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Abadie, B. R , Schuler, P. B , Hunt, B. P , Lischkoff, N. W Perception of body shape in elderly white and black men. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83 2. ISSN print X online. Educational Gerontology, 31 6. ISSN Journal of Psychopharmacology, 23 7. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 1 2. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 29 5. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 3 2. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology , 10 1. ISSN print online. Andersen, Mark B , Sutherland, Georgina and Morris, Tony Relaxation and health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis: the example of autogenic training. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28 3. Anderson, Mark Performance enhancement as a bad start and a dead end: a Parenthetical comment on Mellalieu and Lane. The Sport and Exercise Scientist Sports Biomechanics, 7 1. Ball, Kevin , Best, Russell and Wrigley, Tim Inter-and intra-individual analysis in elite sport: pistol shooting. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 19 1. Begg, Rezaul Neural network-based prediction of missing key features in vertical GRF-time recordings. Gait and Posture, 25 2. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 29 2. Begg, Rezaul and Kamruzzaman, Joarder A machine learning approach for automated recognition of movement patterns using basis, kinetic and kinematic gait data. Journal of Biomechanics, 38 3. Begg, Rezaul ORCID: and Rahman, SM A method for the reconstruction of ground reaction force-time characteristics during gait from force platform recordings of simultaneous foot falls. Begg, Rezaul and Sparrow, W. A Ageing effects on knee and ankle joint angles at key events and phases of the gait cycle. M - M American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, Journal of Biomechanics, 41 5. Best, Russell and Begg, Rezaul A method for calculating the probability while walking. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 Burke, Michael Radicalising liberal feminism by playing the games that men play. Australian Feminist Studies, 19 Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 2 1. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2 Pediatric Exercise Science, 8 3. International Journal of Sports and Psychology, 40 4. Cameron, Melainie , Chahine, Natalie , Selig, Steve E and Newton, Pam A pilot program of physical activity promotion among clients receiving home and community care. Australian Health Review, 32 3. Part 1: Osteoarthritis. Phytotherapy Research, 23 ISSN X. Part 2: Rheumatoid Arthritis. Carlson, John and Naughton, Geraldine Performance characteristics of children using various braking resistances on the wingate anaerobic test. Carlson, John , Naughton, Geraldine , Morris, Felicity and Wark, J Weight-bearing physical activity for performance and bone health in prepubertal girls. European Journal of Physical Education, 2 1. Carlson, John S and Cera, Mark A Cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and anthropometric characteristics of elite Australian junior male and female tennis players. The Australian journal of science and medicine in sport, 16 4. Carlson, John S and Le Rossignol, Peter Children and adults exercising in hot, wet climatic conditions with different levels of radiant heat. Pediatric exercise science, 7 2. Sports coach, 12 3. Carter, J. D , Farrow, Maree , Silberstein, R. Journal of attention disorders, 6 4. Sporting Traditions, 21 1. Craike, Melinda ORCID: Application of self-determination theory to a study of the determinants of regular participation in leisure-time physical activity. World Leisure Journal, 1. Leisure, 29 2. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 42 1. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13 2. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 4 3. Dempster, Elizabeth Touching light. Performance research, 8 4. Dijkstra, Katinka , MacMahon, Clare and Misirlisoy, Mine The effects of golf expertise and presentation modality on memory for golf and everyday items. Acta Psychologica, 2. Dingle, Greg Sustaining the race: a review of literature pertaining to the environmental sustainability of motorsport. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 11 1. Sports Medicine, 38 7. Journal of applied physiology, The cochrane database of systematic reviews 2. Fryer, Gary ORCID: Factors affecting the intra-examiner and inter-examiner reliability of palpation for supine medial malleoli asymmetry. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 9 2. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 27 4. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 27 5. Fryer, Gary , Morris, Tony and Gibbons, Peter The relation between thoracic paraspinal tissues and pressure sensitivity measured by a digital algometer. Journal of osteopathic medicine, 7 2. Fryer, Gary , Morris, Tony and Gibbons, Peter The relationship between palpation of thoracic tissues and deep paraspinal muscle thickness. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 8 1. Gaskin, Cadeyrn J , Anderson, Mark and Morris, Tony Physical activity in the life of a woman with severe cerebral palsy: Showing competence and being socially connected. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 56 3. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 27 2. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology, 6. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 4. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22 1. Gosling, Cameron , Cameron, Melainie and Gibbons, Peter Referencing and quotation accuracy in four manual therapy journals. Manual therapy, 9 1. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11 4. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11 1. Sporting Traditions, 17 1. Hallinan, Christopher J Dimensions of gender differentiation and centrality in the employment structure of university recreation centers. Journal of Sport Behavior, 21 3. Hallinan, Christopher J Introduction. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67 1. Journal of Sport Behavior, 17 1. International Journal for Sport Management and Marketing, 1 Hallinan, Christopher J , Eddleman, K. S and Oslin, J. L Racial segregation by playing position in elite Australian basketball. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , 23 4. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24 4. Hallinan, Christopher J , Pierce, E. P , Evans, J. E , DeGrenier, J. D and Andres, F. F Perceptions of current and ideal body shape of athletes and nonathletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 72 1. Hallinan, Christopher J and Schuler, Petra Body-shape perceptions of elderly women exercisers and nonexercisers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 77 2. Hallinan, Christopher J and Snyder, E. E Forced disengagement and the collegiate athlete. Arena review, 11 2. E Values held by prospective coaches towards women's sport participation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 13 3. Hanlon, Clare and Coleman, Denis J Recruitment and retention of culturally diverse people by sport and active recreation clubs. Managing Leisure, 11 2. Event Management, 10 1. Diabetes Care, 31 Diabetes Care, 32 3. World Leisure Journal, 46 2. Sport in Society, 12 3. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism education, 3 2. Bulletin of Sport and Culture, 29 1. Practical Philosophy: the British journal of philosophical practice, 9 1. Quest, 61 4. Legal Medicine, 10 5. Howard, David B and Gosling, Cameron McR A short questionnaire to identify patient characteristics indicating improved compliance to exercise rehabilitation programs: A pilot investigation. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 11 1. Hrysomallis, Con Impact energy attentuation of protective football headgear against a yielding surface. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 7 2. Hrysomallis, Con Surrogate thigh model for assessing impact force attenuation of protective pads. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 1. Hrysomallis, Con and Kidgell, Dawson J Effect of heavy dynamic resistive exercise on acute upper body power. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15 4. Diabetes Care, 31 7. ISSN X print online. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1. Johnson, D. C Picturing success: photographs and stereotyping in men's collegiate basketball. Journal of Sports Behavior, 22 1. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 27 1. World Leisure Journal, 49 4. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 11 4. Khandoker, A , Palaniswami, M and Begg, Rezaul ORCID: A comparative study on approximate entropy measures and Poincare plot indexes of minimum foot clearance variability in the elderly during walking. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 5 4. Khandoker, Ahsan , Taylor, Simon , Karmakar, Chandan , Begg, Rezaul and Palaniswami, M Investigating scale invariant dynamics in minimum toe clearance variability of the young and elderly during treadmill walking. Kijkstra, Katinka , MacMahon, Clare and Misirlisoy, Mine The effects of golf expertise and presentation modality on memory for golf and everyday items. Australian Football, Tragedies and the Question of Catharsis. Traffic: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Journal, International Journal of the History of Sport, 26 1. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2. Koehn, Stefan , Morris, Tony and Watt, Anthony P Efficacy of an imagery intervention to increase flow and performance in tennis competition. Medicine and Science in Tennis, 11 1. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 7 3. Lai, Daniel , Begg, Rezaul , Taylor, Simon and Palaniswami, M Detection of tripping gait patterns in the elderly using autoregressive features and support rector machines. Journal of Biomechanics, 41 8. Conference Proceedings. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 5. International Journal of Cardiology, 2. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 2. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40 3. Diabetic Medicine, 26 3. Levinger, Pazit , Lai, Daniel , Begg, Rezaul , Webster, Kate E and Feller, Julian A The application of support vector machines for detecting recovery from knee replacement surgery using spatio-temporal gait parameters. Gait and Posture, 29 1. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6 2. Cell Metabolism, 10 4. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 40 4. MacMahon, Clare and Starkes, J Contextual influences on baseball ball-strike decisions in umpires, players, and controls. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 7. MacMahon, Clare , Starkes, Janet and Deakin, Janice Differences in processing of game information in basketball players, coaches, and referees. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 40 3. Physical Therapy Reviews, 12 3. Marchant, Daryl , Andersen, Mark B and Morris, Tony Perceived uncertainty of outcome as a contributing factor in competitive state anxiety. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , 29 2. Marchant, Daryl , Morris, Tony and Andersen, Mark B Perceived importance of outcome as a contributing factors in competitive state anxiety. Journal of Sport Behavior, 21 1. Sport Health, 26 1. International Sports Studies, 26 2. McKay, J. The journal of physiology, 2. McPherson, Sue and MacMahon, Clare How baseball players prepare to bat: tactical knowledge as a mediator of expert performance in baseball. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30 6. Meldrum, K. J , Carlson, John and Naughton, Geraldine Oxygen uptake during continuous and discrete steady state running: is there a difference? European Journal of Physical Education , 2 1. The Sport Psychologist, 22 4. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 12 9. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology , 1 2. Mulkearns, Sara , Naughton, Geraldine , Carlson, John and Wark, J An investigation into the relationship between physical activity and bone health. Experimental Physiology, 93 Ergonomics , 56 6. Naughton, G. A A challenge to fitness testing in primary schools. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 9 International Journal of Sports Medicine, 19 5. Pediatric Exercise Science, 10 1. Naughton, Geraldine and Carlson, John Intensity of sports participation in circumpubertal children. Pediatric exercise science, 2 1. Naughton, Geraldine and Carlson, John Reducing the risk of heat-related decrements to physical activity in young people. Naughton, Geraldine and Carlson, John Single-sex competition in junior netball: the continuing debate. Sport Health, 23 1. Pediatric Exercise Science , 3 1. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 13 7. Pediatric Exercise Science, 7 1. Naughton, Geraldine and Carlson, John S Anaerobic capacity assessment in male and female children with all-out isokinetic cycling exercise. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 27 4. Naughton, Geraldine and Carlson, John S Physiological aspects of youth sport: developmental or detrimental? Sport Health, 13 2. Naughton, Geraldine , Farpour-Lambert, N. Sports medicine, 30 5. P What research tells the cricket coach. Sports coach, 10 4. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 43 1. Medicine and Science in Tennis, 10 1. Medicine and Science in Tennis, 9 2. Pearce, Alan J and Kidgell, Dawson J Comparison of corticomotor excitability during visuomotor dynamic and static tasks. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13 1. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 4. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2. ISSN print version , electronic version. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 1 4. Preece, Gordon and Hess, Rob Sport and spirituality: an exercise in everyday theology: Editorial. Interface: A Forum for Theology in the World, 11 1. J and Duarte, Jose Hemostatic response to acute physical exercise in healthy adolescents. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10 3. The Qualitative Report, 13 4. Rouffet, David , Mornieux, Guillaume , Zameziati, Karim , Belli, Alain and Hautier, Christophe A Timing of muscle activation of the lower limbs can be modulated to maintain a constant pedaling cadence. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19 6. Saliba, Leigh and Hrysomallis, Con Isokinetic strength related to jumping but not kicking performance of Australian footballers. Kidney international, 63 1. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 10 1. Clinical kinesiology, 54 3. Smith, Aaron C. T and Stewart, Bob Drug policy in sport: hidden assumptions and inherent contradictions. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27 2. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 12 4. Gait and Posture, 28 4. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41 3. A Review of Erotic Attraction. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19 3. Two Case Studies on the Erotics. Stewart, Bob and Smith, Aaron C. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 32 3. Stewart, Bob , Smith, Aaron C. T and Dickson, Geoff Drug use in the Australian football league: a critical survey. Sporting Traditions: the journal of the Australian society for sports history, 25 1. Tod, David , Anderson, Mark and Marchant, Daryl A longitudinal examination of neophyte applied sport psychologists' development. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 21 Supp. The Sport Psychologist, 21 3. Tsai, E and Coleman, Denis J The influence of constraints and self-efficacies on participation in regular active recreation. Leisure Sciences, 31 4. The Sport Psychologist, 21 2. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 8 3. Veale, James and Pearce, Alan J Profile of position movement demands in elite junior Australian rules footballers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13 3. Veale, James P , Pearce, Alan J , Koehn, Stefan and Carlson, John Performance and anthropometric characteristics of prospective elite junior Australian footballers: a case study in one junior team. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11 2. Vlachojannis, Julia , Cameron, Melainie and Chrubasik, Sigrun Medicinal use of potato-derived products: a systematic review. Phytotherapy Research, 24 2. Vlachojannis, Julia , Cameron, Melainie and Chrubasik, Sigrun A systematic review on the Sambuci fructus effect and efficacy profiles. Phytotherapy Research, 24 1. Vlachojannis, Julia , Cameron, Melainie and Chrubasik, Sigrun A systematic review on the effectiveness of willow bark for musculoskeletal pain. Phytotherapy Research, 23 7. Journal of sport behavior, 27 1. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 7 2. International Journal of Cardiology, 3. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22 2. Young, Janet and Pearce, Alan J Attributes of champion female tennis players and challenges faced by aspirants. Medicine and Science in Tennis, 14 2. Zois, James ORCID: , Pearce, Alan J and Carlson, John Warming up and stretching for athletes: a meta-analysis of the research literature from to in light of current athletic practice. Medicine and Science in Tennnis, 13 1. Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven , eds. Research in the sociology of sport, 5. Emerald Publishing Group, Bingley. Penguin, Camberwell, Vic.. Hunter Publishers, Melbourne, Vic. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Stewart, Bob Sport Funding and Finance. Elsevier, Jordan Hill, Oxford. Routledge, London. Stelter, Reinhard , ed. In: Psychological Bases of Sport Injuries. Pargman, David , ed. In: Sport Psychology in Practice. Andersen, Mark B , ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill. In: Guiden till idrottspsykologisk radgivning. Fallby, Johan and Andersen, Mark B , eds. Sisu Idrottsbocker, Stockholm, pp. Andersen, Mark B The evolution of training and supervision in sport psychology. In: Sport psychology : theory, applications and issues. Morris, Tony and Summers, Jeff , eds. John Wiley and Sons, Milton, Qld. Andersen, Mark B The flat maps and bumpy territories of injury rehabilitation. Hays, Kate F , ed. Interscience Communications, London, pp. Palaniswami, M , ed. J, pp. Best, Russell and Begg, Rezaul Overview of movement analysis and gait features. In: Computational intelligence for movement sciences: neural networks and other emerging techniques. Idea Group Pub. Bhum, Daejin and Morris, Tony Effects of physical and psychological stressors on central and peripheral visual attention. In: Psychology of sport and exercise : enhancing the quality of life. Thain, Eric , ed. Routledge, London, pp. Interscience Communications Ltd, London, England, pp. In: TASA refereed conference : proceedings : revisioning sociology. Richmond, Katy , ed. The Australian Sociological Association, St. Lucia, Qld. Research in the sociology of sport 5. Emerald Publishing Group, Bingley, W. Yorks, UK, pp. Callery, Paul James Michael and Morris, Tony The effect of mental practice on the performance of an Australian rules football skill. In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. Cameron, Melainie Arthritides. In: Psychology in the physical and manual therapies. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. Dingle, Greg Cricket, male fast bowlers, and Australian sporting culture. In: Making histories, making memories: the construction of Australian sporting identities. Hess, Rob , ed. ASSH studies. European Federation of Sport Psychology, pp. Gaskin, Cadeyrn J Imagery research. In: Imagery in sport. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. International Society of Sport Psychology, Sydney. Internscience Communications, , London, UK, pp. Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, W. In: People and work in events and conventions: A research perspective. In: Football Fever: Grassroots. Maribyrnong Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. Hess, Rob Unpublished Theses. Hogan, Tim , ed. ASSH studies in sports history In: Football Fever : Moving the Goalposts. Nicholson, Matthew , ed. Stewart, Bob , ed. Melbourne University Press academic monograph series. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. In: The Encyclopedia of Melbourne. