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Найдите дешевые авиабилеты в Мадейра

На маршруте Россия — Мадейра путешественникам не нужно предъявлять отрицательный ПЦР-тест на ковид или тест на антигнны. Маски: требуются в общественных местах, закрытых помещениях и общественном транспорте. Рестораны: Границы открыты с ограничениями Бары: Границы открыты с ограничениями. Маршрут Россия — Мадейра сейчас закрыт для большинства путешественников. Узнайте больше об ограничениях по направлению Мадейра. На маршруте Россия — Мадейра введены требования о самоизоляции путешественников в течение 0 дней. В среднем прямой рейс из России в Мадейра длится 20ч. За это время вы покроете км. Наибольшей популярностью пользуется маршрут Москва - Фуншал , по которому средняя продолжительность перелета составляет 13ч. На втором месте — о. Прогноз цен KAYAK использует данные за прошлые месяцы, чтобы определить вероятность роста или снижения цен по определенным направлениям в течение 7 дней. Он подскажет вам, стоит ли покупать билет прямо сейчас, или имеет смысл подождать, пока цена снизится. Плюсы: 'Never got on the plane due to weather restrictions in the connecting flight prior to this flight. Called SWISS customer service on a Russian line, were told to get a paper from another Russian airport that no flights were leaving the city. Did that. Минусы: 'The baggage took a really long time to be delivered to the carousel'. Плюсы: 'Flight was on time, service onboard inspite of short flight, and the scenery of the Alps was breathtaking'. Плюсы: 'Crew was very friendly. Seats were decently comfortable - appreciated blanket and pillow for long haul flight. Screens froze often, were not very touch sensitive and the sound was pretty bad on mine, would only provide sound to one ear, so I had to turn up other bc of poor quality and ended up w a headache. Also, bathrooms were gross; ran out of paper and floors were 'soiled''. Минусы: 'The seats in coach are incredible small and the seats reclines way to far. Плюсы: 'Crews was very good and helpful. Because when the question of how many check bag came up and I put in 2. There should be a warning come up that it will be extra charges for the second bag. The food was pretty good. I asked multiple times throughout the flight for the temperature to be reduced, and it was not. I was wearing light jeans and a short sleeve shirt, and I was sweating all flight. Each time I asked throughout the duration of the flight, I was told it take a while for the temperature to decline. Further, I was not the only one to request that the temperature be reduced. This made an 11 hour flight particularly miserable. Плюсы: 'Seat was ok, crew was friendly' Минусы: 'Movie options were limited'. Плюсы: 'The service and the crew were fine' Минусы: 'Seats are too small and terribly uncomfortable on such long flights. Плюсы: 'The crew and flight' Минусы: 'No airconditioning while waiting on the shuttle bus to the plane'. Минусы: 'Boarding took way too long. Plane left almost 30 minutes after scheduled time. Food is pletntiful, staff is very kind. Минусы: 'К сажалению,мне испортили отпуск. Был утеряны мой багаж. Я вынуждена 3 день ходить по магазинам и тратить свое время на отдых,покупая необходимые вещи,те, что необходимо для отдыха. Я потеряла три дня отдыха. И до сих пор я дожидаясь , сижу в квартире и не знаю когда он прибудет. Я крайне не довольна To the planting, I was spoiled vacation. My luggage was lost. I have to go shopping for 3 days and spend my time on vacation, buying the necessary things, those that are necessary for recreation. I lost three days of rest. I am extremely unhappy'. Плюсы: 'Good breakfast' Минусы: 'Bad seat, just an economy seat'. Плюсы: 'Nice experience. Crew is nice, but not too nice'. Плюсы: 'Unlike some airlines the cabin crew is professional in appearance and behavior- courteous and pleasant. My husband and I enjoy the fact that ski equipment is taken without additional charge. The direct flight to Zurich is very convenient. Плюсы: 'Boarding music' Минусы: 'Changed our seats after check in'. Плюсы: 'I bought 2 tikets from Chicago to oscow and back for me and for my son. I am shoked!!! Плюсы: 'On time, good service, nice crew' Минусы: 'Tight space for legs when chair is in flat setting'. Плюсы: 'I thought Swiss did a nice job. The people were kind and the service was excellent. The meals were great. I never wanted for anything. The entertainment was also very nice. Минусы: 'The line at the check in was quite long. Luckily I had only carryon'. Several times, standing passengers fell on the sitting ines. When at the end of the flight, the issue was pointed out to the captain and supervising flight attendant, both became aggressively defensive to the point of being rude. Плюсы: 'Nothing' Минусы: 'I was chrgwd to check in the only bag. Yhis is unheard of on intl flights'. Плюсы: 'The announcements were to the point and kept us from constantly getting interrupted, very much appreciate this. The crew was super friendly. They claim the space of others, no respect. Плюсы: 'Registration and baggage check was fine, no line to wait