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WEED & DRUGS IN SOUTH EAST ASIA | Marijuana, Cocaine, Ecstasy

Click here to add your reply. I was interested to find out if anyone has experience with buying drugs in Cambodia, prices and ease of buying. Posts: Most illegal drugs are available for those determined to buy them. Price is lower than you probably pay in your home country and with the exception of the pot potency most likely higher. A lot depends on what drug you're looking for, but as Joshq says, you probably won't get too many detailed responses here. Bear in mind that for anything other than smoking pot by whats left of the lake, if you're caught by the police, you will be stitched up. Lastly, there are all too regularly deaths by overdose of tourists who thought they were buying cocaine but were sold heroin. Location: Indonesia. Posts: 8, Bocomo I never cease to be amazed at the content of some posts questions here on Travelfish. Let's take another slant on your question. Were you referring to drugs of addiction or medicinal prescription drugs? Location: Australia. Posts: 1, Thanks for the information. Yeah I was curious about illegal drugs, I thought it might be taboo and may offend some, but I wanted to give it a shot. It never hurts to ask and better to be well informed that not at all. What about prescription drugs? For instance I may be there a while, can I just purchase my prescription there or should I bring enough with me? Its nothing dangerous and commonly OTC here in the states. Location: United States. Posts: 2, Bocomo On a similar query under Indochina If you are found with drugs in some places in SE Asia, they put you in jail take you to court, decide you are guilty and then shoot you'. Increasingly, SE Asian nations are taking a more hardline approach to westerners misbehaving. And, in the current economic environment where officials are getting fewer kickbacks, it seems the westerner is also being seen as a means to get pocket money. In a word DONT. But, then, it's your life. Do us all a favour and go down to the lakeside area and buy some 'coke'. That would be fun and exciting.. Paranoid, if I do what you say, can I have my family sue the website and you after I 'od'? Like that Myspace mom, whose comments caused that girl to commit suicide. Is the website responsible for my posts? Am I responsible for your lack of IQ or your inability to make intelligent decisions? If you choose to risk your life just to get to know the quality of drugs in Cambodia I think you would be the only one at fault. Ask them to sue you instead for wasting their time and the money spent on bringing up a kid like you. Hey, take it easy, I was trying to gather some information for my travels. You don't have to criticize, if you have some information then offer it otherwise don't respond. Everyone else has offered good info. Fair enough.. I take it back. Here's a better answer: You can buy ganja all over lakeside and smoke it wherever you want in that area without anyone giving you trouble. If you buy cocaine you will get heroin even if they insist it is cocaine.. Last week an Australian guy died that way. Two weeks ago an American died that way. The last few months about 8 or 9 other tourists have died of a heroin overdose by snorting what they thought was cocaine. So if you want to be on the safe side, stay away from drugs in Cambodia. The ganja is poor quality, the coke is smack, the yabba makes u crazy and is basically crystal meth. Unless your going on some sort of narco tourism trip its not a good idea. If you are going on a narco tourism trip then you are taking a massive risk and I along with everyone else on here would advise against it. Very poor quality, but what do you expect?? Your not in the dam ; Looking back I would not even do this now. They were taken to an ATM and had their bank accounts emptied. Not worth the risk my freind Location: United Kingdom. I would not have ask the question if I was not interested in getting drugs. Whats wrong with traveling to the place with the best and cheapest dope? I must not be a 'real' traveler. But last time I checked I could care less about what others think of me. And, each reader would probably have formed a view. Location: Global Village. Is that still true or was it ever? Tis true. It's called Happy Herb Pizza. Bit of a gimmick tbh, well at least the one we had was. Just a bad tasting pizza that didnt have the desired effect I'd like to hear the outcome of Bocomo's trip Do you have some experience now in the 'drug trade'? Posts: 3. The times are changing here in Cambodia. We've got a new Police General and he seems to want a more active approach against drugs. Posters are appearing in guesthouses and hotels now warning people against taking drugs. Ganja is still not a big problem at the lakeside. Most of the guesthouses sell