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. Sharma, Ramesh C and Mishra, Sanjaya , eds. Information Science Publishing, Hershey, Pa. In: Abstracts. Victoria University, Melbourne, Vic. In: Handbook of research on modern systems analysis and design technologies and applications. Koehn, Stefan and Morris, Tony Personality variables and the experience of dispositional flow. In: 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology: Sport and exercise psychology: Bridges between disciplines and cultures : book of abstracts. University of Thessaly, Halkidiki, Greece, pp. University of Thessaly, Halkidiki, Greece, p. Kremer, P. J and Morris, Tony Enhancement of athletic performance using mental imagery and restricted environmental stimulation therapy REST. In: Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems. Wickramasinghe, Nilmini and Geisler, Eliezer , eds. In: Neural Networks, IEEE, pp. Schwellnus, Martin P and Dix, Albert , eds. Encyclopaedia of sports medicine Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. Larner, Chris and Morris, Tony An examination of the trait and state concepts of direction of anxiety in sport. In: Developing Sport Expertise : Researchers and coaches put theory into practice. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. Minchinton, Mark Creative research: what is at stake? In: Art-based research: a proper thesis? Martin, Elaine and Booth, Judith , eds. Morris, Tony and Bhum, Daejin Stress management and central and peripheral visual attention in exerting and stressful conditions. Morris, Tony and Choi, Whan Bong Development of the intrinsic motivation inventory for use with Australian children and adolescents. Morris, Tony and Choi, Whan Bong Test of a causal model relating extrinsic reward, performance, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation for basketball free throw shooting. Morris, Tony and Choi, Whan Bong The effect of extrinsic rewards on performance, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in basketball shooting. Morris, Tony and Lewan, Namchai Sport psychology and elite coaches in the non-western cultural tradition of Thailand. In: Proceedings of the Asian Indoor Games Scientific Congress: the challenging role of sports science for better sport performance. Sports Authority of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. Muangnapoe, Pichit and Morris, Tony Meditation, relaxation and multidimensional state anxiety. Naughton, Geraldine , Carlson, John , Gibbs, M and Snow, R The effects of wearing sunscreen lotion on thermoregulatory responses during exercise in the heat in adult and adolescent males. In: The games are not the same : the political economy of football in Australia. Pakkanen, J and Lai, Daniel A study of transmission overheads for sensor network localization schemes. She, Weiji and Morris, Tony Imagery, self-confidence, and baseball hitting. Lidor, Ronnie and Bar-Eli, Michael , eds. Spittle, Michael , Watt, Anthony P and Morris, Tony Psychometric comparison of measures of sport imagery ability and sport imagery use. Sutherland, Georgina and Morris, Tony Gender and participation motivation in 13 to 15 year old adolescents. Symons, Caroline Challenging homophobia and heterosexism in sport : the promise of the Gay Games. In: Sport and Gender Identities : Masculinities, femininities and sexualities. Aitchison, Cara Carmichael , ed. Symons, Caroline The Gay Games. In: Sexual Minorities in Sports. Sartore-Baldwin, Melanie L , ed. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colo. Caudwell, Jayne , ed. Routledge critical studies in sport. Routledge, London, UK, pp. Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, pp. In: The sport psych handbook. Murphy, Shane , ed. Walsh, Michelle , Morris, Tony and Bird, Stephen Physical activity and depression in people with coronary heart disease. Christodoulidi Publications, Athens, Greece, pp. Watt, Anthony P and Morris, Tony An overview of the use of qualitative analysis to evaluate sport imagery ability. Christodoulidi Publications, Greece, pp. Watt, Anthony P , Morris, Tony and Spittle, Michael The role of assessment in the development and implementation of imagery training in sport. A preliminary study. In Press. Technical Report. Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Project Report. Bennett, Shane Common injuries in sub-elite tennis players. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University. PhD thesis, Victoria University. Crewe, Angela The effect of playing and training surface on vertical jump height in elite junior male volleyball players : a pilot study. Fetterplace, Jessica The nature and rate of injury in elite sport aerobics athletes. Foo, Paul and Nicholls, Brian Surfing injuries in recreational surfers. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University. McKay, Jennifer Margaret An investigation of psychophysiological stress in competitive golf. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology. Coursework Master thesis, Vcitoria University. Olarenshaw, Adam Lasting effects of atlanto-axial manipulation on edge light pupil cycle time. Patterson, Jeremy Alan Effects of acute and chronic exercise on forearm blood flow in patients with chronic heart failure. Speranza, Angela and Kiatos, Jim The influence of relaxation music on physiological responses in patients receivng osteopathic interventions. 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