Butt Plugged

Butt Plugged


Butt Plugged
Last Updated on April 29, 2021 by Kelly
The question of whether or not to wear a butt plug in public is a difficult one. 
You can’t deny it’s sexy as hell. But, what if someone sees it and makes assumptions about your relationship?
If you’ve been toying around with the idea of wearing a butt plug in public, you probably have millions of questions and concerns clouding your head. 
Here’s the thing: You’ll never know the thrill until you try. 
So, as you try to edge your boundaries cautiously, this article will help you loosen up – in more ways than one
The short answer to this probing question is yes; you absolutely can wear a butt plug in public. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that many people already do it.
But here’s the thing: No one will know that you are wearing a butt plug even if it takes a while to get used to it. 
However, there’s a huge difference between wearing a butt plug in the comfort of your home and wearing one in public. 
Therefore, the question then boils down to whether or not you’re ready to wear a butt plug in public. 
Obviously, this depends on how used you are to the sensation. Moreover, you need to be able to perform some basic tasks while wearing a butt plug.
So, before you take the toys from your bedroom to the streets, try training yourself at home first.
For example, wear the plug inside the house while you’re cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, or lounging around. 
This will help you develop muscle memory to ensure that certain movements don’t make you uncomfortable or cause the plug to slip out.
Wearing a butt plug outside your house can be as challenging as it can be fun. So why do it anyway? 
People typically use anal plugs as preparation for anal sex. 
Anal penetration is much trickier than vaginal penetration; the muscles are tighter, and there is no natural lubrication. 
So, diving headfirst into anal sex without any preparation can be painful, awkward, and unenjoyable for anyone involved. 
The toys help loosen up your anal muscles. This gets you nice and comfortable with the otherwise unfamiliar feeling of something entering through your backdoor.
However, training your anal muscles this way can take a long time. Unfortunately, you can’t expect to loosen up in just one session. 
To help speed up the process, you can wear an anal plug for a longer period of time as you go about your day.
Eventually, your ass will become more welcoming to a penis, strap-ons, and even more intense anal toys!
If you are someone that enjoys the occasional show-off, strutting around in public with a plug up your ass can be extremely exhilarating. 
Of course, the point is not to purposely show off your butt plug to every passing stranger. Rather, the very prospect of potentially getting caught is enough to take you to the edge. 
Additionally, you don’t need a sexual partner to partake in this risque activity.
It can be difficult to find someone who is on the same sexual wavelength as you–unless they’re into that sort of thing!
So, wearing a butt plug out in public is a great way to stimulate and satisfy yourself without the help of another person. 
Did you know that anal stimulation can elicit one of the strongest orgasms you’ll ever experience?
Even if you’re not able to achieve the big O through anal stimulation, the sensation alone can still leave you feeling weak in the knees. 
This is because the anus is packed with highly sensitive nerves, most of which connect to other sensual organs such as the clitoris. 
As such, wearing a butt plug for prolonged periods of time can help you stimulate yourself throughout the day. 
Once you get familiar with the feeling, you may even forget you are wearing a plug. 
But every so often, a particular movement can trigger waves of pleasure and leave you quivering with excitement – reminding you that you’re completely stuffed!
Running errands can quickly become mundane and monotonous. However, you can easily spice up your trip to the grocery store or dry cleaners’ with the help of a sex toy. 
Even if you’re someone who loves doing these things daily, you can always make it more pleasurable by using a sex toy. After all, there’s no such thing as too much pleasure. 
Luckily, butt plugs are more discreet than other sex toys – even the ones that vibrate. 
So, if you’re dreading your weekly grocery run or waiting hours in line at the bank, the promise of pleasure is more than enough to get you off your ass – no pun intended.
If you’ve been restricting yourself to anal pleasure only, the frustration can start to build up quickly. 
After all, your body is naturally wired to want some vaginal or clitoral stimulation, so it can be challenging to keep your hands to yourself. 
So, wearing an anal plug for prolonged periods can help remind you that all that suffering has a massive payoff. 
Additionally, the constant sensation of having something wedged inside your ass is a good distraction from the emptiness you might be feeling somewhere else.