it over the counter but taking other drugs apart from being bad for your health can lead you into big problems. Methamphetamine is a big problem here and most of the Vietnamese prostitutes that hang around the hotels are addicts and fund their habit by stealing off anyone stupid enough to let them into their room. On the other hand there are still pharmacies which will sell you morphine and of course diazepam and sleeping pills. I sense Cambodia is changing its image and very soon it will be as dangerous as Thailand to be in possession of illegal drugs. The beer is good though. I have no further additions to what has been said already. Only that I respect Bocomo for starting this threat and participating in it in spite of the sneers. I don't use any drugs myself nor do I visit any drug-related areas but it is a significant part of SE asian culture and many travelers use soft drugs. Personally I would welcome a discussion on bargirls as well. Most travelers try or pretend to know the culture and these issues are a significant part of it and this forum is a great place to get a first idea. I agree. I know how some of these online discussion go. My primary reason for traveling is not to score drugs or girls. I do intend to enjoy myself though. I have read about the various drugs available there and would like to know about anyone's experience with such. After my travels I will share my experience to inform those that would be interested. Maybe I will include a discussion on bar girls too. For what it's worth Bocomo: I know it is easy to find drugs in Sihanoukville. Both soft and hard drugs can easily obtained there if you ask around a little. I will not bring this forum in danger by naming names but it really should be easy. The main points from the above do apply there however. When you see the long-term foreign-residents there it is not very good advertisement for the quality of the drugs there. But as I said I do not have personal experience. You probably want to end your holiday or travel in Sihanoukville where you can find a few good parties and whatever you might look for. Happy travels. For pure curiosity sake I would be interested to know about the local shamans and there 'ceremonies' I am sure every country has it's roots of 'discovering god'. Posts: 9. Bocomo re: 24 --you started your queries early then I see, if you're not leaving until May I will actually be there in early-mid May. There are many varieties of psilocybin-containing mushrooms found throughout the region, I think Paul Stamets did some field research on the subject, but not sure if there is a reported history of use in the local shamanic traditions. Shamanism in Asia? I place it with oddity laws like the legality of peyote in Canada--you can't grow it there, so you're hard-pressed to ever find it, despite its legality. Off-topic since we're on about Cambodia here, but I've never heard of people using DMT in Asia except for psilocybin, which is an analog or form of it Asia ; I've never heard of someone actually eating the mushroom itself in Cambodia --though they obviously grow in the region if it's around in the shakes and in N. America it's semi-common to get 'Cambodians', i. Cambodian P. Cubensis mushrooms. Probably not impossible though. But 'kids these days' seem much more into their 'eckies' and 'happy pizzas' than to be concerned with acid. You will be touted for drugs by tuk tuk drivers almost all the time. Talk to people hanging out on riverside, I'd recommend you use your gut feeling, I met a cool younger dude nickname 'Rambo' Oxycontin and the like are not available OTC. Codeine is. The heroin is produced in region and is very potent, be careful. Use your head if you're gonna do it, don't get drunk before, don't do a 12 inch line, etc. Cocaine will be fake or very low quality mix of methamphetamine and other garbage, as others have stated it might actually be that potent heroin I was talking about.. Yabba as pills etc is available. Happy Pizza weed laced pizza is available, there are three shops right next to each other in sisowath quay riverside.. I was told the middle one is the best. One time was a dud, don't know why. As a side note, I am very interested about john's post regarding possible DMT availability in Thailand.. I have a question about heroin around the lakeside--seems like lots of people get H when they're looking for C I don't know anyone who was 'lucky' enough to receive good heron instead of cocaine when ordering the latter but yes it is available.. Seems like alot of the OD stories are speculated to be people receiving H instead of C. I didn't stay lakeside however, my experiences are only dealing with Sisowath Quay. Regarding DMT thanks, guess the mushies will do! Posts: 1. The practice is thought to account for a dozen deaths in the capital every year. The popular guide book range, Lonely