other words it may be said with confidence that they use one form only cf. The phonetic values of the letters employed in these, and the use of the stress-mark, are explained on the page facing the letter A. Derivatives are to be understood, unless the contraiy is indicated, as following the pronunciation of the main word under which they are given or to which they are referred in the etymological note. The pronunciation of many words is omitted on the assumption that the reader is already familiar with the normal values of some letters and combinations. To some suffixes no less familiar than -ation pronunciation is added in view of certain ignorant or pedantic tendencies. Against these and other results of the undue influence of spelling warnings are freely given. In the choice or rejection of alternative pronunciations the O. ORDER OF SENSES From the order in which the senses of a word are here given no inference must be drawn as to their historical or other relations, the arrangement being freely varied according to the requirements or possibilities of the particular word. Words of Teutonic origin are illustrated by all or some of the forms found in cognate languages. With words that have passed through several languages on their way to English, the forms taken in successive languages are recorded in full, with the following exceptions. L pleonasmus f. A similar omission of a word in any other language implies absolute identity of form. French nouns of Latin origin are with few exceptions derived from the Latin accusative ; but the Latin nominative is here given except when e. Greek t\\\\\\\\\] e and u 6 , and the e of Latin infinitives of 2nd conj. The etymology often contains references in small capitals to words and suffixes. Hence introduces one or more of the direct derivatives of the word treated; whence introduces such derivatives under a particular sense to which they are restricted; so introduces words derived from another language; hence or cogn. The suffixes of such derivatives are commonly printed in small capitals, and are thus referred to the suffix article in its alphabetical place. The numbers enclosed in brackets indicate subdivisions of the suffix article, and are often used to distinguish among the possible senses of the derivative word those in which it is chiefly current. The first element of a Latin or other compound word is. Thus convene is \\\\\\\\\[f. F convenir f. The stem vent- and the senses agree, fit, are here added for the purposes of convention and convenience, which are referred to convene. The first element of a Greek compound similarly treated is sometimes written according to the current Latin transliteration, to facilitate reference to the prefix article; Greek Jcakoepeia, under cacoepy, accordingly appears as CACO epeia. Certain similar devices for saving needless repetition will, it is believed, explain themselves. The etymology of all words from A to R was drawn in the first instance from the O. From S to Z Prof. In the same way reference is made 1 from the word treated to another word for the purpose of contrast, distinction, correlation, or the like. Of this kind are the references from slander to libel and scandal, from creationism to evolution and vice versa, and from tenon to mortise and vice versa. Ruby print. Of other abbreviations, a list including all that are not either too obvious to need explanation or generally current and accordingly to be found in the abbreviation lists given in the first article of each letter of the alphabet follows on the opposite page. Verbs add -s in 3rd sing, pres. Verbs and adjectives drop final mute e before -ing, -ed, -er, -est. Before -ed, -ing, -er, -est, -eth, monosyllabic verbs and adjectives double a final single consonant except x if preceded by a single vowel. Monosyllabic adjectives and disyllables in -y compare in -er, -est; others with more, most. Otherwise, pronunciation is given for sloped words to the same extent as for others, but is often to be taken as merely approximate. In argument first imaginary person or case. Abbreviations 1 : ab, A. Royal Academy ; authorized, A. Abbreviations 2 : ab init. Before all consonants except silent h, use a; a history, a historian, though some still write an before h in unaccented syllable, but an hour: before all vowels except eu, u, use an; an ulcer, but a unit, a eulogy; also a one. Placed after many, such, what, or any adj. On, to, towards, into, in. Mostly now written as pref. On : abed, afoot. To: ashore. Towards: