Butt Plug Spanking Stories

Butt Plug Spanking Stories


Butt Plug Spanking Stories
 Spanking Blog : Adult Erotic Spanking At Its Best
"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."


The fantasy of being spanked and paddled while wearing a butt plug crops up repeatedly in the more explicitly-erotic examples of Sharon Green’s fiction. Here’s an example from the book Closed In Chains :

“Put yourself face down across my lap and then relax your muscles.”
“Certainly, my master,” Tain said at once as she did as she’d been told. “Is this right, my master?”
“Exactly right,” he approved, and Tain could now hear his smile. “Keep your hands right where they are and don’t try to resist what’s being done.”
For a moment Tain didn’t understand what he meant, but then the back panel of her skirt was lifted out of the way and his hands were at her bottom. The next moment her eyes went really wide and she couldn’t keep from squirming in protest. “Oh, that feels terrible!” she exclaimed, wishing she could reach back and remove what had been put inside her. “Please take it out again, my master, please!”
“But putting that in you will increase my pleasure later when I use you,” he said, his hand now stroking her bottom and making her feel worse. “Your asking me to take it out again means you’re trying to deny me pleasure, not to mention that you’re also trying to be disobedient. I’m afraid either of those things would call for punishment, and both together certainly do. Stand up and fetch me the paddle from that table.”
Tain didn’t hesitate to obey him about standing up, but she couldn’t keep from squeaking as she moved slowly to obey his orders. What he’d put inside her made her feel terrible, but even worse was the punishment she was about to get. She certainly didn’t want to be paddled, but there was no way to stop it from happening. Oh, why hadn’t she been a good slave and kept silent?
“I’m sorry, my master, I really am,” Tain said when she finally got back to him clutching the paddle. “I want to be the best slave there is, so I promise that I’ll never do those things again.”
“I’m sure you won’t do those things again,” he said as he took the paddle out of her hands. “But in order to be absolutely certain I’m going to give you a very good reason to remember your resolve. Put yourself back across my knees, keep your hands out of the way, and don’t let yourself make a lot of noise.”
Tain couldn’t move as quickly as she might have wanted to, but it was still much too soon before she was face down again. She felt the skirt panel being moved aside a second time, felt the hand that stroked her bottom gently, and then she nearly choked trying not to cry out. Not only was that paddle hard when it struck her bottom, but the stroke was even worse with whatever had been put inside her. She mewled when the second stroke added more of an ache and more agitation, wishing she could protect herself with her hands, wishing she could keep from squirming.
The third smack was followed by the fourth and fifth, each stroke slow enough to let the previous one turn into a flaming ache before the next one landed. Tain bounced and kicked as the throb in her bottom grew higher and higher, finding it impossible to stop the soft whining coming from her throat. The paddling hurt even more than she’d thought it would, and on top of that she was being turned frantic by whatever had been put in her.
She also cringed on the inside waiting for the next smack, but a knock at the door came first. “Come in,” her master said at once, something Tain hadn’t expected him to do. Heavy embarrassment made her want to jump to her feet, but of course doing something like that was impossible.
“This is a drink and a snack from the meal that was ordered, master,” an amused female voice said once the door had been opened. “I’ll bring the rest as soon as it’s ready, which shouldn’t be much longer.”
“Put it down on the table over there,” her master directed, probably pointing to the table he meant. I’ll help myself as soon as I’m done with this chore.”
“Certainly, master,” the female said as Tain heard her moving, and then she was able to see the other slave out of the corner of her eye. Even that tiny glance showed the other slave fighting not to laugh out loud, but before Tain could feel more than a little outraged the paddling was continued. The need to howl turned into mewling as Tain jumped and bounced and kicked and squirmed, but even the smack of the paddle didn’t completely erase her awareness of how slowly the other slave was leaving the room.

