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Taking drugs in the Netherlands: ecstasy use in Holland

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Not here for the art and tulips? Want to know more about taking drugs in the Netherlands? What would your mother think?! Remember, prepare before you pop! Planning on taking drugs in the Netherlands? Well, before we begin, I just want to point out that ecstasy a. It is considered a hard drug in the Netherlands and therefore it is trafficked and sold by dealers illegally. What makes the Netherlands different is that they like to inform their users of the risks in order to keep people safe. DutchReview wants to speak a bit more about this so, here goes! XTC is a psychoactive drug that is used recreationally, usually for dance music events. It emerged in the s as a street drug and has only grown in popularity since. The person who takes the drugs will feel euphoric, energetic and confident. This feeling tends to last for several hours after the user has taken the drug. The adverse effects are issues such as difficulty sleeping, teeth grinding, sweating and rapid heartbeat. It can also be addictive. Mood and setting are really important when taking Ecstasy. I also have friends who have assumed that all drugs were legal. However, I can assure you that it is illegal here. Despite this, it one of the most used illegal drugs here in the Netherlands — likely because dance music is widely listened to here. In other countries, this will be enough to prosecute you — and prosecute you they will. Street dealers often target tourists in Amsterdam, offering to provide them with good quality drugs. This is not the case though! Tourists are easy targets and what happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam, right? However, these street dealers have been selling fake and dangerous drugs for a while now. Two Brits from my hometown and who many of my friends knew bought what they thought was cocaine from a street dealer in Amsterdam a few years back — it was actually white heroin. They were found dead in their hotel room. Yeah, it really can be that damn scary. Of course, sometimes they can outright look dodgy as hell, so you make that decision first hand. This is also a plus point of going to a test centre, so you are aware of the strength of your pill. You can buy self-testing kits in some shops in the Netherlands or from an online provider. These tell you if there is strong reading of Ecstasy inside the pill. This way you can know if there is Ecstasy present in the pill, but you still cannot tell what else is inside it. You can also check pill reports, but they are not completely fool-proof. For this, you would have to visit a drug testing clinic. Yes, you can. The Netherlands has specially designed clinics where you can take your drugs. This sample will be sent off to the lab where it will be tested. Once the results are back no longer than a one week wait , you will receive a phone call. In this phone call they will inform you about what components make up your pill. They will then advise you whether it would be safe to take it. Taking drugs in the Netherlands? There are two testing centres in Amsterdam. One of them is Jellinek in the south and the other GGD. Here they will test a sample of your ecstasy and let you know what it is composed of. You will not get in trouble for going to these test centres and they will keep your info anonymously. Here is the address to find them:. Here are a few things that you must take into consideration if you are taking it. Here are a few helplines that you can call and they will help you. After more guides about taking drugs in the Netherlands? What is your opinion on how drug use is dealt with when taking drugs in the Netherlands? Leave a comment below! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Want your business to reach an unrivalled expat and international audience? 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