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And for introducing me to the joys of being a dog s best friend. Please do not copy this book Richard Cussons has spent many many hours compiling this book. He alone is the copyright holder. He would very much appreciate it if you do not make this book available to others who have not paid for it. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Copywright by Richard Cussons. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise , without the prior written permission of Richard Cussons. Page 2 of This can be mainly attributed to the strong social structure created by the human-canine pack. Add to this the fact that horses are not very practical in your front room, and cats continue to hunt relentlessly, even when you feed them like a king! It is little surprise that dogs are the most suited to becoming our best friend. This book is aimed at individuals and families who are considering, or have decided to, become dog owners. It is important that your dog has a name that suits you both; as hopefully you will be using it for many years to come. We hope that you enjoy using this book as much as we enjoyed putting it together and wish you many happy years with your new companion. Richard Cussons. May Page 4 of To choose the perfect name for your dog follow this simple 5 step plan. Step 1 Read the All about dog names section carefully. It will help focus your mind on the basic and start to give you some good ideas. Note down any themes or ideas that may help you narrow your search. Step 2 Next go through the A-Z and note down any potential names. If you, your family, best friend or dog etc come from one of the listed countries then dog names by country section may be the best place to start. The other sections for two and three dogs may give you further ideas. Step 3 List your choices down on a piece of paper together with reason why you chose each name. I know this sounds hard but you can do it if you really try! If your family is choosing, get them all to list all their favorites then choose three. All these names must meet the basic criteria given in the Where to start section. Page 5 of If you have followed the steps above then we are sure you will have picked the perfect name for your dog and wish you both many years of happiness. What still can t decide? If you can t choose a name and the family still can t agree, there are a number of ways to choose your new best friends name, which will decide the matter once and for all! The Top Hat Put the names in a hat and pick one The rule is that the first name out is the winner. No second goes or best of three! The Debating Society Needs more than three people Each person has one minute to say why their favorite name is the best. A vote is cast once each person has had his or her say. Then someone tosses a coin. Those that win stay for the next round. They choose head or tails again, the coin is tossed and the winners stay in until there is only one left. That person gets to choose the name. You can make this game more visually appealing by getting those who put choose heads to but their hands on their heads and those that choose tails to put their hands on their butts! All Alone? If you alone are making the decision then it should be simple; just choose your favorite! If you are stuck, get a friend or relative to choose three names then battle it out as above. Remember The important thing is that the name you choose for your dog meets the criteria given in the Where to start section. And, once you have chosen a name and shared it with your dog, you MUST stick to it. Page 6 of It's time to name your new animal friend but you re running short on ideas. Choosing dog names can be hard if you aren't feeling very creative, so here we give you a head start with the basics and some great ideas to help you choose the perfect puppy name. Of course, your new puppy may be a top notch pedigree, registered with a kennel club, in which case it may come with a name already allocated but that doesn t prevent you from choosing something a bit more personal and down to earth for everyday usage. Where to start? Naming a pet should be a fun experience for all involved. Let everyone give their opinions and submit their ideas. You may elect to let one person decide, or perhaps put all of the ideas into a hat and pull a name out at random. Whatever process you choose, there are a few points worth considering before you make the final decision. The basic check list Avoid common and not so common mistakes with our comprehensive check list: Pick a name your dog can easily recognize. Dogs usually respond better to one or two syllable names. If you do want to go for a dramatic and unusual long name, consider whether you can easily shorten it to something a bit simpler for your dog to understand. Choose a name that's both easy to call out and one that you are happy calling out. Remember, you will be calling your dog's name out in public places at times and shouting out Parsnip in the local park, may leave you feeling a little embarrassed! You also want a name that will work well when you are straining your voice to call your pet as he disappears into the sunset chasing after a rabbit! For example 'Joe' is probably too close to 'No'. It can be difficult for dogs to tell the difference between similar sounding words. Page 7 of A puppy's behaviour can be a great source of inspiration for dog names. Study your puppy s antics and dog names will come flooding in. Dog names you choose say as much about you as they do about your pet. They show how you view your dog and your relationship with them. But other people may judge your dog s character