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Kinky sex over sixty, mature man enjoys older woman. Sissy Adam trained to accept nectar. Past butt plug pearls pussy lips punishment. Professor helps airport security inspect her intimate parts. Deciding to go drag one last time he wants his man! and other exciting erotic stories at Literotica.com!
Spanking , With Butt Plug . Here's an account of a butt plug used to help a young lady maintain focus, so she won't enjoy her punishment spanking too much: After twenty spanks at a moderate pace, my buttocks were feeling prickly. Rick. has a strong hand and it doesn't take much to get my bottom burning when he's.
The fantasy of being spanked and paddled while wearing a butt plug crops up repeatedly in the more explicitly-erotic examples of Sharon Green's fiction. Here's an example from the book Closed In Chains: "Put yourself face down across my lap and then relax your muscles." "Certainly, my master," Tain said at once as she did as she'd been told.
The first I will take from your three. You will wear a butt plug all day. You are allowed to take it out for 5 mins every hour when you think you need to, and for going to the toilet. You will spend at least 2hours in town or outside the house where there are people, ideally longer. You will also speak to at least two different people while you ...
Writer Rachel Kramer Bussel is the editor of over 40 anthologies, including Cheeky Spanking Stories and Anything for You: Erotica for Kinky Couples. She teaches erotic writing workshops and writes widely about sex, dating, books and pop culture. ... 5 thoughts on " "A Birthday Butt Plug " Anal Erotica Story " Karla. October 19, 2018 at ...
a good spanking argue arguing bare bare bottom bedtime begged begging big meanie boot camp bottom burning butt plug butterflies CDD cheek chores Christian Domestic Discipline clean my room conspiracy theorists control corner corner time cry crying daddy DD did you learn your lesson discipline disciplined domestic discipline embarassed ...
An excellent story Morganna. Although I was not an active member of the website I recall reading many fine stories that were posted there in the early 2000's. One of the authors who frequented Our House and a spanking site I spent a good deal of time at is someone I will never forget. Unfortunately, I lost touch with the lass about 14 years ago.
After a few moments, you pull your cock out of my ass, but leave me in the same position. "Now, I believe I owe you a punishment for taking too long to insert the plug in the bathroom." You tie a blindfold around my eyes and your hand strokes over my arse a few times before you begin spanking me. I enjoy each sting and push up my hips, inviting ...
Then came the official start of her punishment, the rapid and steady strokes of the strap directly on her asshole. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. After every twenty strokes or so, he would stop to prove the hole, causing her to squeal and buck under his hand. The strapping stopped only when he felt her asshole swell to a tight plumpness ...
He works the plug in about and inch and then lets her push it back out. She screeches as she feels the plug begin the initial stretching, bucking her hips in protest then screeching again as the movement sets the weights attached to her nipples swinging. Again he pushes the plug inA-r-r-r-g-g-g-h-h, og g-god, p-p-pleeeease!
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“A Birthday Butt Plug” Anal Erotica Story

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Callie’s birthday gifts started with the panties, lacy, see-through black ones. She’d torn open the small package and smiled at Toby. “Put them on, baby,” he said as he brushed the red tissue paper off the bed. He resisted reaching for his wife as she stood over him, shimmied out of her dress, pressed her hand on his shoulder for support and stepped into the panties. He loved her ass, but he loved it even more now—and they weren’t even done with the birthday gifts.
“And now this,” he said, handing her a small box whose contents he’d made sure she couldn’t guess. She leaned in to kiss him, then began to undo the red ribbon. He took the opportunity to slide his hand down her bare back and rest it inside the waistband of the panties.
Callie got the box open and pulled out the red toy, shaped with one bulbous end and a flat base . She held it, then turned to him. “Is this what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s a butt plug, then you’re right,” he said, then paused. Her smile wasn’t quite so big anymore, and the truth was, he was curious about it too. “I got you a beginner’s size ; there were bigger ones too. I thought we could try it, and if you don’t like it, we can stop. But baby, I have a feeling you’re going to like it.” He did, and not just because he wanted to see it nestled between her cheeks.