It might seem counterintuitive at first, but wearing a small butt plug can actually help you alleviate any lingering soreness in your butt. 
Think about it this way: when your muscles hurt, pressing or massaging them feels extremely soothing. It’s painful but in a good way. 
Similarly, if you’re recovering from a night of anal plowing, going about your day can be challenging.
Luckily, wearing a small butt plug can help soothe some of that inflammation and help you function better. 
Butt plugs come in many shapes and sizes, and the kind of butt plug you wear in public can really make or break your experience. 
One of the worst things that can happen during your little anal adventure is that the toy plops out. Not only can that be embarrassing, but it will be extremely difficult to insert the plug back. 
To avoid this mortifying experience, you’ll want to make sure that you use a butt plug that remains secure inside you.
There are a few ways you can ensure this: 
The best choice of butt plugs to wear in public is one that is tapered or narrow from the top and bottom. Even if you choose to wear a tail, the actual part of the plug that is inside you must be tapered.
The cinched ends will help your anal muscles to snug the toy, making sure that it doesn’t push itself out. 
It also helps if the butt plug has a spiraled neck – like a ringed light bulb. The rings not only gathers the lube but also ensures that the plug stays put. 
Discreetness may be your number one goal when you’re wearing a butt plug in public, but not at the expense of your satisfaction.
For this reason, investing in a smart butt plug means investing in your pleasure. 
Instead of having to manually adjust your toy out in public – which can be awkward and difficult – a smart butt plug lets you control the toy’s settings through your smartphone. 
Not only is this super convenient, but it’s discreet, too! Additionally, multiple people can control the toy at once, and from any distance. 
This way, you can hand over control to your partner(s) and be at the complete mercy of their whims – that too in public!
Silicone, glass, and metals are among the most popular material choices for butt plugs. However, metal plugs are the best choice for public use. 
Unlike their silicone counterparts, metal butt plugs are compatible with all types of lubes. Additionally, metal is naturally heavier which will help you feel fuller. 
The intense sensation can compensate for the lack of vibrations if you choose to go that route. 
Wearing a butt plug at work is a little more challenging than wearing it in a less professional setting. But hey, half the fun is in the challenge! The only thing you need to be wary of is that sitting down for long can become uncomfortable and even painful. But you can always run to the bathroom and unplug yourself.
You can leave your butt plug in for as long as you’re comfortable – maybe a bit more if you’re feeling dauntless. Of course, this period of time can be different for different people. Some people max out at an hour, while others can last a full day! However, to be on the safe side, you shouldn’t leave your butt plug in for longer than 6 hours at a time. After the six-hour mark, you should give your anal muscles a little break and resume later. 
Wearing a butt plug for a full day is an ambitious and commendable commitment. However, it isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do- even if you’re a pro. That being said, there are some things you can do to make the process a whole lot more enjoyable and pleasurable: Carry a bottle of lube with you. If you’re aiming for a full day of buttplug fun, you’ll need to re-lubricate the toy every now and again. This helps ensure that you don’t strain your muscles too much. Style your wardrobe according to the plug. If you want to keep your toy completely hidden, then try wearing a dress or something that covers your rear completely. You can even wear yoga pants! On the other hand, wear shorter dresses if you want to be a little more mischievous. For example, there’s no point in wearing a tail plug if you can’t show it off! Don’t push it. If you feel pain or discomfort, take the butt plug out immediately. Always have an exit strategy. Don’t go out if you know you won’t have access to the bathroom at all. 
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Thoughts I Had While Wearing a Butt Plug for the First Time For anyone who’s curious about what a butt plug feels like for the first time.
Thoughts I Had While Wearing a Butt Plug for the First Time
Thoughts I Had While Wearing a Butt Plug for the First Time
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Butt plugs may not sound glamorous to some.
My ass is on my brain because my lover has requested I arrive to his place with the butt plug he purchased for me already inside me. I don’t mind the request, it’s kind of our thing. He’s the dom, I’m the sub. But this is much different than the “garter belt and heels” requests of the past. Not only that, I have to be there at six, which means I have exactly 10 minutes to get to his place if I want to stay on schedule.
