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Yana K. & Julia O.

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Главная » Словарь » 'drug'. Примеры использования I could get mugged or drugged. My own complete happiness, and the home-centred interests which rise up around the man who first finds himself master of his own establishment, were sufficient to absorb all my attention, while Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug , and the fierce energy of his own keen nature. Моего личного безоблачного счастья и чисто семейных интересов, которые возникают у человека, когда он впервые становится господином собственного домашнего очага, было достаточно, чтобы поглотить все мое внимание. Между тем Холмс, ненавидевший своей цыганской душой всякую форму светской жизни, оставался жить в нашей квартире на Бейкер-стрит, окруженный грудами своих старых книг, чередуя недели увлечения кокаином с приступами честолюбия, дремотное состояние наркомана — с дикой энергией, присущей его натуре. Isa Whitney, brother of the late Elias Whitney, D. He found, as so many more have done, that the practice is easier to attain than to get rid of, and for many years he continued to be a slave to the drug , an object of mingled horror and pity to his friends and relatives. I can see him now, with yellow, pasty face, drooping lids, and pin-point pupils, all huddled in a chair, the wreck and ruin of a noble man. Айза Уитни приучился курить опий. Еще в колледже, прочитав книгу де Куинси, в которой описываются сны и ощущения курильщика опия, он начал подмешивать опий к своему табаку, чтобы пережить то, что пережил этот писатель. Как и многие другие, он скоро убедился, что начать курить гораздо легче, чем бросить, и в продолжение многих лет был рабом своей страсти, внушая сожаление и ужас всем своим друзьям. Я так и вижу перед собой его желтое, одутловатое лицо, его глаза с набрякшими веками и сузившимися зрачками, его тело, бессильно лежащее в кресле,- жалкие развалины человека. Примеры использования In a town, he thought every second person a decoy, and every third house a place in which seamen would be drugged and murdered. В каждом встречном горожанине он видел тайного вербовщика, в каждом третьем доме — притон, куда заманивают моряков, чтобы опоить их, а потом прирезать. In a bed in the small private section at the end of the ward, always working ceaselessly behind the green plyboard partition, was the solemn middle-aged colonel who was visited every day by a gentle, sweet-faced woman with curly ash-blond hair who was not a nurse and not a Wac and not a Red Cross girl but who nevertheless appeared faithfully at the hospital in Pianosa each afternoon wearing pretty pastel summer dresses that were very smart and white leather pumps with heels half high at the base of nylon seams that were inevitably straight. The colonel was in Communications, and he was kept busy day and night transmitting glutinous messages from the interior into square pads of gauze which he sealed meticulously and delivered to a covered white pail that stood on the night table beside his bed. The colonel was gorgeous. He had a cavernous mouth, cavernous cheeks, cavernous, sad, mildewed eyes. His face was the color of clouded silver. He coughed quietly, gingerly, and dabbed the pads slowly at his lips with a distaste that had become automatic. The colonel dwelt in a vortex of specialists who were still specializing in trying to determine what was troubling him. They hurled lights in his eyes to see if he could see, rammed needles into nerves to hear if he could feel. There was a urologist for his urine, a lymphologist for his lymph, an endocrinologist for his endocrines, a psychologist for his psyche, a dermatologist for his derma; there was a pathologist for his pathos, a cystologist for his cysts, and a bald and pedantic cetologist from the zoology department at Harvard who had been shanghaied ruthlessly into the Medical Corps by a faulty anode in an I. The colonel had really been investigated. There was not an organ of his body that had not been drugged and derogated, dusted and dredged, fingered and photographed, removed, plundered and replaced. Neat, slender and erect, the woman touched him often as she sat by his bedside and was the epitome of stately sorrow each time she smiled. The colonel was tall, thin and stooped. When he rose to walk, he bent forward even more, making a deep cavity of his body, and placed his feet down very carefully, moving ahead by inches from the knees down. There were violet pools under his eyes. The woman spoke softly, softer than the colonel coughed, and none of the men in the ward ever heard her voice.

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