Buy Prominate 100 mg Uk (10 amps) | Injectable Steroids

Buy Prominate 100 mg Uk (10 amps) | Injectable Steroids

Product Name: Prominate 100 mg

Category:Injectable Steroids

Ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate

Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceuticals

Qty: 10 amps

Price: $11.66

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Prominate is an injectable steroid which contains the hormone Methenolone Enanthate in a preparation of 100 mg per ML. Product: Prominate 100 mg 1 ml Category: Injectable Steroids Ingridient: Methenolone Enanthate Manufacture: BM Pharmaceuticals Qty: 10 amps Item price: $11.66 →. Prominate 100 [METHENOLONE ENANTHATE]. Primobolan is a modification of dihydrotestosterone, an anabolic steroid with low androgenic activity, as well as a moderate anabolic lack of aromatization phenomena. It is compared with nandrolone only having a much smaller anabolic effect. Estudios demuestran que la presencia de neoplasias, en su mayoria estan originados por la edad de los animales, con mayor frecuencia en mamiferos, a diferencia de aves y reptiles donde los casos son escasos por la fisiologia, sin embargo tambien puede deberse a falta de documentacion y reportes al respecto.

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