aback, afar, aside. Into: apart, asunder. In : now-a-days, twice a day; w. G er-. OF e-, es-, as amend. Gk words, but also w. Gk, L, and Rom. Hist, terms, ancient or latinized mod. Lydia, Hilda. L, of classes of animals mammalia. OE fearh and L porcus pig\\\\\\\\\] aard-wolf ard , n. Kinds of plant, esp. Great Mullein and Golden Rod. Away, from, off, apart, \\\\\\\\\[f. L ab, cf. Gk apo, E of, off, G ab-. Calculating-frame w. Hell; the devil Rev. In stern half of ship ; behind. Careless freedom, letting oneself go. Profligate, \\\\\\\\\[p. Lower, humiliate, make base. MENT n. LL bassare f. A- d 4- bahir cry bah! In warm light. Diminish t. Do away with nuisance ; blunt edge ; lower price ; deduct specified or unspecified part of price ; mitigate violence ; weaken energy. Grow less of flood or epidemic. In law quash writ or action. LL batere f. Defence made of felled trees w. Public slaughterhouse, abb, n. Used w. Office, jurisdiction, or tenure, of an abbot, \\\\\\\\\[earlier abbatie see -cv f. LL abbatia abbat- nom. Of an abbey, abbot, or abbess. Frenchman orig. L abbatem nom. Lady superior of a nunnery. Buildings occupied by monks or nuns under an abbot or abbess ; the monks or nuns as a body; a church or house that was once an abbey or part of it. OF abate, Pr. Head of abbey of monks; Abbot of Misrule or of Unreason, leader in medieval burlesque festivities. Gk abbas -at- ABBA \\\\\\\\\] abbreviate1 -at , a. Relatively short esp. L abbrevialus p. The alphabet; rudiments of any subject; alphabetical railway guide. Renounce formally or by default a power, office, right; also abs. Of the abdomen in either sense; of fish having the ventral fins under the belly. Drawing away of muscles that open or pull back the part they are fixed to , \\\\\\\\\[f. L abducent- part. Kidnap; take away esp. L abduct- see prec. Illegal carrying off, esp. L abductio prec. Person who abducts another; also a. Arranged alphabetically, as the th Psalm; elementary, ignorant. In bed. The white poplar, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF abel earlier aubel f. LL albelhis dim. L aberrant- part. A straying from the path, lit. Optics non-convergence of rays to one focus. L aberration see prec. Countenance or assist offence or offender ; esp. Abettor is the legal and the commoner general form. From outside. Regard with disgust and hatred, \\\\\\\\\[f. Detestation; detested thing flattery is my a. Nickname of those who signed addresses to Charles II in Remain over; continue ; dwell; stand firm; with by remain faithful to, act upon terms. Wait for; encounter, sustain; submit to, suffer ; negatively as I cannot, who can—? Of resin, or fir. Sufficient power, capacity to do something ; legal competency to act ; financial competency to meet a demand; cleverness, mental faculty, general in sing. OF abletb f. L habilitat- n. From the beginning. Spontaneous generation. Gk dbios f. Brought low, miserable; craven, degraded, despicable. L ab- jectus p. Abasement, low estate. F abjurer f. Weaning from the mother, \\\\\\\\\[f. L AB lactatio f. Removal esp. L ablatio f. AB lat- p. L ablativus brought from ablat- see prec. Systematic vowel change in derivation, as in sing, sang, sung. Talented, clever; competent, having the means or power to , esp. OF liable, able, now habile f. L habilis handy habere to hold \\\\\\\\\] -able, suf. F -able f. L -a- of first conjug. In F extended to vbs of all conjugg. In E now appended even to native vbs as bearable, nouns as clubbable, and phrase vbs as get-at-able; prob. Name for the freshwater fish bleak. LL abula for albula dim. In or into bloom. Ceremonial washing of person, hands, or sacred vessels; ordinary, personal washing; sing. L AB lutio f. Deny oneself something , renounce a right or belief , \\\\\\\\\[f. L abnegatio prec. L anormalus corrupted f. L abnormis see foil. Irregularity ; a monstrosity, \\\\\\\\\[f. AB 7iomnis f. On or into a ship ship either expressed or omitted ; alongside, near, esp. Lay another ship a. A-boiling, boiling. Do away with customs, in stitutions. F abolir -ISH2 f. Doing, being done, away with. In the 18th and 19th cc. L abolitio prec. L abominabilis f. L abominat-; see prec. Abominated, \\\\\\\\\[f. L abominatus p. Indigenous, existing in a land at the dawn of history, or before arrival of colonists of races and natural objects ; noun; pi. Hence abopi- g-inaTiTY n. L ab from-f origin- nom. First inhabitants, or those found in possession by colonists also of native plants and animals. Untimely