im. The flight was moderately full. Good food and beverage service although Lufthasa is a bit better. Плюсы: 'Flight attendants were polite and very nice. My whole schedule was messed up as i had to fly through Chicago. My luggage was lost and i only received it 2 days later. Will file the complaint. Плюсы: 'The crew and food to a certain degree are the only things at the moment that represent a bright side of Swiss Airlines. Every single time, I had to run in between my gates to make it to the connecting flight. And in the process of the turmoil and stress of rushing, I have witnessed airport people being extremely rude with passengers who were not at fault that their original flight was late and were merely trying to make it on time. Correspondingly, every single time I flew with Swiss, I never knew whether or not I will get my luggages. Simply put, your organization is poor and your flights are unfailingly late!! Плюсы: 'The crew members were polite and efficient. Our rows were freezing cold. People were wearing coats and blankets. Four or five rows up it was warm. My husband asked for more heat and the stewardess said she would turn it up, but nothing happened. Cold air blew out of the ceiling vents for the entire flight. When we reached our gate, we then waited in a long line to have our passports and boarding passes checked again. There were several Swissair crew members, but only one person to check all of the paperwork for economy. Then another long line to show our boarding passes again, while the business class entrance remained unused. Swissair needs someone to manage this better. Плюсы: 'Helpful staff' Минусы: 'I was uncomfortable with the space'. The seats were too small. It was torture for a 12 hour flight. Need more space and padding in the seats. Плюсы: 'crew was great. Food was excellent. Bathrooms in good shape. Very slim choices for entertainment. Плюсы: 'Do like flying on Swiss, but might have to rethink that. The food it fine and I really appreciate the gluten free meals. The crews have been very pleasant and helpful. Boarding on this last flight Nov 2 from Zurich seemed a bit frenetic. Passports we checked once again and this seemed to be taking an extra long time. I do like the entertainment selections, but the seat TVs and remotes do not always work well. It was difficult for my husband and I to get in and out of our seats. The passenger in front of me pushed her seat back and it seemed as though she was righ in my face. She could not go upright as the person in front of her was pushed all the way back. This situation also makes eating difficult. The flight yesterday was extremely warm, which I had not experienced on my three former flights. I guess I will try your airlines once more and see how it is for a third trip. Плюсы: 'The crew was excellent. Staff generally professional. Happened on my flight back as well. The one time when I thought the staff faltered was when I hit the paige attendant button, and noone came for 25 mins. I ended up walking to the back of the plane and asking for water myself. I also thought some of the materials used in the plane were cheap, like the foldout tables on the back of the seat, the pillow covers, and the headphones one of which broke midway. Плюсы: 'the cabin crew were efficient and very pleasant. Food was airline food, not much you can say there. The connection gate staff were rude and forced me to check my hand luggage even though I am disabed and first to board , which had all my medicines in and my computer. The flight wast full and didnt see any other bags gate checked, and there was a bunch of room in the overheads, they werent full. Then to add salt to the wound when we arrived our luggage was dripping water and it wasnt running at our destination it was at the connection several clothes were ruined or needed cleaning. As I was on the way to my fathers funeral this was an added pressure that I didnt need. Плюсы: 'Everything. Service was excellent. Плюсы: 'Our attendant was very nice with a great attitude. Плюсы: 'Everything is well organized, crew members were great. It is SLOW! Boeng did Moscow-Houston flight in 10 hours, but this A flew from Frankfurt to Atlanta in the same time. Shelves for baggage are small - it is not enough room for all passenger bags. Entertainment can be better. Or just do not serve it et al. If I could I would not buy it. Плюсы: 'Flight was delayed, but the crew did all they can to make passengers feel comfortable. Плюсы: 'I just loved the friendliness of the crew. Way to go Lufthansa' Минусы: 'Not sure about the seats but they could use some cushion. Плюсы: 'Lufthansa как всегда на высоте, вежливый персонал как при регистрации и посадке, так и в самом самолете. Прекрасное питание, подарки детям при посадке в самолет. Плюсы: 'Staff were kind and courteous. Плюсы: 'Crew was wonderful and I love flying Lufthansa always:. Плюсы: 'Hospitality and attitude of crew Food' Минусы: 'Cramped economy seats including leg space'. Плюсы: 'Great entertainment choices' Минусы: 'Boarding by rows or areas would be better than the masses all at once after 1st class and business. Плюсы: 