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Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade. The Gascoigne estate, built in the s and occupying land that slopes south of Barking town centre to the Thames, is its historical home turf. Yet, police sources say, Hellbanianz occupy the lowest rung of the Albanian mafia. From there, the skyline of London, where much of their cocaine will be snorted, stretches west. In the opposite direction, several miles along the Thames, lie the mammoth container ports where their cocaine is offloaded in multi-kilo shipments. But it is across the Atlantic, to the jungles of Latin America, where the story of the Mafia Shqiptare starts. It began with a business model that was simple in concept, but sufficiently bold to subvert the existing order. The Albanians ditched the entire model. They began negotiating directly with the Colombian cartels who control coca production. Huge shipments were arranged direct from South America. Supply chains were kept in-house. More massive consignments were brought into the UK. The drug is at its cheapest in the UK since and purer than it has been for a decade, which has caused record fatalities. The UK has the highest number of young users in Europe. Rivals to the Albanian gangs like Hellbanianz initially struggled to compete because they had an inferior, more expensive product. Their only option has been to buy cocaine sourced from the Mafia Shqiptare. Sources say the Italian mafia consider the Albanians as equals. Plus, historically, the Italians have good contacts in Latin America. The second busiest European port is Antwerp in Belgium, which connects to the Thames port of Tilbury, 15 miles from Hellbanianz territory. Anna Sergi, a lecturer in criminology at the University of Essex who specialises in mafia relationships, confirmed Albanians and the southern Italian crime group have joined forces. In an Albanian cocaine dealer was caught at a London petrol station with false Italian identification documents on his car and two kilos of the drug hidden in its boot. The most vulnerable point for drug smugglers is the port of entry. Security is tight, options are finite. Yet even the most senior Albanians are caught sometimes. Such relationship-building has left Liverpool as the only part of England not routinely selling Albanian-sourced cocaine. Saggers says the backdrop of the Kosovo conflict has given them a swagger comparable to that of Irish criminals during and after the Troubles. Qasim also points to how the Albanian are regarded in criminal circles. The concept was meant to keep things internal, close. Then the younger generation began making flashy videos and waving money around, and along came Hellbanianz. In the mids the estate was run by white working-class crime families. By the time of the census, Albanian was the second language on the estate. Soon after, Hellbanianz took over. Rookwood House, a five-minute walk from Barking Abbey, became their notional headquarters. Linked by interlocking walkways and limited access points, the tower block was easy to defend from police and rivals. But five months ago Rookwood House was knocked down as part of a sweeping regeneration project. Locals say Hellbanianz has moved operations north, to a prime spot near the Kings Lounge pub. The video for Hood Life, which opens with a drone shot of the Gascoigne estate, has been watched more than 7. Such antics help explain why Albanians are the third largest foreign nationality in UK prisons. The Hood Life video shows gang members surrounding a Met patrol car. It exposes their activities. On Longridge Road in Barking, home to its Albanian restaurants, some scowl when the gang or names of prominent members are mentioned. Others deny its existence. Another repercussion of the Albanian model has, say some, helped fuel knife crime and drug disputes by making cocaine affordable to smaller, younger street gangs. A recent report by the London borough of Waltham Forest said gangs were moving from postcode rivalries to commercial enterprises focused on dealing cocaine. Last Tuesday, year-old Jayden Moodie was killed in the borough during a targeted attack, though his family say he had no gang involvement. Meanwhile, so long as Mafia Shqiptare keeps delivering their cocaine, recruiting teenagers to the Hellbanianz gangster life has never been easier. Mr Macris, a Greek-Australian gangster, threw himself out of the car in a desperate attempt to flee his attacker, but the gunman pursued him and shot him dead. Some weeks earlier in New York, Sylvester Zottola, an alleged member of the Bonanno crime family, was in his car at a McDonalds drive-through when he too was shot and killed. Greek and American counterparts also blamed Albanians for perpetrating and ordering respectively the killings of Mr Macris and Mr Zottola. The three crimes were among many that point to the growing prominence in the international