born, undeveloped; rudimentary thorns are aborted branches. Be plentiful; be rich m ; teem or be infested ivith. OF abundert abonder, habonder, f. L AB undare, f. L habere have\\\\\\\\\] about1, adv. All round from outside, as compass it a. Oxford, people or objects a. Change the course of ship to the other tack. ABOUT adv. Largest hammer used by smiths. C— in music , up stream from, projecting from head a. Above is also treated as a noun in from above. Spell, magic formula; gibberish. Relating tediously from the very beginning. OF abregier, abreger. OF abregement f. Pierced, so as to let the liquor run of casks. Broadly, widely, in different directions; in motion there is a rumour a. Also treated as a noun in from a. Repeal, xancel, law or cus-tom. L abrogatus p. Sudden, hasty, disconnected; steep, precipitous; Bot. Hence abrirpt- LY 2 adv. L abruptusp. Breaking away of part from a mass. From, away, off. See AB-. Collection of pus formed in a cavity of the body. L abscessus a going away f. ABS cedere cess- go \\\\\\\\\] abseiss e pi. Portion of given line intercepted between fixed point within it and ordinate drawn to it from given point without it. Cutting off, violent separation, \\\\\\\\\[f. Go away secretly, fly from the law. L ABS coxdere stow, f. Being away from a placed tinie of being away; non-existence or want of-, abstraction of thought esp. Notpresent; not existing. L absentem nom. Keep oneself away. F absenter f. L absentare f. A person not present. A per- son habitually living away from home; esp. Wormwood, the plant or its essence; a liqueur made orig. Complete, perfect, pure as a. Hence absoluteNESS n. F absolut now absolu f. L absolutus p. Formal setting free from guilt, sentence, or obligation; ecclesiastical declaration of forgiveness of sins; remission of penance; forgiveness. L AB solverc, solid- loosen \\\\\\\\\] absonant, a. Discordant, alien from , un-reasonable. F absorber f. L AB sorbere sorpt- suck in \\\\\\\\\] absorbable, a. Easily sucked in. Hence absorbam-LiTV n. Hence absorbedLY 2 adv. Causingthe absorption ordryingup e. Having a tendency to suck in abs. Hence absorbingLY2 adv. Having a tendency to suck in. L pref. Keep oneself away, refrain, from. F abstenir f. L ABS ffne? Sparing, notself-indulgent, esp. Used of persons, habits, meals. L ABS temius f. Keeping off abs. Cleansing; a cleansing substance, \\\\\\\\\[f. L abstergent- part. Cleansing, purgation. Cleansing, \\\\\\\\\[f. F -if, -ive , as prec. Refraining from any pleasure, or abs. Habit of refraining from pleasures, esp. L abstinentia see prec. Practising abstinence. Hence abstinentLY2 adv. Separated from matter, practice, or particular examples, not concrete ; ideal, not practical; abstruse; with the, as noun the ideal or theoretical way of regarding things in the a. Hence abstraetLY2 adv. L abstractus p. Deduct, remove, an obj. Withdrawn in thought, not attending. Hence abstractedNESS n. In the abstract, ideally; separately from—esp. Absence of mind. LABS frusosp. Incongruous, unreasonable, ridiculous, silly. F absurde f. Folly, unreasonableness; an absurd statement or act. F absurdity f. L abundantia as foil. Hence abirndantLY2 adv. Labundant- part, st. Counting from the foundation of Rome. Misuse, make bad use of; deceive archaic, but still used esp. Fabuser f. AB US- p. Misuse, perversion of ; an established unjust or corrupt practice. F abus f. L abusus n. Have a common boundary with, border, upon; or somet. A lateral support; esp. Redeem, pay the penalty of, an offence; usu. Bottomless, esp. The primal chaos, bowels of the earth, lower world ; a bottomless chasm, deep gorge; depth a. More than fathoms below sea surface water, zone, mud. LL abyssalis f. Properly the L assimilated form of AD- to, in addition. In passing through OF it became a-; this being rectified later, ac- was mistakenly written also for a- representing other preff. OE a- on in acknowledge. From Gk -akos, the modification of adj. E wds in -ac may be f. Gk -akos , L -acus , or F -ague. Gk akakia; perh. Of an academician or academy a. Belonging to a college or university; as pi. Member of an Academy or art society, esp. F academicien f. L academicus foil. F acadimie f. Gk akademeia Akademos the man or demigod f. In adjj. Jellyfish, medusa, sea- nettle. A genus of plants, esp. Hence acanth o - comb. Gk akanthos akantha thorn f. Without a heart, \\\\\\\\\[f. Gk akardios f. Not producing fruit. A verse not docked of a syllable, complete, \\\\\\\\\[f. LL acatalccticus f. Incomprehensibility