Planet, warned tourists in its pages on Cambodia, saying: 'Be very careful about buying 'cocaine'. May be, like I said, didn't happen that way with the person I know. IMHO, if you can't tell the difference between pure heroin and cocaine you have NO business trying such dangerous drugs i. Most of these overdoses don't make it into the international newspapers. There's got to be of these overdoses every year in Cambodia.. Surprised no one has heard about it. Typically overdoses are reported in western media as 'heart attacks' like this one here.. But in Cambodian newspapers they don't censor it. They even show uncensored pictures of the deceased and close-ups of their passports. Sangkat 3 district police identified the dead man as year-old A O Hotel staff said the dead man checked into one room with a friend last Tuesday. Police quoted the friend, P W M, 27, also from Germany, as saying both were tourists and had entered Cambodia on February Police said the deceased died of a heart attack but refused to allow journalists to see the body. I left out the names on this one.. The deceased checked into the guesthouse on Saturday, and staff members said they had seen him drinking a glass of wine on the evening before his death. Police said the man died of a heart attack. In fairness, you had to expect not all the replies you got to this post would be positive- it's a pretty emotive subject. In my experience, I would avoid it. If you come from a western country your body will be used to certain chemicals and drugs in certain dosages. What you get travelling varies wildly so accidental overdose is likely- ie you may be able to crank through Coke that you got in London at an alarming rate, but expecting to have the same resiliance to Thai Coke could actually be lethal. If you do buy anything your best bet is to go for over the counter not sure about Cambodia but you can get some pretty good OTC such as Valium in India. Or stick with Pot. That way you know what you're actually getting. AVOID coke at all costs- very common for travellers to OD in places like thailand and cambodia buying 'cocaine' from the locals. Cocaine is very expensive there, but Heroin isn't, so often they will tell you it's coke but sell you strong herion. One line and it could be lights out, not a nice way to go. As for the legal implications, I'm sure you can weigh that one up for yourself. You've got loads of information about it now anyway, so you can at least make an informed decision. Good luck! All the people getting offended by this post need to shut up imho. I was really paranoid about scoring grass at first, but it's not that bad. I know the big parties like Full Moon have plain-clothes trying to bust foreigners for bribes. Shrooms are available in places like Koh Phangan, but not like it used to be. Posts: 8. While I would prefer to get LSD, that might not be an option. Shrooms, how would I get them in PP riverside? I'm well aware that trafficking can be met with death, but crazy people please don't give me a paranoid response about just a few shrooms. Or if LSD really is available do tell! Also where has Bocomo been? Did he die of a cocaine overdose? I assume if he has then Mr. Posts: 6. AFA acid GL! It is easy to get drugs in Cambodia. In the popular tourist locations if you are not offered, you can simply ask a tuk-tuk. I don't recommend using drugs their, primarily for the reason that you are a foreigner in a country that lacks emergency response medical care that most of us are used to. If you are interested on details of my experience you can ask me, but I will answer with discretion. Bottom line, travel to another country,in particular Cambodia, there is much more to do and see than wasting your holiday time stoned or drunk. On a side note the app for the ipod offered for Siem Reap and Angkor Wat by Travelfish is exceptional and very useful no need for a travel guide in the format of a book. I whipped out my ipod while all those suckers flipped through there huge LP guide books. Also, I downloaded the PDF guides by travelfish for the other parts of Cambodia and never needed to walk around with a travel guide book, just used the ipod. Hmm thanks for the advice. I will be in Cambodia for a long while, so I believe I have time for any and everything. Bocomo, do tell me your experiences. Either via the forum Posts: 2. Seeking out information on the internet always has benefits and unfortunately consequences. There will always be haters. Drugs and information concerning them will often be viewed as negative. I don't condone drugs or drug use but I support people being informed. Better to go into a situation with knowledge than with stupidity. I don't know exactly how this web site feels about the subject, so I make myself available for people interested on the subject to pm me. Hey Bocomo,it's a free country well sort