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It was a mistake on his part, the goods had to be unloaded and then broken down between different buyers. He was not expected to show up. It was a nice surprise. This guy is at the top of the hierarchy. The stopover \\\\\\\\\[in Basel-Mulhouse, France\\\\\\\\\] was not planned, it was a unique opportunity. Before the Swiss police intervened, the convoy was under international surveillance from the French side. The French gendarme praised this as a very good operation and excellent cooperation. The drugs were packed in 21 suitcases, with a street value of 18 million euros. In July this year, Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List named one of the big bosses of the Balkan Cartel for the first time in connection with the Basel raid. His name is Michael Dokovich and he allegedly led his criminal enterprise from rented penthouse in Zagreb, capital of Croatia. A citizen of Montenegro of Albanian origin, Dokovich has an extensive criminal past. This trafficking operations shows the Balkan Cartel has adopted a sophisticated and professional approach to convoy narcotics. Instead of using slow container ships, which are usually the main transport method for cocaine smuggling, he used a private jet — the fastest method to move the drug. All three are in detention and unreachable for comments. In early , Dokovich founded an aviation company MD Global Jet in Zagreb, and hired Czech pilots who carried VIP passengers, accompanied by real flight attendants, to disguise his trafficking. The cost for renting the jet was , euros. They did not reveal any other details of this case. This confirms Dokovich is one of the suspected bosses. According to a Swiss document the County Court of Zagreb issued arrest warrants for suspects on 14 July and the Croatian Ministry of Justice forwarded it to their Swiss counterparts on 22 July this year. Besides Croatia, which led and coordinated the operation, police forces from Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, Belgium, Italy, France, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, Paraguay and Uruguay collaborated in this operation which resulted in the confiscation of more than a ton of cocaine, along with two million euros in cash and one million euros worth of luxury goods like high-quality watches and cars. Representatives from states which cooperated in the investigation agreed that the prosecutions should take place in Croatia. It was found that the focus of both the investigation and the criminal activities of the persecuted group was in Croatia. Consequently prosecutors from other European countries agreed that three suspects arrested in Basel will face judges at the County Court in Zagreb. According to information obtained by Montenegrin newspaper Vijesti, he is of Albanian origin. His gang stole the bank IDs of more than 20, Americans through ATM skimming, where they copied card numbers and pin codes. His accomplices were arrested, but Dokovich remained at large. A shipment with kilograms of cocaine was seized in Hong Kong in April The confiscated cocaine in three operations had been shipped to the southeast Asian city from South America and investigators believe most of the drugs were intended to be smuggled to Australia by a private jet. The flight data since January reveals that the Gulfstream has been identified as present in South America, mostly over Brazil, on the following days: 8 October , 10 October , 21 December , 28 February , 1 March , 3 March , and 13, 14 and 16 May , when the cartel was busted in Basel. This data shows that the aircraft had at least three intercontinental flights to South America before its final flight on May 16, when it was returning from Uruguay. Since , the aircraft with the main base in Ostrava, Czech Republic, has flown extensively in Eastern Europe and Russia. It has landed also dozen times in Basel-Mulhouse, where it had its maintenance base. However, the most numerous were flights between Czech airport in Ostrava to Russian destinations. Prosecutors corroborate these findings. Then a new flight was planned in May Subsequently, the complainant, C. The persons C. One of the alleged bosses of the Balkan Cartel, Dokovich, also owns the Liria Hotel in Tuzi, a small town close to Podgorica airport in Montenegro, which is mostly populated by members of the Albanian minority. Nacional can reveal this information due to the following discoveries: Annual financial statements of the Montenegrin company Liria-Hotel d. This is the only Liria Hotel in this town. Also on the Facebook profile of the Liria Hotel, a boutique hotel with 15 rooms and luxury decoration, Dokovich appears in three photos. Due to his alleged criminal past in the USA and his detention in cocaine trafficking in Switzerland, there is a suspicion that this hotel was bought with money of illicit origin. Therefore a suspicion of money-laundering exists. He requested his legal costs should be paid by the Swiss taxpayers using the argument that because some of his money may be of illicit origin, his lawyers may not accept it. The Swiss judges decided that his attempt to receive free legal aid from the Swiss state for his litigation was futile. Located at the same address as Liria Hotel at Tuzi bb is another company, according to the Montenegrin company register. Dokovich is also a director in the company Infrastructural Project Finance and Management Limited, which has an address in the capital Podgorica and is owned by a Dublin based company with the same name. All these companies are now defunct. During the last months European Investigative Collaborations EIC , of which Nacional is a partner, has conducted an extensive investigation on cocaine trafficking in