philos. Gk akatalepsia f. Of Accadin Shinar Gen. Enter upon an office ; join a party ; assent to opinion or policy. Gradually increase speed. Make quicker; cause to happen earlier; become swifter of a motion or process , \\\\\\\\\[f. L AC celcrare f. Progressively quicker a. Causing progressively quicker motion a. Making quicker; being made quicker. Physics rate of increase of vdocity per time unit, as with falling bodies. Tending to increase speed, quickening, \\\\\\\\\[f. Prominence given to a syllable, whether by higher musical pitch ancient Gk and L, Swedish and Norw. In prosody rhythmical stress. F accenter see prec. Of accent; a. Consent to receive gift , answer affirmatively offer, invitation, suitor ; regard with favour esp. Of may be added exc. F accepter f. Worth accepting, pleasing, welcome. Hence or cogn. Masons, see FREE1- mason. Hence acceptedLY2 adv. Approach; addition ; right or means of approaching to ; being approached easy of a. F acces f. AC cedere cess- come ; 2. L access us. Helper in any act, one privy to it as pred. Able to be reached or entered abs. Coming into presence or contact; coming into an office or condition as manhood ; being added ; assent; thing added, addition; in law improvement or natural growth of property. Additional, subordinately contributive of things , adventitious; a thing of that character, esp. LL accessorius adj. The part of grammar, or a book, dealing with inflexions i. Event without apparent cause, unexpected so chapter of aa. L accidens -entis part, and n. Happening by chance,, undesigncdly, or unexpectedly ; occasional ;. In jpainting a. LL accidentalis f. L accipitr- nom. Shout of applause, \\\\\\\\\[f. Loud and eager assent to a proposal voted, carried, by a. L acclamatio prec. Upward slope of a hill cf. L acclivitas f. Ac clivis f. Sign at bestowal of knighthood, whether embrace, kiss, or stroke on shoulder with flat of sword. Obliging, easy to deal with, pliable, lax. Adjustment e. Appendage, thing that attends another. F accompagne- ment foil. Supplement a thing with, as word w. After pass. Partner, usu. NEWT, or by assim. L complicem nom. OF acomplir f. F accomplissement; see prec. OF acorder f. Consent with one a. Conformity, agreement, esp. In tune, agreeing, abs. Make up to and address, open conversation with. F accoster f. LL AC- costare f. Greeting, opening remark, \\\\\\\\\[f. Lying-in, delivery in child-bed. Man-midwife, midwife. Consider, regard as, followed by obj. Be accounted of, be esteemed alw. OF aconter f. Statement of money received and expended, with balance ; so open or close an a. Person or thing of, or held in, some or no a. LL comptum for computum f. Bound to give account, responsible, for things, to persons, or abs. Law one liable to render account; defendant in an action of account. Professional keeper and inspector of accounts; a. Attire, equip, esp. F accoustrer now accoutrer etym. Equipment, trappings. F AC crediter f. Grow together or into one ; form round or on to, as round a nucleus ; attract such additions , \\\\\\\\\[f. L accret- p. Grown into one with something else. L accretus p. Fall to one, from a thing as a natural growth, advantage, result; esp. Heap up, gain by degrees, usu. L AC cumidare f. Collection act. L accumidatio pree. Careful, precise, in exact conformity with a standard or with truth. L AC curare f. Lying under a curse, ill-fated; involving misery, execrable, detestable, \\\\\\\\\[p. Sometimes used for foil. Accusing; being accused; a charge of offence or crime; indictment. Hence ae- eusatrvAL adj. L accusativus lit transl. L ac- cusatorius foil. Point to subj. OF acuser f. Habituate oneself, person, or thing, to do or to; commoner in pass. In vbl senses; also, usual, \\\\\\\\\[p. The one on dice; ambs ace, throw of two ones, deuce ace, of two and one formerly two ones ; the one on dominoes, cards. L as unity\\\\\\\\\] -acea, L suf. As adj. Field of bloodshed, scene of slaughter. Headless, \\\\\\\\\[f. Gk akephalos f. Headless; recognizing no chief; Zool. Astringent sourness, harsh taste; bitterness of speech, manner, or temper, \\\\\\\\\[f. Turning sour, rather sour, lit. L acescere inceptive of acerc be sour ac- sharp , -ENT\\\\\\\\\] aeet-, stem of many ehem. Of plants used in salads, \\\\\\\\\[f. L acetaria salad plants, neut. Treated with acetic acid, \\\\\\\\\[p. Pertaining to vinegar, \\\\\\\\\[f. A colourless gas, burning -with a bright flame, \\\\\\\\\[as prec. Ferocity; gusto. Faithful friend of Aeneas Verg. Suffer continuous or