'Nicest guy at the check- in in Moscow OK boarding' Минусы: 'Apart from the fact that this flight never goes to the gate and its always a bus that gets you there? This time they decided to check our passports and since we are not at the gate like normal people it has to be on the plane So you can imagine how slow it went I had a connecting flight Luckily this time customs check up was very quiet'. Плюсы: 'Really? Not to mention that I have paid extra for choosing my sit and ended up sitting in the back in the worst sit with least possible legroom Thank you Lufthansa'. Минусы: 'всегда раздражает процедура посадки, потому что невоспитанные люди лезут вперед В этот раз сотрудники попытались немного распределить пассажиров перед посадкой, чтобы был порядок За что им огромная благодарность. Наверно же есть какая то система типа раздельных очередей под плакатами с названиями рядов или еще что то.. Или посадка по очереди с кона самолета. Сами представляете, что это - зависнуть в проходе в ожидании нерасторопного пассажира, который не спеша запихивает багаж и достает свои вещи - все стоят, ждут пока он усядется А вообще спасибо: летать, как правило приятно А! Франкфурт- Москва не очень приятно стюардессы , в отличие от Орландо-Франкфурт , прям не очень. Плюсы: 'Always enjoy Lufthansa flights - Seemed a bit hectic this time' Минусы: 'It took me 25 hours to get back home, multiple flights, lost luggage, and overall a disaster of a trip home. I was supposed to arrive in DFW at p. My luggage came to a different terminal and did not arrive with me. In the end everything was okay but it was not a pleasant trip'. Минусы: 'Business class - not enough Space for legs. Took hand lagage during boarding for check in , because of the weight. Rules are Rules, but for business class can give some tolerance. Near to my seat two suitcases were put on the floor Flight was empty, so there was space to stretch out. Such a lovely crew' Минусы: 'Moscow passengers were awful as always. Минусы: 'К сожалению, оба раза, когда самолет вылетал из Франкфурта. Плюсы: 'Хороший сервис во время полета' Минусы: 'Плохая организация регистрации на рейс и это при электронной регистрации. Хамство сотрудников в аэропорту Денвера. Потеря багажа. Задержка вылета на 3 часа'. Плюсы: 'Обслуживание в самолете - хорошее. Профессиональные стюарды. Все время улыбаются, доброжелательно отвечают на все вопросы. Питание в 10 часовом рейсе было замечательным. Еда была вкусной. Пилоты тоже очень профессиональные рейс прошел без толчков. Спать было комфортно. Никаких очередей в туалет не было. В самолете все было замечательно. На регистрацию в аэропорт Денвера мы приехали за три часа. На паспортный контроль попали за 30 минут!!!! Очередь огромная, сотрудники бегают от стойки к стойке. Разговаривают очень грубо, что само по себе для Америки непривычно. Одного пассажира обслуживают в среднем 20 минут!!! То забирают багаж, то возвращают багаж - отвлекаются на возврат сразу все. Рейс задержали на полтора часа. Об этом мы узнали на стойке регистрации. На стыковочный рейс мы опоздали, поэтому попросили сотрудников сразу определить наши дальнейшие действия. Парень на стойке очень в грубой форме сказал - прилетите в Мюнхен, там подойдете в сервис. Когда прилетели в Мюнхен оказалось, что сервис не работает. Бегали по всему аэропорту. Потом подождали на одном из рейсов Люфтганзы не закончилась регистрация. Попросили сотрудника по английски не говорит, только по немецки!!!! Она с кем-то созвонилась нас отправили на другой рейс в другой терминал на поезде и автобусе Просили ведь сопровождение в Денвере- нам грубо отказали. В итоге багаж - потеряли. Отправили во Франкфурт вместо Москвы!!! Багаж ждали три дня. Плюсы: 'Every thing except food. Could be better' Минусы: 'B'. Плюсы: 'Seats are fairly comfortable. We were delayed and missed our connection. A woman in the service center expedited finding us a new flight and getting us a good hotel. They had scheduled our connection too close 55 minutes so we missed it. No explanation for the delay was given. The food is just terrible. Плюсы: 'Crew on board were excellent. Also, the food was below par. Плюсы: 'Вкусно кормили. Медленное обслуживание, трудно попасть в единственный туалет в конце самолёта. Плюсы: 'В целом все очень понравилось. They should. Ompensate for my parking and extra food for the person picking us up they had to wait met than 3 hrs!!! At one point she rushed along the aisle to the front of the plain, bumping and hurting my shoulder, but did not bother to apologize. In front of me, was a mother with a child with special needs. The mother had to stand up for some time to have the child curl up and lie in a comfortable position - the attendant rudely commanded her to sit down and strap the child to the seat, instead of finding out how they could help. She could have achieved it with a better attitude and choice of words. The crew did not bother beyond the bare minimum - it was painful to observe. Плюсы: 'Flights themselves were ok with friendly crew. Four employees at EU gates sat there and laughed at the angry crowd. Lufthansa should have anticipated this