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Найдите дешевые авиабилеты в Тира

Большинству путешественников на маршруте Москва Домодедово — Тира нужно будет предъявить отрицательный тест на ковид и самоизолироваться по приезде. Узнайте больше об ограничениях по направлению Тира. На маршруте Москва Домодедово — Тира нет правил об обязательной самоизоляции путешественников. Тира: правила въезда для вакцинированных путешественниковБольшинству путешественников на маршруте Москва Домодедово — Тира въезд разрешен без ограничений, кроме обязательного отрицательного теста на ковид. Маски: требуются в общественных местах и закрытых помещениях. Рестораны: Границы открыты с ограничениями Бары: Границы открыты с ограничениями. Продолжительность самого быстрого рейса с пересадками — 5ч. KAYAK — это поисковик для путешественников. Мы собираем данные по всему Интернету, чтобы показывать пользователям лучшие цены. Если вас интересуют авиабилеты Москва Домодедово — Тира, мы найдем множество выгодных предложений и вариантов перелета в считанные секунды. Он подскажет, стоит ли покупать билет прямо сейчас, или имеет смысл подождать, пока цена снизится. KAYAK Mix — это когда отдельные билеты на каждый сегмент перелета по вашему маршруту в сумме стоят дешевле, чем один билет туда-обратно. То есть в г. Тира вы полетите одной авиакомпанией, а обратно в г. Москва Домодедово — скорее всего другой. Если вы не привязаны к конкретным числам, опция «Гибкие даты» поможет выбрать дни, когда можно максимально сэкономить на перелете. Она сравнит цены на авиабилеты Москва Домодедово — Тира за период плюс-минус три дня от указанных вами дат. Вам останется только выбрать самое выгодное предложение. Плюсы: 'Crew was very courteous and attentive' Минусы: 'More fruits and green non-starchy vegetables'. Плюсы: 'Never got on the plane due to weather restrictions in the connecting flight prior to this flight. Called SWISS customer service on a Russian line, were told to get a paper from another Russian airport that no flights were leaving the city. Did that. Плюсы: 'Great helpful flight crew' Минусы: 'Checking our bag was a nightmare. Had to find a desk in another terminal to check bag, then pay an another desk for said checked bag. We saved money by ticketing this way but we almost missed our flight'. Плюсы: 'Amazing - they had a full dinner for a pm flight, with real silverware, complementary alcohol, for economy passengers! Crew extremely professional and efficient. Плюсы: 'Crew' Минусы: 'My flight tickets were mess up and I had to purchase new tickets. I hope this is not a trend because I will not fly Swiss anymore, as I can not have lost evenings due to flight delays. Плюсы: 'Excellent crew and service, lots of extras at. Also on time departure and arrivals. Clean terminal areas. Great flight. Not too full. Плюсы: 'A nice crew n my seat next to me was empty so I can sleep well Минусы: 'When I purchased the ticket I did not know that I have to pay for my bag. It would have been nice to know about this in advance'. Плюсы: 'We have been flying Swiss for years and they are the most reliable and best organized airline, we have ever experienced. Плюсы: 'i ordered and paid for business class but the return flight from israel had no business class Had a miserable flighIshould be refunded'. Плюсы: 'Attendants were very pleasant and helpful' Минусы: 'The plane was extremely cramped as the seats reclined so far back that it rested on my knees. It was extremely difficult to keep my seat back up which created an uncomfortable angle for my back on a 9 hour flight. The cabin was extremely warm and there was little airflow. The airline also lost our luggage'. Минусы: 'I was asked to check my carry-on. I have used this carry-on more than 50x without an issue. I have even put it in the smaller compartments on smaller Bombardier jets. Right in front of me while I was waiting for a baggage tag, others were being checked in with carry-on equal to mine and allowed to take it onto the plane. I can only surmise that my ticket limited me to one bag onto the plane, although they would not tell me this. This was not clear when I booked the ticket nor when I checked in on-line. I had a 40 minute connection in Zurich so was very concerned that my luggage would not make it. Luckily, it did make it to my next stop. Swiss Air seems to have different restrictions than other airlines which I have encountered before. I take ownership that I should be aware of a tickets restrictions but this was a multi-leg trip 5. However, I will tend to avoid Swiss air in the future, to avoid having to research their unique restrictions. Минусы: 'Boarding was not clear! We were waiting for an announcement and none came. We got up when we saw the seating area clearing out. Earlt day International departures are sheer madness. The