pro-longed pain. Continuous pain. Name of letter H. F achever a chef venirt LL ad caput venire come to a head with \\\\\\\\\] achievement, n. Without lips. Without calyx or corolla, \\\\\\\\\[f. Free from colour; transmitting light without decomposing it. Sour; Chem. SO aePdiTY n. A sour substance; Chem. Make, become, sour; Chem. Hence aeidifi- ABLE a. Instrument for measuring strength of acids, \\\\\\\\\[as prec. Made somewhat acid. Somewhat acid. L aci- dulus dim. One of the small berries that make up a compound fruit such as the blackberry; the compound fruit itself; seed of a grape or berry; Anat. Hence aeiniFORM a. L -ax -acis, added to vb stems to form adjj. L -acitat- or thr. F -acitL acknow ledge aknol- , v. Highest point, point of perfection. Of the hat in cocked fashion ; defiantly, \\\\\\\\\[A prep. Inferior officer in the church; attendant, assistant; novice, \\\\\\\\\[f. Hence aeonitic a. F aconit f. Gk akoniton etym. Fruit of the oak; a. Plant with no distinct seed-lobes. L acotyledones f. Small rodent allied to guinea-pig. F acouchi, perh. Pertaining to the sense of hearing. F acoustique f. Gk akoustikos akouo hear \\\\\\\\\] acquaint, v. Make person, on esc? OF acointer f. LL ACcognitare f. Hence aequarntaneesHip n. OF acquest f. LL acquistum f. Agree tacitly; a. MF acquiescer f. OF acqueiwc f. Act of acquiring; thing acquired. L acquisitio as prec. OF aquiter f. Payment of debt; release from debt; receipt in full. Measure of land, 4, sq. OE secer, acer cf. L as acra, in OF as acre, hence mod. Hence aerrdiTV n. Bitterness of temper or manner. L acrimonia pungency acer -cris sharp ; see -MONY perh. Highest, topmost, terminal; tipped with ; at the point or extremity of. Rope-dancer, tumbler. F acrobate f. Cryptogamous plant having perennial stem with growing point at extremity, as ferns and mosses. Happening at nightfall esp. Citadel or elevated part of a Greek city, esp. In the form of a cross, , as xcith arms a. Poem or other composition in which the initial single a. Thing done, deed ; process of doing, operation, as in the very a. F acte f. L actus -us doing and f. L actum thing done; see foil. Othello, a. In vbl senses, esp: doing duty temporarily, as A. Genus of Zoophytes belonging to the family Actiniadae; pop. Process of acting, exertion of energy or influence, as men of a. Affording ground for an action at law. Less correctly, verbs are themselves called active. Hence aetiveLY2 adv. L in theol. Exertion of energy; quality of being active, diligence, llimbleness; pi. L activitatem as prec. OF auqueton mod. Existing in fact, real; present, current. F actuel f. LL actualis actus vbl n. Reality; realism; pi. L actualitas as prec. Realize in action ; describe realistically. Hence aetualizATiON n. In actual fact, really; for the time being ; ev. L actuare actus, as prec. Sharpness, acuteness as of needle, acid, disease, wit , \\\\\\\\\[f. F acuite f. Tapering to a point, \\\\\\\\\[f. L acuminare prec. Sharpen, point; give poignancy to. Sharp, pointed ; of angles less than a right angle ; of diseases coming sharply to a crisis, opp. L acuere -ut- sharpen\\\\\\\\\] acuti- in comb. L -aci-a f. L -ati-a f. L priinat- primati-a primacy; and by analogy supremacy. This formation was extended to adjj. L -atus to form accuracy, obstinacy, from accurate, obstinate, where Lhas nouns in -atio; hence other L words in -atio appear in E with -acy where E has no corresponding adj. E episcopate; and lunacy is formed to match lunatic on anal, of diplomacy diplomatic. Gk -ateia f. Before cfglnpqrst, and prob. In OF, L ad, wherever recognized as such, became a-, even before vowels, as aorner f. L adornare; but later the spelling was Latinized, sometimes with changed pronunciation, both in F and still more in E, where the OF forms had been adopted. The use of ad-, ab-, in pairs like adoral, aJboral, situated at and away from mouth, is unknown to L. L ab- advance F. OF en- addebted OF endetti , f. OF es- f. L ex- affray OF es- frayer , f. Arab, amiral. Gk -ad- nom. Dunciad, Rosciad ; and in family names of plants liliad, asclepiad. F -ade; see the more usual -ADE. Traditional maxim, proverb. Leisurely; n. The first man; old A. A thing impenetrably hard; formerly loadstone ; diamond. OF adamaunt f. L adaman- tem nom. L of the loadstone, from confusion with ad-aman- tem having an attraction for; from 17th cent. Child of Adam, human being; unclothed man; Eccles. Fit a thing to another ; make suitable to or for a purpose. F adapter f. L AD- aptare f. Join