The other day, when he’d had her on her hands and knees, his face buried in her pussy from behind, he’d held onto her ass, massaging it, wanting to taste her there. He’d paused for air and felt himself get hard at the prospect of sliding his cock into her sweet, small hole. He’d buried his face back inside her, his tongue going wild with abandon as he pictured just how excited Callie might get if he touched her there. He’d wanted to, but he’d gotten nervous. She was an incredible lover, eager and responsive, coming up with as many new positions and ideas as he did, but anal play hadn’t come up in their six months together, and he didn’t want to just start in on it if it might make her uncomfortable.
Toby pulled Callie close and kissed her hard, easing the toy out of her hands. He kissed her until she had to pull back for a breath, but when she tried to get on her back and pull him on top of her, he shook his head. “Later. Later I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to scream. But first I want to get you ready. You’ll like it, and if you don’t, just tell me stop and I’ll give you my cock, okay?” Callie smiled, but he knew it was her “yeah, sure, whatever you want, honey” smile, not one that said she was dying to be fucked in the ass. They’d never really talked about whether they’d tried it before and, if so, how it went. He had, and liked it, but the two women he’d tried it with had only shown half-hearted interest. This time, he was prepared. He’d even played with himself a little in the shower, to see what it felt like, and gotten a shock at how much he enjoyed that kind of stimulation.
He rolled Callie onto her stomach and shifted her so she was on her knees, her cute butt thrust into the air. As gorgeous as her curves looked in the panties, he had to pull them down, but settled them around her thighs. This was also his favorite position for eating her pussy, which he hoped to do later that night. But first things first. He kissed each asscheek, then gently squeezed them. He loved the feel of her butt in his hands, how round it was, how plump yet firm at the same time. He loved knowing how much heat was right there below, waiting to be unleashed. He held her cheeks apart enough to look at her properly, and blew gently. She squirmed, and he leaned down and licked her.
His first swipe of his tongue was tender and tentative, getting a feel for her. He tightened his grip on her cheeks and licked again, amazed at how sensitive she was. He could feel her respond, and he pushed a little deeper. She was tight there, but not so tight he couldn’t get inside. He twisted his tongue enough to push in and out, and when he paused for a moment to survey her, Callie said, “More. Keep going, baby.” She he did, finding that just as he couldn’t get enough of her pussy when he was down there—or the way she pressed back against him eagerly—feasting on his girlfriend’s ass was equally as wonderful. He didn’t know how long it went on, only that when he stopped and brought his hand to her pussy, she was dripping wet. “I want to try it,” Callie said breathlessly, in a rush, as she turned her head, before he could even mention the plug. “I want to feel it there. I had no idea; your tongue felt so good.”
He smiled, unable to speak just then. She grabbed another pillow for under her head, deftly slid off her panties , and shifted so her ass was even higher in the air. Toby reached for the bottle of lube in their bedside drawer, and poured some onto his fingers. He’d checked at the store that this kind would work for anal sex. He drizzled a little onto her crack, then added a bit more to make sure, before starting with his pinky. He circled her hole with his finger, pressing gently, until Callie again had to urge him on. He pushed just a little, and then was inside her. Callie’s own muscles pulled him deeper, and he watched as he played with her, pushing his finger as deep as it would go at her command.
Soon that wasn’t enough, and he eased it out and used his index finger. Touching Callie there had made him unbearably hard. He didn’t want to rush her, but he couldn’t wait to be inside her. Her anal walls clung to his finger, making him sure it would feel amazing if he could press his cock right there too. When he was done with his index finger, he tried his thumb, giving Callie a light swat on her butt cheek as he did. He wanted to ask if she was ready for the plug, but she’d already told him she was, so he pulled out. “Stay right there,” he said, and hastily went to the bathroom to wash his hands. In moments, he was back, adding lube to the toy then coating it with his fingers. “Hold yourself open for me, Cal,” he instructed, both for the assistance and because he wanted to see her try it. Seeing her red fingernails digging into her own butt, spreading herself wide, made him groan. “You’re so beautiful, baby. I’m going to put this in now.”