Europe with many interviews with policemen, prosecutors and representatives of major police international organizations. Many wish to remain anonymous. In recent months this scene has become routine in European ports and airports. Black sports bags are extracted from a cargo ship, a truck or a private jet, before being lined up and exhibited by the police as trophies. Inside the bags are cocaine bricks sometimes decorated with images glorifying the narco-bosses, such as the likeness of Tony Montana, the anti-hero of the film Scarface, discovered in Basel this May, when the alleged boss Dokovich was arrested. These logos allow the traffickers to distribute their batches of drugs among different criminal groups before transporting the goods all over Europe, including to Croatia. In so far, all the major records for cocaine seizures have been broken. The main suspects were again from the Balkan Cartel, but apparently from another clan. Four Montenegrin sailors, including an officer of the ship, were arrested. Since January, nearly 45 tons of cocaine have been seized in the port of Antwerp alone, which is one of the main gateways for drugs in Europe. At this rate, Antwerp is on track to surpass the record amount of 51 metric tons seized in And this is just the tip of the iceberg. At best, according to Europol estimates, the authorities discover only 15 per cent of the quantities circulating on the market. There is simply too much money to be gained from this traffic. With some billion euros in annual turnover — according to estimates from one Western intelligence agency — cocaine is by far the most lucrative drug for criminal groups. These huge profits allow them to buy whoever they want — crews, port employees and even government officials. DEA and our counterparts have always been concerned with the global flow of drug proceeds throughout Europe and elsewhere, particularly given the close connection between terror financing and drug trafficking. Through our drug investigations, DEA has seen terrorist organizations tapping into criminal networks for funding. According to Europol no more than two per cent of drugs money is confiscated. At the origin of this flood of cocaine is the explosion of world production. It has doubled since to around 2, tons a year, of which at least or go to Europe. In Colombia, coca crops have quadrupled, thanks — paradoxically — to the restoration of civil peace in the country. Simultaneously, the traffickers reorganized themselves. They managed to hack the global trading system and its most efficient vector, large container ships, to ship increasing quantities of cocaine across the Atlantic. It consists of opening legitimate containers of goods such as fish, wood, fruit, wine, cardboard … in South American ports to hide drugs. On arrival in Europe, the container loaded with cocaine is identified by its serial number, which traffickers transmit to their accomplices at the port of arrival. Then the accomplices recover the drugs and place false seals on the container doors to make the break-in undetectable. Most often, the carrier and the owner of the container are not aware of anything. The advantage of the rip-off method is that it can carry a lot of drugs with very few people. The other advantage of the rip-off is that it prevents police identifying the sender of the cocaine. Even if the shipment is caught, the authorities do not know who organized the transport or from where the cocaine originates. Between 70 to 90 per cent of the cocaine that arrives in Europe is transported in containers, according to estimates by Western intelligence services. Each trip can bring , kilos, sometimes more. Currently, the average weight of a load is greater than kg, with some shipments with more than one ton. Seizures have increased everywhere. For 18 per cent in Spain between and , and in Latin America it went up for 40 per cent, according to the Spanish internal intelligence agency. In Antwerp, the catches have doubled every year between and However, these seizures are not enough to stop the flow of cocaine. The huge quantities seized show that traffickers are getting bolder because most of the cocaine passes unnoticed. Big ports such as Antwerp, Rotterdam or Hamburg have millions of containers passing by each year of which only a tiny fraction is controlled by customs. Also the organization of cocaine traffickers has changed. The cartels and hierarchic mafias of the former period have been replaced by a myriad of groups Italian, Nigerian, but today also Serbian, Albanian, Dutch, Moroccan and others who place emissaries in South America to buy cocaine directly. Among them is also the Balkan Cartel with its fluid composition and increasing presence. The use of encrypted applications on smartphones has simplified communications between criminals, despairing police officers trying to monitor them. These group purchases explain the logos and emblems found on cocaine packages. They serve to distribute the orders between different distributors once the cocaine arrives at the destination. This distribution operates near major ports such as Antwerp or Rotterdam. Then cocaine reaches the final customer, via couriers and semi-wholesalers. To be efficient, the rip-off system requires an elaborate chain of accomplices in the ports. And a lot of people are interested. Just to move a container, a job that takes a few minutes, a forklift driver can earn 25, to 75, euros. Truck drivers, also corrupt, then take over to put the container and its drugs out of port. In , a Dutch customs employee, Gerrit Groenheide, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for smuggling at least four tons of cocaine into the port of Rotterdam. His work was crucial in allowing shipments to