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Phone or email. Viktor Glugovsky. Notes by Viktor Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 8 Aug The nervous grouse. The ugly scene of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg which was entirely dedicated to my day before writings. Telling bankers, mean threatening of my personal finances. I won that battle. They just live me alone at that area i. I say live me, because they still be in huge debts with me in financial questions. However, this is that another task where I think to succeed i. Why the entering in public place together with black Russia — mean trouble. Good news is that how I perceive clearly how this dirt were exchanged not even by the niggers, but also by the sranye churki. Was the during the nuclear know-how Program between them and the Vietnam. Actually this part is understandable. At the highest possible level. At that time orienting myself, by the light of the Kremlin piggy tong. But, like the Kozlov say: God be with you. More important is what the matter. How he was cheating with various corporations. And how his face was captured in CCTV. And his face was of the sranaia churka cpaная чурка Vardanian. Immediately clear all, from grand superficies Aviva affair. Immediately clear too why the Chemisov was dismissed by Medvedev. From which 5 th derrick I go to do to this russian swine make one hectare space read my yesterday article. And that this was him — I am sure about it. Saying Rosoboronexport in light of Aviva — is the same for me like to speak about Fidalgo Botin, about the Bandit i. My writing was the important factor between others serious which influenced this bound. I can expose one e-mail which supports the level for monetary value of my remainders. Once, when my hero the cat Garfield was asking if he believes in planning ahead, he say yes. Trevor Edwards. However, the roots of this support lies directly in my tree. Not in Abramovitch, Vekselberg, Miller or Pinheiro tree. Who is signaling me i. Molin that this can be the time to deal with such questions like the inheritance i. MI in Serra Leone , taxes i. Guernsey , insurance i. Aviva and even the corporate business i. The nervous grouse - Shooting fans brace for an increase in cost. August 8 Driven grouse shoots, in which teams of beaters startle the birds into flight, are normally priced according to the number of braces shot. The rise reflects market demand, says Phil Pugh, northern regional director of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation. The weak pound was encouraging bookings from countries such as the Netherlands and Denmark , although the UK still accounted for most demand. Shoots stay on target, Page 3 www. Leave a comment Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 7 Aug De Beers in talks over ADC liquidation move. See photo. Its touch everyone. But, now at least they are reading me. Just think about how yesterday all day female part of 5 th level structure, were walking around me in picked and high healed shoes. Same is with the rough smell of Valerianaceae. If you are single, you could find an open minded lover who is eager to meet your needs. You could meet them at a religious, cultural, or educational institution. My friends, like you it or not. Change is and can be good, also are coming. Rerikh museum robbed in New York. According to the spokesman, the paintings could be stolen back in June but the loss has been disclosed only recently. The police is investigating the case. This is the first theft for 50 years history of the museum. The museum houses more than paintings by Rerikh. Израиль получил запрос от Украины о возможном пребывании Лозинского. Правоохранительные органы Израиля получили официальный запрос от Украины о возможном пребывании в этой стране и экстрадиции экс-депутата БЮТ Виктора Лозинского, подозреваемого в совершении тяжкого преступления и разыскиваемого милицией и Интерполом. По словам пресс-секретаря полиции Израиля Алекса Кагальского, правоохранительные органы Израиля «несколько дней назад» получили официальный запрос, «касающийся пребывания в стране и возможной экстрадиции бывшего народного депутата Украины Виктора Лозинского». В запросе украинской стороны указано, что Лозинский, предположительно, скрывается от следствия на территории Израиля. Украинские правоохранительные органы отказывают комментировать информацию, связанную с поиском Лозинского, опасаясь возможности «испугать» бывшего депутата и упустить его. Генпрокуратура Украины 1 июля возбудила в отношении Лозинского уголовное дело по факту нанесения тяжких телесных повреждений группой лиц, которые повлекли смерть летнего жителя Кировоградской области Валерия Олийныка. Тогда же генпрокуратура должна была доставить его в Главное управление по расследованию особо важных дел, однако бывший парламентарий до сих пор не задержан, поскольку его не могут найти, сообщает «Коммерсантъ-Украина». Stars in tribute to director Hughes. Hollywood has paid tribute to writer-director John Hughes, following his death at the age of 59 from a heart attack. Actor Matthew Broderick, who worked with Hughes in , said: 'I am truly shocked and saddened by the news about my old friend John Hughes - he was a wonderful, very talented guy and my heart goes out to his family. Hughes, a native of Lansing , Michigan , rose from ad writer to silver screen champ with his affectionate and idealised portraits of teenagers. Culkin said: 'The world has lost not only a quintessential filmmaker whose influence will be felt for generations, but a great and decent man. Woman-hater kills three in gym class. George Sodini said nothing before spraying the studio with 52 bullets from two weapons on Tuesday evening. He then killed himself. Sodini, 48, kept a web page describing years of rejection by women. Nine die in care home blaze Belgium: A fire raged through a retirement home last night, leaving at least nine people dead and three in a critical condition. The blaze caused thick black smoke to sweep through the resident care home, with most of the victims dying of suffocation. It was most likely caused by overheating equipment, police in the city of Melle said. The bankruptcy application was filed in Denver , because the principal asset, which shareholders believe ADC still retains, is its legal case for compensation against the two