Check-in and security lines were crazy. Will take later flight next time. Плюсы: 'Checkin was smooth, cabin crew and service was great. Absolutely no complaints. All was exceptionally good. Плюсы: 'Nice breakfast treat and chocolate is always appreciated' Минусы: 'Not a specific complaint about this flight but boarding in general is not smooth No online check-in that I could find. Плюсы: 'Efficient check-in, boarding and on-board experience. Great seat and entertainment. Food also very decent. Also, I sometimes appreciate a bit more empathy in the way things get announced - no announcement for security video or when they disrupt a movie with their Swiss commercial clips - they just turn it on. Not abtreat experience. Плюсы: 'I bought 2 tikets from Chicago to oscow and back for me and for my son. I am shoked!!! Плюсы: 'Good service - including snacks and drinks. Smooth flight. Almost made us check it, and then changed their mind last minute. Плюсы: 'On time departure; easy flight; seating was spacious' Минусы: 'The extra charge for a bag!!!!!!!!!!! Would rather fly Southwest or Jet Blue or others that allow a mid size carry on'. Минусы: 'I bought economy class ticket! I have a printout ticket as proof! I had a 23kg bag. Плюсы: 'I thought Swiss did a nice job. The people were kind and the service was excellent. The meals were great. I never wanted for anything. The entertainment was also very nice. Плюсы: 'We arrived early' Минусы: 'No entertainment, no pillows or blankets, uncomfortable seats'. Several times, standing passengers fell on the sitting ines. When at the end of the flight, the issue was pointed out to the captain and supervising flight attendant, both became aggressively defensive to the point of being rude. Плюсы: 'Nothing' Минусы: 'I was chrgwd to check in the only bag. Yhis is unheard of on intl flights'. Плюсы: 'Quick flight, good service' Минусы: 'Old airplane crappy entertainment system'. Плюсы: 'Service on board is good to very good. Food tasted fresh and was hot. Wine was good too. Chocolate the best! I think this is outrageous. Also there used to be a 'senior discount '; It is gone! Peter Hz'. Плюсы: 'Registration and baggage check was fine, no line to wait im. The flight was moderately full. Good food and beverage service although Lufthasa is a bit better. Плюсы: 'It takes two minutes to get to a live operator when you call. Simply amazing. I would think they would save money if they flew an empty plane down to Dar es Salaam, picked up those passengers and then flew back to Nairobi. No way should an 8. No real variety in their meals either. The first leg had a main meal of beef and potatoes as the meat option, same option for the second leg. Плюсы: 'Flight attendants were polite and very nice. My whole schedule was messed up as i had to fly through Chicago. My luggage was lost and i only received it 2 days later. Will file the complaint. Плюсы: 'efficient boarding ang pre- boarding' Минусы: 'these planes are not meant for people above cm. On transcontinental flights it is absolutely unacceptable'. Плюсы: 'The crew was attentive and great! We are being kept in the dark and not getting any help from Swiss Air. Минусы: 'rip off at boarding. I have been flying with this case for more than 10 years without any problems. I go to court with this bill'. Плюсы: 'Service was great. Плюсы: 'Hi, i was surprised that i had to ask an extra money for my suitcase, because when I ordered the flights nothing was written about extra payment! Минусы: 'The check in staff at the front desk were extremely rude and forced me to check and pay for a bag that was a carryon. Минусы: 'I booked for baggage through kayak and had to pay again. What a scam'. I am also going to miss my plans which were the only reason we came to London. So it was a waste of paying the flight to London, and our Airbnb in London. Плюсы: 'the most beautiful highly skilled attendants! On time flight in every segment. Минусы: 'The agent at check in refused to even consider a business class upgrade, said I had to do that 48 hours in advance. Seems like a stupid policy to me, unless she was just flat out lying to me. Минусы: 'Connection flight was not accessible because of the arrival delay. Airline staff did not help at all. Плюсы: 'Nothing. I was re-routed and never told why. I have luggage. Unless you take the ferry, there are limited airline options to Cyclades. Felt like I was being scolded. You leave the gate to board a bus that takes you to a plane on the tarmac where you must climb a rather large flight of metal stairs. Reverse direction, It takes quite some time and a few crew members to assist those with disabilities to deplane. All the time the rest of the passengers are waiting in the bus to get to their connections. Would only ever fly this airline again if it was the only option