mass of people and had appropriate passport checkers there from that company. Two planes people each landed at same time. The process of rescheduling was a comedy of lies and inefficiency and lack of concern. Worst air travel experience ever. Ruined first two days of my vacation. Oh yea forgot the worst. No air conditioner running on runway at Houston at three in afternoon. Passengers visibly sweating before a nine out overseas flight. Blamed it on a mistake. Плюсы: 'Good plane' Минусы: 'No entertainment on board of the aircraft'. Плюсы: 'Clean plane, decent entertainment options' Минусы: 'food was way below the usual Lufthansa standard had a 1. Плюсы: 'The crew was friendly. I did not need to wait in line too much for use of restroom. The flight was on time. Плюсы: 'Moscow to Munich then Paris were good flights. When weather in Munich delayed our return take-off from Paris, the crew did their best to communicate. Upon arrival a Luft employee was at the gate to escort 11 of us to our connecting flight to Moscow. She took us to a special window for passport check, then our own train car to the other terminal. Other airlines leave one to navigate alone. Thankyou Lufthansa. All was good for these well seasoned travelers. We appreciate the extra attention. Really horrible. They simply skip you. Минусы: 'Our luggage was the last to arrive planeside from our late flight from Vancouver. We saw out luggage on the cart next to the plane, but apparently someone decided not to put it on the plane. I must say, we will stop using Lufthansa and all partner airlines. This is completely unacceptable. I have received no communication at all from Lufthansa to explain why our bags were not loaded onto the plane, even though we saw them out the window, on the cart, next to the plane, before door closure. I am wondering if someone at Lufthansa decided it would be fun to ruin our vacation? Плюсы: 'Crew was very good. Pilots, definitely, were high level professionals. An email, which Lufthansa Moscow promised to send me, had never come. My carry on, while weighted 7 kg, and was, I believe of standard size was not approved. Lufthansa could just bring me by bus to the departure gates. Плюсы: 'Flight was short. Only 3. Very little leg room. My pregnant wife experienced very unpleasant feelings all flight long. Плюсы: 'Good entertainment and food' Минусы: 'Could use a foot rest'. Минусы: 'The airline went on strike the day I was supposed to fly, so at in the morning I arrived to the airport and learned that my flight got cancelled. The evening before there were no info about cancellation on internet. But a representative re-booked my trip on the same day with 2 different companies from the other airport and provided a free taxi. So I arrived to my final destination only 3h late. So my ratings will go only to 'overall' as OK. On the other flights with Lufthansa the 'Entertainment' and 'Food' are usually Excellent'. Плюсы: 'I was upgrade to Premium Economy with my family. Kids enjoyed playground areas at Frankfort Main Airport. Very nice and clean installation'. Минусы: 'lastminute. They repeatedly provided me with incorrect information that sent me on a wild goose chase. Плюсы: 'Overall Austrian was fine. Smaller plane and people were professional. Плюсы: 'Nice crew' Минусы: 'You give no room for passengers to sit comfortably. We are crammed in the airplane like sardines in a can. No legroom, small seats, etc. Плюсы: 'In flight crew worked hard' Минусы: 'No lines for boarding - it was a mess And randomly we were asked to check in our bags though Austrian crew had earlier tagged them for carry on'. Плюсы: 'Crew was polite and helpful' Минусы: 'Long boarding time. Pasengers with huge bags as hand luggage. This should be controled. Плюсы: 'Crew was fantastic and with an exceptional service. Food was really good. Плюсы: 'Organisation' Минусы: 'Short flight but not quite comfortable seats. Минусы: 'Was unable to take the trip. Unable to rebook without excessive fees. Плюсы: 'I was able to get good seats, front of the plane. Плюсы: 'Crew was positively and smiling. Could have been on time'. Плюсы: 'Рейс был с незначительной задержкой вылета' Минусы: 'Возле элюминатора было холодно '. Плюсы: 'Flight on time, and luggage was at destination. Crew OK' Минусы: 'Food disappointing, dry, and tasteless, my dinner was missing half of what my husband had. Was not worth the effort to complain. Seats left you in pain, no lower back support, and very hard seats. Плюсы: 'The crew and the service was excellent. Dinner was excellent. The hot breakfast never came. We were served a roll and one small cup of coffee with no refills. That was my only complaint. On a long overseas flight I think a hot breakfast would have been better than a roll. Плюсы: 'Had 45 Min to connect at vienna airport and our first flight was delayed so we had to run to get in time to the gate. Literally the gate was on the opposite side of the airport. Bad logistics'. Плюсы: 'Great staff, good meals, snacks, and drinks thru the entire flight. Плюсы: 'all good. Плюсы: 'Austrian Airlines does it right— service, food, cleanliness. This