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Услуги по продвижению туризма, торгующие под торговой маркой Serena Hotels, открыли новую форму туризма более 40 лет назад. Компания была основана со стратегией, согласно которой очень немногие места не подходят для туристической деятельности и что часто можно сочетать развитие цели с реальной экономической устойчивостью и прибыльностью для многих заинтересованных сторон и направлений. Он стремился привнести передовой опыт в социальном, культурном, экологическом и экономическом развитии в некоторые из наиболее обездоленных, отдаленных и в то же время заманчивых, но наиболее уязвимых районов в мире. Отели Serena Hotels, относящиеся к территориям, относительно исключенным из глобализации, опираются на этические рамки, глубокий анализ рисков и окружающей среды, а также политику постоянных инноваций, способствуя экономическому росту, развитию туризма и целого ряда вспомогательных услуг, развитию местных людских ресурсы, а также сохранение культурного и природного наследия при одновременном снижении последствий деятельности до минимума. Они помогают направлять деятельность компании в области устойчивого развития, стремясь вдохновить ее различные заинтересованные стороны на более широкое рассмотрение, охватывающее долгосрочные перспективы при принятии деловых решений. Отели Serena объединили свои инициативы в трех ключевых областях, а именно: ответственное ведение бизнеса, окружающая среда и вовлечение сообщества в определение «Устойчивое развитие». One of the hallmarks of Serena Hotels over the last 40 years is its Responsible Business Practices that are integrated in its daily interactions, operations and business processes. These help to stimulate local economic activity, development and growth around the area of its existence. From site selection, design and construction stage through to its responsible day to day operations, Serena Hotels demonstrate local sustainable architecture, promote awareness of local cultures, national heritage, conservation of the natural environment, empowers the local community, provides literacy and early learning opportunities, promotes health, safety and wellbeing and facilitates the sharing of its achievements and knowledge on environmental responsibility to its guests, schools, communities and various stakeholders. Serena Hotels has upheld a commitment to responsible business, human rights and ethical and legal standards in all facets of its business. Our success is grounded in our mission, philosophy, core values and conduct entrenched and demonstrated each day through our exceptional and anticipatory standards of guest experience, ethical business practices, relations with our fellow employees, our customers, suppliers, shareholders, the communities and other stakeholders. Finding a balance between financial success, social responsibility and protecting the environment is a fundamental approach that lies at the heart of Serena Hotels corporate culture and is reflected in our corporate values. Serena takes a long term, entrepreneurial approach to the issue of sustainability in all of its activities along the value chain. Serena Hotels developments and operations have and continue to be guided by an ecological-policy focusing on a holistic approach towards concrete actions and projects that encapsulate the responsibility that is owed to the natural environment which sustains us. This also includes the local communities that support us, the overall wellbeing of our employees and finally the degree to which we contribute to the economic health of the countries in which we operate. The Company through various partnerships continues to widen its foot print focused on an integrated ethical approach to issues and sustainability, quality, value addition and visible measures of success. Each hotel has distinctive efforts and continue to focus on the areas that Serena can have the greatest impact: creating economic opportunity, community outreach, environmental conservation and improvement, employee well-being and health and safety. Serena Hotels ensures that the highest standards of health and safety are maintained for the benefit of all our stakeholders. This includes the overall food safety, hygiene and sanitation standards. In addition, the Company has built a positive and dynamic security and safety culture. Various security and safety initiatives are customized and implemented by each property based on timely assessments of the local situations. The Serena Employee Wellness Program continues to address the holistic health needs of not only Serena Staff but also of the communities that surrounds the Serena properties. In essence, the program is devoted to reducing the incidence of accident and illness in the workplace, promoting healthy lifestyles, maximizing potential and promoting optimum quality of life. We believe the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and guests is critical to our success and the vitality of our local communities. View specific Africa stories here and for Asia region here. Serena Hotels procurement strategy thrives through local sourcing. At all costs, we encourage and promote local community based suppliers and eco-friendly products - fresh food stuff is purchased from local farmers and companies that support small scale producers and dis-advantaged groups. Our suppliers are informed of the Serena standard of quality and cleanliness expected of them, and if a gap is identified offers training to the local entrepreneurs to the extent on how to strengthen their business skills, record keeping, setting up a bank account and how to acquire working capital to bridge credit periods. All the entrepreneurial opportunities are geared towards empowering local communities to benefit in sustainable income, food security and improved health and nutrition to more households thus improving the quality of life. Serena