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A Nightmare in Hvar

These word lists have two primary applications: They can be used in a 'dictionary attack' to crack a password, or they can be used in college-level computer science courses to teach things like sorting and searching a huge text file. That should be obvious. Gur crbcyr jub jnag gb gnxr njnl lbhe evtugf ner zbfgyl choyvp fpubby fghqragf jub ner pbzcyrgryl onssyrq ol phefvir jevgvat, nanybt pybpxf, naq ebgnel-qvny cubarf. Gurl jbhyq arire svther guvf bhg. Decryption of the following message is left to the reader as an exercise:. If you really are paranoid, encrypt everything. In contrast to the random arrangements of words from a dictionary, most of the words and phrases on this page mean something to somebody. Specific combinations of words are believed to be of great interest to the three-letter agencies involved in so-called 'domestic spying. It's amusing to see what happens when you copy this entire page to a text file, then put it into a text editor and hit 'Find all misspelled words. Incidentally, I'm somewhat flattered that all these people have found this page so interesting. Please note that in the compilation of in famous names below, wholly unrelated people may appear side-by-side. Please do not infer anything from that. For example, Diffie, Hellman and Merkle are some of the good guys — I wish I were in their league — but if you're talking about those three people, you're probably a cryptography buff, and we can't have that in a totalitarian state. A few names later you'll see Fidel Castro and Robert Mugabe, and we can all hope there aren't many people like them in the world. But if you have a lot to say about either of them, you might be a troublemaker, too. That article was then quoted and discussed at length here. It is very easy to find web pages that 'borrow' material from this page because a few of the items on this page are utter nonsense that I made up myself. This is similar to the way map makers protect their maps from copying — they insert streets and highways and curves in the road that don't exist! I see a number of blogs and web sites have quoted from this page. Like this. If you're going to quote from this page, please link back to it and give credit where it is due. Don't just cut and paste the entire collection onto your blog, as we see on this page and several others. That's just rude. All that aside The Carnivore system is apparently designed to detect any discussion via the internet which includes certain combinations of 'suspicious' words and phrases. Black, Jr. James R. Clapper, Jr. Quarles Harris Jr. Curry Holden, George A. Vesco, Otis B. Moss III, Dr. And incidentally, when writing an email or a social media post, don't ever say Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. You must not mention that the presidential election was stolen. You could go further afield: There is no global warming. There is no 'climate emergency. Andrew Breitbart was murdered. Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered. Obama is a muslim. NASA is just flying around in circles for no reason. Timothy McVeigh wasn't really executed. DDT never hurt anybody. TWA was shot down. WTC-7 was professionally imploded. Islam is NOT a 'religion of peace. Covid is just another name for the flu, and the vaccines for it are not vaccines at all. If you really want to stay out of trouble, don't send a lot of email which includes names that appear on the U. Maybe I'm just rambling, or maybe this paragraph means something to somebody. I'd ride the subway, but I haven't enough change. The overweight charmer could slip poison into anyone's tea. Spherical gifts are difficult to wrap. Ralph prepared red snapper with fresh lemon sauce for dinner. A moth zig-zagged along the path through Otto's garden. Eating spinach nightly increases strength miraculously. The taxicab broke down and caused a traffic jam. The vault is roughly lined with stone. A quart jar of oil mixed with zinc oxide makes a very bright paint. The pelican will have breakfast on Tuesday. Unless you're some kind of a gunsmith or firearms expert, your email probably never includes terms such as. I've been reading a very interesting book by Dr. Philip H. Melanson which has a lot to say about a number of distinctive names in U. A much more controversial book by William M. Arkin contains page after page of words and phrases you should never use during an international phone call, unless you have a reason to talk about Radiant Mercury and Moon Smoke. If you are naturally curious, you might wonder what a Oxygen-Iodine Laser is good for, or maybe a Tailored Aperture Ceramic Laser, or any of several other terms in this list. You'll be on thin ice if you spend your time studying US military acronyms, organizations and web sites. I felt bad enough about compiling a list of. Guilty until proven innocent in the age of ubiquitous electronic surveillance. Obama administration is clamping down on public discussions of well-known but technically still-secret information. List reveals keywords feds monitor on Facebook, Twitter. Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you. Say good-bye to privacy thanks to Stellar Wind. The Stellar Wind is Blowing. NSA keeping details about data center quiet. Big Brother Goes Live September Sticks, stones and dangerous words. You won't ever catch me talking about 0-isopropylmethyl phosphonofluoridate and 0-ethyl-S- 2-dimethylaminoethyl methylphosphonothioate. If you need genuinely random numbers, use HotBits or one of these. Large quantities of truly random numbers, when coupled with phony PGP headers, would really drive the code-crackers up a wall. No doubt the Carnivore system is kept busy by widespread discussion of drug terms, but huge lists of such terms are available all over the internet, even from the White House web site! You might have a perfectly legitimate reason to discuss such technical terms as methamphetamines, paraphernalia, glutethimide, dimethyltryptamine, strychnine, mescaline, MDMA, methcathinone, PCP, Rohypnol, alpha-ethyltyptamine, amphetamine, amyl nitrite, methcathinone, benzocaine, mannitol, benzocaine, Doriden, lidocaine, crack pipe, ketamine, crystal methamphetamine, currency, dimethyltryptamine, fentanyl, gamma hydroxy butyrate, hashish, heroin, hypodermic needles, isobutyl nitrite, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, psilocybin, mescaline, methadone, methcathinone, methylphenidate, propofol, ritalin, opium, hashish, peyote, phencyclidine, methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, phenylpropanolamine, psilocybin, rohypnol, cannabis, Valium, Dronabinol or deltatetrahydrocannabinol. Have I mentioned that I intentionally snort mometasone furoate monohydrate up my nose every morning? Or you might have some perfectly valid reason to utter a slang term such as 4-MTA, Abe, Abe's cabe, abolic, Acapulco gold, Acapulco red, Ace, acid, acid cube, acid freak, acid head, Adam, African black, African bush, African woodbine, agonies, Ah-pen-yen, Aimies, air blast, airhead, airplane, Alice B. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine a case in which every imaginable drug term is included in one sentence, except on a page like this! What do I look like, a pharmacist? The South Dakota revised schedule of controlled substances essentially duplicates the federal controlled substances list, and is then followed by this pronouncement: 'Whereas, this Act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. After all, it's not as if all these controlled substances suddenly materialized the previous day. Similarly, whenever you hear a politician announce that the Congress will have to pass a particular law so we can all find out what's in it, that's a truly dangerous individual. But I understand you probably didn't come to this page for political discussions of that sort. Or did you? North Carolina has the same list, but without the declaration of an emergency. If you really want to raise some eyebrows, start chattering about capecitabine , also known as Xeloda — a drug with some astonishing side effects. Street names for drugs and slang terms in general are sometimes rather amusing, in a pathetic way. Benzocaine is sometimes called Coco snow, Comeback, Flat chunks, or Potato chips. Incidentally, Khat is a natural stimulant found in the leaves of the Catha edulis plant, a flowering evergreen native to East Africa. While researching the material used on this page, I learned that Clonazepam is similar in pharmacology to benzodiazepine and diazepine. Dogs given the same dosage weren't so fortunate. I'm sure you know that nitrous oxide has been known for years as Laughing Gas by dental patients everywhere, but it is also called Buzz bomb, NOX, Shoot the breeze, or Whippets. Phencyclidine PCP is also known as angel dust, ozone, wack, or rocket fuel. More technical terms can be found by searching for words like methylenedioxymethamphetamine, flunitrazepam, ketamine hydrochloride, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, Procaine, Psilocybin, Scopolamine, estradiol, prochlorperazine, ergotamine tartrate, nitroglycerin, buprenorphine, epinephrine, methyltestosterone, triazolam, dronabinol, nabilone, and piroxicam. For example, only a geek would know what '8-Azabicyclo\\\\\\\\\[3. Tell your doctor if you experience amnesia, euphoria, hallucinations, psychosis, seizures, coma, or death, as these may be signs of serious side effects. If your modem has power supply problems, you might get a message like this — or is someone trying to tell you something? G2\\\\\\\\\]6l3hAq k13C.. Q: zF When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. Any assertion about classified intelligence programs based on material found on this page is wholly speculative. And if that's what the three-letter agencies are really up to, I wish them all the best. However, if they're using Carnivore to go after orchid salesmen , that's another matter. All you have to do is search for the term 'Hello to all my friends and fans in domestic surveillance', using your favorite search engine, and you'll dig up several pages with more or less the same collection of 'suspicious' words and phrases which are supposedly able to 'jam Echelon'. You could drum up a few more lists like this by using your favorite search engine to see who lives at ' Samford Road', or try — as I did, unsuccessfully — to find a definition for 'PAD28' or 'Tzvrif. Now of course I know there is probably no great value in publishing semi-suspicious documents just to see who's reading them. Nor is there much to be gained by wasting someone else's time and mine explaining that I was just publishing random words to exercise my right to free speech and artistic expression. But you know, the citizens of the United States have the right to discuss any and all of these topics through e-mail, paper mail or telephone conversations, or to search for them on the internet, as long as no criminal activity is directly involved. That is, as long as the information is not intended to facilitate the commission of a crime. In any other country, you might be in big trouble if you merely mentioned a word like 'dynamite' in your e-mail or telephone conversations. Fortunately, in the United States we have the freedom to communicate with almost any combination of words and phrases, especially if the words and sentences are not used in a manner which is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, or defamatory, and as long as these words and sentences do not encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, or give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate applicable laws. Nothing on this web site even approaches such a thing. This web page is presented as a public service, to inform and educate the American public about a potential threat to our fundamental right of free speech. Perhaps a new group of visitors will become interested in this subject, now that domestic spying , internet data retention, and wholesale monitoring of the internet has become a hot topic. Please note that merely copying a whole block of text from this page and putting in an email message is not an effective use of the material. Use your imagination and a little finesse for best results. On the internet, lists of purely random words abound: \\\\\\\\\[ 1 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 3 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 4 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 5 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 6 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 7 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 8 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 10 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 11 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 12 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 13 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 14 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 15 \\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[ 16 \\\\\\\\\] These word lists have two primary applications: They can be used in a 'dictionary attack' to crack a password, or they can be used in college-level computer science courses to teach things like sorting and searching a huge text file. Timely news items: Guilty until proven innocent in the age of ubiquitous electronic surveillance. Dart No doubt the Carnivore system is kept busy by widespread discussion of drug terms, but huge lists of such terms are available all over the internet, even from the White House web site! The U.

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