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Are you moving to Tehran? Do you know how much money you will need there to maintain your current standard of living? Find out what is the real equivalent in Tehran of your current salary and improve your chances of a happy relocation. This average is based on 11 price points. At this point it is only a guess. Latest update: December 03, Other prices in Tehran Iran The price of 1 liter 1 qt. Get a Salary Calculation for Tehran. Do you live in Tehran? We need your help! International Cost of Living Index. Make a different comparison: Compare cost of living between cities:. How does it work? Who are we?

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A single person estimated monthly costs are Tehran is Rent in Tehran is, on average, Last update: December Sources and References What are sources and references? Would you like to see how prices increased over time? Specifically for food, accommodation, health-care and transportation. What a university professor can earn in Tehran? I am a real estate agent selling Homes in bukan and niavaran. Last week I sold a m2 ft2 apartment 5th floor mid-luxury in bukan for 76 billion 2. Recently prices have raised twice the rate dollar has rised. Restaurants prices really vary. Clothes and cars are definitely more expensive than in the usa. Rent and utility are definitely cheaper but are going up rapidly. Hope I cleared some air. Mahdi on May 17, : People here are delusional. I think most of the comments are from expats who haven't set foot in Iran for 10 years or so. Internet in Iran is quite cheap but low quality and sometimes no matter how much you're willing to pay, you can't find a great internet connection for your place. Childcare: Well I personally don't know of any international primary school so it's not a competitive market thus can be pricy. Kindergarten price looks right though. Overall, living in Tehran with Iranian wages is super tough and uncomfortable. Anonymous on May 02, : Some people saying in the comments Tehran is very cheap have clearly not lived in Tehran. Tehran is somewhat cheap for an average tourist, but living and working in Tehran would be expensive as automobiles and real estate are very expensive are comparable with Europe and North America. Daniel on May 02, : The prices are accurate to some extent. Some things may be slightly cheaper and some slightly more expensive. Tehran is definitely not cheap. Inflation is currently higher than price change in dollar. Because you can always travel and travel with a little saving. So don't doubt and come to Iran for the rest of your life. Iran is super cheep for foreigners and deadly expensive for it's own people. I've lived in northern Tehran forever. Shelves in stores are basically empty not only in Northern Tehran but throughout Tehran. We have plenty of oil not a problem but 8 countries have heavy embargoes against Iran not only for oil production but for everything on the list plus everything else. Iran doesn't refine its oil into gasoline and diesel so we must depend upon tiny amounts of finished product from other countries and it's rare to receive any finished product. Few if any can afford to drive transportation even if they could the product is unavailable. As a consequence the majority walk everywhere. Listen whomever you are as an Iranian I live with major inconvenience on a daily basis just like the rest do. Please don't spreading false information I live here and you don't. Anonymous on Oct 14, : Most viewers of your site are people who already immigrated or the are thinking about immigration. This part of Iranian are mostly rich people, who work and live in north of Tehran. The price in north of Tehran are doubled even tripled in some cases in comparison of south of Tehran. You should review these items: - Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant: 1. The prices on your site are for private schools at north of Tehran. Multiply them by 0. For instance, some weeks ago, the prices of chicken skyrocketed just before holidays. After 10 days the price comes down. Some with more revenue can live happier. Some comments here are written by Iran haters that are employed by Saudi Arabia or some psychopaths that are in a hate that will never end. Iranian people are very politics enthusiast that some times it becomes totally boring. Anonymous on Jul 30, : these prices are not correct. Nowadays equivalent rate for usd against Iranian rial is Anonymous on Apr 06, : Iranians will never gain independence without Mullah as it is woven into Islam. Opening unto the world is against Islamic beliefs and culture. Iranians will remain subservient to Mullah and obey. Pain and suffering is Mullah building strength. Never question the way of Mullah. Anonymous on Feb 20, : What can I buy with , irr virgins or 3 camels? You have probably used the rate claimed by the government. But that is a rate that nobody can exchange in the real market. Because of the incorrect exchange rate, The calculated living costs are also incorrect. For example your website indicates that the cost of living in Tehran for a family of four is 2, Please do some research and you will get better what I am saying. Muhammad on Feb 02, : Most of the prices are far from real. Rent would be the same rate. I have lived in other countries as well. Iran is one of the cheapest where you can find luxury as well. The only issue is economic instability. Anonymous on Jan 21, : Death to Iran is what the world is saying. Anonymous on Jan 14, : Send some of your hot Iranian women before other countries end Iran's existence. Anonymous on Jan 04, : Iranian government should've raised wages in all sectors from the very beginning but they didn't obviously care about anything except their own self enrichment. Yes Iran could be very cheap for foreigners to live in Iran or vacation for that