Hotels encourages local community employment so as to contribute to the overall quality of life. The company continues to believe that its employees constitute a key determinant and partner in delivering the highest standards of service, comfort and guest experience. With the changing nature of guest expectations, we cultivate an environment that provides guidance, enabling our employees to become well equipped at their workplace and better individuals. Thus, the provision of rewarding careers, personal growth, quality training and exposure towards advanced leadership roles as well as capacity building remains a strategic priority for Serena Hotels. View specific stories here! The hotel works with a wide range of local farms and growers, using organic produce wherever possible and ensuring support to the local community. All menus offer local specialities and full vegetarian options. The acre grounds and water gardens showcase a unique collection of indigenous plants and butterflies and provide a valuable eco-space for both resident and migratory birds. The gift shop promotes a wide range of items made by local community groups, dance troupes are sourced from the local community; staff uniforms reflect traditional Ugandan dress. Additionally, we host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. Such programmes vary according to need, but presently they are as follows:. Wherever possible, local produce is featured on the menus. In essence, the programme is devoted to reducing the incidence of accident and illness in the workplace, promoting healthy lifestyles, maximizing potential and promoting optimum quality of life. Программа КСО Serena основана на концепции Его Высочества Ага-Хана, предлагая целостное корпоративное и социальное развитие, при котором все организации осознают необходимость играть важную роль в предоставлении социальных услуг для общества. Демонстрирует это программа КСО Serena, которая идет под аббревиатурой SEED , Serena Environmental and Educational Development Programme - Программа Развития Окружающей Среды и Образования , обеспечивает реагирование на все аспекты сохранения культуры, охранs окружающей среды, содействие правильному управлению и благосостоянию общества в целом. Программа берет за основу концепцию, согласно которой любой бизнес должен объединять свои корпоративные и коммерческие потребности с потребностями социального сообщества, которое его окружает и поддерживает. Практически переведенная программа гарантирует, что группа поощряет открытые и прозрачные методы ведения бизнеса, основанные на этических ценностях, демонстрирует уважение и заботу о своих сотрудниках и обеспечивает благополучие и устойчивость сообществ и окружающей среды, которые окружают ее различные свойства. AKDN также несла ответственность за восстановление садов Баг-и-Бабар и запустила награду Рошан, ведущего телекоммуникационного провайдера Афганистана. The Nairobi Serena Hotel has been constructed according to the tenets of eco-sensitive architecture, using local materials, skills and labour wherever possible. The hotel also serves as a showcase both for local art, sculpture, textiles and handicrafts and a wide range of pan-African artifacts. We make optimum use of the latest technology in relation to: waste recycling; pollution-reduction and non-CFC use; low energy-use devices and heat recovery systems. We also have our own plant and tree nursery using only indigenous plants to re-stock our grounds. Since it is our belief that environmental protection must extend into all levels of the community, the Group also offers community training on sustainable tourism and environmental responsibility. Wherever possible, we purchase all our foodstuffs from the local community, we also employ local musicians and dancers. In addition to this:. We host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. The Mara Serena Safari Lodge is committed to a long-term policy of sustainable conservation, which is linked to a programme of committed community support, designed to include both visitors and staff members. Our contribution towards sustaining the community that surrounds us includes; provision of drinking water and conservation centres. In essence, the programme is devoted to reducing the incidence of accident and illness in the workplace, promoting healthy lifestyles, maximizing potential, and promoting optimum quality of life. A wide range of campaigns is currently taking place, each tailored to the specific needs of the area in which it is located. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few lodges to be permitted within a national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. We also appreciate the support of the human community that surrounds this wilderness area, on whom we rely for the provision of staff members, guides, dancers and entertainers; and who also welcome our guests to their village and provide fresh produce for their meals. Consequently at Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge we host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few camps permitted in this exclusive African conservancy. We also appreciate the support of the human community that surrounds this wilderness area, on whom we rely for the provision of staff members, guides, dancers and entertainers. Consequently we host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part and provide an eco-friendly tourist destination. We are very grateful to have the privilege of being approved to establish one of very few holiday homes inside the National Park. Our gratitude extends to the www. Therefore, we carry out a large number of ecological projects, as a way to support and maintain the natural environment and surrounding communities. Energy an inverter system has recently been installed to reduce the use of diesel generators waste recycling glass, plastic, wet garbage and distribution of food waste to local pig farmers , use of CFC-free products, monitored pesticide use. We also work to reduce noise and visual pollution Where possible we use only locally sourced produce to support local industry and ecology. In order to improve the quality of health of all our workers we have created employee health schemes at Serena Hotels. We take care of the health needs of Serena employees and the surrounding community. Essentially, the program is committed to reducing accidents at work and the incidence of disease; facilitate the promotion of healthy lifestyles and promoting quality of life. