Buy OSRS Gold - Old School RuneScape GP For Sale

Buy OSRS Gold - Old School RuneScape GP For Sale

How Much is OSRS Gold Worth?

Prices for OSRS Gold vary from seller to seller and can fluctuate. Market Price Tracker tools help you find the most recent OSRS rates.

Why is OSRS gold worth more than RS3 Gold

OSRS gold seems to be worth more than RS3 gold because there is a lot more gold in the RuneScape economy. This is due to the increased lifespan of RS3, which has led to many more lucrative gold-making methods. This also means that items in RuneScape appear to cost more in terms of gold coins. Swapping gold reveals the differences in price between OSRS gold and RS3 gold.

How do you farm OSRS-gold?

You can find some of the best ways to make gold in Old School RuneScape on our OSRS Wiki page!

Can you trade RS3 Gold to RS07 for RS3?

It's risky, but it's called "trust trading" (or swapping). It involves trading RuneScape gold to another player in RS3. Then, in Old School RuneScape, that same player will trade OSRS gold. This is a very easy method to exploit so be careful. Remember that gold is more valuable than RS3 in OSRS so trust trading will use the same conversion rates. For example, 6,000,000 gp from RS3 might convert to less that 1 million gp for Old School RS.

Can You Buy Old School Bonds on RS3?

You cannot buy Old School Bonds on RS3. However, when you use a bond from either game, membership unlocks for both. The only requirement is that both your game accounts be linked to the same one as the bond. This does not apply to the game.


What should I spend my old school RS Gold on?

There are many items and features in RS07 that you can use your gold for. The Grand Exchange allows you to purchase powerful weapons, equipment, accessories and skills, as well as other items.

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