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Where to buy weed in Barcelona - Weed Guide for Tourists

You heard right — coffee shops are an increasing staple of a really good Barcelona itinerary. Here are the facts:. If you pick up, your little package should be treated like it would be in any other city. By becoming a member of a Barcelona cannabis club you give up your growing rights to the association. In other words, the club is in charge of growing your plants for you, your personal consumption as granted by Spanish law. This is defined as two plants per individual. All you have to do is go pick up your part of the harvest. What we do know is that one of the first clubs was forced to close but eventually managed to win in court and get itself back in business. Since then the number of cannabis associations has increased dramatically. Cannabis clubs are exclusively non-profit organizations and they regularly pay their taxes. Though the legality of the cannabis clubs themselves is up for debate, the odds of any one member getting into serious legal trouble are slim to none. The founder of any given association also has the power to grant membership. Subscription generally requires payment of a 10 to 20 euro annual fee. Either way, the quality is high and miles above the oregano sold on La Rambla. Ask first. You never know what to expect when entering a cannabis club for the first time. It may be just one room or spread out over three floors. It could be immaculately decorated or totally rundown. Some let you hang out, some send you straight home. Dragon Cannabis club promises membership simply for following them on Facebook. Did you end up getting in!? Let me know in the comments below. Bloody Sunday. Search Search. This begs the question: can you get legal weed in Barcelona? The answer is a fitting… well, like, kind of, man. You need to inform yourself first or you could end up in hot water. How do Barcelona Cannabis Clubs Work? It is definitely the best weed in Barcelona. Weed in Barcelona — Cannabis Club Options You never know what to expect when entering a cannabis club for the first time. You might be interested in:. Ash June 5, 10 comments. Read more. Ash May 1, 12 comments. Ash February 3, 0 comments. Leave a comment. March 31, at am. So, as a foreign, can't I get some weed at the club and transport it to my apartment? April 4, at pm. Team Member. Hi Dan, The clubs will go over the legalities of everything when you sign up Also, the cops generally do not care as long as you've only got enough for personal use. Cheers, Reply. August 29, at am. Due to come to Barcelona and was wondering how we would be able to get into one of the weed cafes? September 1, at am. Hi Lea, Best bet is to contact the cafes via social media and ask how they do it : Cheers, Ash Reply. November 5, at pm. Where to buy Reply. November 8, at am. If you need help finding quality weed and other stuffs then hit me up. Sure bro ; Reply. November 6, at am. Did you read the article? November 27, at pm. Dear Mr. Herb Hope this comment finds you well!! What are the loopholes in the Law system that allows met to get the membership through? Thank you Reply. Hi Abu, I don't have much info on specific clubs because all of them are different, but if you want to be in touch with an expert who knows the rules I would send a message to Weedadvisor via Instagram and they'll sort you out! Ash Reply. Yes, please send me their account as there more than 10 accounts s in Instigram and none of them is the real weed advisor. Or let them contact me directly via my email. Thanks again for your time Reply. November 28, at am. Thank you sir Reply. June 20, at am. So, do you recommend against buying the baked goods offered in Ciutadella Park? Hello AW, Some people are selling edibles and some legitimately just selling a snack. Make sure you ask. It depends what you're looking for, but the edibles have always done the trick for my friends August 13, at pm. Zanzi in Citudella villa Olimpica the weed there is so good and the best compared to other cannabis shops I've been to. October 15, at am. Any recommendations for someone visiting from LA for a club for foreigners? October 18, at am. Please let me know how it goes - I am still trying to find someone to collaborate with on this and your feedback would be invaluable. January 8, at am. Remedy BCN in the gothic quarter took care of it for me. Great club. Thanks for the tip, Herb Leave a comment Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Write a comment. What's your name? What's your email? Cookies To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Most big websites do this too. Cookie Settings. Privacy settings Decide which cookies you want to allow. You can change these settings at any time. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. Learn more about the cookies we use. 