was a really terrific experience. They even boarded efficiently, having those with seats in the back board first. Плюсы: 'Highly efficient transfer 45 minutes between flights ' Минусы: 'too short a time to transfer between flights as a very long distance between gates,'. Минусы: 'surprised by attitude of he company: you really get 'low costs' services for a 'classic airline' price. Плюсы: 'Not a long run. Uncomfortably tight. Минусы: 'Firstly. The crew were rude! They did not even response when were calling them from the seat. The only way to talk to them is to find them at the end of the plane where they been chating with each other Secondly. We are living in 21 century and most transatlantic airlines have WiFi! Плюсы: 'More legroom than some orher carriers even in regular economy seat, better quality of food, and faster service' Минусы: 'Hot tee was only offered after hot meal service not before. Минусы: 'Prior to take-off, we spent 2 hours after boarding on an incredibly hot plane with no working air conditioning'. LHR-VIE was late; we ran and arrived in time catch VIE-KSC before it left, but Austrian Air would not allow us to board, despite that the other part of our travel party was already on the plane and alerted both gate staff and on-board staff we were coming and wee had to play a show that night with Arch Enemy. AA cited 'rotational issues'. Shockingly, Austrian Air delayed the 2nd flight by another hour 'to wait for someone'. We had to cancel the show. Really angry'. Плюсы: 'Food and service was great as always! Плюсы: '6 hours delay, first deplaning due to mechanical failure, 2nd deplaning due to electrical storm. Missed my connection to Asia requiring total new bookings and expense. Never flying AA again. Плюсы: 'Вкусное пиво' Минусы: 'Вылет задержали на 1,5 часа'. Минусы: 'Bad ground crew luggage problems because their web payment service is not working. CS did not reply with solution'. Плюсы: 'The staff from service center helped me to solve problem with my flight, it was short connection, around 35 minutes, and I missed my aircraft, but in the service center gave me ticket to the next flight, The problem was solved. Плюсы: 'very short layover and my check luggage made it all the way home with no problems'. Плюсы: 'Boarding was a breeze, although the flight was not full. Bed was comfortable and comfy blanket and pillow' Минусы: 'Crew was not friendly at all. Amenities kit was burlap sac with nothing worth keeping or using -- even the eye covers. All there was were hand wipes and air freshener. Swiss and Lufthansa. Crew was not present -- not only were they very unfriendly they were no where to be found. The crew of course, was not concerned. Плюсы: 'Catering and service was superb. While linen. Course by course on China, no tray service. The food was exquisite. The wine was acceptable, mid range, with very generous pours in Riedel glassware and always the offer made of would I like anything more? More a quibble than a gripe from me. The noise cancelling headsets were good quality noise cancelling, and comfortable. Минусы: 'Austrian Air has really slipped in its food-product.. But not the case with Austrian The serving of it was fine. Restroom options are less than adequate too. Минусы: 'По предложению авиакомпании я выбрал диабетическое питание, но на борту мне сообщили, что у них нет такого питания. Зачем тогда предлогать то чего не можете выполнить. Минусы: 'Technical issues with website and online check-in. Boarding was poorly organized. Food could be better e. Also availability and varienty of alcoholic drinks could be better. Плюсы: 'Flight services were good. Staff friendly. Specifically a staff member name Michelle was unprofessional and did not care much about passengers who waited for hours at the Group line because there was no indication that it is a group line. No one from the airliner bothered to explain or advise the passengers who were waiting and after more tan hour waiting when they eventually got to the head of the line they were told to go and stand in other lines. This was insane Long waiting times confusion Flight was late hence almost missed connection'. Плюсы: 'The crew was nice and the entertainment was okay. When I asked them they said get in touch with United. Then I was told I could book a seat 24 hours in advance. When I got to the gate I was told I had a seat in the middle of the plane. Not true I was at the back of the plane. Just awful'. Плюсы: 'We paid extra for extra leg room. Exit row. Well worth Cabin crew very good and friendly' Минусы: 'Connecting flight on United. Horrible experience Chicago to Vegas. Only interested in adding to price of ticket. Totally bad experience on United. Never want to fly on them again'. Плюсы: 'This Transavia Airlines is not good at all. Плюсы: 'Boarding was efficient and the crew were nice. Плюсы: 'Information sharing by pilots and crew. Economy class leg room is good. Плюсы: 'Flight arrived on time' Минусы: 'No food provided 'due to a strike the previous day'. Not sure why this would impact on providing a sandwich or snack particularly when champagne was still available