I have no idea how to actually put a butt plug on (in?). I’m running out of time and who knows how long it takes to watch a freakin’ butt plug tutorial. Come to think of it, who knows where to even find a butt plug tutorial?! I know I could Google it but, ugh, do I really want to see the results of ‘Quickest way to put on a butt plug’? 
Oh wait! This thing comes with instructions! Beautiful, beautiful, search history-less instructions in seven languages (Did you know “butt plug” in Dutch is “butt plug”?)! Okay, something about a 45 degree angle (Geometry?!) and using lube. “I have lube!” I shout to no one. ‍
I stick my finger ever so slightly in my asshole and immediately start having flashbacks. Not “finger in butt” flashbacks, but flashbacks of my, yes, more than one trip to the gynecologist with tampons stuck inside me. I know this is a different hole, a different time. But still, I worry. 
Wow. It’s in! That was easier than expected. I’m still breathing, and hey! I can walk! And kick! I’m like a kinky Sally O’Malley ! 
Uh-oh. I forgot to walk the dog. Shit. No. Don’t say that word! Darn. If I walk the dog, I will officially be running (waddling?) late. He’s giving me the eyes, poor thing. I have to.
Thank God, all he had to do was pee real quick. My sweet angel pup gets me and my tardy ass. I reward him with treats. 
When I signed the lease to my apartment, I felt blessed with a .2 mile walk to the subway. But suddenly these four minutes walking to the train feel like a hike. It’s not that I physically feel the butt plug inside me but mentally it is screaming. I remember to relax my face.
Okay. I’m officially on the train. Whew! Although, do I sit? Stand? I’ll sit. Slowly. 
I’m holding a magazine although I haven’t read a word for three stops. I wish I paid more attention in the dozen yoga classes I’ve been to. Knowing how to properly breathe would be good right about now. Is it through the nose out the mouth or the other way around? 
I feel like I’ve been sitting too long. I sit up straighter. Even though my lover can’t see me, I pretend he’s watching. I think I’m smiling too much. Reign it in, Carolyn. Nothing to see here, people. Just your average Sunday evening commuter...who is starting to feel warm. No, hot . How can you tell the difference between summer heat or butt plug heat? Shit. No! Darn! What if it’s like some sort of butt-Toxic-Shock-Syndrome-thing? The weather app says it’s 86 degrees out. Summer heat. 
We’re off the train. We’re off the train. Butt plug and I are apparently a unit now. We’re connected, we’re attached, we’re...about to fart. Is that allowed? Of all the days to drink a pot of coffee and eat broccoli. Always self-sabotaging, Carolyn! No, stop! I can’t be negative. Negative is... clenchy. Positive thoughts only. Note to future self: Next time, I’m asking for a full, 12-hour notice before butt plug requests.
The walk from the train to his apartment is usually my favorite part of the night. It’s just long enough to listen to a sexy song so I arrive wet and aroused. But I’m deciding against my usual routine tonight because it just hit me that I’m wearing a dress with no underwear. If I’m too wet, will it slip out? I should probably have a game plan if it does. What if it falls out as I’m crossing the street? I guess I’d pick it up, right? No, no, better idea. Kick it. Yes! That’s what I’d do. Leave the butt plug, save yourself. 
Green light. Time to walk. One two. One two. If the butt plug falls, kick with your shoe . Hey! It rhymes!
I’m finally at his building. The desk attendant is looking at me funny. I look down expecting to see the butt plug at my ankles but it’s still snug. 
My first elevator ride wearing a butt plug! I almost take a selfie. Come on. Live in the moment! 
Before heading to his door, I check the mirror in the lobby. Ah. Just the perfect amount of perspiration on my face. I do a spin. Mainly because I’m finally able to relax, but also to air out the stress of my walk. I let out a sigh even a yogi would be proud of. I knock, let out a laugh and wait.
The door opens. “You’re in trouble.” he says. I’m late. I feign my regrets as he feigns his anger. We’re both good at our roles. He turns me around and lifts my dress ready to “punish” me when…aha! He sees it.