by reference to its name and might therefore react negatively or fearfully to a dominating name when meeting it. It is a good idea to use a dog name that conveys the image you want your pet to have. Pick a name that will grow with the pet. For example 'Tiny' may be less appropriate for a full-grown dog. Above all have fun and choose a name you really like. Your puppy or dog will undoubtedly become your best friend and only you can find just the right special name. Some inspiration Okay, so we ve covered the basic ground rules, now it s time to get your thinking cap on. You ll find thousands of possible dog names in our index, but here are a few suggestions for coming up with your own inspirational name. Traditional It may be surprising, but more than half of all dog names are either human names or nicknames. We humans for the most part, it seems, name our animals as we would name ourselves. About one fifth of dog names are based on the dog s appearance or personality. Does your dog have short legs? Then how about Stumpy? Names that end in 'ie' and 'y' are always fun and easy pet names. Start with the obvious Take a long hard look at your new little friend he may be telling you his name without you knowing. Page 8 of For instance Spot, Red, Shadow, and Brandy all come from the way a dog looks. Behavior His behavior might inspire a name: Cricket a dog who eats crickets , Bandit a dog who steals things , Traveler a dog who likes to go in the car. Personality Your dog's personality could help a name pop into your head. Names like: Rebel a stubborn dog , Princess a sweet, beautiful dog , Bullet a really fast runner all come from characteristics of a dog's personality. Famous dogs Finally you can name your dog after another famous dog, for example Pluto, Pongo, Lassie or Digby. Word association Word association can be a great way to choose a name. Love chocolate or got a chocolate colored dog? How about Truffle for a name? Enjoy classical music? Name your dog Mozart! Are you a mechanic? Name your Pit Bull, Ratchet or Motor. You'll be amazed at how many great names you'll create when you try this. Ideas for ways of naming your new pet are all around you: here are just some of the many sources of inspiration you can access to discover the perfect name for your newest friend. Television Television shows are a great place to find good names for pets. Choosing a name that is from a favorite family show can help everyone to feel more comfortable with each other from the beginning. Sometimes it is fun to go back a few years, maybe even a decade. Think of that classic that you love to watch again and again. Comic strips Snoopy might not be altogether original, but it s a great name. Page 9 of You can probably think of dozens of names in this category right off the top of your head. How about Elvis you ain t nothing but a hound dog? Books There's a wealth of ideas for good dog names in every work of fiction - and in some non-fiction, too. Authors agonize for months over original and interesting names for their characters - why not benefit from the effort they've put into the same task you're currently working on? Which are your favorite books of all time? Why not choose a character from one of these books? Movies Movies are also a potential source of ideas. Cult movies, kids'movies or Hollywood blockbusters; they're all filled with larger than life characters living fantasy lives. One of these characters may have a name, which could suit your new dog perfectly. Family and friends What about naming your new furry best friend after his human equivalent? Do you have a family member or friend who would find such a tribute endearing rather than offensive? If so, they might have just the right name to 'borrow'for your new pet. There is no reason why your favorite Aunt Sally can't share her name with your new puppy. You can use different forms of these names as well. Uncle Robert can now transform into Bob the yorkie! Won't he be flattered? Honor a relative who has passed on by naming a pet after them. Or, have you considered using the name of your childhood pet that died years ago? That is a nice way to commemorate your dearly beloved pet that passed away. Maybe you have a traditional family name, which is always handed down from generation to generation: this might be a great way to make a statement that your new animal is really family! If you have children, let them use their wonderful imaginations. Chances are that they will have plenty of ideas if you go to them as a resource. It's also a nice gift to your children to give them this fun task. Page 10 of How about their coach or owner? The name of their stadium or city? Your hobby may be the source of unusual dog names. Think of an item, technique, people or places, which are associated with your favorite pastime. If you are a golf fan how about Divot for a name! For tennis fiends Duce is an obvious name. History Figures from history are also a great potential source of dog names. What about Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Rasputin? These historical names are often flamboyant and unusual, having long fallen out of current use. Name your pet for the qualities displayed by this historical person - bravery, beauty, intelligence, take your pick. Ideas from the environment Pick your favourite place and choose a name associated with that place. Sometimes even the name of a country will work. Or maybe you like a particular city name. You can also choose a name in a different language that is related to your favourite place. Do you live near a raging river that reminds you of the boundless energy of your new puppy? Or maybe the name of the place where your