alleged Russian raiders. Two well-known Russian businessmen, Vagit Alekperov, the chief executive of LUKoil, and Alisher Usmanov, a metals and mining magnate, are named in the US court papers as having participated with the two defendant companies in 'a scheme of fraud, breach of express and implied contract, civil conpsiracy, intentional interference with contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and unjust enrichment'. But recent rulings by Judge Anne Mansfield in the Colorado District Court have suggested that ADC is getting close to winning jurisdiction, and thereby forcing the Russians to trial for the first time since the conflict began in The De Beers executives refuse to say why they ordered the liquidation ultimatum on May The board was also obliged to give its assent 'without the need for an ADC shareholder vote. At stake is the Grib diamond pipe, discovered at Verkhotina, in the Arkhangelsk region of northwestern Russia , in Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 6 Aug Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 5 Aug Gazprom chinocas half-nose. The important that I catch one a very important thing. How this put up my dearest! When this happen, the first reaction of policy-makers and CV brokers was uncomplicated at all. Personally, the importance of City Hall — is obvious. More yet, at the day before of Clinton travel. Euroland and plant my feet firmly in reality. It could be too, the felling that it is time to see some concrete results of my considerable efforts. Which I find at the www. The reddish clown, the actor representing in reality the commissar L. Kinnock i. That play-boy who jump with British Flag colors at the head of the c. He was jogging and crossing my pat. Start with saving my, and not the Schroeder, Medvedev, Putin and Barroso legs. Mean my writings. Where the exposed naked rear of Putin only confirming that one of my rug toys is asking for money. Doing in this way with Clinton ,- the one of my broom obligations. Seriously treat these animal stocks. More yet if this his road-show is at the close neighborhood from International Atomic Agency. Even if initially it appears i. Plane engine catches fire in Paris , 8 injured. AP — 51 minutes ago. PARIS — One engine of an Airbus plane preparing to carry passengers from Paris to Spain caught fire before takeoff Wednesday, and eight passengers received skin burns when they used the emergency exit slides, Vueling airline and French police said. The Vueling plane was on its way to Alicante in southeastern Spain when the incident on Flight occurred at a. The aircraft went into reverse to disengage from the boarding ramp when the right engine caught fire for unknown reasons, the Vueling statement said. Courcoul said the fire broke out as the plane was disengaging from the boarding ramp. Firemen rushed to the scene and quickly put out the blaze. The passengers and the crew were evacuated. Courcoul said the eight injured people were treated by Orly airport medical personnel for skin burns they received when their bodies chafed against the slides as they went down from the aircraft. There was no damage to airport facilities or to other nearby aircraft. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 4 Aug Yesterday I design one dog. To they handed them like in good old times. I still receiving texts in my cellular regularly. And see how multinational audience I speak at least three languages react. Ponto final — paragrafo. You like it? Yesterday night, at , openly was assaulted by the junky nigger. Now is clearer why you bail-out? Not because of Aston Lloyd. Asking for money to married his cows. And the one more dirty shooting in the cinetheater complex in the US mall at the same time? The Blowing mind the similarities in architecture of the Oeiras Shopping Center and this mall. You see my Portland four legs too? The people from Cambridge and Birmingham Universities may say that this is the result of a volcano that has suddenly erupted. I tell you: wrong! Охранники Япончика отказываются давать показания. Следственная бригада, занятая делом о покушении в Москве на криминального авторитета Вячеслава Иванькова, более известного как Япончик, заявляет, что трое его охранников отказались давать показания. Охранники Япончика заявили, что не знают о каких-либо угрозах в его адрес, а в момент покушения 'ничего не видели', пишет сегодня 'Российская газета'. О том, зачем В. Иваньков приехал в ресторан 'Тайский слон', они тоже говорить отказываются. Опытные снайперы иногда используют метод 'сопровождения цели': ведут ствол за движением жертвы. Япончик в момент выстрела нагнулся, киллер автоматически повел винтовку за его головой и попал в живот', - также добавил источник. Напомним, что покушение на криминального авторитета было совершено 28 июля г. Иваньков бывал довольно регулярно. По мнению оперативников, преступление было тщательно спланировано: киллер заранее занял скрытую огневую позицию в кузове грузовой 'Газели' на противоположной от ресторана стороне шоссе. Когда В. Иваньков вышел из 'Тайского слона', убийца один раз выстрелил в него из снайперской винтовки Драгунова СВД - пуля прошила насквозь. В данный момент криминальный авторитет находится в больнице после операции, его жизни ничто не угрожает. Terror as turbulence hurts 26 on Rio-Houston plane. Aug 3, pm ET. The Continental Airlines Boeing from Rio de Janeiro to Houston , Texas , was flying 11,m 36,ft over the Atlantic when it plummeted during ten seconds of terror. The pilot made an emergency landing at Miami. British couple seriously injured in Tobago machete attack Peter and Miriam Greene, a British couple from Berkshire, have been seriously injured in a machete attack at their home in Tobago. Mr Greene, 65, has been placed in a medically-induced coma because of the severity of his head injuries while local reports indicate that his wife, 59, had part of her jaw cut off. Экономисты в убытке. Неизвестный проник в здание на Нахимовском проспекте и, подобрав ключи к замку кассовой комнаты, похитил 1 млн тыс. Преступнику удалось скрыться. В Москве из Института экономики Российской академии наук похитили более 1 млн рублей, сообщает «Интерфакс» со ссылкой на источник в правоохранительных органах. По его словам, 3 августа в Она сообщила, что в период с Грабителю удалось скрыться. Ведутся его поиски. В Институте экономики РАН газете ВЗГЛЯД факт ограбления подтвердили, однако раскрыть подробности отказались, уточнив лишь, что инцидент произошел в то время, когда главный бухгалтер была в отпуске. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 3 Aug Canada extradites German arms lobbyist Canada extradites German arms lobbyist August 3 The year old will be asked to account for millions in undeclared commissions that prosecutors allege he received during a lucrative career as an overseas salesman and lobbyist. The Bavarian businessman is also key figure in a party funding scandal that blackened the reputation of Helmut Kohl, the former chancellor and architect of German reunification. Mr Schreiber, who denies any wrongdoing, has fought tenaciously to avoid standing trial in Germany , which he fled in for Switzerland and then Canada , where he holds dual citizenship. He is now at the end of that road. During that time German prosecutors allege he received millions in undeclared commissions, including for facilitating the sale of 36 tanks to Saudi Arabia. It later emerged that the CDU had for years operated a network of secret bank accounts to conceal party donations. Mr Schreiber insists his extradition is politically motivated, claiming that the Social Democratic party hopes to use it to damage their political rivals. Mr Schreiber is also involved in a separate inquiry in Canada surrounding his financial dealings with Brian Mulroney, the former prime minister. I can speculate in this way: Some categories in our human activities not demanding fewer skills than elementary and monotonous movements which are accessible even to the monkey. Francisco Xavier, Lisboa. El acuerdo contempla un nuevo calendario de pagos para el importe de millones de libras en cuotas trimestrales hasta octubre de El desarrollo inicial, formado por oficinas y locales comerciales, contaba con una edificabilidad de Metrovacesa desembolsa millones por abandonar el proyecto de Walbrook State. Metrovacesa ha desembolsado millones de libras esterlinas ,2 millones de euros por el abandono definitivo del proyecto de Walbrook State, en Londres. Wall Street profits from trades with Fed. August 2 Wall Street banks are reaping outsized profits by trading with the Federal Reserve, raising questions about whether the central bank is driving hard enough bargains in its dealings with private sector counterparties, officials and industry executives say. In some cases, such as the market for mortgage-backed securities, the Fed buys more bonds than any other party. However, the Fed is not a typical market player. In the interests of transparency, it often announces its intention to buy particular securities in advance. A former Fed official said this strategy enables banks to sell these securities to the Fed at an inflated price. The resulting profits represent a relatively hidden form of support for banks, and Wall Street has geared up to take advantage. Their transparency hurts them. Everyone picks their pocket. July 13 However, Stena Line insisted there remained no agreement over what to do about completing the ships. The company believed it could complete the two vessels on time. Mr Rosumek declined to comment on the sale. German shipyards fail despite state loans Monday June 8, PM. OL - news , which owns 30 per cent of the business. Most shipping segments have seen their earnings collapse as falling demand has been exacerbated by an oversupply of ships. The yards that have filed for protection form the majority of the Wadan Yards group, which also operates shipyards in the Ukraine. Both markets have suffered heavily in recent months from the global economic downturn. The group has been unusual among surviving European shipbuilders for focusing on container and other cargo ships. Wadan Yards was formed in July last year when STX Europe sold 70 per cent of the business to the Russian investors as it cut down its operations to focus on its core cruise ship and ferry building operations in Finland, Norway and France. Это пишет английская Financial Times. Будущее двух крупнейших германских верфей остается туманным после того, как кризисный управляющий Wadan Yards Марк Одебрехт не смог договориться с одним из крупнейших клиентов верфей, шведской компанией Stena Line, о завершении строительства двух заказанных ею судов, грузопассажирских паромов валовой вместимостью брутто-тонн каждый. Однако Stena Line заявила в свою очередь, что соглашения о завершении строительства не достигнуто. Корейцы не вдавались в детали сделки, сообщив только о факте продажи. Консолидация всего пакета акций в одних руках уже помогла компании договориться о привлечении кредита в млн долл. Однако не исключено, что в будущем г-н Бурлаков продаст часть акций Wadan Yards российским судостроительным компаниям, сформированным с участием госкапитала. Совет директоров возглавляет Андрей Бурлаков. Непонимание между акционерами Wadan Yards началось в мае этого года, когда STX Europe отказалась выполнять условия акционерного соглашения. В част ности, корейская сторона не предоставила гарантии чартера по нескольким уже построенным судам, выполненным для немецкой компании Winter. При этом сама Winter и ее банк-гарант DSB обанкротились. Именно эти неполученные гарантии чартера были одним из условий получения кредита в млн евро соответствующие гарантии были предоставлены в начале июня этого года правительством Германии. Как стало известно вчера, разногласия между акционерами разрешились: корейцы продали свой пакет акций Mandataria Finance SA, контролируемой Андреем Бурлаковым. Стороны не раскрывают сумму сделки, но указывают, что она составила не более млн евро. Как пояснили в Wadan Yards, консолидация акций в одних руках уже помогла судостроительной компании договориться о получении кредита на млн евро для обеспечения выполнения текущих заказов. Финансовые проблемы и непоследовательность действий бывшего миноритарного акционера привели к ситуации, когда современные и работоспособные предприятия оказались перед угрозой банкротства. Этим обстоятельством пытаются воспользоваться и некоторые высокопоставленные чиновники в Германии и особенно в России, используя свое служебное положение и прикрываясь самыми высокими именами. Мы успешно этому противостоим, и в случае необходимости их имена будут названы. Теперь, не имея барьеров в управлении компанией, процесс возвращения