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Croatia country overview

This Office develops drug policy and coordinates the activities of the ministries and other actors involved in the implementation of the national drug strategy at the political level. It monitors the drug situation in Croatia and proposes measures to address drug-related issues. E-mail addresses have been inserted in a way discouraging spam. Please replace \\\\\\\\\[a\\\\\\\\\] by before actually using any of the e-mail addresses. Last updated: Thursday, May 19, Focal point contact information. Key national figures and statistics. The first general population survey was implemented in Croatia in reported in The sample of 4 respondents aged 15—64 was selected using a multi-phase stratified sampling method. The face-to-face interviews, with an option of self-administration of a questionnaire in the presence of an interviewer, were conducted using the European Model Questionnaire. Cannabis was the most prevalent drug, reported by Illicit drug use was more frequently observed in larger cities and among younger respondents. Reported recent cannabis use was found to be higher in younger age groups, and was highest among to year-olds. About Male respondents, irrespective of their age, reported cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and ecstasy use in their lifetime more frequently than females. The prevalence of sedative and tranquiliser use without a prescription was higher among female respondents in all age groups. Cannabis is consistently reported as the most frequently used illicit substance. In Zagreb became the fourth city in the world to measure the quantities of illicit drugs in communal wastewater to determine trends of drug use. Data were collected again in According to the results of both studies, cannabis remained the most widely used drug in the city. Although heroin was the second most widely detected substance in , in the study more cocaine than heroin was detected. In the study was replicated in Zadar, a popular summer resort. The findings indicated that cannabis was the most widely used drug in the city and supported the hypothesis that significant seasonal variations in drug use patterns exists between the off-season and summer periods. In an online survey on the use of new psychoactive substances among a convenience sample of 1 active users of the forum. Look for Prevalence of drug use in the 'Statistical bulletin' for more information. Top of page. The implementation of effective and evidence-based prevention programmes is one of the key actions under the National Strategy on Combating Drug Abuse for — The programme outlined the following preventive aspects: i the main target audience pre-school children and pupils, university students and children and young people in social care institutions ; ii the evaluation criteria for prevention programmes; and iii the standards for drug use prevention activities. Prevention programmes in the Republic of Croatia are being implemented primarily at the local community level in the 21 counties as multidisciplinary activities with the participation of different sectors such as education, health, social care, non-governmental organisations NGOs and the media. Universal drug prevention is mostly organised and implemented within the education system under the oversight of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. In a module-based health education curriculum was introduced in all elementary schools and high schools. Family-oriented prevention activities are implemented through social welfare centres or by local organisations, and focus on developing robust parenting skills. There has recently been a shift in universal prevention strategies from a programme of primarily information provision and mass media campaigns towards more skills-based prevention activities. The Life-Skills Training Programme is implemented in schools in Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Zadar, and since its inception has covered about 54 pupils. Particular attention is given to the evaluation of these programmes. These programmes mainly reinforce the need for a healthy lifestyle and risk reduction, promote the role of parenting and provide alternative leisure activities for young people at high risk of substance abuse. Indicated prevention targets young experimenters in contact with social welfare centres or public health institutes. In the professionals from public health and social welfare centres were trained on the application of the MOVE prevention programme, which consists of brief motivational interventions aimed at young people demonstrating risky behaviours. In the Office for Combating Drug Abuse launched an Addiction Prevention Programme database containing data on all projects, contributing to the dissemination of information on effective and high-quality interventions. The launch of the database was followed by several training events for drug prevention experts in and to promote evidence-based prevention programmes in the country, and in and with the funding of prevention projects that fulfil minimum quality criteria. See the Prevention profile for Croatia for more information. Details are available here. In a capture—recapture study was used for the first time to estimate problem opioid use. The estimated number of problem opioid users was 10 sensitivity interval: 9 —11 , or 3. In , based on data from the latest general population survey, about 0. Since a mortality multiplier method has also been used to estimate the number of problem drug users PDUs. In the estimated number of PDUs in Croatia was 10 sensitivity interval: 7 —13 , or 3. Look for High-risk drug use in the Statistical bulletin for more information. The Register of Persons Treated for Psychoactive Drug Abuse of the Croatian Institute of Public Health has been gathering data on treatment demand clients from a wide range of service providers since In the treatment demand data were gathered