puppy came from could provide the perfect name. Be original, have fun, and enjoy the new addition to your family! Page 11 of It can be confusing for your pet if you keep changing your mind. When choosing a long name keep in mind the shortened version. A long name will inevitably be shortened, but it may ruin the effect that you were originally looking for. To get your pet used to his or her new name, use it often. It s a good idea, in these early days, to reward your dog with a treat when he comes to you in response to his name; this could be a food treat or a game with a favourite toy. If you re using food treats, use part of your dog s daily food allowance if you re using dried food : that way, your dog gets to work for his food and won t get fat! When you call your pet, always use its name. Do not say 'here puppy'. Calling your pet by its name will help it to become familiar with it and with your voice as well. Your dog may already know its name. However, we want our dog to give a specific response when we say their name. That response is to turn their head and look at us. Teaching this is not difficult. Say your dog's name in a happy, interesting voice. When your dog turns its head to look at you, immediately praise him. Follow up with a treat. Do this a number of times. Initially, play this game in a quiet setting with no distractions. You want to be the most interesting thing in the room. As your dog gets better at the game, you can add distractions. Try in the driveway, at the park, with lots of people in the house, etc. If you have trouble getting your dog to look away once he figures out that you have food, help him. Toss a treat on the ground past him, let him get it, and before he has a chance to lift his head, call his name. You can do the same thing with a toy. Toss it, as he picks it up, call his name. When he turns, treat. Always make your voice as interesting as possible. Call your dog's name only once. If he doesn't respond, wait a moment and try again. You can reach out and poke him as you say his name if you are really having trouble. As he turns, treat. Do not say anything except for the dog's name. You can say YES as you treat if you want, and always make sure to include physical praise throughout the lesson. Page 12 of To put your mind at ease, and to avoid sleepless nights, we have listed the top 10 boy and girl dog names in the US, UK and Australia. If you are feeling a little more adventurous, move on and you will find a world of other exciting names to choose from. Page 13 of From simple to superlative and common to exotic, there s a name here to suit any discerning dog. We suggest you write down a list of those you like as you go through them, as there s rather a lot! Asalet Asan Page 18 of George W. Page of You went to choose one dog from a litter of fluffy, doe-eyed puppies and before you knew it, you d left with two! Of course, you ve justified it to yourself by insisting that they ll be able to keep each other company when you re out. Or maybe your children have flown the nest and the house seems so empty Whatever the reason, you ve now got double trouble and two names to think of. Here are some great partnerships that may provide inspiration. You re barking mad. One dog short of a pack. Of course, three dogs might come in handy for a quick trip down to the shops by dog sled during the winter months. Or maybe you could start weaving your own dog-hair sweaters? Anyway, we do have one or two slightly wacky suggestions for a doggy trio, but if you re thinking of getting any more you ll have to look elsewhere for inspiration. You will find lots more doggie information on our dedicated web site. Your guide to puppies and dogs, which breeds are right for you, how to train and look after them. Recommended products and gifts for dogs and their owners. Here are just a few pages that you may find useful. Choosing a puppy Choosing a dog We give you the secret to choosing the ideal dog or puppy for you. Dog Breeds Comprehensive information about the many different types of dog and dog breeds. Small Dog Breeds Thinking of choosing a small dog? Find out about small dog breeds? Training your puppy Housebreaking All puppies need potty training and house training dogs is simple. We show you the basics then guide you to best places on the internet to learn more. Dog Grooming Our dog grooming guide will show you what to do to keep your dog happy and healthy. See the next page for information about the activity pages. Go to page 7 to find the Alpha tests. How many and in all? How many more than? How many are left? Tom had 5 toy cars. His dad gave him 3 more toy cars. How many toy cars did Tom have in all? Set 1 The people Write it down By the water Who will make it? You and I What will they do? He called me. We had their dog. What did they say? When would you go? No way A number of people One or two How. The way a. Controlled Vocabulary Valentine s Day Tom had 20 classmates. He has 17 Valentines so far. How many more does he need? Sally got a package of 12 Valentines. She only has 9 classmates. How many will she. Sam and the Bag 1. And now your host, Master Coach Instructor,. Icebreaker: Fantastic Four 1. Break the group into groups of 4. Each team must come up with four things that they all have in common. They may be as simple or as complex as they want example: we all. Which word in the paragraph below is used too much? My music teacher is nice. He plays. You can t read a sentence or a paragraph without knowing at least the most common. How to have a well behaved dog Top Tips: Training should be FUN for both of you Training will exercise his brain Training positively will build a great relationship