of. Ask away. You're right, no harm in doing that. And frankly, while I take a dim view on recreational drugs I am also a libertarian at heart and if someone wants to get high, well, that's their buisiness and I am not interested in making it mine the social consequences be damned. Posts: 6, Everytime some asks about access to drugs especially weed while on their vac. Hope you have or are having an awesome time. Posts: 5. I wouldn't recommend taking drugs in Cambodia but I do agree with some of the commenters that if you really want to do it, might as well be as informed as possible. In case anyone checks in the future let me set things strait. I asked questions about 6 months ago, since then I have been here in cambodia with no issues, ever. Drugs are easy to get, very. Sometimes they will overcharge you, or give you very little shrrom shakes with just a tiny bit of shrooms. But for the most part there are no issues. Lakeside is also an easy place to find drugs. However if you just go ask random moto guys anywhere in the city and you will find someone who can help you. Pot is very special here, while it is not legal, you can get it on your pizza for no extra charge, get it in your fruit shake, or if you go to some villages pot comes in soup, oddly enough I have had to reject pot-chicken soup because I was too afraid that km moto rides on dirt roads might not be too easy while high. I know this is an old thread but i figured i would add m2c, 3 Canadian kids i had met in Laos were arrested in Cambodia for buying, using, possessing some sort of drugs i dont really know the specifics of what charges or what drugs. What i do know is that the cops had been watching them for 2 days and seen them buy drugs about 4 times and they had to call their parents in Canada to send them some pretty hefty bribe money it was thousands of dollars. I spoke to one of them briefly after the event funnily enough he was stoned at the time and he said that only two of them could get the cash together, the other one's parents didn't have the money to send so he was forced to stay there. I dont know what happened in the end but i spoke to the bloke a couple of weeks after it happened and as far as he knew, his friend was still in gaol. Anyway, i would suggest steering clear of any drugs except booze in countries where you will get more than just a slap on the wrist for partaking. It's not worth wasting your life just to get high on holidays. Well to be frank here, I've read of a lot of people going to cambodia specifically because of their cheap cost of living 2 bucks for a big meal and some places a dollar a night and the cheap high purity dope opiates. These people who went to the lake and thought they had coke and ended up snorting nearly pure heroin is both sad and also worthy of earning him a darwin award. Anyways if your going for opiates, I've heard that they are easy to come buy and codeine is OTC and the heroin is extremely pure so it is actually healthier to use than US or EU heroin which is cut with who knows what, but if you end up being an idiot and racking up a mg line, you may be in the obituary. People going to cambodia and also expecting to dabble in drug culture need to understand that because drugs are illegal in the US and are smuggled, then passed onto gangs who cut and recut by the time you get it. Also if you are going to do heroin there, be safe start in 5mg line incriments get a scale or smaller to deteremine your tolerance and not be another 'stupid american' who overdosed due to an ignorant approach to drug use. Some years back when I was stuck in Kathmandu we discovered ketamine was available OTC, most chemists did not stock it or even know what it was but we found a large chemist supplier that had it. Having a large amount of ketamine on hand is rarely a good idea, though it made for some very strange nights out. I believe ketamine is also available or was available in Cambodia. Sorry If I have not posted in a long time, but it turned out drugs are easy to get here. Hundreds of places sell Happy shakes, in some villages there are whole pot fields. And don't forget cocaine which turns out to be pure heroin and kills quite a few idiots every year. Hello I know it a old threat but I need an answer about drug in PP as well. Would like to know if some of you guys could help me to identify a drug in PP that you smoke with bottle of water , cost 5dol, mild effect but cant sleep. They call it 'sko' sugar. It is neither coc neither heroin. Maybe met but dont know as i never try it. TY for the information. Basically it's crystal meth locally called 'Ice' and constant use of it usually ends in madness because the user never gets REM sleep. Even though they believe they are sleeping in fact they are just in an hallucinogenic state. That's after all your teeth have fallen out and people avoid you because