pass through the customs checks. He needed to identify the containers by means of a color code, from white without risk to red mandatory control through orange — the marginal cases, where the customs officer must individually decide which containers should be inspected or not. On the day of his arrest, the police found 1. But the customs officer says that money was not his only motive. He also felt threatened. These implicit threats sometimes become concrete. In the Netherlands, where the main heads of European cocaine trafficking are based, people are now murdered in the middle of the streets. On 18 September , attorney Derk Wiersum was shot several times in the head as he climbed into his car in a quiet part of Amsterdam. Other cocaine-related murders have been reported in recent months in Spain and Germany. Many interviewed experts and officials warn about a rise of Albanians, Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats and other nationalities from the Balkans in cocaine trafficking to Europe. Spain is also a country where criminal gangs from the Balkan Cartel operate. For example, in September , a joint operation of the Spanish National Police, Civil Guard and Tax Agency took out almost kilograms of cocaine hidden in a sailboat chartered by a Serbian mafia group. In five Montenegrins were sentenced for lengthy prison sentences after the seizure of 3. They identified the significant role the Serbs plays in distribution of coke. He adds also that some Balkan groups operating in Spain are of various nationalities. There is a group of Serbs led by Serbs, there is a group of Croats, but then there is also a group with various nationalities: Croats, Bosnians and Serbs who work with cocaine. They even occasionally go to South America to make contacts directly. It is not yet the most problematic, but we see that there is a movement in the Balkans that concerns the whole of the European Union. In fact, in the EMPACT, Europol anti-crime cooperation platform, there are anti-crime groups in the Balkans because that area is a problematic axis due to the supply of drugs or weapons. He also answered a question about possible involvement of politicians from the Balkans in organized crime. But every time politicians try to get less involved, they try to separate themselves as much as they can from these organizations. In fact, there is now a lot of pressure in the European Union on Albania, for example, to do more work in the fight against organized crime. Officials from international police agencies who wish to remain anonymous also warned about the rise of the Balkan Cartel. They are behind much of the coke deliveries to Europe. We see many Albanians flying to Latin America to do business there. In our view, the top networks in the coke business in Europe are currently from Albania, Netherlands, Morocco, Pakistan. There have been added new groups, especially from the Western Balkans, but also groups that were not even active in the drug business. In the past, they were often just helpers for the mafia, for example, and today we see these groups in all stages of the cocaine trade. We now see groups from the Balkans in South America acting. They coordinate and monitor transports there. There are many different criminal clans in the Western Balkans where populations still suffer heavy economic and social problems after the violent break-up of the former Yugoslavia. Many war criminals were never prosecuted, economies have been facing double digit unemployment for decades, former Yugoslav republics also see an exodus of its younger and educated population to Western Europe and corruption remains widespread. This appears to be a perfect fertile ground for organized criminal groups which infiltrate many parts of societies. Often a criminal activity is the only way for some people to earn enough for a decent life comparable to Western European living standards. Dutch law enforcement estimates that the Bosnian clan smuggled tons of cocaine to Europe during the same time and that this clan is connected to the Dutch Mocro mafia, Italian Camorra and Irish Kinahan family. The tiny Adriatic country of Montenegro is a country where many criminal clans of the Balkan Cartel have its roots. However, one of the main logistical strengths of the Montenegrin criminal gangs are its seafarers. According to estimates by the newspaper Vijesti, 7, Montenegrin sailors work for global maritime companies and earn cumulatively between to million euros annually. In a poor country with the average net salary of Euro per month or 6, Euro annually , an annual average salary between 35, and 42, Euro makes seafarers rich citizens. But how do they resist the temptation to earn such or bigger amount in a single day with helping criminal gangs in trafficking cocaine? It seems many do not. It appears that wherever there is a big seizure of cocaine in the world, Montenegrin sailors are involved. In the biggest 20 tons catch this year in Philadelphia, worth about 1. All were sentenced in All the sailors mentioned above are Montenegrin. The involvement of Montenegrin seafarers into cocaine trafficking seems to be so significant that after June , when Additionally, global shipping company MSC started replacing Montenegrin sailors from ships on route to South American ports with sailors from other countries. Besides the few clans mentioned above many other Western Balkans clans operates in secrecy and unnoticed by police investigators. With so much money earned by cocaine trafficking and weak economic prospects, high unemployment and low salaries in Western Balkans countries it seems the Balkan Cartel with all its different clans will thrive for a decades to come.

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