from 26 inpatient treatment units, 22 outpatient treatment units and five low-threshold facilities. In a total of 7 clients entered treatment, of which 1 were new clients entering treatment for the first time. Injecting drug use was less prevalent among new treatment clients than among all treatment clients. Thus, In the mean age of all treatment clients was 34 years, while people entering treatment for the first time were significantly younger on average 26 years old. An ageing trend among treatment entrants has been reported in recent years. With regard to gender distribution, Look for Treatment demand indicator in the Statistical bulletin for more information. The number of new human immunodeficiency virus HIV cases detected among the drug-using population has remained stable over recent years. As in , no HIV cases among people who inject drugs were reported in The data from the seroprevalence study in —08 indicated a very low prevalence of HIV among drug users. Ongoing guidance, being well informed, the availability of opioid substitution therapy OST , counselling centres and needle and syringe exchange programmes have all contributed to the low figure. The results from the testing of opioid users in treatment indicated a declining trend of HCV among this population for the period —14, while in the prevalence of HBV had slightly increased among treated opioid users. Look for Drug-related infectious diseases in the Statistical bulletin for more information. There are two coordinated sources of information on drug-induced deaths in Croatia: the Central Bureau of Statistics, which operates a Mortality Register and collects and evaluates all data on deaths in the country; and the Register of Persons Treated for Psychoactive Drug Abuse of the Croatian Institute of Public Health CIPH , which encodes the basic causes of death and compiles overall statistics. The Mortality Register includes, in addition to demographic data, all causes of death and classifies them using a four-digit code; this is connected to the CIPH database. According to the General Mortality Register Selection B , in the last 15 years the number of drug-induced deaths has gradually increased and in some deaths were recorded, the highest number to date. In a total of 59 deaths were reported, which is more than in and when 48 cases were reported each year. In the majority of the deceased were males 51 cases. The mean age of the victims was Toxicological results were reported for 42 cases, of which 35 were associated with opioids mainly methadone. Based on these data, the drug-induced mortality rate among adults aged 15—64 was Look for Drug-related deaths in the Statistical bulletin for more information. Drug-related treatment in Croatia is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, while certain types of treatment such as programmes for young drug users, rehabilitation and re-socialisation of drug addicts are the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth. Drug treatment in prisons and during probation period is the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice. Therapeutic communities or some associations are funded by the Office for Combating Drug Abuse of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, the Ministry of Health, the counties and also other donors. The central element of the Croatian drug treatment system is the provision of care through outpatient treatment facilities, although hospital-based inpatient treatment and therapeutic communities are also available. Outpatient treatment is organised through a network of services for mental health promotion and addiction prevention at county institutes of public health. These services include individual and group psychotherapy, prescription of and the continuation of OST and other pharmacological treatments, and testing and counselling on a wide range of issues. In terms of modalities, medication-based treatment prevails. Apart from these centres, outpatient drug treatment is also provided by some associations working on low-threshold principles, general practitioners, in particular on the continuation of OST, and some outpatient units in general hospitals. Inpatient treatment is provided by hospitals, and covers detoxification, adjustment of pharmacotherapy, drug-free programmes, and individual and group psychosocial treatment. Therapeutic communities offer long-term rehabilitation options. Since efforts have been made to standardise and professionalise activities in therapeutic communities. Psychosocial treatment, focused on the enhancement of interpersonal relationships and life situation of clients, can be provided as part of a drug-free treatment approach, but frequently also complements OST and other treatment forms. In order to standardise the delivery of psychosocial treatment, guidelines for the psychosocial treatment of drug users in the healthcare, social and prison system were adopted in Methadone was introduced in and is currently used within the following types of treatment: short-term inpatient detoxification; extended outpatient detoxification; and short- and long-term maintenance treatment. Substitution with buprenorphine was introduced in , and there has been a steady increase in the proportion of clients receiving buprenorphine since , when the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance began covering the costs of such treatment; since more than half of all OST clients have received buprenorphine as a substitute. Only specialist office-based medical doctors e. However, this treatment is predominantly administered by general practitioners. OST is also available in prison settings. In guidelines for the use of methadone in the substitution therapy of opiate drug users were adopted by the Croatian Government. In December guidelines for the use of buprenorphine in opioid substitution therapy were also approved by the Commission for Combating Drug Abuse of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. In a