to get where I want to go. It took over 30 minutes! Плюсы: 'Перед полетом дают конфетки, как в детстве. Достаточный ассортимент напитков, неплохая еда на утреннем перелета был вкусный пирожок с овощной начинкой, а вечером- полноценной горячее, маленький овощной салатик, что-то сладкое , стюардессы красотки и очень доброжелательные, на рейсе в Россию была даже русскоговорящая девушка. Минусы: 'They charged me an extra 40 euros to check a bag and then lost it completely. It looks like a long process and involved to get any cash from it, not to mention the real pain of being without power cords, clothes, toiletries etc for the rest of the trip. I will never fly out of Naples again. Плюсы: 'Nothing' Минусы: 'The flifgt attendents are not cooprative on plane,and also the offecier in the trancefer office. My gateleg table was broken on Athen to Santorini flight so I ate my lunch in a hard way!!!!! On the way back after one delayed finally we arrived at Athen airport and I had two more flight to caught. El desayuno fue excelente Плюсы: 'The crew was good' Минусы: 'Having to drive to the plane in a bus'. Минусы: 'They overbooked the flight so we were delayed an hour. Плюсы: 'Crew was friendly. Overall Neutral feeling. Минусы: 'The hand luggage was collected before the gate from several passengers to check in, however not from everyone and others boarded with the same size hand luggage as was collected. As a result, 45 minuts waiting at the belt for suitcase in Athens and beeing late for meeting! Плюсы: 'Boarding was efficient but we sat on the plane for over an hour before leaving. Then when we deplaned, we were not told that we are not connected to a tube and would have to go down stairs to go to a bus which will bring us to the airport. The weather was blistering cold! The same taxi in and out delay happened on the connecting flight to London and we arrived London at 2pm instead of am. Food was mainly carbohydrates. Entertainment was absent except for a screen showing a trailer of featured locations in Athens. Плюсы: 'Можно заказать другой тип питания заранее , но не факт, что его принесут. Кошерное питание - лучший выбор. Из большой компании никто не смог его съесть. Минусы: 'This flight was delayed by an awful 8 hours. We were stuck at the airport through the entire morning and missed half our day in Santorini. There was very poor communication between the airline and us so we were utterly frustrated at the experience. Плюсы: 'Great airline and a star Alliance member, will fly again for sure'. Минусы: 'The boarding gets extremely hectic. When we were getting on our flight they kept us in a hot bus for 15 minutes before letting us out to board the plane. Плюсы: 'It was fine' Минусы: 'Staff is rude. We are the paying customer'. Минусы: 'Not being able to bring coffee purchased feet from the gate on board was irritating'. Плюсы: 'The flight crew were very friendly and gorgeous!! And short flights!! Плюсы: 'Nothing!!! I wait for 21 hours in the airport for a 45 minutes flight!!!!!!!!! Плюсы: 'The seats were nice leather, but thin. Very late departing'. Плюсы: 'The crew were very pleasant mannered, and efficient. They had only 30 minutes and they gave us a cookie, some candy, collected the trash, all very efficiently and kindly. Минусы: 'I was shocked to find that we had to pay 60 euros a bag at check in. This was almost as much as the ticket and higher than any baggage fees we have paid on other airlines for much longer flights. Плюсы: 'Nothing' Минусы: 'Flights were late for more than 20 min. Almost missed connecting flights in both directions. Had to pay for the luggage at the airport luggage was not included in my ticket. Flight to my final destination was cancelled first it was delayed, but I did not know that untill I got to the gate I was diverted to other country by other company , had to pay for hotel and taxi, missed almost two days of my vacation. On my flight back home, they have lost my luggage Now I am trying to get refund for cancelled flight, hotel, taxi, food I will never fly with this company by my own choice any more!!! Плюсы: 'Plane was clean. Staff helpful' Минусы: 'We booked our seats online and later at check in received boarding passes with totally different seats. Ordered kids meals and was informed that they dont have any for our kids : '. It took a ton of clicks to get stuff done and I kept getting errors. Very limited movie selection. Плюсы: 'That we landed in the end' Минусы: 'More communication to passengers when there are so big delays almost 2 hours '. Плюсы: 'Рейс был с незначительной задержкой вылета' Минусы: 'Возле элюминатора было холодно '. Минусы: 'Hand luggage not allowed onboard due to being just a bit oversized -- just its wheels only. Never had this problem with the same luggage with other airlines, only with Austrian. Минусы: 