underworld of ethnic Albanian gangsters. British police have said their activities are primarily responsible for a recent upsurge in human trafficking. Groups of Albanians and Kosovars in Britain are also claimed to have murdered and tortured their way to control of much of the cocaine trade there. By the late s northern Albania especially, where clan loyalties had always been important, had become a violent, lawless place, riven by murderous feuds. Many ethnic Albanian offenders in Europe turned to crime after emigrating. Brutal, ruthless and showy, they are nonetheless much less sophisticated than true mafiosi. There are few signs of their forming alliances with local politicians to safeguard their activities or laundering their profits other than into Balkan real estate. And the very recklessness that makes them so frightening also makes them vulnerable to straightforward policing. Ms Arsovska cites the example from New York of the Rudaj organisation. The others, of Italian origin, remain in business. The Rudaj crew are all in jail. This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline 'Piranhas from Tirana'. Last edited by Carlin; at PM. The boat operator, dressed in orange jumpsuit, shrugs and complies. Two more guys emerge from the hold. Once, finding drugs bound for the rest of the Europe inside the boats trawling the sea was simple — just look for the huge bales of cannabis stashed in the cargo hold. But several years ago, the Albanian authorities launched an aggressive eradication effort in the countryside of the small, poor Balkan state, hoping that destroying the cannabis fields and arresting some of the growers would decrease the power of the traffickers, rid the country of its pariah status, and help ease its entry into the European Union. Instead, it only convinced the traffickers to graduate into a more lucrative and deadly game. And traffickers now use the same networks they established to move vast amounts of bulky cannabis to distribute cocaine from Latin America and heroin from Central Asia via Italy to the rest of Europe. Both US and European law enforcement officials have described Albania as the largest provider of cannabis to the EU, as well as an important transit point for heroin and cocaine. The coast guard officials, who asked that their names not be published during a rare foray out to sea with journalists, say they must be careful. The traffickers are often armed with assault rifles, though they have yet to use them against the coast guard. Last January, it found 1. In recent months, hundreds of kilogrammes of cocaine were discovered hidden in bananas imported from Colombia. More often the drugs slip by. Albanian officials concede that they only intercept 10 per cent of drug shipments in and out of the country. One Western diplomat said the number was more like 5 per cent , leaving traffickers with enough wealth to buy up port authorities from Rotterdam to Izmir. On paper Albania has one of the poorest economies in Europe, with a miserly banking sector tight with credit. On the ground, Albanian cities are undergoing a massive construction boom with gleaming office and residential towers and shopping centres rising, with fancy new retail outlets. Young beefy guys driving around town in late-model Humvees playing Albanian and American gangster rap. When officials refused to comply, he allegedly had little compunction about retaliating. He was under investigation for the murder of a judge in over a property dispute. They amassed vast fortunes, built up ties with Italian and Latin American counterparts, and then, beginning about a year ago, moved in on Mr Haziraj. Over the course of a year, some 23 people connected to the drug trade disappeared, part of what Artan Hoxha, an Albanian investigative journalist, calls increasing competition between rival Albanian drug gangs and networks. Thus far few if any civilians have been caught up in their drug wars. But they are not above menacing those who shine attention on their trade. In December, Mr Hoxha was on a television show displaying images of a suspect meant to be under house arrest on drug charges, but actually going about his business. While discussing the story on air, he received a phone call from an anonymous man. It was a death threat. The increasing violence has also scared some traffickers away from the business. Last summer, one trafficker, Gazmend Merkaj, discovered a remotely detonated bomb attached to his car. Realising he was being targeted for assassination, he turned himself over to the police rather than risk the wrath of his rivals. In jail, he was nearly killed by another prisoner allegedly hired to murder him in a knife attack. On 7 November last year, he was killed in a hail of gunfire on the road between Tirana and Durres. He was 39, and most likely the victim of the same traffickers he and his comrades pushed out of Albania some years ago. But the battle