I may be late, but I obeyed his request by wearing the butt plug. He is pleased and I once again feel like a good girl. Time to play.
My first butt plug commute may not have had me thermometer breaking, mercury blasting, bombs exploding turned on, but it certainly had its payoffs. Once I was able to relax, the sensation of being “filled” felt good. It was like wearing an outfit that made me feel good, made me feel sexy. No mirror or external validation necessary. I may have been wearing the butt plug to serve someone else’s kink, but it became my kink as well. It’s important to understand the kinks that work for you. And if you plan on experimenting with butt plugs, find the size that works for you too. I’m glad I started with a beginner BP. Frankly, I’m glad I started with one at all. My ass was something I avoided simply because of location. Sexy on the outside but exploring the inside felt like a step I wasn’t ready for until I was. I’m glad I did what felt right, when it felt right. ‍
Carolyn Busa is a writer/comedian living in Brooklyn, NY. Her goal is to make you laugh and make you blush. Read her blog www.mysexproject.com or follow her on Twitter and Instagram @misstoiletslave.

What It Was Really Like to Try a Butt Plug for the First Time
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I’m a 25-year-old sex and wellness writer with a hearty (nay, adventurous) collection of sex toys, and yet I’ve never been able to make myself orgasm . I’ve masturbated with my hand, the cult-favorite Magic Wand , a crystal dildo, the clit-stimulating Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration , a G-spot vibrator (or four), and while watching porn and reading erotica . But while I’m able to make myself feel good, I’ve never been able to take myself to the O-zone.
You’re probably wondering if I’ve ever orgasmed with a partner. I have. My first orgasm ever happened a few months ago during vaginal penetration with my partner of 18 months. And it happened a handful of times after that initial, um, release.
But now that I’m single again, I’m about as O-free as, well, a Disney movie. Honestly, I assumed that after orgasming with my partner, I’d be able to get there again on my own, but still nope.
My lifelong, not-a-medical-professional hypothesis for why I have a hard time coming is that in high school before I was sexually active I was on anti-anxiety medication for few months—meds that have a rep for messing with libido and sexual function . So when Alicia Sinclair, sex educator and CEO of b-Vibe , told me, “Women often report that their ability to enjoy anal sex and climax through anal stimulation is less affected by medication,” I decided to bring a second hole into my solo-time.
Without getting into too much detail, I’d played with my partner's butt (shoutout to Lelo’s Hugo prostate massager ), but beyond a lick and flick here and there, my butt never attended the party. Sinclair convinced me to get the party started.
While I have dildos in every shape and color (including rainbow !), Sinclair informed me that when it comes to butt play, you want to find something with a flared base. “Unlike your vagina, which stops at your cervix, your anus keeps going all the way into your digestive system, which is why you want a structure that keeps the plug from getting lost inside you.” Yikes.
Also, at risk of sounding like a size queen, all of my dildos are longer than five inches, which TBH intimidated the eff out of my peach.
I decided now wasn’t a time to be stingy. While I usually prefer sex toys made of glass or steel because I like the heft, Sinclair says silicone products are better for newbies, so I bought an “ anal training kit ” complete with three silicone butt plugs at increasing sizes (three, four, and five inches) and also a vibrating butt plug made of silicone (because I’m an overachiever).
Then, I stocked up on more of my favorite silicone-based lube . Why lube and why silicone-based? Not to over-hype it, but in my experience lube can take your sex life from a Charlotte to a Samantha in 10 seconds flat—or however long it takes to dig through your night table and flip open the top of the bottle.
Plus, your butt simply doesn't self-lubricate. “It’s imperative that you have some lube on hand to facilitate a smooth experience," says clinical sexologist Megan Stubbs . "I would recommend applying lubricant to both the toy and to your anus."
I decided a silicone-based lube would be best because Sinclair suggested that the first time I use the butt plug I do it in the shower, and I know from ~experience~ that water-based lube washes off in the shower, while a silicone-based lube has more staying power.
While Sinclair said I didn’t need to worry about making
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