верфей к нормальной деятельности, несомненно, ускорится. Сегодня на стапелях немецких верфей Wadan Yards находится два крупнейших в мире грузопассажирских парома для норвежской компании Stena Line, общей стоимостью порядка млн евро, и с получением денег компания сможет их достроить. Консолидировав акции, Андрей Бурлаков, однако, не исключает возможности продажи некоего пакета российским судостроительным компаниям, созданным с участием госкапитала. Также Wadan Yards ведет переговоры о широкой производственной кооперации с Выборгским судостроительным заводом. Несмотря на займы в размере миллионов евро и гарантии займов от федерального правительства, банкротства избежать не удалось. Правительство Германии и работники верфей, сотрудников, обвиняют в банкротстве FLC West — компанию, зарегистрированную в Люксембурге и контролируемую российскими интересами. Председателю совета компании Wadan Group Андрею Бурлакову пришлось держать ответ перед возмущенными сотрудниками в Висмаре, пытаясь ответить на вопросы о будущем и о задолженностях по зарплате. Премьер-министр земли Мекленбург — Западная Померания Юрген Зеллеринг высказал свои озабоченность и разочарование действиями компании FLC, по сути бросившей верфи и позволившей им разориться — вместо обещанных 5 миллионов евро компания выделила лишь тысяч. Член совета работников верфей Инес Шчеел заявила, что не верит ни единому слову Бурлакова. На верфях считают, что именно благодаря разногласиям между главным акционером FLC и миноритарием STX Europe верфи не смогли собрать плату с клиентов предприятий. По данным Fairplay, в портфеле Wadan Group на сегодня имеются заказы общей стоимостью миллион евро, это два ро-пакса для шведской Stena каждый по брт, два контейнеровоза ледового класса по TEU для датской Royal Arctic Line, шесть контейнеровозов на TEU для германской F Laeisz Reederei и два контейнеровоза по TEU для также германской компании Gebruder Winter. По материалам Daily Fairplay News. Справка: Судостроительная группа. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 2 Aug And today reading the news, was thinking about his private tendencies. The Tel-Aviv paзлом, for example. Not exactly his Semite affair, but well knowing Baltic Countries affair. Even if Ukraine receive the necessary money to interruptedly deliver gas for the Brussels and Strasburg you know how I call them — they stop right there. Or in the Sakhalin or in the Seashells. Come back to the intimacies of Gazprom, in place to remember how the Co i. In this way, teaching me a valuable lesson, where the healthy balance of power and I have been the one, giving it up for too long. Sales and export of crude oil production. Location: Sakhalin. Only due to work permit constraints permanent role. English language skills essential. Accountability: Specific roles within the Commercial Directorate will be dependent on the team make up and priorities, but will include: Collation and evaluation of data, construction and operation of economic and analytical models. Producing detailed scenarios, and presenting in a form that will allow Teams to make informed business decisions taking into account risk and reward. Providing analyses and advice on the feasibility of those decisions. Providing challenge to the input assumptions of the analyses. Assisting Teams within CD to access the feasibility of and devise strategies to implement business cases. Assembling and maintaining a database of market, customer and competitor data relevant to gas markets in North Asia. Liaising closely with subsurface, production and economics teams within the company to ensure consistently of purpose and data. Knowledge: Strong analytical powers and mode ling skills and a good understanding of the principles and applications of project evaluation. Quick learner, able to manage a number of tasks of competing priority to meet deadlines with the minimum of supervision. Ability to demonstrate commercial acumen to produce strategies for business development. Good interpersonal skills and a willing team player. Strong communication skills both written and oral, English and Russian are essential. Experience in a commercial environment assessing project viability would be an advantage. Ability to apply mathematics to the real world to create robust economic models in Microsoft Excel or similar. Management of large quantities of numerical data. Microsoft Project or Access skills will be considered an advantage. Economic Mode ling — Mastery. Analytical mindset — Mastery. Attention to detail — Mastery. Risk Management — Skill. Communication — Skill. Oil and gas contracts — Awareness. Transportation Economics — Awareness. The welding of the first joint of a 1,mile pipeline to Eastern Russia is a historic part of a government plan for new production centers, officials say. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin joined local officials in the Russian Far East and Alexander Ananenkov, deputy chairman of the Gazprom management committee, Friday to dedicate the welding of the first joint of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas transmission system. Gazprom faced recent criticism over its spending habits during the current economic crisis. Profits for the energy giant for the first half of the year were down more than 40 percent, though net profits for the second quarter quadrupled. Ananenkov said Gazprom projects should move forward in order to prepare for an expected rise in demand as the economy recovers. Ultimately, the pipeline will run some All Rights Reserved. Тревожное происшествие в порту Приморск на танкере Совкомфлота. Поступило сообщение о тревожном происшествии в порту Приморск — при погрузке нефти на танкер SCF Baltica 1 августа без извещения персонала терминала был перекрыт клапан подачи нефти на танкер, в результате произошел гидравлический удар в тендере, лишь по случайности дело не кончилось аварийным разливом. По неподтвержденным данным, это произошло по вине экипажа. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 31 Jul Why my left leg is in pain? Surely, how can I know, or anyone else, that the vybliadok of his i. Andrew You щенка was marrying. With the shrink of the vybliadkov. I will not forget to call to the Aston Lloyds on Monday to speak that I am not interested in theirs Royalties and Concession business in this, City way. Same was with the Kremlin professionals. The well knowing бегемот в посудной лавке i. Seems that something wrong happen again to the Director of Marketing the Mr. Was the physical harassment which my body suffers. The big pain in my heart, the biting and stabbings which make me real miserable and angry. Maybe, You щенка, was that, my Portland cement from Nigeria? Than look again, how you wake-up with a terrible pain in your eyes. How they were in unstoppable tears all morning. I suspect that this someone is saying one thing to my face and another behind my back. With all this facts at the end of today, this maybe true. This is not the end of the road. Jul 30th From The Economist print edition. She said Anglo was considering teaming with a partner to accelerate development. The first phase is on track to start producing in , when Anglo would become a player in the seaborne iron ore market. Analysts have suggested Vale as a partner. To underline its South American future, Anglo said two new deposits were discovered at its Las Bronces copper project in Chile. Two Johannesburg-based divisions, platinum and diamonds, reported 99 per cent drops in interim operating profits. In , Banco Santander de Negocios was set up in Spain to build on the investment banking and wholesale markets activities. In the late 80s, Santander bolstered its presence in Europe by acquiring CC-Bank in Germany , a bank with over three decades of experience in the vehicle finance market, from Bank of America. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 30 Jul Fox tones. Normally, if this is postman, he just simply drops the post. After finishing, I pickup the letter. Were the State Agents from Foxtons. Where they communicate about the progress in ours the Royalties and Concession business. Hitting me in my head, stabbing with a knife, or with spritz, in my ear, my butt and my neck. A car bomb exploded outside the Guardia Civil barracks in the town, which is also near the fire station, at approximately 1. It seems the bomb was placed under a Guardia Civil patrol car and the victims are the two officers who were inside it. Several people have also been injured. Santander , which reports its second-quarter earnings on Wednesday, is drawing up the plans to float at least 20 per cent of Banco Santander Brasil on the Brazilian stock exchange within the next three months, according to sources close to the bank. The prospectus for the float could come as early as September, sources said, although the terms would depend on investor appetite and market performances. The level of demand for the offer would provide an important indication of the degree of interest that has returned to the IPO market. Santander and its banks all declined to comment. The IPO will enable Santander to raise capital and also strike a market valuation of the Brazilian subsidiary. She was looking at my telephone number for Viktor Hitler. But at the same time insisting that this is a huge amount of money and that this should be resolved at once. Yesterday I was all day thinking about what I wrote. If I make well to putting only two themes supporting my reminder. The 15 billion of crucial industries saga i. Was thinking about his, mean Santander participation in the sorrowful i. How can I believe someone is truly sorry if they keep repeating the same mistake? The hitting in my head. Theirs apologies mean nothing. Where the pact to kill the ebalo was concluded. You know, I may want to set my goals very high, but at the same time, I may have to think settle for less. Because the practical approach i. Madoff Investment Securities\\\\\\\\\] Funds from the business were used for personal expenses, he said. Its executives have denied wrongdoing. Mr Madoff, who admitted running the Ponzi scheme, is serving a year prison term. He has insisted he alone was responsible for the decades-long fraud that has claimed thousands of victims. A federal criminal investigation is continuing. To: viktor glugovsky glugovskyviktor hotmail. Attachments: Aston Lloyd Agri Commodities Ltd. This investment has been developed off the back of credible research indicating that this area in the soft-commodities market is a force to be reckoned with and for one key reason: Supply and Demand. You can read this for yourself in a report just released from Aston Lloyd Research Ltd. A few key pieces of information jumped out at me in particular when I read the report, so I thought I would highlight them to gauge your thoughts: - There are approximately more mouths to feed every minute, yet global supply remains stagnant; - Some Viktor, I have also attached the brochure so you can find out more about the project on offer. I will be in contact with you shortly to discuss this further, in the mean time you are welcome to contact me on the below details. Kind regards, Tim Investment Consultant. T F W www. This email and any files transmitted with it are intended for the named recipient only and are confidential. No other person should place any reliance upon it. The recipient acknowledges that transmissions made via the Internet can be corrupted and therefore Aston Lloyd and its subsidiaries do not give any warranty as to the quality or accuracy of any information contained in this message nor can it assume any liability for the content or for its transmission, reception or storage. This email message has been scanned for viruses by Mimecast. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 29 Jul Constantly bothered with the problems from my past, like that, Spanish gypsy wedding. Maybe better to explain this again. Now, should I go a little back, or advance a little further? However the ArcelorMittalKrivorijstal theirs talks will be. However, BHP Billiton today said it was still in talks over the pricing of about 47 per cent of its iron ore volumes. BHP said it had settled 23 per cent of its iron ore volumes at an agreed annual contract price for fines that is about 33 per cent lower than the previous year, and 44 per cent lower for lump. The pricing was similar to prices already struck between rival Rio Tinto and Japanese steelmakers. Edificio de la casa cuartel. Мощный взрыв прогремел в Испании, десятки человек ранены. Как говорится в сообщении на сайте El Mundo, десятки человек получили легкие ранения. По предварительным данным, ответственность за взрыв несет баскская левонационалистическая