between you Training should be based. All rights reserved. Distribution of this work or derivative of this work is prohibited. His best friend Chester, a cat, thinks the family pet,. Students will understand that people online are not always who they say they are. How are you? You re welcome. Oh, no. You mustn t help him. I ll ask him. Why did you finish the report? You can t buy a dictionary. No, thank you. It s cloudy. How are. Ennis William L. Unit 1 Hello! Topics animals, colours, numbers Functions following instructions, spelling and writing Grammar questions What s? What are? What colour? And to help you get them into the pool, we ve come up with loads of great swimming games to. The question to be asked is: what is temptation all about? What is. Parenting Positively Coping with DEATH For children aged 6 to 12 This booklet will help you to understand more about death and the feelings we all have when someone we care about, like a parent, a brother. Sidney Greenslade, age 11 A funny story of an. Baron-Cohen, S. Chapter 2. Making Shapes Let's play turtle! You can use your Pencil Turtle, you can use yourself, or you can use some of your friends. In fact, why not try all three? Rabbit Trail 4. Body Geometry Can. The people Write it down By the water Who will make it? No way A number of people One or two How long. Lucy enjoyed playing football, especially when James asked her to. Fun ways to group students Tips for dividing into groups. Picture Cards: Hand out cards with images on such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and other such groups of things. Then get them to. He spent his whole life searching for new things to wear. He didn. Use a pen! You may leave early. When finished, turn your test upside down and. This is a. The number of classic book Nanette sells in her 2. Which scatterplot shows a positive correlation? You ll learn how to swing the club, the Rules of the game, and how to act on the golf. A leader will throw out get-to-know-you questions, and everyone. Making Inferences Picture 2 Sue surprised her friend with a gift. Making Inferences Picture 3 Angela isn. At Red. Jacob was on a long journey going to his father's home. Jacob had his wives and children with him and he had many cows and donkeys and sheep and camels as well. Jacob's twin brother Esau,. I Miss My Pet. Week 3 Nutrition Get ready to test your knowledge Nutrition Jeopardy! You are going to be playing Jeopardy with your classmates. Your teacher is going to put you into groups of 4 or 5. Write your team. That was all. She had put it aside, one cent and then another and then another, in her careful buying. Hi fellow artists, we hope you have fun creating your own Kids club. Lesson 8 Descriptive Essays Description is not a distinct mode of writing, like expository, narrative, and persuasive, but the ability to write descriptively is essential to a host of writing genres. Collins Teacher s Pet Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved The. For the very beginning of the trip.. Rock, Paper, Scissors Cheer off- Play rock paper scissors. Losers become the cheerleader for the winner, continue. He was looking out. Example: I must my homework this evening. X do to make to do make 1\\\\\\\\\] What do you do? Who is Pippi Longstocking and how old is she? What happened to Pippi s mother? What did Pippi. Joseph in Egypt Teacher Pep Talk: Joseph s brothers had seen their chance to get rid of him and they did. They sold him into slavery in Egypt. That seems to be an exciting reality and a daunting challenge, all at the same time. It also raises several. When did you last praise God in a heartfelt way? What were you doing at the time? What effect. Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. Martin Luther King,. Please use all capital letters! Lennie 2. George 3. Curley 4. Crooks 5. She was raised in a small. Show Me A Sign Vol. Lucy has spina bifida and cerebral palsy, both of which affected her ability to communicate. Her doctors. Note to Instructor: If you have permission, use Stand Out. Story of the Eye Tooth Today, I am going to tell you a story. I wish it was the story of the eye tooth, but I haven t heard of a very interesting story involving eye teeth. The eye tooth s proper name. Worksheets - Negotiations 1 : Building relationships 1. Negotiations quiz 1. In what situations do you negotiate? Who do you negotiate with? Think about both your work and your private life. What s. Jacob Marries Rachel Teacher Pep Talk: Jacob, escaping from the wrath of his older brother, Esau, traveled to the home of his mother s relatives. There Jacob, the trickster, who had gotten both Esau s. Chocolate Fever Chapter 1 Review 1. What did Henry s dad say about how much Henry likes chocolate? What did chocolate do to Henry? Even the youngest child can relate to being upset with a brother or sister. Cain and Abel are the first example of this enmity. Amada decides one of her opportunities is to write a book about her journey. The word opportunities. What do you think of when you hear the word love? Dear Friend, In , Beverly Cleary published the first novel starring the now-famous. How did the story move from one setting to another? Who are the main characters? How do they. Alex hurt his leg. He and his mom went into an office. There were chairs around the walls. There were things to read on the table. Where were Alex and his Mom? Dentist s office B. Eye Doctor s office. As we ve spent the last year developing our new premium look, much of that time has. A to Z of Potty Training Tips Age There is no right age to potty train, as natural readiness varies from child to child. Children gain bowel and bladder control at