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Sebastian Liste. We sincerely thank everyone who put the effort into their applications and congratulate the photographers who will be taking part in the masterclass:. Darya Komleva -Litvinova KZ. We look forward to meeting all the participants, having the chance to learn about their work and sharing experiences. It was a strong signal to all EU governments who had not been able to quickly address the ever-increasing influx of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean on unseaworthy vessels. This story is very important to me because in the few weeks I spent on board of the Bourbon Argos, I witnessed how essential it is to be present and efficient when lives are at stake. Thanks to the great work of MSF over three thousands lives were saved. This collective of citizen journalists was ignored by traditional media and threatened by the authorities. The deadline for applications has also been extended — the new deadline is Sunday 21st February , pm CET. The Masterclass is open to young and aspiring documentary photographers and photojournalists from: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Please find more information about applying here. Yuri Kozyrev has worked as a photojournalist for the past 20 years. In , Yuri started to cover international news. He was on the scene in Afghanistan after September 11, , and lived in Baghdad, Iraq, between and , working as a contract photographer for Time. Since the beginning of , Yuri has been documenting the uprisings and their aftermaths in Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia and especially Egypt and Libya. Yuri is currently covering for TIME the exodus of asylum seekers fleeing from countries like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Eritrea to escape war and poverty. Her professional photographic career began in when she moved to Israel, covering hard news as a freelancer in the Gaza Strip, Iraq and Lebanon. In she developed a more documentary style with her work on the lives of volunteer suicide bombers and widows in the Gaza Strip. Through visual journalism he aims to generate dialogue and collaboration between subjects and audiences, bringing different world views into confrontation with each other. Мы рады анонсировать преподавателей NOOR-Nikon матсер-класса по документальной фотографии, который пройдет с 29 марта по 2 апреля года в Алматы, Казахстан. Также сообщаем, что дедлайн для подачи заявок продлен — новый дедлайн — воскресенье, 21 февраля , центральноевропейское время. Мастер-класс открыт для молодых и энергичных фотографов-документалистов и фотожурналистов из Туркменистана, Узбекистана, Таджикистана, Казахстана и Кыргызстана. Информацию о подаче заявки можно найти здесь. Юрий Козырев работает фотожурналистом в течение последних ти лет. Он начал карьеру, документируя коллапс последней империи современного мира - Советского Союза, а также в последствии документируя стремительные изменения в бывшем СССР во время ых для LA Times. В году Юрий начал освещать международные новости. Он находился в Афганистане после 11 сентября года, жил в Багдаде Ирак между и , работая фотографом по контракту с журналом Time. В году работа Козырева получила награду на конкурсе World Press Photo Contest, и Юрий был назван Фотографом года в международном конкурсе Pictures of the Year. Бенедикт Керзен — документальный фотограф, работающий с темами конфликта и социоэкономических изменений на Африканском континенте. Ее профессиональная фотографическая карьера началась в году, когда она переехала в Израиль для освещения в качестве фрилансера важных политических новостей из сектора Газа, Ирака и Ливана. В году Бенедикт развила более документальный стиль работ, занимаясь освещением жизней добровальных террористов-смертников и вдов сектора Газа. Керзен стала одной из основателей EVE Photographers, группы фотографов-женщин, которые посвятили себя документации проблем женщин во всем мире. В году работа Бенедикт о площади Тахрир была выставлена в Bayeux на фестивале War Correspondent. Бенедикт живет в Лагосе, Нигерия, и регулярно путешествует по африканским и европейским странам. Себастьян Листе — документальный фотограф и социолог, посвятивший себя документации современных проблем и глубинных культурных изменений в Латинской Америке и Средиземноморском регионе. В году Себастьян получил грант Alexia Foundation в США для продления работы над текущим проектом о преступности, наказании и безопасности в Латинской Америке. Себастьян специализируется на долгосрочных, глубоких проектах, создавая материал, который отражает социальные последствия выборов, делающихся находящимися у власти людьми. Листе, посредством визуальной журналистики, стремится инициировать диалог и сотрудничество между героями историй и аудиторией, а также поставить разные точки зрения на мир лицом друг к другу. Find the full story here. The workshop coincides with the Rencontres Prix Bayeux-Calvados for war correspondents from 5 to 11 October. We sincerely thank everyone who put effort into their applications and congratulate the photographers who will be taking part in this workshop:. We look forward to meeting all the participants, sharing experiences and learning together in Bayeux. The NOOR-Nikon Visual Journalism Workshop is open to young and aspiring documentary photographers, including those intending to work in conflict zones and potentially dangerous environments, as well as those interested in developing a multimedia practice. Subjects covered will include: preproduction, research, logistics, access, safety, equipment, lighting, interviewing, and shooting for editing. This workshop will be a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge and contacts in an intimate and interactive environment, while learning how to produce impactful visual journalism. Andrea Bruce USA is a documentary photographer who brings attention to people living in the aftermath of war. Andrea started working in Iraq in , following the intricacies and obstacles of the conflict experienced by Iraqis and the US military. At The Post , she originated and authored a weekly column called ' Unseen Iraq. Through visual journalism he aims to generate dialogue and collaboration between subjects and audiences, bringing different worldviews into confrontation with each other. Tuition and meals during the workshop are free through the generous support of Nikon France. There is a required fee of EUR to cover accommodation during the workshop. Nikon France and Prix Bayeux-Calvados offer workshop participants access to all professional events happening around the Rencontres Prix Bayeux-Calvados, including the Nikon party on Friday 9 October and the awards ceremony on Saturday 10 October. Please note - all participants are responsible for arranging their own travel and expenses to and from Bayeux. Possession of a passport and travel insurance is required to apply. Please do bring a laptop to show and share your work. Nikon will provide some equipment during the workshop for demonstration and testing. To apply, send the following to masterclass-bayeux noorimages. Please send your application to: masterclass-bayeux noorimages. Please contact us in advance for specifications. For more information contact NOOR via masterclass-bayeux noorimages. If you are selected you will be notified before Tuesday, 1 September In April Sebastian Liste travelled to Peru for this online feature in de Volkskrant to document coca production in the VRAEM region Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro River Valley , in the upper mountainous part of the Amazon, where Andean people have traditionally chewed coca leaves for its stimulant effect. As the largest producer of cocaine globally, the rest of the product is distributed outside Peru on the black market. NOOR Foundation. About Us. Sebastian Liste photographs from Brazil were recently published in Time Magazine. Extended deadline to receive applications is pm CET, Monday, 24 August A CV including your contact information maximum 2 pages Motivation letter in English maximum 1 page , including why you want to attend and a description of your experience in journalism and documentary media A portfolio of maximum 30 photographs including at least one picture story images that demonstrates your storytelling skills. Include captions with each image and a short introduction words maximum for each picture story. Organized with the generous support of Nikon France. Newer Posts. Older Posts.

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