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few lodges to be permitted within the Mount Kenya national park, an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. Consequently our lodge host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. The Great Rift Valley is a continuous geographic trench of approximately 6, kilometers, which runs from, northern Syria in Southwest Asia, to central Mozambique in South East Africa. Today, the term is most often used to refer to the valley of the East African Rift most famously viewed In Kenya. Majority of these lakes are shallow, and with no natural outlet are alkaline with a high concentration of minerals. Three of these soda lakes, represent the most significant of all of the Rift Valley lakes within Kenya. These soda lakes, support one of the most diverse populations of birds in the world, are the most important feeding area for the lesser flamingo, and Lake Elmenteita remains the last nesting and breeding site in East Africa for the Great White Pelican. The property is home to 13 globally threatened bird species and some of the highest bird diversities in the world. It is the single most important foraging site for the lesser flamingo anywhere , and a major nesting and breeding ground for great white pelicans. The Kenya Lake System and surrounding land is critical in contributing to the conservation of the natural values within the Great Rift Valley, and provides valuable insights into the evolution and development of soda lake ecosystems and the related communities of plants and animals. This programme follows the concept of an organization being a social enterprise where the business needs are synergized with social outcomes. Serena encourages open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for its employees, communities, and the environment. The social, developmental, and operational activities of Serena are designed in such a manner that they deliver sustainable value to the society at large, as well as to shareholders. Now we are moving towards a challenging feature of our corporate responsibility, where, at Serena, the results are judged not just by the input, but by outcomes; the change we bring along in this world in which we live through our foot prints, and the contribution we make to reduce the sufferings around us. This programme follows the concept of an organization being a social enterprise where the business needs are synergized with the social outcomes. Serena encourages open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for its employees, communities and the environment. The social, developmental and operational activities of Serena are designed in such a manner that these activities deliver sustainable value to the society at large, as well as to shareholders. Now we are moving towards a challenging feature of our corporate responsibility, where at Serena the results are judged not just by the input but by the outcomes: the change we bring along in this world in which we live through our foot prints, and the contribution we make to reduce the sufferings around us. Download activities. The Serena Group believes that corporate social responsibility CSR should not just be about philanthropy and compliance but that it should also offer a more holistic corporate approach towards economic, social, and environmental impacts as a whole. The group also places strong emphasis on measuring its success, not only in terms of financial gain, but also in terms of the degree to which it has contributed towards local economic development, environmental conservation and social justice. Kwita Izina Ceremony; This is the ceremony for Gorilla naming it usually happens every year in Rwanda. The hotel spent a total amount of Rwf , for food donation and Rwf , for transport. Besides donating linen and foodstuffs. Management has committed to help some of those who complete secondary education by providing artisan training in the hotel, and hiring the competent ones when a suitable vacancy arises. They in return contribute a portion of their pay to the association. Lake Kivu Serena Hotel in Rwanda endeavours to be eco-friendly. We support local farms, and local communities to ensure we are respectful to our unique Rwanda location. We use organic produce wherever possible and all menus offer local specialties and full vegetarian options. The gift shop promotes a wide range of items made by local community groups, dance troupes are sourced from the local community; staff uniforms reflect traditional Rwandan dress. Support of the local Nyundo orphanage The staff pay regular visits to the orphanage as well as supplying food, clothing and educational equipment. Support of the Twisungane widows cooperative The hotel works with an association of widows, specifically in the provision of organic agricultural seeds that are not available locally. The organic produce is provided to the hotel and sold in the local markets. Visit to Gisenyi Hospital The staff pay regular visits to the local hospital, host seasonal events and support those patients who are not able to pay for their treatment. All our hotels have been constructed according to the tenets of eco-sensitive architecture, using local materials, skills and labour wherever possible. The Khorog Serena Inn in Tajikistan