decision was taken to introduce Suboxone as an alternative substitution substance. In the total number of clients in substitution treatment was 6 , of which 1 were on methadone and 2 on buprenorphine-based medication. See the Treatment profile for Croatia for additional information. Harm reduction programmes, primarily needle and syringe programmes, are aimed at injecting drug users in order to prevent the spread of blood-borne diseases, especially HBV, HCV and HIV, and to reduce other adverse consequences related to drug use. The first harm reduction programmes focusing on problem drug users were introduced in , immediately after the Croatian Parliament recognised this approach as an important element of the national drug strategy. Data from five of the six specialist agencies with fixed syringe programmes show that 2 clients have used the syringe programmes in and been provided with around syringes. Needles and syringes can also be bought in pharmacies, but the number sold to drug addicts is not monitored. Harm reduction services also provide other injecting equipment or tools needed for the preparation and injecting of drugs as well as condoms and voluntary, anonymous and free-of-charge counselling and testing. Programmes also print and distribute information about drug use. In recent years they have also contributed to overdose prevention and focused on the reduction of further health-related risks among their clients. Harm reduction programmes cooperate in behavioural research projects carried out among drug users. See the Harm reduction overview for Croatia for additional information. The Republic of Croatia is on a transit route through which illicit drugs and precursors are smuggled to and from western Europe. Heroin is usually trafficked from the production countries in the east to consumer countries in the west, while precursors and synthetic drugs are smuggled in the opposite direction. The majority of cannabis products, mainly consisting of herbal cannabis, historically originated in Albania and Morocco; however, small quantities of cannabis products are cultivated in Croatia for domestic use. Recently, due to successful law enforcement activities, a shortage of herbal cannabis of Albanian origin has been noted, and increased smuggling of cannabis has been reported by land from other countries in the western Balkans. In a total of outdoor plantations were detected in Croatia. Heroin comes from Afghanistan through the southern leg of the Balkan route, mainly by road. Cocaine is traditionally produced in South and Central American countries, and smuggled to Croatia via sea or land from western Europe. Amphetamines and other synthetic drugs are primarily smuggled from the Netherlands and Belgium. In the total number of reported drug-law offences were 9 , indicating a slight upward trend from The majority of these were related to cannabis. When compared to , the number of drug seizures in increased for all drugs except cannabis plants, heroin and methamphetamine. Herbal cannabis remains the most frequently seized substance, involved in 5 seizures in , followed by amphetamine seizures , ecstasy seizures , cannabis resin seizures , cocaine seizures , cannabis plants seizures and heroin seizures. Six seizures involving methamphetamine were reported, while the amount of this substance seized remains very small g. In a record amount of herbal cannabis, 1 In a total of In the quantity of cocaine seized decreased when compared with the previous year 5. The quantity of amphetamine seized was In there was almost a three-fold increase in number and quantity of ecstasy seized when compared to Look for Drug-law offences in the Statistical bulletin for additional data. The LCDA, passed in November and updated since, regulates the conditions for the manufacture of, possession of and trade in drugs, substances and precursors. It prohibits unauthorised drug cultivation, possession and trafficking, and provides for fines for legal entities in breach of drug trading regulations, and for individuals who cross the border without declaring psychoactive medicines. More serious offences are prosecuted under the Criminal Code. Discarding syringes and failure to notify the police of suspicious events are also specific offences. It also outlines a system for the prevention of drug addiction and assistance for addicts and sporadic drug users. On 1 January new amendments to the Criminal Code came into force. Possession of small quantities of drugs for personal use is no longer a criminal offence but instead is classed as a misdemeanour under the LCDA, punishable by a fine of EUR —2 Illicit production and processing of drugs with no intention to sell is punishable by six months to five years in prison. Illicit production, processing, possession, import and export with intention to sell are punishable by 1—12 years in prison, which under defined aggravating circumstances, including the involvement of children or organised groups, or serious health damage, may increase to three or even 5—15 years. Precursor trafficking carries a penalty of six months to five years in prison. At the same time, the new Criminal Code urges the court to use a number of alternative measures to imprisonment, such as fines, community service, probation and treatment, for cases when a prison sentence of up to six month is prescribed. Compulsory treatment may be prescribed for up to three years and time spent in treatment is included in the sentence. It seeks to reduce both the demand for and the supply of drugs in society, while protecting the health of individuals, families and communities through an integrated and balanced approach to drug problems. This overarching vision is expressed in four main objectives:. While the strategy is primarily concerned with illicit drugs, prevention programmes also focus on licit drugs alcohol, tobacco, prescription medications and other addictions gambling, the internet , while supply reduction activities also address