matter. But as long as the majority of Iranians spew hatred towards foreigners visits will rarely happen,and yes I've personally seen it happen on many occasions for absolutely no reasons whatsoever. I saw two very old people from Britian beaten while eating dinner at a restaurant. Four men beat him and his wife to death while eating their dinner. How do I know? I was eating at the same restaurant and saw it. Why didn't I say anything or try to stop it? Because I didn't want to be beaten to death like they were. There's alot of resentment towards foreigners jealousy I've noticed that too over the years. Nobody can blame all Iranians for that and nobody ever should. But instead Iranians should look deeper into the source of their frustrations ,the Iranian government instead of committing hideous acts upon visitors. Those types have a stone in their chest not a heart. Here's the saddest part. I walked in behind those elderly people before they entered the restaurant. That happened about 2 years ago and I never forgot his act of kindness and I never will. Anonymous on Jan 01, : It is sad to see what the mullahs have done to a country in only 40 years. A once thriving country once becoming a thirld world country helping militant organizations like Hezbollah or Hamas or Houthis. A great civilization, one of the oldest in the world, can not die like this. Hopefully the Iranians will rise up as they already did once in , but this time for the better. Anonymous on Jan 01, : I totally agree with Zahra who is fair in his analysis. However it seems that Zahra never went to southern Tehran Like Shoosh as there you can easily find people earning less than 1. The figures given by Numbeo are not good. They were good at the time Rouhani became President. Rezvan below is right as well. The average wage is around USD per month. Anonymous on Dec 15, : Pay no attention to Zahra Mahdiansadr numbers on salaries. The numbers given on Numbeo are correct. Also, as salaries in classes are so different, it is not an important data. Generally, an engineer salary rarely exceeds IRI monthly, while the physiciens salaries can be as high as and not less than monthly. The monthly wage for unskilled people can be as low as IRR. Generally, living in Tehran with good salary, prices for transportation and groceries are not a problem, unless you want to consume non-iranien products. Note car prices are madly high, however you can sell them with the same price or higher whenever you want. An approximated example for renting a square meters apartment in a neighborhood not far from city center is IRR monthly. Also clothing prices are not reasonable at all, unless you are ok with chines or iranien products. Generally, if you are sent by a foreign employer to work in Tehran, your salary is probably good enough to live and save. You may find exceptions as a programmer, as rising need and mass iranien developers immigrating to more developed countries If iraniens prefer this why not a foreigners. Anonymous on Dec 09, : Iran is really cheap unless you don't mind daily terrorist attacks throughout Tehran,and inconsistent banking. I lived in Tehran for 6 months really cheap compared to Australia where I'm from. Iranians will stare at you alot if you're a foreigner especially if you have white skin. Haj Agha on Nov 14, : Hi there, Iran is the paradise for foreigners to come and enjoy living here with very very affordable prices and cost of living , The only problem is tourists should find a local friends to help them to enjoy living in here , come here and enjoy lots of organic fruits and food stuffs Howcome all items listed here are doubled? Can someone divide every price by two in this list? Even was-torn countries like Afghanistan and Syria have a stronger currency. As the currency is still falling, I think that even dividing all prices listed here would not be enough, but it will be a good start for us to update more easily. Dollar is exchanged at the free dollar rate for tourist. Or if an Iranian wants to go to another country, shall buys dollars at a free rate. Therefore, the calculations of this site are completely wrong for Iran. Tehran is cheepest city of the planet. The cost which mentioned above is higher than what is in real. Claire on Sep 18, : Ok nobody seems to agree on real costs of items listed above. So to get a good idea of how expensive life in Iran is, what does the average employee earn in Iran, maybe that could help M Reza on Sep 11, : Are you kidding?!! Life in Tehran is much cheaper than what you mentioned here specially with the Iranian currency being so down these days. Piooya on Aug 13, : Prices in dollar are lower than listed prices except for rent. If you are not sure about any of them you can search on the Internet. The prices are very high for people. For example about the highest price, an experienced engineer needs to store whole of it's salary in one year to buy one square meter of that. Salaries are not like prices and not increasing enough fast. Your datas about rent and apartment price are absolutely wrong. Your website should share info based on international values of currencies. I am from India and looking forward for great Globalization with good Education Projects and Employment. Milad on Dec 17, : Hi people! In Tehran you can get the best exchange rates near Ferdowsi square and Sabze meydan Grand Bazar but if you are staying far from there maybe it doesn't worth to take time to go there so find an exchange near where you stay. Anonymous on Oct 20, : I want to visit Iran. I read it safe country. Moreover I have great confusion. Can we exchange euro or only dollars can be exchange. After exhanging currency. What will I get Rial or Toman? Which place is good to exchange money in Iran. Like on an Airport? Anonymous on Oct 20, : I am loving to Read comments. Life is nowhere. All you need good money Khalil from