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The dope you can have in five minutes, the pharmaceuticals will take a little longer. IWPR contributors had met Sasha, a Belgrade drug dealer, at a city centre apartment 20 minutes earlier. We were told he was well-connected in the local drug scene and could supply us with anything available on the illegal market. Our conversation was frequently interrupted by his two mobile phones. But his designer clothes and discreet jewellery suggested that business is booming again. The illegal drugs market in Serbia is thriving despite an unprecedented series of arrests and seizures in the first half of this year, following the assassination of prime minister Zoran Djindjic in March, allegedly by members of an organised trafficking gang. In many cases you will find an alcoholic, normally the father, in the background of an addicted youngster. It is often harder for a parent to admit that he or she has a problem than for the son or daughter. Dysfunctional families play dysfunctional games. Not all the addicts come from troubled backgrounds — one Belgrade journalist told IWPR that she knew plenty of users from respectable families. Now, youngsters here self-medicate illegally with ecstasy, which is a cheaper alternative to travel or even the cinema. Dr Ciric sees new patients every year, mostly heroin users. The classic scenario is that they start drinking at 13 and use marijuana or benzedrine \\\\\\\\\[amphetamine\\\\\\\\\] in combination with this. Heroin is affordable for young people here. It costs very little and this quickly becomes their regular daily dose…. Many of them are not smart clubbers. The sad truth is they would rather spend what money they have on drugs to have a good time, than on clothes to appear cool. Until I could buy diazepam without a subscription in any pharmacy. All this was supposed to have swept away by Operation Sabre, the massive campaign against organised crime — including drug traffickers — which followed the Djindjic assassination. Spasojevic was shot dead by police on March 27, apparently while resisting arrest. The short-term effect was a shortage of illegal drugs, which received wide publicity with desperate addicts besieging treatment centres and raiding pharmacies. The first half of saw record drugs seizures, with more heroin confiscated between January and June than in the whole of the last seven years. Operation Sabre resulted in the arrest of thousands of alleged drug dealers and crippled the Zemun network, which had controlled a huge share of drugs sales in Serbia. State prosecutors say that prior to the operation, at least 50 per cent of the domestic heroin market was controlled by the Zemun clan. According to the interior ministry, the gang operated the largest and most efficient supply network in the bigger towns and cities. The authorities claim that the gang became top dog by getting Red Beret men to pick off its rivals, and through the high-earning criminal activities such as kidnapping, extortion, car theft and drug dealing. He started making trips to Bulgaria, buying heroin with money he got from stealing cars. But the market was extremely lucrative… the margins were higher than for car theft. Belgrade deputy public prosecutor Dragoljub Stankovic, in charge of investigating the Zemun narcotics network, told IWPR that the gang had pioneered the large-scale sale of heroin in Serbia. They worked by the just-in-time principle, which meant that even large amounts of drugs from abroad could be sold on the street very quickly. Dealers were not allowed to acquire more drugs than they could sell in a short space of time. The destruction of this sophisticated network during Operation Sabre was hailed by government officials as a major victory in the war on drugs - a claim that seemed to be supported by the spectacle of addicts flooding treatment centres and robbing pharmacies in the face of shortages. IWPR interviews with dealers, however, indicate that the contraction in the market was short-lived, and that talk of supply networks being choked off was premature. People were getting picked up everywhere, for anything. According to Dr Ciric, trends in the numbers of drug users seeking help indicated that the change in the market was more of a blip than a lasting shift in availability. However, by the end of April the number of people who were serious about rehabilitation had fallen back to what was previously. All that seems to have happened is that numerous lower-level dealers moved in to fill the vacuum left by the demise of the Zemun gang. Street prices checked by IWPR confirm that after a price hike caused by the temporary shortage of drugs on the market, supply increased to satisfy the demand and bring prices down. This follows the longer-term trend of a steady decline in street prices over the past few years. One dealer explained the fall in economic terms: as marijuana has become more popular, more has flooded onto the market and competition between the rising number of dealers has caused prices to plummet. Drugs come into the country by two main routes. Heroin — most of it from Afghanistan - comes from the south through Bulgaria and also Macedonia. Marijuana, which is mostly from Albania rather than further afield, reaches Serbia via Montenegro in the west. A third category, synthetic chemicals — ecstasy and the like — are often produced within Serbia rather than imported. The marijuana crosses from Albania to Montenegro via Lake Skadar on the border between the two countries. One dealer involved in the marijuana trade told IWPR how the drug — commonly cultivated in Albania — first enters Montenegro. These are the same boats they previously used to smuggle two cars at a time, before they moved into cigarettes during the s, so you can fit a lot of dope onto them. As the supply from Albania has grown, prices have fallen and traffickers have either sought economies of scale by transporting larger volumes of the drug, or else diversified into other, higher-return narcotics. The locals on both sides