also serves as a showcase both for local art, sculpture, textiles and handicrafts and a wide range of artifacts. Our environmental policy We make optimum use of the latest technology in relation to: waste recycling; pollution-reduction and non-CFC use; low energy-use devices and heat recovery systems. Since it is our belief that environmental protection must extend into all levels of the community, the Group also offers community training on environmental responsibility. We operate an out-reach programme to the orphanages and hospitals of the area which allows for visits from our staff, the provision of funds, the hosting of seasonal events and the provision of clothing and foodstuffs. We create both temporary and permanent jobs for the local community. We also offer training and work-exposure programmes for school leavers. We showcase cultural dance, costume, singing and cultural craft as part of our corporate undertaking to support and sustain the cultural heritage of our nation. We work with a number of local schools, both by providing educational materials and by hosting environmental training sessions for the pupils. In , in collaboration if two other local NGOs the Khorog Serena organized the Roof of the World Musical Festival, which was the first of its kind and featured music, dance, theatre, handicraft exhibitions and a wide range of cultural classes. At Zanzibar Serena Hotel as well as our other locations in Africa we aim to provide a unique eco-friendly resort experience. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few Lodges permitted in this unique eco-sphere. Consequently we host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few lodges to be permitted within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. Consequently our safari lodge hosts a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. At Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge in Tanzania we appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few tented camps to be permitted within the Serengeti national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few Lodges permitted in this unique eco-sphere of Lake Manyara National Park. Wherever possible, local produce is featured on the menus at our luxury Lake Manyara lodge. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few tented camps to be permitted within Serengeti national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few tented camps to be permitted within the Serengeti national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. At Selous Serena Camp, we appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the lodges to be permitted within a national reserve. At Serena Mivumo River Lodge we appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the lodges to be permitted within a national reserve. At Dar Es Salaam Serena Hotel, we make optimum use of the latest technology in relation to: waste recycling; pollution-reduction and non-CFC use; low energy-use devices and heat recovery systems. We also have our own plant and tree nursery using only indigenous plants to re-stock the tropical gardens at Dar Es Salaam Serena Hotel. In addition to this the hotels of the group typically work towards the provision of:. The resort works with a wide range of local farms and growers, using organic produce wherever possible and ensuring support to the local community. The grounds and water gardens showcase a unique collection of indigenous plants and butterflies and provide a valuable eco-space for both resident and migratory birds. Serena Hotels has remained sensitive towards improving and preserving the environment in which it operates. Responsible management of natural resources in our operations has been a part of our business since construction of our first hotel over four decades ago. As the Company expands, developments and operations have and continue to be guided by a dynamic ecological-policy focusing on actions and projects related to climate change, water and energy conservation, air emissions, reducing and recycling waste to the extent possible, conserve biodiversity, restore natural habitats and respect of local tradition, culture and heritage. View specific Africa stories here and Asia stories here! Serena Hotels continues to give priority to the local communities living around our areas of operation so as to ensure economic independence with the end goal to better navigate uncertainty and thrive towards a sustainable livelihood in the future. Our properties focus on providing opportunity to the local community through: purchasing fresh food stuff; selling artifacts and handicrafts from various local community groups in our gift shops; and skills development and employment through work-training opportunities that allows youth to gain marketable skills leading to meaningful work. We enhance guest experience by exposing them to the diverse range of local cultures and ethnic groups through art, dance, song, musical and theatrical displays whilst economically empowering the local people. Serena Hotels works with schools around its properties in various ways to ensure children have a conducive environment for learning. View specific stories here for the Africa region and here for the Asia region. Спортивная дипломатия стала неотъемлемой частью усилий Serena Hotel по укреплению отношений между различными группами и сообществами. Отели Serena Hotels включили спортивную дипломатию в свой ежегодный календарь, организуя, спонсируя или проводя различные турниры и матчи разных возрастов и групп людей, которые выходят за рамки языковых и социокультурных различий и объединяют людей. Участие в спортивных и спортивных мероприятиях учит лидерским навыкам, командной работе и коммуникативным навыкам, которые помогают молодым людям добиться успеха во всех сферах их жизни. Спорт является мощным инструментом, способствующим переменам в обществе, и