for first class passengers. Плюсы: 'The crew were excellent and seats were comfy. Sound quality not great. Плюсы: 'economy plus seats were nice, great movie selection, especially international movies' Минусы: 'crew was not friendly, i had to ask for water many times, usually water person walk the aisle. Минусы: 'I was seated next to the restroom, which is not a pleasant experience for an international flight. Плюсы: 'The bed was comfortable. Entertainment selection and large TV screen was good. The KLM crew is amazing, as usual. Плюсы: 'the drinks' Минусы: 'seat reservation. Плюсы: 'Nothing! Минусы: 'The website I booked on and the Delta phone line on the printed ticket said that I had baggage when it turns out that I did not according to the check in staff and they made me pay. Плюсы: 'The crew was amazing and the food was great. Thankfully we had left plenty of time. But that was an unexpected stress. Минусы: 'If only there was a way to be able to lie down and sleep - you would be pioneers in aviation'. Плюсы: 'Crew were great, food, entertainment, seat and everything else was great as well. Плюсы: 'Friendly crew! More legroom, good entertainment and food was great! Smooth landings pretty much on time. Минусы: 'Flight was delayed, landing at vce took an additional 10 minutes due to no one at the jet way. Luggage service was very slow'. Nice that wine was served without charge. Food has been better in past. Плюсы: 'Crew was excellent -kind nice and very attentive' Минусы: 'Entertainment went out mid flight. Had to be reset off 30 mins but cam back up'. Плюсы: 'Time and Good clean place.. Плюсы: 'The crew was efficient. Flight left on time. Food and wine served. Плюсы: 'I bought the Airport tickets for my Russian friend. However customs would not allow her to board the plane unfortunately. I would definitely book with Kayak again. Many thanks. Минусы: 'Nothing good to say about this flight. The plane was old with no entertainment. The sits where very compact and not comfortable at all. The food was a sweet bread and water. The flight attendants were rushing and will take a while if you needed anything. I felt like I was taking a bus with graffiti all over the place. Coming from my connecting flight from Barcelona, I could clearly tell the different in the quality and cleanliness of the aircrafts. Плюсы: 'Crew was very nice and helpful, entertainment system worked well and had good choices' Минусы: 'Seats were not very comfortable, it was uncomfortably hot and there was not air conditioner vent above like most other airlines'. Плюсы: 'Absolutely nothing! The gate was changed in Amsterdam 3 times! From D82 to C6 and then to C The distance between B82 and C was minutes walk. No rushing was needed though, the flight was delayed for h and after we all boarded a further delay was announced. I will never fly with KLM. Плюсы: 'Flight crew; legroom even in cheap seats. Just quoted the online info back at us. We simply wanted to know how much would be charged if the bag was kgs overweight. We could not get a straight answer, just quoted the unclear company policy. Extremely frustrating and annoying. KLM offer a superior flight experience - it is a shame their terrestrial customer servic does not match it! Минусы: 'Boarding was a free for all. The travelers did not pay attention to the priorities. Плюсы: 'Excellent experience with the cabin crew. This had a seating arraignment, it would have been better with a , similar to a configuration. With the current layout, even with an aisle seat, I was sitting in the aisle. And I am not a large person! The flight was full, so use the and two daily non-stops. For a twelve hour flight, the food was only Okay, could have been better and with a better selection. Meal timing was poor. Плюсы: 'Улыбчивый персонал, средне-хороший самолет. Пилоты, адекватные. Питание, не соответствует статусу авиакомпании. Нет никаких разъемов или развлечений на самолете. Плюсы: 'newer plane, good staff' Минусы: 'need better and more food options, more often'. Плюсы: 'I was pleasantly surprised they had a snack service on such a short flight. The flight attendants were very friendly' Минусы: 'Amsterdam customs is the most disorganized I have ever seen. With the number of tourists entering the country you would think they would have done something about it. There were only 2 customs agents!! One for all passports and 1 for all passports. We were in the customs hall longer than we were in flight! Should be business - priority - everyone else. Also, really tired of the fake business class on these flights Минусы: 'That I was forced to check my baggage. I never received a chain ticket for my luggage. The flight has a 32 hour layover and KLM lost my luggage and it was not found until a week after my arrival back home. I still have not received my bag at this time. It was a cluster. Плюсы: 'Everything was great! Плюсы: 'Crew was super friendly. Плюсы: 'Seats had tv monitor' Минусы: 'Check in was horrible and inefficient. Плюсы: 'It was a short flight' Минусы: 'Enough room to sit. The worst cramped seat I have ever had to fly in. Минусы: 'No online