that has begun is over control of the Vlora area, and it has gotten more violent. The s also coincided with rise of organised crime. Gangs looted weapons from armouries in the chaos of a uprising over a failed financial institution. That civil conflict that left 2, people dead and was quelled only with the aid of 7, UN peacekeepers. Over the past few years, Albania has embarked on a massive effort to eradicate cannabis growth, raiding several towns. Lazarat was one such no-go area. In , police moved in and dismantled the drug operations, pushing burning crops and arresting 15 alleged traffickers in three days of gun battles that left at least one person killed. Between and , Albania destroyed 2. Instead of taking chances by cultivating cannabis out in the open, traffickers turned Albania into a narcotics transit hub. Cocaine comes in shipments of bananas and palm oil from Colombia. On 28 February , authorities intercepted kg of cocaine disguised as a banana shipment. The drugs are loaded on high-speed zodiac inflatable boats bound for the Italian coast from Vlora, Durres or even the neighbouring nation of Montenegro. In early December, Italy captured a 15m horsepower boat carrying 1. Traffickers have also taken to the air, with what some officials estimate as between five and 10 small plane loads of drugs heading across the Adriatic to Italy per day, using secret runways scratched out of mountain valleys, according to Mr Gjunkshi. In recent years, much of the cannabis that continues to grow is bundled up and shipped back to Turkey, along the same networks used to bring heroin into the country. Police launched an anti-narcotics task force in , bringing in officials from the various ministries and the intelligence service. Ms Kuko says authorities have identified 41 Albanian-rooted drug networks. One, nicknamed the Bajri gang, had tentacles spreading to the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, and was involved in blackmailing and money-laundering as well as trafficking. But even she complains that their work in hunting down the traffickers often comes to naught, with criminals able to buy their way out of jail. Prosecutors wanted his head. He remains under house arrest pending trial. While the government denies it, experts say the traffickers have thoroughly infected politics and commerce, at the deepest levels. Scores of high-level Albanian officials -- from mayors to ministers -- have been implicated in the drug trade, and perhaps enable it. To give one example of possible collusion between traffickers and officials, a network of Lockheed-Martin radar has sensors been installed all along the coast. In theory it should help officials detect any seacraft longer than 3. But in practice, 15m boats loaded with narcotics keep showing up in Italy. Once a barren security zone around the palace of former Communist dictator Enver Hoxha, it has over the past few years sprouted into a trendy, upmarket warren of pricey condos, retail outlets and eateries. It comes with power. This is a sort of a shortcut to really break out of a poverty. Check it out: www. Who supplies the Albanians, I'll give you a clue, their names are acronyms The vote gives off a strong signal that the Dutch Parliament is not impressed with the progress of the Albanian government on dealing with organized crime. It is therefore unlikely that the Dutch government will choose to ignore it. However, it gives off a very strong signal that Dutch Parliament will most likely vote against opening EU accession negotiations with Albania in June, no matter how eloquent the upcoming Progress Report of the European Commission will be. That is the current position of the Netherlands together with a small number of other European countries. The Netherlands asks the EU to reintroduce visas for Albanian citizens The move was prompted by the high levels of crime among Albanian immigrants in the Netherlands, an issue which prompted a vote in the Dutch Parliament to end the visa free regime. It comes at a time when Albania is hoping to make a step forward, not back, in its EU integrations and demands the opening of accession talks. According to the Dutch request, the level of crime perpetrated by Albanian gangs in this country, including drug dealing, prostitution and racketeering, is unacceptable. The Albanians will have North Macedonian passports faster than you can snort a line Originally Posted by Risto the Great. User Name. Remember Me? Page 1 of 2. Thread Tools. Send a private message to Carlin. Find More Posts by Carlin. This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline 'Piranhas from Tirana' Last edited by Carlin; at PM. Send a private message to Risto the Great. Find More Posts by Risto the Great. Send a private message to kompir. Find More Posts by kompir. Send a private message to Gocka. Find More Posts by Gocka. Posting Rules.

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