their own pace, but most are potty trained. Note to leaders Our focus this week will. Log in Registration. Search for. To Barney. Size: px. Start display at page:. Download 'To Barney. Frank Chapman 3 years ago Views:. View more. Similar documents. Fry Phrases Set 1. No way A number of people One or two How More information. The way a More information. Class 4 Poetry Killer Lightning!! Lightning is dangerous so Keep Away!! Controlled Vocabulary. Valentine s Day. Tom had 20 classmates. How many will she More information. And now your host, Master Coach Instructor, More information. They may be as simple or as complex as they want example: we all More information. He plays More information. More information. How to have a well behaved dog How to have a well behaved dog Top Tips: Training should be FUN for both of you Training will exercise his brain Training positively will build a great relationship between you Training should be based More information. Distribution of this work or derivative of this work is prohibited More information. His best friend Chester, a cat, thinks the family pet, More information. Today, it is spoken in some offices. He's going to study English hard. How are More information. B Listen and write the words. C Help the baby spider. Draw a red line. D Help the baby frog. Listen and draw a green line. And to help you get them into swim family games Taking the kids swimming is a great way of making sure they re moving around and having fun. And to help you get them into the pool, we ve come up with loads of great swimming games to More information. What is More information. Level and grade. For children aged 6 to 12 Parenting Positively Coping with DEATH For children aged 6 to 12 This booklet will help you to understand more about death and the feelings we all have when someone we care about, like a parent, a brother More information. Sidney Greenslade, age 11 A funny story of an More information. Faux Pas Recognition Test. Making Shapes Chapter 2. Body Geometry Can More information. Plan More information. No way A number of people One or two How long More information. Lucy enjoyed playing football, especially when James asked her to take part. When she was standing next to her brother, Anita looked very tall. Lucy enjoyed playing football, especially when James asked her to More information. Fun ways to group students Fun ways to group students Tips for dividing into groups. Then get them to More information. He didn More information. When finished, turn your test upside down and More information. This is a More information. Money Math for Teens. You ll learn how to swing the club, the Rules of the game, and how to act on the golf More information. This More information. A leader will throw out get-to-know-you questions, and everyone More information. Making Inferences Picture 3 Angela isn More information. At Red More information. Jacob's twin brother Esau, More information. Developed More information. Get ready to test your knowledge Nutrition Jeopardy! Write your team More information. She had put it aside, one cent and then another and then another, in her careful buying More information. Hi fellow artists, we hope you have fun creating your own Kids club More information. Tuesdays Using sentence fragments Lesson 8 Descriptive Essays Description is not a distinct mode of writing, like expository, narrative, and persuasive, but the ability to write descriptively is essential to a host of writing genres. Many More information. All Rights Reserved The More information. A Collection of Helpful Icebreakers. Name Games For the very beginning of the trip.. Losers become the cheerleader for the winner, continue More information. Mammon and the Archer O. He was looking out More information. Please mark the correct answer with a X. Duration: 45 minutes. What did Pippi More information. Joseph in Egypt. Termin: Mittwoch, 2. Oktober Bearbeitungszeit: 45 Minuten. It also raises several More information. What effect More information. Martin Luther King, More information. Candy More information. The minister is dead Did you see it on the TV Did you hear it on the radio And do you care what so ever 01 - The minister is dead The minister is dead Did you see it on the TV Did you hear it on the radio And do you care what so ever Did he attack our society Or did he just kill one person Did he just raise More information. She was raised in a small More information. Her doctors More information. The eye tooth s proper name More information. What s More information. There Jacob, the trickster, who had gotten both Esau s More information. Cain and Abel. The children will hear that we can learn to love our brothers and sisters and to help take care of them. Cain More information. The word opportunities More information. A More information. Cognitive Abilities Test Practice Activities. Form 7. Verbal Tests. There s never been anyone quite like Ramona Quimby! Dear Friend, In , Beverly Cleary published the first novel starring the now-famous More information. How do they More information. Eye Doctor s office C. Doctor s office Alex hurt his leg. Eye Doctor s office More information. Dear Toffee Lover, From all of us here at Enstrom, we hope you enjoy every last bite. As we ve spent the last year developing our new premium look, much of that time has More information. Children gain bowel and bladder control at their own pace, but most are potty trained More information. Note to leaders Our focus this week will More information. 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To Barney. Copywright 2004 by Richard Cussons. All rights reserved worldwide.

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