организация ЭТА, передает РИА «Новости» со ссылкой на Reuters. BHP Billiton today announced the terms it has agreed with a range of iron ore customers for the contract year. These terms vary and reflect the specific needs and requirements of each customer, consistent with our marketing approach. BHP Billiton has settled 23 per cent of total iron ore volumes at an agreed annual contract price. The price for iron ore fines will be approximately 33 per cent lower than the contract prices agreed in the contract year. The price for iron ore lump will be approximately 44 per cent lower than the contract prices agreed in the contract year. A further 30 per cent of BHP Billitons total iron ore volumes will be sold on a mix of quarterly negotiated pricing, market clearing price spot market and index-based pricing. Negotiations for the remaining 47 per cent of iron ore volumes are ongoing. The Company believes that current settlements are indicative of continued progress towards transparent market pricing. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 28 Jul That she is poor in working hands, etc. That the big slice of society — is the old people. However, the experience of this slice is important benefit. Well, so what? And now, with the wishes of the Wizard from the Lord of the Rings, should be canalized to the real assets. And that now is the correct time to make deviation from financial to the real assets. More yet, after ArcelorMittalKrivorijstal. Now, as soon as I hear the words i. With few exceptions, the top 20 defense, aerospace and services contractors posted strong revenue growth based on their financial results, propelled by record defense spending and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. BAE Systems rose to No. The British giant bumped Boeing, which slipped to No. The most striking jump belongs to Navistar, which shot from No. Big sellers were MRAPs and medium-duty tactical transports, water and fuel tankers and cargo trucks. ITT No. Textron No. For almost a decade, industry has ridden U. This year, with the backdrop of a depressed global economy has produced a growing consensus that may have been the peak. So if you see authorization peak this year, next year, then outlays are going to peak right after it,' he said. Several industry observers noted the U. He sees the core U. He believes that the global economic recession increases national-security threats and boosts demand for defense goods. We are quite confident that security is an essential cornerstone,' Stevens said. Everyone is anticipating slower growth, he said. He said future success will depend on reducing risk for the customer. Yes, because we will invest in technology, software, interoperability and product demonstrations so you can bring them to the customer, so they can to some extent see it before they buy it,' Meyer said. He said key markets include new generations of manned aircraft, bridging air and space capabilities, systems that make UAVs more autonomous and capable, and better small spacecraft. But when the defense downturn hits, firms will basically have two paths to growth: seek non-defense government work, something Lockheed has been especially adept at, or diversify into commercial work. Unfortunately, the latter may not be much of an option. When U. The situation reversed after the terrorist attacks of Sept. Now the civil aircraft market is trending downward, as worries mount about the future of acquisition spending. As a result, defense companies are looking at markets farther afield, such as renewable energy, said Steve Grundman, a defense and aerospace analyst with CRA International. ITT, like a lot of big and small defense companies, is also viewing operations and maintenance as a growing market. Anythi ng that has to do with fuel and energy efficiency is going to be a growth area. Other companies, including Lockheed Martin, also see alternative energy as a growth market. Many companies are taking note of that shift by offering services and technologies that upgrade and extend older equipment. Where once the demand was for more powerful military engines, now 'you want \\\\\\\\\[military engines\\\\\\\\\] to be reliable and you want them to have low fuel burn. Saab, which sells the Gripen fighter, is offering that plane as a lower-cost alternative to other more expensive fighters for countries like Brazil and India. But we also realize that we could not compete for systems like the fighter aircraft in the U. It is not open for external competition like that. The competitors are the major, major industries and we are a small player in that comparison. We have shown that when we have products that are in niche oriented areas meeting some of the requirements, we can certainly do business there. Growing military personnel costs could pressure acquisition spending, Albaugh said. As a result, Boeing is trying to move into markets it believes will grow faster than DoD spending, such as international markets for aircraft. Albaugh has been predicting a downturn in U. Smolensky and Medvedev Рекламе показали нож. Директор одного из столичных рекламных агентств найден мертвым, он скончался от множественных ножевых ранений. Тело мужчины нашли утром во вторник в его квартире на улице Бутырский вал. Источник, близкий к следствию, заявил, что против фирмы, которую возглавлял убитый, в году было возбуждено уголовное дело за размещение заказных материалов в СМИ. Единственным громким эпизодом за указанный период было дело о вымогательстве против сотрудника ООО «Паблик медиа». Эксперты установили, что смерть мужчины наступила за девять часов до обнаружения тела. С места преступления был изъят кухонный нож. Имя жертвы официально не называется, но источник сообщил, что, по данным оперативников, в отношении фирмы, которую возглавлял убитый мужчина, в году было возбуждено уголовное дело за размещение заказных материалов в СМИ, однако в ходе разбирательства генеральный директор агентства остался на свободе, к нему не было применено уголовное наказание. Напомним, самое громкое дело года, связанное с вымогательством, в котором фигурировал сотрудник рекламного агентства, было возбуждено в отношении исполнительного продюсера ООО «Паблик медиа» Алексея Осипова. Он предлагал генеральному директору ФГУП «Почта России» Игорю Сырцову снять с эфира федерального канала несуществующий сюжет, компрометирующий чиновника. За это он требовал с Сырцова 20 тыс. Алексей Осипов был задержан 4 апреля года в момент получения требуемой суммы в ресторане. Прокуратура предъявила подозреваемому обвинение в вымогательстве и нарушении неприкосновенности частной жизни. В качестве меры пресечения Останкинский суд Москвы избрал для него содержание под стражей. Газета ВЗГЛЯД обратилась в агентство «Паблик медиа», однако не пожелавший представиться мужчина ответил, что не уполномочен комментировать информацию об убийстве, подтвердить или опровергнуть он ее не может, и бросил трубку. Следствие уже рассматривает несколько версий убийства директора рекламного агентства. В настоящий момент приоритетная версия расследования пока не определена», — сообщил источник в правоохранительных органах. Suspeita de sabotagem nos casos de cegueira em Santa Maria. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 27 Jul Light behind a bushel. To start with, I can begin wondering what exactly he my double was doing with his Chinese Eltzen in late 80s. Or how I am having the price for different sorts of steel roughly dollars less that the generally accepted price of resell in European Markets — and do nothing. Can also think about Mechel artificial problems and translate this in absolute incapacity of Kremlin ass-holes with theirs body-guards pissing below my window. Or, how Putin was in difficulties to suck anything from this cow. Now is place of Medvedev to do the same. At morning black piss at the corner of my back-yard. Not overnight not even over years, but over decades. Only highly observant types will sense or perceive my authority. Even when Smolensky with Medvedev hit me at my neck to wake me up? Maybe because the Regional Cabinets of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg are in deep shit-hole? The dream was about me driving dark-blue BMW to up the hill like a crazy. In high velocity I am with loud bang hitting the enormous pot-hole Sarkozi and the Posco of Korea Parliament. Well my associates : Breath deep, stay light. FSA extends suitability tests to cover traders July 26 ? Up to 2, traders and managers in the UK could face extra checks and even interviews by the UK financial regulator to ensure they are fit and proper to do their job. Sarkozi: It is the second time in two years the teetotal 4-year-old has been at the centre of a medical emergency. However, Mr Mittal is weighing up whether the expansion programme might have gone too far in light of a downturn that is likely to leave the steel industry with overcapacity for years. One company with which Mr Mittal has discussed a possible joint venture is Posco of South Korea , the sixth biggest steel company, which has a large stainless division. Outokumpu did not comment. The most likely outcome would be job cuts in Belgium and France. Stainless is a relatively high-cost form of steel that is used in fields such as precision engineering, kitchen goods and car exhausts. However, the stainless part of the steel industry is regarded as being in a difficult position because of a high degree of overcapacity. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 26 Jul For hotel 'Turismo' continuation. After this, all morning my left year was in pain. Was wondering, to whom I should cut the ear out? French President Nicolas Sarkozy was hospitalised after suffering a mild nerve attack while jogging at his weekend retreat La Lanterne, near the Palace of Versailles. A witness, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP she had seen a jogger surrounded by bodyguards suddenly stumble and collapse in the wooded grounds of La Lanterne. The year-old French leader was admitted to the Val de Grace military hospital in southern Paris. His hands-on and aggressive style of governing has won him the nickname of 'hyperpresident'. Critics were therefore angered when it was revealed in January that Sarkozy was briefly hospitalised in for minor throat surgery without publicizing the fact. Sent: 26 July The above sum belongs to our deceased customer late Dr. Mehmet Bilgin Duven,from Lebanon who died along with his entire family in a plane crash in and since then the fund has been in a suspense account. After my further investigation, I discovered that Dr. Mehmet Bilgin Duven,died with his next of kin and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking institution stated that after the expiration of 6 six years, if no body or person comes for the claim as the next of kin, the fund will be channel into national treasury as unclaimed fund. Because of the static of this transaction I want you to stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the recognition and have the fund transfer to your account. I am revealing this to you with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business, you are the first and the only person that I am contacting for this business, so please reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take urgently. Send also your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit. I need your full co-operation to make this work fine. I look forward to your earliest reply. From incognito circles — come just one. Observing delightfully the all scene. World poverty maybe? All this dream has at least three huge gaps. Second, is that my accusations given to the big bastard ex-President of Portuguese Republic Jorge Sampaio, give him the trump to NEVER be responsible by the stealing from me normal life. Forcebly separate me from my children. Put me in the bottom level of survival. Enjoying to the full at least a couple hundred thousands dollars in prices of decades ago for my services in EXPO And benefiting of high tribune speak about the future of our civilization. Also clear hint to the two i. Basel II Interbank Agreement dead from my tree. Bastard from my pocket. I have been talked about my tree more than once, and I always know that the chances are excellent to this happen again. Practice i. Discontent over inequality and unemployment amid the economic downturn has triggered social frustration in China , with many cases of riots by angry citizens. A police officer from the Tonghua municipal public security bureau confirmed the riot and the death of Chen, who was in his 40s, the South China Morning Post said on Sunday. Chen and he died. Jianlong, which temporarily controlled Tonghua