you are talking to yourself. Thank you Sayadian! Are you sure locally they say ice because this would be something as 'dako' but what I heard was more 'sko' sugar? The neurotoxicity looks indeed very strong I could witness it plus I read it but is there any chances to get back to your 'normal'stage or once you reached that stage to talk to yourself it is for ever and you hopeless??? Indeed you are right, the Khmer word for ice I mean the normal everyday stuff is duk koh' and sugar is skoh. I am assuming it's just another slang word for meth ampethamine because the stuff often looks like sugar to such an extent that many rip-offs happen because the buyer can't see the difference. BTW 'Ice' is not physically addictive but the user experiences a mental dependancy. IMO it leads to madness as I have seen many users deteriorate mentally very quickly. Not seen that but just came in from the beach in Sihanoukville and there are many sad cases here. The bargirls are all on it and there are one or two poor souls wandering the beach behaving irrationally and talking to themselves. Sihanoukville along with Phnom Penh has the worst problem for this stuff in Cambodia. It's on sale everywhere in Sihanoukville and if you really want to try this stuff I advice against it you won't walk 5 metres without being asked if you want it. I've seen it used in Thailand but there it's used less as a recreational drug but more as a means to work longer hours and make more money for trades like taxi-driving; that and yaba yama in Cambodia which is a less portent version. Mac Where do you get these chill pills? As the hot season is coming now it'd definitely be preferential to stick in my can of beer rather than the local custom of putting ice in beer. Location: Canada. BTW there's a local stuff here which costs real abottle 25 cents and has got to be the ultimate gut rot. Lao Khao in Thailand. It's 50 baht for a small bottle and baht for a large one. If you drink it with the Thais , they like to do shots and very often. Where I live they like to add M cheap Red Bull to it. Gets you warm and fuzzy real quick. I actually prefer it over tequilla and moonshine in the states. Drink lots of it and you may experience a little memory loss the next day. LOL Have fun. Lao Cao is what we, in my neck of the woods, refer to as 'rot gut'. But moonshine is a fair equivelent. Tequila, on the other hand, is what real men drink. Moonshine was very interesting I don't think I would take much more than a drink or two. I didn't want the gut-rot. As for tequilla, I had a bad experience with that in Mexico That was the last time I touched it!!! Not me. I'm definitely a tequila guy. And while I'd prefer Cuervo , I'm not that picky. We have a bar here that serves it, and it's my bar for sure. I was sick in the back of my mouth just thinking about it. Well, Im open to new things. I will try this gut-rot drink lol. My flight out is tomorrow.. Lets hope for no delays as today was delayed 4 hours!!! Tequila, isn't that the stuff they mix up to look like a sunrise and stick a little umbrella in? I always thought it was a ladies drink. Haven't you tried Mescal? Much better. I thought this thread was about drugs but I suppose alcohol counts as a drug. I smelt it the other day. Those days are gone. You WILL get busted and have to pay a sizeable bribe. I guess we put the drug question to rest? They are as illegal as they are anywhere else.. And it will cost you a lot or jail of you are busted trying to buy!! Lol In recent news, I leave tomorrow for 3 weeks and have packed too much as usual. It 2am and I'm deciding what to bring yet again.. But back to the thread Having a drink of Rum while I decide If you are going to take drugs in a public place in Cambodia, please have the decency to check with the owner or at least a member of staff BEFORE doing so. How dumb is that? Location: Cambodia. As far as I know the only places you can smoke dope with relative impunity now are the Number 10 in the old Lakeside and The GreenWall restaurant further up where they don't seem to mind. Perhaps best to follow your own instincts. A foreign country is not a great place to experiment with drugs. Tequila is what real men drink. The testosterone is just breaking out all over you. I never said that Tequila is what real men drink Neosho. What's wrong with you man? They drink Vodka and beer too. I have became a fan of Cambodia and Ankor!!! What's better than 50 cent pints?? It taste a lot better than Molson or Bud. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. Home Travel forum Cambodia Anyone with experience getting drugs in cambodia? Cambodia forum Anyone with experience getting drugs in cambodia? Prison here isn't a good time. SEA: Something for everyone. Yeaaah, take a chill pill man. What about Thai Whisky? Heard its great? Though best stay off both. Log In.