know the large marsh area very well, and have years of experience of sanctions-busting. According to the dealer interviewed by IWPR, smuggling has recently become easier. We pack 40 kg into the spare tire of a lorry, and drive a couple of lorries up to the outskirts of Belgrade where the tires are unloaded. But there is still room for improvement, and institutional failings still contribute to the wide availability of narcotics. A new law to be introduced by the Serbian government will see customs officials assuming responsibilities currently held by the police at border crossings. A customs intelligence unit with regional officers stationed across the country is also being created. Using a model pioneered in Sweden, it is hoped that detection and seizure rates will continue to increase. Serbian customs and police drug statistics show a dramatically improvement in confiscations over the past seven months. In the first half of , police seized kg of narcotics — more than 40 times as much as they did in the same period in The figure includes kg of heroin, seven kg more than the total amount seized in the previous seven years. The customs authorities, as well as police, played a significant role in these seizures. However, higher confiscation rates at the border appear not be having much impact on the domestic market. Most drug seizures have been made at entry points from Bulgaria and Macedonia, such as Gradina and Presevo, or at the exit points for transit to the EU such as Horgos on the Hungarian border. Criminal police department chief Mile Novakovic confirmed at a press conference that the increase in seizures is largely due to the revived fortunes of a popular route for smuggling heroin from Afghanistan to Western markets via the Balkans. This route — which runs through Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria and Serbia — had previously begun falling into disuse when the break-up of the former Yugoslavia led to war, sanctions, tight border controls and a lack of commercial traffic, all of which made smuggling harder. On the western border, improvements in Serbian customs practices are undermined, some say, by institutional failings in Montenegro and a lack of cooperation with the authorities there. Belgrade and Podgorica officials have to communicate more if they want to limit the illegal importation of this substance. Police in Montenegro say the country remains a prime conduit for drugs from Albania heading east to Serbia or west to the EU. They claim some success in fighting the trade, seizing over kg of narcotics in the second half of , according to a report in the Belgrade paper Danas in December. But they confirm that the removal of the Zemun gang has had little effect on prices and availability of drugs. Besides the limited abilities of law-enforcement agencies to curb the flow of narcotics at the point of entry, there are also concerns about some of the methods employed by Serbian police to tackle drug dealing and abuse. An international official told IWPR he had heard such complaints before, echoing consistent allegations heard in interviews with drug users that the police use brutal methods to extract information. The mere fact that we arrest them in possession of drugs means criminal charges can be brought against them and they can be taken to court. If naturally-based substances like heroin and marijuana are smuggled into the country, illegal domestic producers appear to be playing a major role in keeping chemically-based drugs such as ecstasy on the streets. In February , Belgrade police chief Milan Obradovic announced that his forces had taken part in a raid on a synthetic drugs factory in the Vojvodina region of northern Serbia. It was the largest such laboratory plant ever to be discovered anywhere in Europe. But the operation appears to have done little to curtail domestic production of the drug in Serbia. Thirty people were arrested during the Vojvodina raid, including the alleged ringleader Milan Zarubica, who is currently in jail. Police claimed to have seized over two million ecstasy pills from the underground facilities, and estimated that in the period it was in operation, the factory had produced drugs to a value of 50 million euro. This was a big operation with several agencies involved. Despite the closure of this huge ecstasy production line, street prices for the drug in Serbia remain amongst the lowest in Europe. IWPR was offered individual pills at Belgrade riverside clubs for between four and five euros. Bulk purchases of pills or more would have reduced the price to one euro per pill. A wide cross-section of informants - from dealers and other underworld sources to drug therapists and international officials - told IWPR that other ecstasy factories still existed, and these were producing for the domestic market. In addition to this, there was a simple lack of knowledge. Until recently, many customs officials simply did not know which drugs were used in the production of heroin. A number of commentators suggested to IWPR that improved methods of closing off the supply channels, would not in themselves be enough to combat the problem as long as demand remains high. Former drug users and rehabilitation specialists agree that the drug abuse culture has as much to do with the high demand created by social problems as it has to do with the ease of supply. You need to work on prevention and rehabilitation, you need what we call demand-reduction. Dr Aleksic agrees that more effort should be made to educate young people about the dangers. It is a war, but it is not a war on drugs, it is a war on ignorance. Heroin in particular remains cheap, but it is cut with other substances — usually paracetamol, but sometimes with more deadly chemicals such as rat poison. Dr Ciric similarly argues that not enough resources have been allocated for prevention. Hugh Griffiths. Tuesday, 6 September, Locations Africa , Middle East. Connect with us. Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin. 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