one thing to another , as a. Thing to be added ; appendix, addition. Small venomous snake, esp. OE nxdre cf. Devote, apply habitually, to a practice , as his tastes a. Law deliver over by sentence of a judge. L AD dicere diet- say assign\\\\\\\\\] addition, n. Process of adding; thing added. Added, supplementary. OE adela mud cf. MLG adele G adel ; now used only as adj. Muddle, confuse; of eggs grow addle, \\\\\\\\\[f. Communicate with byword or letter , as a. F adresser f. F adresse n. Cite as proof or instance. Act of adducing; act of adducting. L adductionem as prec. F -ade. L -ata fem. L, as in accolade OF acolee. Now a living suf. Meanings: action done tirade, fusillade , body concerned in action or process ambuscade, cavalcade , thing produced by action or from material masquerade, lemonade. F-ade f. Gk -ada nom. One who is thoroughly pro-ficient in anything , \\\\\\\\\[f. L adeptus p. For two; between two. L AD- haerere hoes- stick \\\\\\\\\] adherent, a. Sticking to substance ; due to; connected with to ; n. F adherent as prec. Adhering lit. F adhesion f. Arranged for this purpose, special. Impervious to heat, maintaining a constant temperature. Genus of ferns including the True Maidenhair; tyop. Black Maidenhair. Gk adianton maidenhair, lit. Gk adiaphoros a- not Adiaphoros different f. Without limit, forever. For the meantime. Greyish fatty substance generated in dead bodies subjected to moisture, \\\\\\\\\[f. Pertaining to fat, fatty; n. Lying near, contiguous. Additional, not standing by. Hence ad- j eetrvA L a. L adjectivus f. Join, unite, one thing to another ; be contiguous with. OF ajoindre f. Put off, postpone postpone further proceedings; intr. OF ajomer f. LL AD- jumare appoint a day jum-us day, cf. L diumus daily f. Adjudicate upon a matter ; pronounce judicially that a thing is ov a thing to be ; condemn person to penalty or to do ; award judicially thing to person. OF ajuger as foil. L AD judicare f. Subordinate thing, person, to another ; personal enhancement; Gram. Charge a person under oath or penalty of curse to do ; request earnestly. F adjuster mod. F ajuster f. OF ajuster, ajouster mod. F ajouter f. LL AD juxtare bring together f. Mouthpiece of an artificial fountain, \\\\\\\\\[f. F ajoutage ajouter add, join; see prec. L adjutare frequent, as foil. Helpful, auxiliary; person, thing, that helps. At pleasure, to any extent. Apportion, assign in due shares, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF amesurer f. OF a- mesurement as prec. Manage affairs ; dispense justice, sacraments, to ; tender oath to ; furnish, give, thing to ; apply remedies to ; intr. OF aministrer f. L administratio as prec. L administrativus as prec. OF amiral f. Office of admiral; branch of the executive that superintends the navy in England, Lords Commissioners of A. L admirationem as foil. Regard with pleased surprise or approval; formerly wonder at, wonder, \\\\\\\\\[f. F admirer f. Of idea or plan worthy to be entertained; law allowable as judicial proof; capable of being admitted to office or position. L admissio as foil. Tending to admit, \\\\\\\\\[f. L admissivus as foil. F admettre f. Capable of being admitted usu. Admitting, being admitted, usu. Add as an ingredient; mingle with something. L admixt- p. Exhort person to do, that he should do ; give advice; warn of a thing ; inform, remind, of a thing, that. OF amonester f. LL admonestare irreg. Admonishing ; warning, reproof. OF amoni- tion t L admonitionem as prec. To a disgusting extent. Belonging to an adnoun; attached to a noun. Action, business, fuss; difficulty, \\\\\\\\\[f. Norse at — to with infinitive - -do; much ado prop. L -atus p. Person growing up, between childhood and manhood II to 25 or womanhood 12 to Beautiful youth loved by Venus; beau, dandy; Bot. F adopter f. L AD optare choose, frequent, of obs. Due to adoption, as a. L adoptivus; see prec. Regard with the utmost respect and affection; poet. F adorer f. L AD orare speak f. Worshipper; ardent admirer, lover. Add beauty or lustre to; furnish with ornaments. F adomer f. L AD ornart furnish deck out\\\\\\\\\] adown, ad v. To the point; to the purpose. In a drifting condition, at the mercy of wind and tide or of circumstances. Having address, dexterous. OF dreit f. LL drictmn f. Adopted from without; supplemental, \\\\\\\\\[f. I am here. Flatter basely. L adulari fawn on, see -ATE3\\\\\\\\\] Adirllamite, n. Thing employed in adulterating, \\\\\\\\\[as foil. Stained in conduct or in birth by adultery; of things