check in, incredibly inconvenient. If is have known would have booked another carrier. Минусы: 'Flight was over hour and a half late. Flight attendant forgot about me and my drink order on board. Плюсы: 'The movie selection. I missed my connection to Madrid from Chicago because the airline lost the plane that was already at Chicago. My luggage arrived in Lyon 3 days late and I was never given any information on reimbursement for the clothes and toiletries I had to buy. Плюсы: 'On time, smooth and professional. Плюсы: 'Crew was excellent. Left on time and arrived early' Минусы: 'Plane was very old and incredibly hot. Uncomfortable all around. Plane was gross and falling apart. Barely able to sleep due to heat. Минусы: 'It was a smaller aircraft than the one on the way there. So a lot more cramped. I dont know why they give blankets when they keep it so hot. I thought I was going to lose it. Плюсы: 'The entertainment this time was working. Always a bonus. Loos were kept clean. Плюсы: 'Crew was superb, friendly, professional and made the flight seen shorter than it was. Plenty of decent food, movie choices and beverages. Plane was clean, safe and we arrived ahead of schedule. Плюсы: 'Great cabin crew' Минусы: '20 minutes 'to reposition the gate to make it safer for exitong the airplane' - sounds like nonsense to me. No meal - and that really is nonsense. Плюсы: 'I am very glad BA have bought their food service back from the brink. A big improvement. Плюсы: 'Very comfortable seating on a ' Минусы: 'It was all great! Минусы: 'Сотрудники компании посчитали, что они умнее всех и раз они не видели такой документ - значит не посадят на самолёт. Все планы на день и неделю пошли насмарку. Спасибо другой авиакомпании, которая прежде что либо говорить, позвонила в иммиграционную службу и выяснилось, что никаких проблем с документами нет. Поэтому аккуратнее с этой компанией. Плюсы: 'Oneworld status points' Минусы: 'The price, the cancellation of the flight, the lack of free tea, the lack of baggage allowance. We waited 45 minutes in passport control. I expect BA to make sure the port of destination is prepared to receive its passengers'. Минусы: 'BA loaded drinks but no food onto flight. They 'forgot'. Without food, they were faster. Accept cash. Or allow pre-purchase online. Плюсы: 'Polite crew, flight was on time landing - even early. Seats were comfortable. Плюсы: 'Comfortable flight with personal entertainment screen. Also had an extra seat next to me to spread out! Плюсы: 'Pilot friendly chat at gate' Минусы: '2 hours to offer food through the plane Slow inefficient payment process Bacon roll served with cold Centre - inadequately cooked after 2 attempts'. Плюсы: 'Employees were very helpful. Wheelchair personal were efficient and friendly. Have to be careful to get premium economy and then hope I can get bulkhead seat at airport. Плюсы: 'The pilot was great and got us to our destination and the bags came out quickly. The TV was surprisingly tiny The check in was also awful. The person that checked us in had no mercy. He made me shift around my bag for. Минусы: 'Delayed then tube closed because somlatw and no weather issues just equipment according to pilot. Плюсы: 'The entertainment on the plane was plentiful. The overall comfort was superb. The staff was very kind. The food at business class lounge and on the plane were below average comparatively to other airlines and their business class offerings. Плюсы: 'The plane take off and landing were great. The cabin crew were pleasant. The plane was old and run down. The top of my arm rest had a plastic cover that kept falling off. There was no entertainment on the plane. Минусы: 'This was a 3. Very disappointed. Please fix it for next person who will sit that seat. Плюсы: 'Nothing. Плюсы: 'Flights were on time' Минусы: 'They lost our stuff as we travel internationally for 10 days. No clue where it is'. Плюсы: 'Nice crew and modern aircraft' Минусы: 'I do this flight every year at this time and now BA actually charges you to choose a seat - on top of the not cheap hand luggage fare. And there was no apology for the delay. Плюсы: 'Nothing they cancelled flights' Минусы: 'They counselled flights'. Плюсы: 'Arriving safely. I ended up taking an 80 pound train to London that took two and a half hours, and I expect the airway to pay for that too. This was bullshit and I hate this shirt air line. Для удобства пассажиров авиакомпании, выполняющие рейсы в Мадейра, изменили условия оказания услуг и ввели дополнительные меры безопасности. Внимание: условия оказания услуг разными компаниями варьируются. Тесты на антитела, проверка симптомов перед вылетом на рейсах в Мадейра. Посмотрите билеты в Мадейра с бесплатным изменением бронирования. Порто Санто. Перейти к основному контенту. Найдите дешевые авиабилеты в Мадейра Сравните цены на сотнях сайтов в один клик и выберите самый бюджетный рейс в Мадейра. Туда и обратно. Вы выбрали 1 взрослого от 18 до 64 лет. Студенты старше Выбрано 0 студентов старше Подростки Вы выбрали 0 подростков от 12 до 17 лет. Дети Вы выбрали 0 детей от 2 до 11 лет. Дети до 2 лет до 2 лет. Вы выбрали 0 