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BA, A. Camhi, E. Pikitch and E. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U. California Fish and Game Bulletin, 1— Biological Bulletin, — BABU, C. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 58 2 : — BABY, K. BACH, S. Erste Abteilung. Die Bauchflosse der Batoidei. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskabsakademiens Handlingar, 50 7 : 1—, plates 1 to Copeia, 3 : — Deep Sea Research, 3: — BADE, L. Master's Thesis. American Journal of Physiology. Morey, G. BAER, G. BAER, J. Fisheries Research, 1—2 : — DOI: BAEZ, J. Ecology and Evolution, 10 1 : DOI: American Fisheries Society Special Publication, 6: pp. Evolutionary Applications, 11 5 : DOI: Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 14 2 : — Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 7 1 : — Journal of Paleontology, 31 5 : — American Museum Novitates, 1— Journal of Paleontology, 59 2 : — Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 4: — Primary structure, conformation and biological properties of an elasmobranchial insulin. BAJE, L. Current Science, 82 5 : — SI : — Marine Policy, DOI: Journal of the Black Sea Mediterranean Environment, 24 1 : University of Amsterdam, Holland. Scientific Reports, 7: DOI: Afzettingen, Mistenummer — jubileumgraafactie september Toxicon, 21 Suppl. Abstract Integrative and Comparative Biology, 53 Suppl. Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 43 1 : — Investigaciones Marinas, 7 2 : 91— Fishery Bulletin, 98 1 : — A check-list. Tertiary Research, 20 1—4 : 1—6, 3 fig. Bulletin of Marine Science, 19 4 : — Copeia, 4 : — Copeia, 2 : — Berkeley Corp. Contributions to the Mote Marine Laboratory, 1: 1— In: Klimley, A. Great White Sharks. The biology of Carcharodon carcharias: — London, pp. BALL, D. Cestoda, Tetraphyllidea , with Scalithrium minimum Van Beneden, n. BALL, I. BALL, R. Developmental Neurobiology, 76 7 : — DOI: Conservation Genetics, 20 2 : DOI: Conservation Genetics, 17 3 : — DOI: The Metabolism of Elasmobranch Fishes. 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Fisheries Research, 99 3 : — DOI: Fishery Bulletin, 2 : — Bulletin of Marine Science, 82 3 : — Aquatic Biology, 8: — DOI: Isolation and purification of the enzyme present in hepatic and renal tissues of the ray Raia clavata Lin. Properties of the enzyme present in liver and kidney skate tissue Raia clavata Lin. Demonstration of 2 arginase activities in hepatic, renal and gastric tissues of the ray Raia clavata Lin. Nova Thalassia, 7 Suppl. Untersuchungen am Skeletsystem von Selachiern. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Turbanorgane. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 2 : 64— Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 1 : Zootaxa, 1 : 1— DOI: Scientific Opinion, 2: — Illustrated Guide to the fish, amphihian, reptilian and supposed mammalian remains of the Northumherland Carboniferous strata. Monthly Review of Dental Surgery, 2: — Geological Magazine new series 1: — Biology Letters, DOI: Zoological Society of London. Systematic Parasitology, 6 4 : — DOI: Polar Biology, 40 1 : — DOI: Annals of the South African Museum, 13 8,14 : — Annals of the South African Museum, 21 1 : 1—, pls 1—17, figs. Nature, : 66 DOI: Annals of the South African Museum, 32, 2 6 : 41—67, figs 1—4, pls 6—8. Maskew Miller Ltd. Annals of the South African Museum, Nature, : DOI: PhD thesis, University of Tasmania. Animal Behaviour, 81 5 : — DOI: Biological Conservation, — DOI: Oikos, 6 : — DOI: Zootaxa, 27— Marine Biology, 3 : — DOI: Acta Histochemica, 73 2 : — Neuroscience, 48 2 : — DOI: Mediterranean Sharks. FAO, , Rome, Italy. BARR, Y. Fishes, 3: 34 DOI: Revista Mvz Cordoba, 21 1 : — Conservation Biology, 30 4 : — DOI: Fisheries Research, 1 : — DOI: Sun Nature Book pt. Melbourne, Australia, 1—44, ill. Hist, et Litt, depart. Nord et pays vois.. 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Sarsia, 67—78 DOI: Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, — In: Gilbert, P. Sharks, skates and rays. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore: Journal of Anatomy, in press DOI: Marine Fisheries Review, 50 1 : 9— Containing a systematic arrangement and concise description of all the animals, vegetables and fossils which have hitherto been discovered in these kingdoms. Cadell, London. Biochemical Journal, 1 : — Marine Biology, 2 : — DOI: Journal of Paleontology, 41 1 : — University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, 1— Journal of Parasitology, 80 5 : — Geobios, 42 6 : — DOI: BERN, H. Chapter In: Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology. Cech, J. Elsevier Publishers. In: Carrier, J. Journal of Experimental Biology, 23 : — Red muscle morphometrics, vascularization and ultrastructure. Chapter In: Fish Locomotion — an etho—ecological perspective. Domenici, P. Kapoor, D. 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Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 45 2 : — Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 77— Part 1, Elasmobranchii. BEST, L. African Zoology, 48 2 : — DOI: BEST, P. African Zoology, 50 3 : — DOI: Bulletin of Marine Science, 78 2 : — Marine Biology, 5 : — DOI: Biology of Reproduction, 60 1 : 14—22 DOI: PhD diss. Pp Florida Scientist, 45 1 : 2— Mineralien—Magazin, — Invertebrate Taxonomy, 4 4 : — DOI: Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 1—2 : Systematic Parasitology, 69 2 : 75—88 DOI: Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha: Eutetrarhynchidae , with redescriptions of T. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 4 : — Systematic Parasitology, 12 1 : 3—29 DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 12 1 : 47—60 DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 14 3 : — DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 22 2 : — DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 24 2 : — DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 27 2 : — DOI: Shipley, J. Hornell and T. Southwell, with the erection of a new genus, Trygonicola, and redescriptions of seven species. 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Zoosystema, 29 2 : — Zoosystema, 32 4 : — DOI: Systematic Parasitology, in press DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 59 2 : 81— DOI: Folia Parasitologica, 51 1 : 33— Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha in elasmobranch fishes from Australian and North American coastal waters. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 3 : — Systematic Parasitology, 16 3 : — DOI: Systematic Parasitology, 24 3 : — DOI: Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae in the Pacific. Systematic Parasitology, 18 1 : 59—66 DOI: Journal of Parasitology, 81 4 : — Monogenea: Monocotylidae, from the nasal cavities of rajiform elasmobranchs of the Great Barrier Reef. Cestoda: Lecanicephalidea from Trygon zugei. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology, — Cestoda: Lecanicephalidae from Trygon sephen in India. Journal of Parasitology and Applied Animal Biology, 11 1—2 : 55— Cestoda: Gymnorhynchidae from Trygon zugei at Ratnagiri. 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