Tehran on Oct 16, : Iranians are suffering from US acts against them, but prices are controlled by government to protect people. And a foreigner visitor will see the prices are cheaper than everywhere, except imported items. Iran is one of the worst countries in the world. Iranian are in illustration of civilization! They tell they were a civilized country thousands years ago! Anonymous on Sep 10, : I am a Tehran resident. Since the collapse of Rial value in after 2 years of changing rates it has got stability about one third of before value currently Iran got much cheaper for foreigners vacations, so i strongly recommend traveling to Iran and be sure you may enjoy your cheap trip through thousand years of civilization and Art. Mojtaba on Jul 26, : Dear If you want to come to Iran, you should this costs be divided into 3. Haider on Jul 22, : I am a software engineer from Pakistan. Currently I have an experience of 6 years major technology stack in Java. I want to know the job opportunities for software engineer in Iran. What average salary earned by a Java developer and expenses living with family. Also if anyone can compare the Software developer stats in Iran to other countries like middle east or Pakistan itself Do you really know the prices of Tehran high class neighborhoods? There are apartments with ,, tomans price for each meter. Please Correct prices. Anonymous on Jul 10, : The prices are not realistic!!!!! Considering the recent fluctuations of currency, the cost of living in Iran would be completely different!!! Eg price of a bottle of water is lower than 0. For example if you want to travel you have to buy US dollar from free market. Hamidreza on May 30, : All prices are not real. So everything is not certain except your salary. So if you want labour, Iran is so cheap in all over the world and you can produce everything with low price. Notes for producers. For more information you can contact me: Hr. For example 'Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant' becomes is about 1. For real prices in IRR, select usd then multiply it in , to calculate prices in Iranian Rial and multiply in 13, to calculate it in Iranian Toman. LOL to prices : : : Correction on Mar 25, : Correction to previous post To all users For the real market prices almost real , please select currency of IRR on top of the page, and check. Then divide the written amount to , Rial per USD. Ali Fard on Mar 24, : To all users For the real market prices almost real , please select currency of IRR on top of the page, and check. Then divide the written amount to 13, Rial per USD. Often exported goods are expected to raise in price by 3 to 5 times. Inflation has heavily affected the above mentioned figures in this page. When enter to Iran you will encounter with extremely hypocritical people that pretend are really religious but in fact they are full of duplicity and cheating and busy to lure public wealth not all Iranian. Iran is rich but not for it's own people and after new embargo against Iran in the national currency devaluation occurred and all prices became triple and lead people toward poverty line,the severe economic recession is carrying out. Generally Iranian people are kind and welcome to tourists and if you interested to see country you are welcome Kaus on Nov 10, : I am planning to visit Iran in January. I have a query.. How's that? So which one is correct? Your use of this service is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Compare Tehran with:. Summary about cost of living in Tehran, Iran : Family of four estimated monthly costs are 1, This city had entries in the past 12 months by different contributors. Last update: December Sources and References. What are sources and references? Insights Premium. Moving to Tehran? Nearby cities: Cost of Living in Karaj Leave a comment:. Mani Z on Jun 20, : Hey mahdi. Anonymous on Jan 28, : How much a Marlboro pack of 20 cigarettes cost in Tehran? Anonymous on Nov 30, : The cost analysis given on October 14 isn't correct. Nowadays equivalent rate for usd against Iranian rial is Anonymous on Apr 06, : Iranians will never gain independence without Mullah as it is woven into Islam. So to get a good idea of how expensive life in Iran is, what does the average employee earn in Iran, maybe that could help. M Reza on Sep 11, : Are you kidding?!! Thank you for your time. Tehran Citizen on Mar 02, : come on! Anonymous on Dec 26, : If I want to start a school in Iran what is the process and how much does it cost me around? Anonymous on Nov 06, : You can exchange euro as well as dollars, Airport always is the worse, the exchange rate is close in exchanges in city centre exchanges. All you need good money. Khalil from Tehran on Oct 16, : Iranians are suffering from US acts against them, but prices are controlled by government to protect people. Also if anyone can compare the Software developer stats in Iran to other countries like middle east or Pakistan itself. LOL to prices : : :. Correction on Mar 25, : Correction to previous post To all users For the real market prices almost real , please select currency of IRR on top of the page, and check. Payam on Feb 16, : Hi Please note that most of the values of goods mentioned above are more or less based on govermental exchange rates excluding minor changes. Regards to all,. Generally Iranian people are kind and welcome to tourists and if you interested to see country you are welcome. Kaus on Nov 10, : I am planning to visit Iran in January. Cost of Living in Karaj. Cost of Living in Varamin. Cost of Living in Qazvin. Cost of Living in Amol. Cost of Living in Babol. Cost of Living in Sari. Cost of Living in Hamadan. Cost of Living in Natanz. Cost of Living in Rasht. Cost of Living in Zanjan. Deutsch Lebenshaltungskosten in Teheran. Italiano Costo della Vita a Teheran.

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