spurious, counterfeit, \\\\\\\\\[as foil. Falsify by admixture of baser ingredients. L adidterare corrupt «- didter adulterer, perh. One guilty of adultery. OF avoutre f. L adulter\\\\\\\\\] aduTterine, a. Yoluntary sexual intercourse of married person with one of opposite sex, married double a. OF avoutrie, aiilterie L adulter adulterer, see -Y1 , reformed on F adultere f. Overshadowing, shady, \\\\\\\\\[f. L AD umbrare f. Highly finished. Of taxes in pro-portion to estimated value of goods. Move or put forward; promote plans, persons ; bring for wrard claims, suggestions ; accelerate events ; pay money before it is due ; lend; raise price ; intr. MEXT n. OF avancer f. Going forward; progress; personal approach, overture; rise in price; payment beforehand, loan; in a. F avance u. Be beneficial to ;be an advantage to; further, promote, \\\\\\\\\[f. F avan- tager avantage; see prec. Season before the Nativity; coming of Christ, Incarnation; second coming of Christ; any important arrival, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF advent, auvent f. L adventus -us arrival f. XD venire vent- come \\\\\\\\\] adventitious, a. Coming from wdthout; accidental, casual; Law, of property coming from a stranger or by collateral, not direct, succession. L axlventicius med. L -itius coming to us from abroad as prec. Risk,danger; daring enterprise; unexpected incident; commercial speculation; hazardous activity, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF aven- ture f. OF aventurer as prec. Given to adventures. Female adventurer; woman on the look-out for a position, \\\\\\\\\[f. Rash, venturesome; enterprising. Hence adventurousLY2 adv. F adverbe f. L XDverbium verbum wrord, verb transl. Pertaining to an adverb; of the nature of an adverb. L adverbialis adverbium; see prec. Word for word. Opponent, antagonist, enemy; the A. OF aversier f. L adversativvs adversary oppose, see foil, and -IVE \\\\\\\\\] adverse, a. Contrary, hostile, to ; hurtful, injurious, to ; placed opposite. OF avers f. OF aversite f. L adver- sitatem as prec. E averte f. F avertir f. F avertir st. Public announcement usu. F aver- iissement as prec. Opinion given or offered as-to action, counsel; information given, news; pi. OF avis f. F aviser f. During good behaviour. Function of an advocate; pleading in support of. F advocacie, -tie, f. L advocatia as foil. F avocat f. L advocatus p. Right of presentation to a benefice, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF avoeson f. L advocationem function of patron as prec. Innermost part of a temple; private chamber, sanctum. Long ac repr. L ae and Gk ai; as, asdify L aedificare , aether Gk aither. In familiar wds as gave place to e, edify, ether , being kept pron. In Eng. Gk aigis, etym. Aeolis Gk Aiolis; 2. Aeolian dialect , \\\\\\\\\[f. Gk aiolikos as prec. F aeolipyle f. L Aeoli pylae f. An age of the universe, immeasurable period; eternity; Platonic philosophy a power existing from eternity, emanation or phase of the supreme deity. L aeon f. Expose to mechanical or chemical action of air; charge with carbonic acid gas formerly called fixed air. Of air, gaseous; thin as air, etherial; immaterial, imaginary; of, in, the atmosphere, atmospheric; existing, moving, in the air. Nest of bird of prey, esp. L aeria, aerea, f. F aire, perh. L area. Of the form of air, gaseous; unsubstantial, unreal, \\\\\\\\\[f. L aer air-f- -FORM\\\\\\\\\] aero- in comb. Of the nature or colour of verdigris, or copper-rust. F trugi- neuxf. Roman god of medicine; physician. Professed appreciator of the beautiful, \\\\\\\\\[f. Scientific study of the organs of sensation, \\\\\\\\\[irreg. L aestivalis f. Spend the summer, esp. L aestivare, see -ATE 3\\\\\\\\\] aestivation est-, est- , n. Assignment of a cause; philosophy of causation ; Med. Gk aitiologia aitia cause, see -LOGY \\\\\\\\\] af-, pref. OE feor FAR adv. Easy of address, courteous, complaisant. L affabilis f. OF afaire dfaire to do , cf. F affecter f. L affieere attach to see prec. Loving; fond; of things showing love or tenderness. Pertaining to the affections, emotional. Faith, trust in ; pledging of faith, esp. OF afiance f. Written statement, confirmed by oath, to be used as judicial proof. So affiliATiON n. Belated, connected, \\\\\\\\\[f. F afftnb affin f. L affinita- tem AFfinis related, lit. Assert strongly, aver; make formal declaration ; Logic, Gram. OF afermer f. Affirming, esp. L affirmationem as prec. Affirming, answering yes; Logic expressing agreement of the two