Buy Cocaine Dominican Republic

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Buy Cocaine Dominican Republic

He was extradited to the US in and is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to drug trafficking crimes in November However, whether this will impact the flow of drugs through the country remains to be seen. One target of the raid, for example, was the northern region of Cibao, where authorities have made regular seizures of cocaine set to be exported, as well as increasing quantities of marijuana shipped from the United States. Despite operations against them in the past, criminal groups in Cibao have remained powerful, maintaining high levels of sophistication and corrupting politicians and security forces, according to Daniel Pou, a Dominican security expert. But these raids were making a difference, according to Pou, as he claimed previous operations have not targeted criminal groups in Cibao due to their economic and political influence. A series of over raids nationwide in targeted a drug trafficking network that allegedly used lavish proceeds to buy various properties and fund campaigns for legislators. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime news and stay up-to-date on major events, trends, and criminal dynamics from across the region. Donate today to empower research and analysis about organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean, from the ground up. Skip to content. Stay Informed With InSight Crime Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime news and stay up-to-date on major events, trends, and criminal dynamics from across the region.

The Dominican Republic: The Caribbean’s Cocaine Hub

Buy Cocaine Dominican Republic

The managers at Caucedo Multimodal are proud of their international connections. Running the biggest port in the Dominican Republic, located just east of the capital, Santo Domingo, is busy work. Read the full investigation here. Transnational entrepreneurs have taken note of this promise. As have transnational drug traffickers. This year has marked a serious uptick in cocaine seizures. Just over 7. In the largest haul that month, just under 1. This was not business as usual. Caucedo is by far the single biggest point of cocaine confiscation in the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, shipments seized out at sea or on uninhabited beaches where cocaine is brought ashore are usually on their way to Caucedo, to be temporarily stashed or to be moved on again in another container ship. Colombia and Venezuela are only about a thousand miles 1, kilometers away. The crews, so-called transportistas , are often a mix of Dominicans , Venezuelans , and Colombians. In some cases, authorities tipped off to arriving boats end up confronting traffickers in forested areas or communities close to shore, suggesting the traffickers are quick to move off the open beaches. The report details how authorities have traced the journey of specific drug packages through the Dominican Republic by tracking the distinctive stamps traffickers use to identify the multiple drug bundles within large shipments. In one case, authorities were able to connect two parts of a single shipment, separated after a partial seizure at sea, by matching the stamps at a later date. They realized that the unintercepted part of the shipment had been smuggled into the port on the very same day. The vast majority of cocaine moving through the Dominican Republic is bound for the growing European market , where DNCD intelligence helped various governments seize 6 tons of the drug last year. The container was in transit from Guatemala to Belgium, a fact that authorities said complicated their investigation. Trucks have recently been used to move cocaine within the port. One attempt to do so in March of this year ended in gunfire when anti-narcotics authorities surprised a group of Caucedo port employees and truckers in the process of moving cocaine from a container onto a truck. Realizing they had been caught, the criminals shot at authorities and fled to nearby woods. Later, traffickers reintroduce the cocaine to the port inside the modified containers with the help of complicit truck drivers. Caucedo port authorities admit that drugs get through and shipments are contaminated in spite of strong security measures. For example, criminals have made rapid advances in cloning the single-use, heavy-duty seals that secure containers before they embark on each leg of their journey. Cloning a seal requires that drug traffickers have access to shipping documents and then gain access to the containers themselves. These steps almost always require the assistance of a corrupt port employee. In January , five Caucedo employees were arrested after authorities found kilograms of cocaine hidden in the bottom of a container loaded with cacao destined for France. Experts who spoke to InSight Crime confirmed that Caucedo is highly vulnerable to staff corruption, amid other security challenges. How vulnerable are they? And while initiatives to raise public security force salaries are gaining momentum, low pay remains a glaring vulnerability. To win that renown, it must handle more containers more quickly. But like other global ports, Caucedo cannot afford to scan every container passing through its docks. Stopping containers is not seen as a good thing. In response, a spokesperson for Caucedo said the port has maintained high-security standards and has worked with authorities to prevent illegal activities, but declined to discuss specifics, citing security and reputational concerns. But like almost every other port in the world, authorities there are being outsmarted by the cunning of criminal networks. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime news and stay up-to-date on major events, trends, and criminal dynamics from across the region. Donate today to empower research and analysis about organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean, from the ground up. Skip to content. Stay Informed With InSight Crime Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime news and stay up-to-date on major events, trends, and criminal dynamics from across the region.

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