эффективной платформой для достижения целей в области устойчивого развития. Serena Hotels поощряет молодых людей использовать спорт в качестве платформы для продвижения мира, достоинства и равных прав для всех людей, особенно путем создания пространства для женщин и девочек вне дома или школы, где они могут взаимодействовать с более широкой группой, участвовать в общественной сфере и раскрыть свои навыки и способности. Искусство и культура строят самые прочные и интересные мосты, связывающие людей и страны, и под своим знаменем культурной дипломатии Serena продвигает искусство и межкультурную деятельность, чтобы дарить надежду и вдохновлять мир. В Серене люди собираются вместе, чтобы продемонстрировать свое живое прошлое и настоящее наследие через свою культуру, будь то в форме изобразительного искусства или музыки. Галерея The Satrang, специализированная площадка в отеле Serena, Исламабад, посвящена популяризации пакистанского искусства и молодых художников, предоставляя им платформу для взаимодействия с более широкой аудиторией, а также проводит выставки иностранных художников. Отели Serena Hotels в рамках Инициативы «Культурная дипломатия» способствуют развитию искусства и культуры с целью заложить основы для лучшего будущего. The Adventure Diplomacy Initiative поощряет взаимодействие человека с природой таким образом, чтобы проверять его физическое мастерство, выносливость и целеустремленность. Инициатива 'Публичная Демократия' является кульминацией ценности, которую Serena Hotels может принести обществу. Организационная сила Серены позволяет нам объединять экспертов, политиков и заинтересованных граждан для информирования и привлечения отдельных лиц и организаций к продвижению дебатов, созданию знаний и более широкому пониманию сложности социально-экономических вопросов. Raabta, беспартийная инициатива по информированию общественности, целью которой является информирование различных групп и сетей в критических аспектах социально значимых областей, таких как экономика, здравоохранение и образование. We understand that the protection of our natural resources, environment and people is a key factor in the growth of the industry. Similar, to other Serena properties, these properties continue to give priority to the local communities living around its areas of operation so as to ensure economic independence with the end goal to better navigate uncertainty and thrive towards a sustainable livelihood in the future. Providing educational, entrepreneurial and health support is crucial not only for improving the quality of life for the communities, but also provides an enabling environment for sustainable business practices. Serena Hotels has endeavoured to bring best practices in social, cultural, environmental and economic development to an alluring yet fragile area in Kenya. This concept introduced sustainable programs within neighbouring community schools with a focus on having a holistic positive impact on a child. The various initiatives under the program that we believe act as a catalyst for positive economic, social and cultural change include;. Every company would like employees who are prepared to adopt in the modern workplace, but this requires investing long before adulthood. Building an ecosystem that supports education in the early years is a critical place to begin the formation of a skilled workforce. By investing in the community activities and offering fresh opportunities, we can support the future prospects of our communities and country. As an EDGE certified company, Serena Hotels is now part of a group of almost companies that are paving the way for gender equality in their workforce across five continents and representing 24 different industries. Globally, women make up half of the workforce in the tourism sector but are overrepresented in low-rank jobs, often get underpaid and also carry out the bulk of unpaid work in small-scale family run tourism enterprises. In Pakistan these challenges are more severe as companies in the tourism sector operate in a culturally and legally conservative context for women. As the only EDGE certified company in Pakistan and one of the few in the tourism sector globally, Serena Hotels Pakistan is leading the way towards gender equality in the workplace for companies in Pakistan as well as in the tourism sector worldwide. Additionally, a growing body of research now supports the strong links between gender equality in private sector organizations and increased profits, growth and innovation for companies that invest in closing gender gaps in their organization. As a responsible corporate body, Serena Hotels has consistently focused on sustainability in their business practices. The EDGE assessment and certification process follows a strict and methodologically rigorous process and focuses on five key workplace areas: recruitment and promotion , leadership development , equal pay , flexible work arrangements , and overall company culture. BOX — Nairobi, Kenya. Устойчивое развитие Пресс-центр Награды Тур агентам Свяжитесь с нами. Вы резидент? Serena Responsible Tourism Practices Приверженность устойчивому развитию. Выбрать по региону Африка Азия. Business Ethics and Human Rights. Business Model and Sustainability Strategy Finding a balance between financial success, social responsibility and protecting the environment is a fundamental approach that lies at the heart of Serena Hotels corporate culture and is reflected in our corporate values. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Serena Hotels ensures that the highest standards of health and safety are maintained for the benefit of all our stakeholders. Responsible Sourcing Serena Hotels procurement strategy thrives through local sourcing. Human Development and Training in the Workplace. Отель Kampala Serena allhotel allregion allcountry Африка Уганда kampala hide. The Eco View The hotel works with a wide range of local farms and growers, using organic produce wherever possible and ensuring support to the local community. Such programmes vary according to need, but presently they are as follows: We create both temporary and permanent jobs for the local community. Экологичный отель в Кабуле Корпоративная социальная ответственность Программа КСО Serena основана на концепции Его Высочества Ага-Хана, предлагая целостное корпоративное и социальное развитие, при котором все организации осознают необходимость играть важную роль в предоставлении социальных услуг для общества. In addition to this: We operate an out-reach programme to the orphanages and hospitals of the area which allows for visits from our staff, the provision of funds, the hosting of seasonal events and the provision of clothing and foodstuffs. We promote local handicrafts, glassware, pottery, beadwork and clothing in our Hazina Gift Shop. Responsibility for the community in which we exist We host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. We run a sea turtle protection programme, which we invite our guests to join. We run our own Butterfly Centre, which breeds local indigenous butterflies as well as offering insights into the life-cycle of a butterfly. We run our own tree and shrub nursery and supply plants to the local community. Our spa has been built to precise eco-specifications using abundantly natural materials, and using uniquely local artistic talents. Many of our treatments are made from locally sourced ingredients, culled from the beach and forest. Our retail range includes handmade candles, incense, beadwork and gift items, which are made in cooperation with local community groups. We encourage interface between our guests and the local villages - hosting tours and promoting the sale of handicraft items. The Eco-friendly Mara Serena Safari Lodge The Mara Serena Safari Lodge is committed to a long-term policy of sustainable conservation, which is linked to a programme of committed community support, designed to include both visitors and staff members. Committed to Eco-Friendly Tourism and Sustainable Conservation We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few lodges to be permitted within a national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. Such programmes vary according to need, but presently they are as follows: Since we have worked in cooperation with the Kenya Wildlife Service KWS in hosting an ambitious afforestation programme for Amboseli. Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Ol Pejeta Conservancy We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few camps permitted in this exclusive African conservancy. All our tents are thatched using sustainably harvested local grass and using traditional methods and local workers. We operate an out-reach programme to the orphanages of the area which allows for visits from our staff, the provision of funds, the hosting of seasonal events and the provision of clothing and foodstuffs. We run our own tree-nursery, supplying over 30, seedlings to the local community. We work with local schools and other bodies to encourage tree-planting within the area, we also arrange tree-planting activities amongst our own staff and guests. The camp works closely with the local Ereri Multi-Cultural Community Manyatta, in the promotion of cultural dance, music, traditional practices and in the promotion of local handicrafts. Protecting Nature and Local Communities We are very grateful to have the privilege of being approved to establish one of very few holiday homes inside the National Park. Diversification projects carried out for a variety of needs, include the following : Our partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service KWS for the park to implement sustainable tree planting projects. We build classrooms for local schools, as well as providing tables, teaching equipment and sports facilities. We offer training courses to help local community members understand the importance of using clean water sources to reduce diarrhea cases. We also provide clean drinking water for local communities. In order to reduce malaria cases, we provide mosquito nets for local communities. We provide temporary and long-term work for the people of the local community and provide training and internships for college students. We encourage guests and local people of the village to communicate by enjoying organized sightseeing tours as well as promoting the sale of handicrafts. We show Maasai dance, costumes, singing and cultural events to support and sustain our national heritage. We help local orphanages and hospitals, mainly through the provision of food and our staff as a volunteer to help. To reduce any ecological footprint from the hotel we comply with the relevant Code of Practice Energy an inverter system has recently been installed to reduce the use of diesel generators waste recycling glass, plastic, wet garbage and distribution of food waste to local pig farmers , use of CFC-free products, monitored pesticide use. Respecting The Nature of Mount Kenya And Its People We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few lodges to be permitted within the Mount Kenya national park, an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. In recent years, however, the Mountain has suffered greatly from the adverse effects of deforestation. As a result, the lodge runs an ambitious afforestation programme. To-date some 2. The lodge works closely with the Kenya Wildlife Service in terms of animal rescue and support. We also provide clean water for the local community. Training and work-exposure programmes are also offered to school leavers. We showcase Kikuyu dance, costume, singing and cultural craft as part of our corporate undertaking to support and sustain the cultural heritage of our nation. We support the local schools in terms of supply of educational materials