doping alongside precursors, illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances. As with the previous Croatian drugs strategy, the current strategy is accompanied by two consecutive action plans, each spanning a three-year period. The second action plan, which was adopted on 2 April , runs from to It is based around the same pillars and cross-cutting themes as the National Strategy on Combating Drug Abuse for — The Commission for Combating Drug Abuse of the Government of the Republic of Croatia is composed of higher members of all relevant ministries and is chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister, who is responsible for social issues and human rights. The Commission develops drug policy and coordinates the activities of the ministries and other actors involved in the implementation of the national drug strategy at the political level. It also adopts annual programmes of action in this field. The Office for Combating Drug Abuse is a specialised government service that deals with the day-to-day operational implementation of the national drug programme and its monitoring. It monitors the drug situation in Croatia and proposes measures to address issues. Attached to the Office for Combating Drug Abuse, the Expert Council is comprised of experts from different fields prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, policing and law and a president appointed by government, and is tasked with supporting decision-making at the Office for Combating Drug Abuse. Established in and , County Committees for Combating Drug Abuse coordinate the implementation of the drug strategy at the local level. Members of these committees are experts and representatives of local administrations. Croatia has an annual planned drug-related budget, which finances the Action Plan. Additionally, labelled drug-related expenditures 1 are estimated annually. The first scientific evaluation of the National Strategy on Combating Drug Abuse was implemented in , reviewing the period — In authorities estimated total drug-related public expenditure for the years , , and , based on a well-defined methodology. In the efficiency of public spending and its compliance with the strategic priorities set in the National Strategy and Action Plan was assessed. Total drug-related public expenditures in represented 0. The Croatian central government spent EUR , of which Trend analysis shows that between and labelled expenditures grew sharply, in nominal terms and as a percentage of GDP. This decline was probably associated with public austerity measures following the economic recession of Since drug-related expenditure has reverted and has started showing positive growth rates. The total budget is the sum of labelled and unlabelled drug-related expenditures. Drug-related research in Croatia has increased significantly in recent years. Research is mainly implemented by government agencies. Libraries and websites from funding and research agencies are the main channels for disseminating drug-related research findings. Over the last four years a significant number of surveys on the abuse of addictive substances have been conducted in the Republic of Croatia. See Drug-related research for more detailed information. It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation. If the index of a country is higher than , this country's level of GDP per head is higher than the EU average and vice versa. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who were: a without work during the reference week; b currently available for work; c actively seeking work. Head of national focal point: Ms Lidija Vugrinec. Home Countries. Croatia country overview Croatia country overview. About NFP. On this page Prevalence of drug use Prevention Problem drug use Treatment demand Drug-related infectious diseases Drug-induced deaths and mortality Treatment responses Harm reduction responses Drug markets and drug-law offences National drug laws National drug strategy Coordination mechanisms Public expenditure Drug-related research Data sheet. Drug use among the general population and young people Content for prevalence. Prevention Content for prevention. Problem drug use Content for problem drug use. Treatment demand Content for treatment demand. Drug-related infectious diseases Content for drug-related infectious diseases. Drug-induced deaths and mortality Content for drug-induced deaths. Treatment responses Content for treatment responses. Harm reduction responses Content for harm reduction responses. Drug markets and drug-law offences Content for Drug markets and drug-law offences. National drug laws Content for National drug laws. National drug strategy Content for National drug strategy. This overarching vision is expressed in four main objectives: Prevent and reduce the abuse of drugs and other addictive substances, especially among children and young people. Reduce the scale of drug abuse and addiction problems in society and the related health and social risks that result from drug abuse. Reduce the availability of drugs at all levels, and reduce all forms of crime related to drug abuse. Improve, build and network a system for drug abuse suppression and combating addiction at the national and local level. Related downloads National strategy downloads. Croatia Action Plan EN. Croatia Action Plan —14 HR. Croatia Action Plan —17 HR. Coordination mechanism in the field of drugs Content for Coordination mechanism in the field of drugs. Public expenditure Content for Public expenditure. Drug-related research Content for Drug-related research. Data sheet — key statistics on the drug situation Content for Data sheet. EU range Year Country data Min. Key national figures and statistics Content for Key national figures and statistics. Contact information for our focal point Address and contact. COFOG classification a. Labelled expenditure EUR. Unlabelled expenditure EUR. Total expenditure EUR.

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