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I was looking through the search terms that brought people to my site earlier and I noticed an interesting trend that made me chuckle. For some reason, some of the most popular searches were about buying cocaine in Colombia. I am a travel blogger of the people, after all. It is practically effortless, and this goes for most of the large cities in Colombia. Medellin and Cartagena are big party cities with a sizable tourist population so it goes without saying that the dealers know that those places are where to go. Cocaine is actually legal to an extent in Colombia, but the buying and selling of it is illegal. The reign of Pablo Escobar and the legacy that followed have given Colombia a reputation that has been hard to shake, despite the fact that the Colombia of today has all but erased the demons of a Colombia past. Obviously, buying drugs from strangers can always be sketchy, so undergo the necessary processes to test whether or not what you have purchased is safe. Also, while cocaine is technically legal, a lot of places will absolutely not tolerate it. Most likely, your hostel or hotel will not even second-guess kicking you out if you are caught using it or even just having it. Lastly, you should remember the extremely bloody history that the drug cartels have had in Colombia. I spoke to a man once whose words I really took to heart. A lot of us have probably seen Narcos , but watching it on Netflix gives it a sense of fantasy. It actually happened, and the atrocities circling the cocaine trade was even worse than what Narcos could ever show. The man I spoke to talked about how furious he got whenever people trivialized the bloodshed and lives lost every single time they took cocaine. Colombia has progressed incredibly as a nation since the death of Pablo Escobar and the gradual downfall of the cartels, but there is still a large portion of the population that were directly affected or at least remember the terrors of that era. If this post helped you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by buying me a beer! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated, and allows me to keep writing helpful travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world on a budget. The Best Hostels in Colombia. One Month Colombia Backpacking Itinerary. I was in Bogota for a month. No interest in harder drugs mostly a bit of pineal gland expanding substances was my jam however, when in roam you do as romans do. So I went downtown kinda near the gold museum and found one of the sketchier kinds of people and asked and she said how much. I wanted a gram…. It was so close to pure I lost my mind. What a great time! But Colombia itself was a better time. What an amazing country filled with amazing people! I planning to travel to colombia and what I actually heard from people and my friends strongly match with what you said in this post. Yes, that is true as a tourist they will come straight to you. What a brilliant article. Indeed, many young travellers visiting Colombia will be tempted to try drugs and why not?! Sensible sane advice concerning drugs is always welcome! Nice website too. My friend was in medellion last month n. He said he asked a cab driver,the driver did the talking. He said it was amazing,he had to stop after 5 lines. I had no idea cocaine was so easy to obtain in Colombia. Great article, man. Super interesting. Now to get a dude going around and figuring how you get weed in these spots…. What an interesting read and I had no idea that it was to a certain degree a legal commodity. How is that even a plausible and how is it even good for a normal economy to even thrive? Its fascinating though. Such a different world to what I know and quite a bit frightening! Thanks for liking my post on winter camping in the Colorado Rockies. You look like you get around! Must be the way I look. Planning to go to Colombia, being mother tongue in peninsular Spanish and having visited over 60 countries of course I will be looking way past the girls and the powder. Always pay respect to the feelings of local people, they suffered enough to make our day a little brighter. Every country has its attractions, enjoy them. Think the woman will be even more interesting than powder. Skip to content. So by popular demand, how easy is it to get coke in Colombia? View this post on Instagram. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading So easy to posses Cocaine in Columbia. The article has wonderful. First, my country name is Colombia, not Columbia… Loading L M A O but also truuuu even to the bloodshed part Loading Now to get a dude going around and figuring how you get weed in these spots… Loading I am Brazilian and I would love to visit Columbia, but maybe not for the cocaine! Killer photography. Fascinating facts. I love this!! Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website.

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