and school buildings. Our staff make voluntary visits to local orphanages, schools and hospitals. Page Ecotourism. Amongst the many CSR projects hosted by the hotel are the following: Support of the local Nyundo orphanage The staff pay regular visits to the orphanage as well as supplying food, clothing and educational equipment. Protecting The Local Environment and Communities All our hotels have been constructed according to the tenets of eco-sensitive architecture, using local materials, skills and labour wherever possible. In addition to this: We also work with local schools to train children in dance, music and theatre. Community support We operate an out-reach programme to the orphanages and hospitals of the area which allows for visits from our staff, the provision of funds, the hosting of seasonal events and the provision of clothing and foodstuffs. We promote local handicrafts, glassware, pottery, beadwork and clothing in our gift shop. Special projects In , in collaboration if two other local NGOs the Khorog Serena organized the Roof of the World Musical Festival, which was the first of its kind and featured music, dance, theatre, handicraft exhibitions and a wide range of cultural classes. Zanzibar Serena Hotel Eco-Resort in Stone Town We host a number of eco-programmes, all of which are designed to support and sustain the natural and human community of which we are a part. Eco Tourism in Arusha We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few Lodges permitted in this unique eco-sphere. We also offer training and work-exposure programmes for school leavers We encourage interface between our guests and the local villages - hosting tours and promoting the sale of handicraft items We showcase cultural dance, costume, singing and cultural craft as part of our corporate undertaking to support and sustain the cultural heritage of our nation We work with a number of local schools, both by providing educational materials and by hosting environmental training sessions for the pupils We operate an indigenous plant and tree-planting programme. Conservation Of The Ngorongoro Crater We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few lodges to be permitted within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. Sustaining the Communities of the Serengeti At Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge in Tanzania we appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few tented camps to be permitted within the Serengeti national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. We are also presently working on supplying a dedicated healthcare clinic for the area. The camp is an integral part of the local Cultural Tourism Programme, which offers visits to neighbouring local communities and schools and talks on the heritage and tradition of the local Ikoma and Sikuma tribes. Eco Travel in Tanzania We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few Lodges permitted in this unique eco-sphere of Lake Manyara National Park. All our rooms are thatched using makuti and using traditional methods and local workers. We work closely with the local Mbu Cultural programme in the promotion of cultural dance, music, traditional practices and in the promotion of local handicrafts. Sustaining Our Natural And Human Communities We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few tented camps to be permitted within Serengeti national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. Eco-Conscious Safari Camp Serengeti We appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the few tented camps to be permitted within the Serengeti national park - an area that is otherwise exclusively dedicated to the preservation of its wilderness and wildlife. Selous Game Reserve Eco Tourism Responsibility for the community in which we exist At Selous Serena Camp, we appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the lodges to be permitted within a national reserve. Mivumo Eco Lodge In Tanzania Responsibility for the community in which we exist At Serena Mivumo River Lodge we appreciate the fact that we enjoy a unique privilege: we have the honour of hosting one of the lodges to be permitted within a national reserve. Building a Healthy Environment and Community At Dar Es Salaam Serena Hotel, we make optimum use of the latest technology in relation to: waste recycling; pollution-reduction and non-CFC use; low energy-use devices and heat recovery systems. In addition to this the hotels of the group typically work towards the provision of: Out-reach programme to the orphanages and hospitals of the area which allows for visits from our staff, the provision of funds, the hosting of seasonal events and the provision of clothing and foodstuffs. The promotion of local handicrafts, glassware, pottery, beadwork and clothing in our Gift Shop. The creation of temporary and permanent jobs for the local community. Showcasing of cultural dance, costume, singing and cultural craft as part of our corporate undertaking to support and sustain the cultural heritage of the nation. The Eco View The resort works with a wide range of local farms and growers, using organic produce wherever possible and ensuring support to the local community. Sports Diplomacy allhotel allregion allcountry Азия. Culture Diplomacy allhotel allregion allcountry Азия. Adventure Diplomacy allhotel allregion allcountry Азия. Public Diplomacy allhotel allregion allcountry. Please view all details below. Sustainability Mission Statement. Corporate Environmental Mission Statement More information coming soon. Sustainability Reports Africa Asia More information coming soon. More information coming soon. Awards and Recognition Африка. Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку Азия Африка. Пожалуйста, заполните пропущенные поля красным цветом. Пожалуйста, выберите отель OK.

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