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Just remember that it is still illegal to smoke pot in public in Spain; you may only do so in the privacy of your home or a private club. This is a preliminary application process valid as of June ; not all who apply will qualify for membership based on Spanish law and club policy. Application for membership is general and is not necessarily applied to any particular club unless the applicant fully qualifies. Need to know how to get marijuana in Barcelona , Spain? I did too, until about a week ago when I moved to Barceloneta; a Barrio of Barcelona. I smoke pot several times a day, so when I moved here I did tons of research about how to get marijuana in Barcelona, and none of what I found turned out to be entirely true. Today is Sunday, the 6th of October, Our original intention was to cycle all the way to Barcelona, but as we approached Koln the roads became a little too dangerous for our liking, so we wrapped the bikes up and flew the rest of the way here. We arrived in Barcelona in the early evening on Monday. By the time we got through baggage claim and made our way to the hotel, it was late so we just went to bed. This sucked, because I had to leave all of that behind in Dusseldorf. We smoked just before leaving for the airport and then dumped about 6 types of weed and several types of hash in the bushes in a waterproof bag for some lucky person to find some day. Anyway, the point is that the first night in our hotel we were dry and too tired to make an attempt to find something. But the next day we went to look at an apartment and spent much of the morning and afternoon with the taxi driver riding in circles after we gave him bad directions. Thankfully he called our liaison and got us situated, and he seemed to be a pretty cool guy. I paid to have him wait while we viewed an apartment, then he brought us back to the hotel. He said he could get about 5 grams for 50 Euro. Normally I would have said no thanks to that, but I liked this guy and he seemed legit. It was worth a 50 Euro chance. Sure enough, he came back exactly twenty minutes later and gave me a package about the size of my thumb from the knuckle up. It was dark brown and looked like the tip of a cigar. It was wrapped up pretty tightly so I waited until I got back to my room to open it. It was a massive chunk of hash , and it was quite fresh. We rejoiced in the hotel room and filled the warm air with some mellow smoke. But over the next few days that hash wore me down. It irritated my throat and dehydrated me, so I started looking for some green bud. I had met another taxi driver named Alberto who had told me about marijuana clubs in Barcelona. He had volunteered to sponsor me, but then balked at the last minute. So I did some research and it turns out that you can get a membership in a private cannabis club in Barcelona. The fees are generally 20 Euro per year plus whatever pot you buy, and many of these weed clubs have oils, extracts and marijuana edibles available as well. I found a sponsor and off I went. Getting Registered at a Cannabis Club in Barcelona. The club needed my passport and legal address in Barcelona in addition to a 20 Euro fee. I gathered these items and got on my bike. It was a crazy ride there as the club was across the city and there was no easy way to get there. When I was getting close I asked this adorable little Spanish cop where the street was, and she surprised me by pulling out a comprehensive street book. She asked me what number and then told me exactly how to get there. Interestingly, the numbers on the opposite side of the street were odd and went down in sequence. The numbers on the club side were even and went up. It took me a couple of minutes to wrap my head around that. Anyway, when I got to the club I buzzed at the main entrance and was admitted to a reception booth. A flirty little guy from Scotland was there and he had me fill out a form on an ipad or something. Never used one, could have been a tablet of some sort, IDFK He made a copy of my passport, took my 20 Euros and issued me a registration card. Then he buzzed me through to the interior of the club. There was a short hallway that opened into a long traditional bar. Various beers were for sale as well as coffee, tea and snacks. At the end of the bar was a compartmentalized box with a dozen or so different types of marijuana in it. The bartender was friendly and pleasant to look at; from Barcelona, she welcomed me warmly and said I had made a good choice moving here. I agreed. We hunched over the box together and she made some suggestions. The Indica was a local strain called Juanita. I got a couple of grams of each and took them into the next room, which was a monstrous lounge with wall-to-wall couches and hassocks all the way around. There were two guys in the front and two guys in the rear lol , so I found a place off to the side by myself. I had ridden my bike pretty hard to get there and it was a hot day. Not only that but the club itself was a little stuffy and very hot. I crammed my