'They overbooked the flight which delayed boarding but the flight was on time. Плюсы: 'This is always a pleasant airline to travel with. I purchased a flight that was listed as 'economy' , which means I am authorized one suitcase. When I got to checkout they said I had pay for the suitcase. Wish that would have been clear when I purchased the ticket. Also there is no clear info on what the cost is for your bag at what point in the check-in process. Минусы: 'My parents were traveling, they dont speak english and I verified with Austrian airlines that they would be assisted at the gates and that they had the correct visas for each airport they had a layover in. I was assured there would be no problems. Upon boarding they were not able to get on their flight. I have never had so many communication issues and frustrations in the middle of the night with an airline. Плюсы: 'Special kosher meal was good!!! Aisles super small. Overall - great experience! Плюсы: 'Fast, organized boarding, on time departure. Crew was courteous. Good food for airline food. I have only had positive experiences with this airline. Плюсы: 'Had 45 Min to connect at vienna airport and our first flight was delayed so we had to run to get in time to the gate. Literally the gate was on the opposite side of the airport. Bad logistics'. Плюсы: 'Great staff, good meals, snacks, and drinks thru the entire flight. Минусы: 'Missed the connection because the flights were booked too closely together. Then had to wait 7 hours in the airport for the next flight. Плюсы: 'all good. Плюсы: 'Great food. Exceptional service. Clean airplane and toilets. The whole flight was smooth and comfortable. And we were in coach!!! Минусы: 'surprised by attitude of he company: you really get 'low costs' services for a 'classic airline' price. Плюсы: 'More legroom than some orher carriers even in regular economy seat, better quality of food, and faster service' Минусы: 'Hot tee was only offered after hot meal service not before. Плюсы: 'We ended up being rebooked from Austria near to Egyptian air on route to Cairo. Egyptian error on the other hand had very gracious staff, very comfortable seating, and while the food was average it was better than Austrian air' Минусы: 'We ended up being rebooked from Austria near to Egyptian air on route to Cairo. Egyptian error on the other hand had very gracious staff, very comfortable seating, and while the food was average it was better than Austrian air'. We were never updated during the weight and when we were told that the flight was canceled everyone was told to go back to the ticketing area to pick up their luggage and to find other options. When we were almost halfway there we were told to turn around and that the flight in fact was not canceled. The food was mediocre at best in the service on the plane was in adequate. They were understaffed and staff to peer to be stressed and fatigued. The seats were small and cramped and not well padded in the economy section. We are going to be flying on Lufthansa in the spring and will hope that their services are better than what we experienced on Austrian air. Плюсы: 'We had a friendly conversation about our travels. The lady explained the entire baggage process clearly. The security folks were equally friendly. Just a real nice experience at the Lugano airport. Плюсы: 'Despite airport issues, we took off quickly and all went well. No complaints' Минусы: 'No problems. Плюсы: 'Food and service was great as always! Плюсы: '6 hours delay, first deplaning due to mechanical failure, 2nd deplaning due to electrical storm. Missed my connection to Asia requiring total new bookings and expense. Never flying AA again. Плюсы: 'The crew' Минусы: 'The food and the boarding at Vienna airport'. Плюсы: 'Вкусное пиво' Минусы: 'Вылет задержали на 1,5 часа'. Плюсы: 'the stewardess gave me coffee even if she already passed by me because I was sleeping I appreciated that : '. Плюсы: 'The staff from service center helped me to solve problem with my flight, it was short connection, around 35 minutes, and I missed my aircraft, but in the service center gave me ticket to the next flight, The problem was solved. Плюсы: 'Compared to most American crews the Aus crew was helpful and outstanding. On Turkish airlines flight from Ord to Istanbul we got a full breakfast tray. Плюсы: 'The service was good, everyone from the staff extremely friendly and overall the flight was very quick. Плюсы: 'Very nice and polite crew, great service. Минусы: 'По предложению авиакомпании я выбрал диабетическое питание, но на борту мне сообщили, что у них нет такого питания. Зачем тогда предлогать то чего не можете выполнить. Минусы: 'Boarding on return flight was utter chaos and was not controlled properly. The crew was very pleasant and , in my opinion, could not have been