Toby again went slowly, pressing the head of the toy against her anus and gently pushing. With Callie holding herself wide, clearly relaxed and hungry for it, Toby didn’t have to wait long before the plug was all the way inside her , its base settling between her cheeks. He took her hands and raised them above her head, sliding down next to her to kiss her.
“Amazing.” She sounded surprised at how good it felt. “Intense. But I want you too.”
Toby guided her hand to his extremely hard cock. “You’re going to have me, right now” He reached for a condom, got it out and onto his erection in seconds, then pulled her on top of him. Callie took over from there, guiding Toby inside her. He loved seeing her with her curls dangling down over him, her breasts bouncing, as if daring him to pull her close and suck on them, and her tight wet heat encasing his dick. Callie started to ride him. Normally he’d tell her to slow down, but he couldn’t this time. He watched as she thrust her head back, her nipples pointing upward as she savored every inch of him. Callie was especially energetic as she rubbed her clit, and he could tell she was extremely wet. He was torn between watching her and closing his eyes, which he eventually did. When she flung herself down so their bodies were pressed together, then whispered, “Don’t come; I want your cock in my ass,” he almost lost it.
“Yes, right now.” She was still touching her clit and she started to shudder, her breaths against his neck hot and heavy. He wasn’t going to deny her—or himself.
He waited for her to come, using every ounce of effort not to explode too soon. She slid off of him, making sure the condom stayed in place, and got on all fours, back into position, spreading herself wide. He hadn’t expected things to move quite this quickly. “Steady now,” Toby said quietly as he started to ease the toy out. Callie gasped and made a few garbled noises as he slowly removed the plug, meeting a little resistance. When it was fully out, she let go, and he placed the toy base end up on the nightstand.
“You tell me if it’s too much baby,” he said, adding lube to himself and rubbing a little more against her. He climbed into position and held himself in place, watching as the head of his cock pressed against her perfect hole. Once the head was in, the rest was easy. He went very slowly, amazed at the sensation.
“I want it all,” she said, shifting her body so he knew she was going to touch her clit again. That prompted him to slide fully all the way in, savoring every second of being trapped so snugly there. It wasn’t better necessarily than sinking in to the hilt into her pussy, or having her wrap her lips around him, just different, and all the more amazing because she was giving herself to him in a way he knew she never had with anyone. Soon they’d developed a rhythm, with Callie breathing deeply, grunting, thrusting back against him as he entered her fully. It was like he’d unlocked a hidden side of her, one neither of them had quite expected. “I’m going to come soon,” he said, even though part of him never wanted to stop.
“I’m ready, I want to feel it,” she said, shifting again and tightening around him. He could picture her with a vibrator pressed against her clit, or maybe working one inside her, letting its vibrations reach him too. He pictured her doing to him what he’d done to her earlier, teasing her tongue and then the toy into him, and that’s what did it, making Toby come hard inside her. He rested against her back for a few moments before sliding himself out. After he’d cleaned himself and the plug up, her returned to the bedroom, smiling at the look on Callie’s face and her discarded black lace panties on the floor.
He pulled her close and stared deep into her blue eyes, awed, as always, by how gorgeous she was, and how good a pair they were. “Best. Birthday. Ever,” she pronounced, and curled up onto her side of the bed. “I wonder what we’ll do for yours next week.” Toby smiled, already looking forward to it.*
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Writer Rachel Kramer Bussel is the editor of over 40 anthologies, including Cheeky Spanking Stories and Anything for You: Erotica for Kinky Couples. She teaches erotic writing workshops and writes widely about sex, dating, books and pop culture.
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