last year, is attempting to buy Tonghua for the second time, according to the center. Local television announced on Friday night that the deal would be shelved permanently, the South China Morning Post said. Четверо журналистов грузинской региональной телекомпании 'Риони' погибли в автокатастрофе в Кутаиси. Трагедия произошла в ночь на воскресенье, когда сотрудники возвращались с работы домой. Их развозили по домам на машине 'Фольксваген'. Когда в машине находились четверо журналистов, в том числе одна женщина, в 'Фольксваген' сзади со страшной силой врезался джип. Всех пасажиров и водителя выбросило из салона. Медики прибыли на место ДТП через несколько минут, но им не удалось спасти журналистов. Водитель джипа скрылся с места преступления, однако, как утверждают в городском отделении полиции, он вряд ли останется безнаказанным. Руководство телекомпании подчеркивает, что у трагедии нет политической подоплеки. July 26, If he goes ahead, the combination of the companies would create a FTSE sized group with a significant share of the UK public-transport markets and a strong presence in America. National Express reports half-year results on Thursday. This unexpected nirvana was tonight. Than was the very short and a little dream at the end. One girl from my past appears in high heels white boots. Than, all day I hear saying: A gato no sapato. Mean, cat in the hat. First thing at the morning was that philosophical i. After this sleep and all day thoughts about this kind of rubbish, what can I say? Criation of Partido Socialista was from which financing? And that you still be ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg. Love replaced by love. Some things happen for a reason. I can not let love cost me financially or emotionally. You swine — will fix definitely combination. Massa in life-threatening condition after surgery. The AEK military hospital said Saturday the year-old Brazilian was in 'satisfactory condition' after emergency surgery. The hospital said in a statement the Ferrari driver would be kept in intensive care overnight. Check back soon for further information. Officials at the AEK military hospital said Saturday that Massa will be kept sedated on a respirator in an intensive care unit. The year-old Brazilian had surgery one hour after arriving at the hospital, the doctors said. Massa was struck in the helmet by a loose part from another car and his car slammed straight into a tire barrier. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 25 Jul Rashid identified the plane as a Russian-designed Ilyushin and said it carried passengers. The accident happened at pm GMT , it added. State television reported that the accident occurred as the plane was landing at the international airport in Mashhad, a popular Shiite Muslim pilgrimage centre in northeastern Iran, giving an initial death toll of The Ilyushin 62 aircraft was reportedly run by independent Iranian firm Aria Air which offers flights from the Gulf port of Bandar Abbas to Tehran as well as from Mashhad. Viktor Glugovsky pinned post 24 Jul The Double hits. With sharp pain at the same time. One in the eye and in the back of my head. With two hands, one struck knife in an eye and another do the same at the back of my head. Seems, even this is possible, since exactly what I feel all night today. Was dreaming and wandering: To punch the skull with the knife, which force must be used? Force of ongoing piggy faces. These pigs had that sufficient force to shut my blog out. Than start quick and heated discussion in my half sleep , telling me the reasons why the first moves in the more higher post in the political structure like the post of PM or President — all do the same. Like a Tony Blair did. Invite ALL sportsmen and give them medals at the front of wide possible media. How can I struggle? Out of switching off the tele if something horrendous pass on it. Walk with closed eyes maybe. You know, not only Brown, the Earth himself hovering too… Some say that opposite attract. That the assumption that Vipers that Ministro das Industrias who has a twin brother — the General Secretary of Nato will gain any great satisfaction from gather together. Indonesia flooding can help someone else to shine in their vocation. Not the dad of Trotsky. Same is with the Cardinal Oil. To try such arrangement viable, the frontier in culture and the mutual respect must be cultured. Easy goes. A Kamaz petrol tanker crossed into the opposing lane and collided head-on with a Mercedes bus at Moscow time \\\\\\\\\[ GMT\\\\\\\\\] on the Don Federal Highway , some 60 km from the regional capital, Rostov-on-Don. Nineteen people were killed immediately, two later died in hospital. Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev, who is currently on a working visit to another south Russian region, the Krasnodar Territory , has assumed personal control of the accident investigation. The minister has also instructed the head of the federal road police department, Col. Viktor Kiryanov, to visit the crash site and give an initial report on the investigation. At least 3, people are killed in accidents on the highway each year during the summer months, when the mostly two-lane road suffers from heavy congestion caused by summer vacationers on the way to Black Sea resorts, and by trucks transporting southern fruit to densely populated central and northern areas. Four prisoners escaped from a jail outside the Belgian city of Bruges in a hijacked helicopter , authorities said. Media reports said the escapees flew to the town of Aalter , then seized a black Mercedes and robbed a service station before heading for the Belgian coast. A Justice Ministry spokesman said no one had been hurt, and that the jailbreak had not been from a high-security wing. In October , Nordin Benallal, a self-styled 'escape king' with convictions for armed robbery and carjacking, broke out of Ittre prison south of Brussels after armed accomplices landed there in a hijacked helicopter. The helicopter was immediately crowded by other prisoners and crashed. Benallal and his cohorts then seized two prison warders as hostages and fled in a car parked nearby. He was recaptured in the Netherlands three days later. By continuing to browse, you consent to our use of cookies. You can read our Cookie Policy here.

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