new pipe full of the Grapefruit and took a few puffs. It was beautiful; light and airy, a little fluffy and indeed it left a slightly fruity but bitter aftertaste that was vaguely reminiscent of grapefruit. It did the trick. I leisurely smoked the entire bowl while I tried to cool down. When I finally left and hopped on my bike, I was severely pie-eyed and had to take things a little slower than usual. The Juanita which went fast and was gone before I thought to take pictures of it was good but unremarkable, really. However, I will say that it smokes easy. If you have a cold, a sensitive throat or just want something really mellow to smoke, then Juanita makes a good choice. It smokes pretty easy, has a chocolaty flavor and gives you a nice body buzz. Interestingly, Betty Boop did not have any White Widow. I paid 50 Euro for those three strains, and I got 2 grams of each. It would be great to Chill out with some locals and also join a club or two as we will be there for a couple of weeks, so we are hoping that you could help us out?. We will also be spending some time in Benicassim is there any clubs in this area? Please email your above request to contact marijuanagames. Hola Daniel; thanks! Either myself or one of my assistants is always available at russ marijuanagames. I have just emailed you too. Thank you, Paul. Hi there, Will be in Barcelona and was wondering where I can get some good Cocaine from? Would really appreciate this. Thanks Gary London England. Hi Russ, I will be in barcelona from today until 18th. Can you help me get some very good weed and hash? Thank you!! Hola Danut; please email your request to me at russ marijuanagames. Peace -Russ. Hey russ,do you know if theres any way to get some weed down in salou which is about an hour away from barcelona? I have just returned from Barcelona, and althought I was with my family I found weed very quickly. Hash also. Not to mention that half of people at the beach is smoking. Enjoy your tome in weed-city. Would love to go tapas hopping more than a little baked! Hola Fael; please email me at russ marijuanagames. When you get here, go to Gilda in the Gothic quarter for excellent Belgian tapas, and I also recommend Hawker 45 for something with Asian influence. Talk to you soon. Hope you can help! Hola Chris; please email me at russ marijuanagames. Hey Russ! I will be traveling in Barecelona on Sunday, April 30, I read your blog and found it very informative. However, I have some additional questions that were not covered in the blog. Also, I was wondering if you could sponsor me for membership for a club. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Hola Alexis; please email me at russ marijuanagames. Any chance you could help me acquire some quality grade for a birthday smoke up? Also any recommendations for things to do out there would be greatly appreciated! Hola Steve; please email your request to me at russ marijuanagames. Hey Russ i just arrived in barcelona parc guell area, Im here until Wednesday, if you could sponsor me for a club that would be great and if you knew somewhere i could get it in the meantime? Was just smoking lemon haze in Ireland and would love something of similar quality. Thank you in advance, Peter. Hola Peter; please email me at russ marijuanagames. Hey Russ, Thank goodness for the good people like you in this world! Hoping you can sponsor me too? I arrive tomorrow would be so grateful for your help! Thanks Hannah. Hola Paul; I will be happy to sponsor you at a cannabis club if you qualify. Please email me 24 hours prior to your arrival in the city and I will be glad to assist you then. Hola Brian; the only thing I can help with is to sponsor you at a cannabis club if you qualify. Hello Am coming to visit tomorrow Friday all the way from California Wouldnyou be able to sponsor me to buy few grams of quality cannabis! Hola Ahmad; thanks for your comment. To discuss further, please email me at russ marijuanagames. Hej russ, im coming to Barcelona in april, would be awsome With some help joining a club. Staying for a month. Hola Esben; thanks for your comment. April is a great time of year in Barcelona; not too crowded then and beautiful weather. Please email me at russ marijuanagames. I will stay in Castellon for a week and my question is the same….. Hey Russ, I just sent you an email and am posting here to make sure you received it. Thank you. Any chance you can help me tomorrow to find some stuff? Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Please support my work by sharing: 0 shares. Author Recent Posts. Latest posts by MG see all. Hola John; Thanks a lot for contacting us. Hey Russ, You are doing your fellow humans a great service here! Are you available today for an email chat? Thank you,. Hola Paul; no problem, I look forward to your email. Best wishes Peace -Russ. Best, Chris. Can anybody help me??? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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