младенцев младше 2 лет. Младенцы без места до 2 лет. Вы выбрали 0 младенцев без места младше 2 лет. Париж PAR. В любое время. Для каждого перелета будет указана средняя цена за билет для всех пассажиров с учетом детей. Flight 1. Flight 2. Flight 3. Flight 4. Flight 5. Flight 6. Найти билеты. Полезно знать. Межсезонье ноябрь Если вы хотите избежать наплыва туристов, это лучшее время. Ищете авиабилеты в Мадейра недорого? Наши советы: Ищете авиабилеты в Мадейра недорого? Чтобы купить билет дешевле, бронируйте минимум за 1 неделю до вылета. Пиковый сезон обычно приходится на июль, август и сентябрь. Если хотите сэкономить на перелете в Мадейра, лучше смотреть авиабилеты на ноябрь — это самый бюджетный месяц. Укажите аэропорт вылета и даты поездки на форме поиска выше и узнайте актуальные цены на авиабилеты до Мадейра. Авиабилеты в Мадейра: вопросы и ответы Моя цель — Мадейра. Меня интересует Мадейра. Можно ли сейчас туда улететь? Есть ли какие-то ограничения по направлению Мадейра? Мадейра сейчас разрешает въезд без ограничений и самоизоляции? Как долго лететь в Мадейра? Сколько стоят самые дешевые билеты в Мадейра? Какие направления в Мадейра самые популярные? Отзывы пассажиров. Плюсы: 'Crew was very courteous and attentive' Минусы: 'More fruits and green non-starchy vegetables' Плюсы: 'Never got on the plane due to weather restrictions in the connecting flight prior to this flight. Also, bathrooms were gross; ran out of paper and floors were 'soiled'' Минусы: 'The seats in coach are incredible small and the seats reclines way to far. Crew is nice, but not too nice' Плюсы: 'Unlike some airlines the cabin crew is professional in appearance and behavior- courteous and pleasant. Yhis is unheard of on intl flights' Плюсы: 'The announcements were to the point and kept us from constantly getting interrupted, very much appreciate this. All time we spent in aircraft' Плюсы: 'I just loved the friendliness of the crew. Luckily this time customs check up was very quiet' Плюсы: 'Really? Not to mention that I have paid extra for choosing my sit and ended up sitting in the back in the worst sit with least possible legroom Thank you Lufthansa' Минусы: 'всегда раздражает процедура посадки, потому что невоспитанные люди лезут вперед В этот раз сотрудники попытались немного распределить пассажиров перед посадкой, чтобы был порядок За что им огромная благодарность. In the end everything was okay but it was not a pleasant trip' Плюсы: 'everything' Минусы: 'Business class - not enough Space for legs. Задержка вылета на 3 часа' Плюсы: 'Обслуживание в самолете - хорошее. Could be better' Минусы: 'B' Минусы: 'Less space in the seats than there used to be. Very nice and clean installation' Минусы: 'lastminute. Could have been on time' Плюсы: 'Рейс был с незначительной задержкой вылета' Минусы: 'Возле элюминатора было холодно ' Плюсы: 'Flight on time, and luggage was at destination. Bad logistics' Плюсы: 'Great staff, good meals, snacks, and drinks thru the entire flight. Really angry' Плюсы: 'Food and service was great as always! CS did not reply with solution' Плюсы: 'The staff from service center helped me to solve problem with my flight, it was short connection, around 35 minutes, and I missed my aircraft, but in the service center gave me ticket to the next flight, The problem was solved. Only an hour flight This was insane Long waiting times confusion Flight was late hence almost missed connection' Минусы: 'I luked the atmosphire and the silence. Just awful' Плюсы: 'We paid extra for extra leg room. Never want to fly on them again' Плюсы: 'This Transavia Airlines is not good at all. Flight was amazing' Плюсы: 'Information sharing by pilots and crew. Luggage service was very slow' Плюсы: 'Crew was very friendly. Had to be reset off 30 mins but cam back up' Плюсы: 'Time and Good clean place.. I expect BA to make sure the port of destination is prepared to receive its passengers' Минусы: 'Thank you' Плюсы: 'Great to sit in upper deck' Минусы: 'BA loaded drinks but no food onto flight. No clue where it is' Плюсы: 'Nice crew and modern aircraft' Минусы: 'I do this flight every year at this time and now BA actually charges you to choose a seat - on top of the not cheap hand luggage fare. Защитные маски Маски от перевозчика для пассажиров всех рейсов в Мадейра. Социальное дистанцирование Места в середине ряда на рейсах в Мадейра недоступны. Медицинские осмотры Тесты на антитела, проверка симптомов перед вылетом на рейсах в Мадейра. Гибкие условия отмены Посмотрите билеты в Мадейра с бесплатным изменением бронирования. Перелет туда-обратно: свежие предложения. Еще результаты. Перелет в один конец: свежие предложения. Внутренние рейсы: свежие предложения. Аэропорты прилета:. Туда и обратно В одну сторону Составной маршрут Маршруты. Выберите до 3 аэропортов вылета. В радиусе км. Аэропорт На машине На общ. Укажите местонахождение, чтобы увидеть аэропорты поблизости. Выберите до 3 аэропортов. Выберите до 3 аэропортов прилета. Вы не выбрали аэропорт. Вы знаете, куда отправиться. Если вы хотите избежать наплыва туристов, это лучшее время.

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