any bertter. Плюсы: 'Easy online check-in and boarding pass access also linked to wallet. It would be helpful to have a warning about that and the fact that if you do not prepay online you are charged double. I also was not aware of the type of a ticket I booked, e. Economy light and what it meant for luggage fees. Для удобства пассажиров авиакомпании, выполняющие рейсы Москва Домодедово — Тира, изменили условия оказания услуг и ввели дополнительные меры безопасности. Внимание: условия оказания услуг разными компаниями варьируются. Маски от перевозчика для пассажиров всех рейсов Москва Домодедово — Тира. Места в середине ряда на рейсах Москва Домодедово — Тира недоступны. Тесты на антитела, проверка симптомов перед вылетом на рейсах Москва Домодедово — Тира. Посмотрите билеты Москва Домодедово — Тира с бесплатным изменением бронирования. Перейти к основному контенту. Туда и обратно. Вы выбрали 1 взрослого от 18 до 64 лет. Студенты старше Выбрано 0 студентов старше Подростки Вы выбрали 0 подростков от 12 до 17 лет. Дети Вы выбрали 0 детей от 2 до 11 лет. Дети до 2 лет до 2 лет. Вы выбрали 0 младенцев младше 2 лет. Младенцы без места до 2 лет. Вы выбрали 0 младенцев без места младше 2 лет. Москва DME. Тира Санторини. В любое время. Для каждого перелета будет указана средняя цена за билет для всех пассажиров с учетом детей. Flight 1. Flight 2. Flight 3. Flight 4. Flight 5. Flight 6. Можно ли сейчас туда улететь? Есть ли какие-то ограничения по направлению Тира? Тира сейчас разрешает въезд без ограничений и самоизоляции? Моя цель — Тира. Тира разрешает въезд при наличии серификата о вакцинации? Сколько времени длится полет из Москва Домодедово в Тира? Какими авиакомпаниями дешевле всего лететь из Москва Домодедово в Тира? Отзывы пассажиров. Минусы: 'I fell sick and my doctor advised against flying. Tried calling Swiss Air and JustFly. The representative told me to bring a note from doctor to switch flights. I did the next day. Why make an elderly sick person drive to the airport again if you know already you cannot help?? Absolutely terrible experience, no help from the airline or travel agency. Total loss of the full price of the ticket. We saved money by ticketing this way but we almost missed our flight' Плюсы: 'Amazing - they had a full dinner for a pm flight, with real silverware, complementary alcohol, for economy passengers! It would have been nice to know about this in advance' Плюсы: 'We have been flying Swiss for years and they are the most reliable and best organized airline, we have ever experienced. The airline also lost our luggage' Минусы: 'I was asked to check my carry-on. Hard to use' Плюсы: 'Efficient check-in, boarding and on-board experience. Would rather fly Southwest or Jet Blue or others that allow a mid size carry on' Минусы: 'I bought economy class ticket! Yhis is unheard of on intl flights' Плюсы: 'Quick flight, good service' Минусы: 'Old airplane crappy entertainment system' Плюсы: 'Service on board is good to very good. Pleasant staff. I felt safe and happy. On transcontinental flights it is absolutely unacceptable' Плюсы: 'On time, efficient, good service, professional' Плюсы: 'The crew was attentive and great! Delicious lunch. Total scam' Минусы: 'I booked for baggage through kayak and had to pay again. Even though it was a patronize. We are the paying customer' Минусы: 'Not being able to bring coffee purchased feet from the gate on board was irritating' Плюсы: 'Border and de boarding front and back of the plane' Плюсы: 'Great service ,very fast' Минусы: 'We arrived 45 minutes late to destination. Very late departing' Плюсы: 'The crew were very pleasant mannered, and efficient. Ordered kids meals and was informed that they dont have any for our kids : ' Плюсы: 'Food, in particular the vienna coffee choices were imprewsive. Still was ok. Bad logistics' Плюсы: 'Great staff, good meals, snacks, and drinks thru the entire flight. Защитные маски Маски от перевозчика для пассажиров всех рейсов Москва Домодедово — Тира. Социальное дистанцирование Места в середине ряда на рейсах Москва Домодедово — Тира недоступны. Медицинские осмотры Тесты на антитела, проверка симптомов перед вылетом на рейсах Москва Домодедово — Тира. Гибкие условия отмены Посмотрите билеты Москва Домодедово — Тира с бесплатным изменением бронирования. Перелет туда-обратно: свежие предложения. Еще результаты. Перелет в один конец: свежие предложения. Перелеты в одну сторону:. Москва Домодедово. Аэропорты прилета:. Туда и обратно В одну сторону Составной маршрут Маршруты. Выберите до 3 аэропортов вылета. В радиусе км. Аэропорт На машине На общ. Укажите местонахождение, чтобы увидеть аэропорты поблизости. Выберите до 3 аэропортов. Выберите до 3 аэропортов прилета. Вы не выбрали аэропорт. Вы знаете, куда отправиться.

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