terms of a proposition; answer in the a. L affirmativus as prec. MF affixer, occas. Appendage, addition; Gram. F affixe f. Affixing, \\\\\\\\\[f. Distress with bodily or mental suffering, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF aflit f. L afflictionem as prec. Flowing freely, copious; abounding esp. Tributary stream, \\\\\\\\\[f. Flow towards a point, esp. L affluxus -us, vbl n. With can have the means, be rich enough, to do , manage to spare; furnish, bestow ; of things yield supply of. Free from servitude or obligation, \\\\\\\\\[f. F affranchiss- lengthened st. Breach of the peace, caused by fighting or riot in a public place, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF effrei f. Alarm, terror, \\\\\\\\\[f. OF afrontev slap in the face, insult, f. Open insult, as pat a. Pouring on, esp. On or in the field esp. On fire lit. In flame, in a glow of light, lit. Before, previously, as -cited, -going, -named, -said ; -thought, premeditated, as malice a. With stronger reason, more conclusively. Alarmed, frightened, abs. Evil demon in Mohammedan mythology. Anew, with fresh beginning. Native of S. Africa born of European esp. Dutch settlers; A. Bond, organization for furtherance of A. Africa, \\\\\\\\\[ perh. Afrikaander f. Afrikaner n. African, altered on Englander 8c c. Goth, aftana from behind, f. Behind prep. Rembrandt; in allusion to, as named a. OHG aftar, Gk. Later, following, as a. Membrane enveloping the foe. Nearest the stern, most aft. Later, subsequently. Commander, chief officer, in Ottoman empire. Another time, once more; a. G entgegen ; 12th-c. In opposition to, as fight a. Characterized by absence of sexual action, \\\\\\\\\[as foil. Asexual reproduction. Mushroom; name of various fungi, \\\\\\\\\[f. Gk agarikon perh. F agathe 16th-c. Gk Agaue, prop, name in myth. On the gaze, \\\\\\\\\[A prep. Law, 21 years , a. OF aage, eclage, f. Cause to grow old. L -agium is read opted f. AGE V. Never growing old. Active operation, action, as moral, free, a. One who exerts power or produces an effect; of things efficient cause; a natural force acting on matter, as chemical a. Collect into a mass. Collected into a mass; Geol. Hence agglutinA-TioN n. Increase the power, rank, wealth, of person. State ; exaggerate, embellish. F agranclir st. AG grandire f. SoaggpavATiox n. OF agreger f. Collected, into one body; collective, total; Law composed of associated individuals, as corporation ci. Collect together; trans. Begin a quarrel; trans. F aggressor i. Of attack; offensive ; disposed to attack; assume the a. Grieve, distress, oppress, usu. Terrified; struck with amazement, \\\\\\\\\[p. Quick-moving, nimble, active. L agilis agere do \\\\\\\\\]. Percentage charged on ex-change of paper-money into cash, or of one currency into another more valuable; excess value of one currency over another; exchange business. Take in live stock to feed; charge land or its owner with a public burden. L agita- tionem as prec. In an agitated manner. One who agitates, esp. Metal tag of a lace; spangle or other metallic ornament of dress; tagged point hanging from shoulder upon breast of some uniforms usu. F aiguillette dim. In a glow, \\\\\\\\\[A prep. One who is descended by male links also, by male or female links from same male ancestor; sprung from same forefather, of same clan or nation; fig. F agnat f. A fourth name sometimes assumed by Romans; loosely nickname. One who holds that nothing is known, or likely to be known, of the existence of a God or of anything beyond material phenomena; pertaining to this theory. Tree once held a preservative of chastity. Gk agnos name of tree , confused w. Part of Mass beginning A. On the move, eager, expectant, \\\\\\\\\[perh. OF en gogues gogue fun, etym. Making no angle ; a. Hence ag-onPsticAL a. Gk agonistikos pertaining to a combatant, agonistes, in the games agones f. Torture; suffer agony, writhe in anguish ; contend in arena, wrestle lit. L agon- izarei. Gkagonizomaicontend apoa,seeprec. Mental anguish; a. Genus of rodents of Cavy or Guinea-pig family, esp. Indies, \\\\\\\\\[ thr. Relating to landed property ; a. OF agreer f. Pleasing to or abs. Agreeable qualities or surroundings. Rural, rustic; uncouth, \\\\\\\\\[f. L agrestis ager field - - -ic\\\\\\\\\] agriculture, n. Cultivation of the soil. Hence agricuTturAL a. Genus of plants, esp. Eupatoria, common in Britain, \\\\\\\\\[f. L agri- monia perh. Gk argemone, etym. Rural economy, husbandry.

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