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Busty Stories

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High quality breast expansion tales
We are all about stories featuring breast expansion, or BE – a fetish where breasts get bigger. And bigger. And bigger .
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Hello all, Trilon here. Just wanted to give a quick apology for the delayed content these past few weeks. My life has taken a[...]
Doorframes were Paris’ new obsession. Her giant fake tits (10,000ccs!) were just too wide to fit through most comfortably, so she often had to[...]
It was his computer that gave it away. Paris had been tottering through the living room about to struggle up the stairs, her giant[...]
Paris looked down at her perfect, teardrop shaped, natural breasts, and bade them farewell. They had tried, they had been themselves, they had done[...]
If you were to look at Paris Duvernes, you would think she had everything. You really would. You would see her slim, petite, 5’6[...]
Free taster for Breast Expansion Audio Story #31: Hair Of The Dog, performed by our brilliant voice actor Sheila Morris! Enjoy this free taste of[...]
“Ugh, there’s that disgusting new bar that just opened up,” my mother said as we drove past it. “I mean, just look at it![...]
A sharp rap on the door echoed throughout the entrance hall, emphasizing its hollow emptiness. What once stood as the grand pinnacle of luxury[...]
We all love sprinkles, yes we do! Great on cake, and ice cream too! Different colors, pretty and nice, Try some today; don’t think[...]
“Yes?” Janice asked, her eyes shining, her face looking into Sandra’s, their lips almost touching. Their giant chests (not that they realized) were bulging[...]
Breast Expansion Audio #53: "Mad Doctor", performed by Midnight Datura. A crazed doctor has finished working on her super strength serum, and she's finally[...]
By the time Sandra got up from her chair, her breasts had ballooned to the size of large melons, her shirt absolutely stuffed. It[...]
Do you have a specific fantasy involving breast expansion, ass expansion, giantess and more?
“ I was not disappointed when I made my request to BEStories.net. After reading “Rising Dough” I couldn’t believe how well the story fit my initial (and brief) description. BEStories.net has done a fantastic job, thanks again! ”
“ Wow! Just read your story and I have to say its fucking fantastic. You really have a great gift for writing and I can’t say thank you enough for creating this ”
“ Just read the story – fantastic job! I always appreciate the thought you obviously put into them, and having one specifically for me is great. Thanks! ”
“ Trilon15 writes in a way that causes you to read faster and faster until you reach the end, highly skilled at accommodating/incorporating different fantasies & fetishes. ”
“ This is beyond my expectations! ”
“ Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal…outstanding stuff! ”
“ Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal…outstanding stuff! ”
As you may know, bestories.net is all about stories featuring breast expansion, or BE – a fetish wherein women’s breasts get bigger. And bigger. And bigger .

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Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

So, all us guys like big breasts (or at least all the ones who entered this thread to read it) and I'm sure at one time or another you saw a girl and went "DAMN" and just stared at a huge pair ot tits bounce their way out of sight. I'm also sure some of us have found a way to bounce those titties back to the bedroom.
So what stories do you have where you encountered breasts so big it was almost too good to be true. And girls who come here, please charm us with your presence, we all love busty babes ;)
For me, I go to yahoo and occasionally get licky and find a busty babe on cam. Largest I found was 16 (my age, im 16.m.wa remember that chicks haha) and she is currently a G cup. I am not lying. However, she thinks shes ugly and doesnt really show, but she is still hot. So what stories have you all got.

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

I've seen girls with tits so big, it's almost sick...
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Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

With me, I dont think a women can be so big its sick, maybe for a girl to date, but it's always sexy.

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

I was titty slapped by Starr Jones. It hurt a bit.

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Who is starr jones? (feel free to post pics)

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

We have a D cup girl on campus who likes to play ping pong at our rec center... *bing bong*

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Wonder when a ball will be lost in her chest eh? lol

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

I don't know, I really don't think this is "sexy".
"As I'm sure you're aware it is full of silhouettes of girls. The one on the M looks like she has a dick, just saiyan." -Shade-

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

Response to
Big Breast stories (girls come too)

Nov 19, 2004

In Ontario (Canada) , It's legal For women to walk around topless, and braless, so That's good, but if you go into canada, don't go to Winnipeg, that is the Murder Capital of Canada
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by T-Romeo90


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It was the Summer of my 18 birthday. Sarah decided to through a party for me. I was up for it. After all she is my best friend. Her mother was going through a divorce and well Sarah was a bit down about it. She thought the party would take her mind off of it. Sarah decided on a pool party. It was set up for this weekend. My heart raced because secretly I liked her mom and seeing her in a bikini would be the highlight of the party. Well I rustled around for some cash. I worked overtime to get the right bikini I would wear. It was rainbow. Fitted my personality real well. After all being a lesbian I have to represent my colors. I was a bit shy though, all these hot women would surround me, but my eyes were on just one. It was Sarah's Mom Jenny. No one would like that idea so I kept pushing it away. She was 38 years old and her I was 18. Sarah was my best friend I couldn't hurt her feelings. I kept thinking about it. If something were to happen how would Sarah handle it? I pushed aside my thoughts for the time being as I paid for my suit and walked out. That's when I ran straight into Jenny.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I've should watched were I was going." I said politely.
"It's no problem AJ. What are you doing up here?" Jenny asked.
"Picking out a suit for the party you?" I asked.
"The same. Would you mind helping me? Sarah's working so she couldn't come." Jenny said.
"Sure!" I said a little bit over excited.
We headed back into the store. I couldn't help but stare. I was caught red handed by the clerk. He coughed and I looked at him. He was shaking his head. I stared at the floor as I followed Jenny to the bikini rack. She handed me a few.
"Here hold this for me." Jenny said.
I looked at each one and noticed that each tied in the back. They were very revealing. I swallowed hard. Damn she would look hot in any of these. I quickly pushed the thought away.
"Follow me. I got to try those on." Jenny said interrupting my thoughts.
I followed her and stopped at the door. I tried to hand the bikinis to her.
"What your not coming in? I could use some help." Jenny smiled.
I fiddled with the bikinis and I thought a bit. I stepped in to give a hand. I turned my back as she began to strip. I knew it wasn't right to look.
"Can you hand me the black bikini first?" Jenny said.
I turned around and did my best not to look. The damn mirrors in there didn't help any. I couldn't help it I had  to stare. Her perky breasts before me. A tattoo above her right breast of a rose with thorns. I tried to shut my eyes. That didn't work to well. I looked down to her belly button ring. I finally got the nerve to turn. She must've notice for the next thing out of her mouth was:
"Why are you blushing?" She said in a soft but yet cool voice.
Caught red handed I didn't know how to responded. I went to reach for the knob to leave but her hand stopped before I could give it a turn. My throat ran dry. Why did she stop me? What does she want? I looked down at the grayish carpet as tears filled my eyes. Her gentle hand touched my chin and pulled me up to look at her. I couldn't speak. I didn't know what to say. I was falling for my best friend's mom. What is wrong with me? I remained silence hoping soon I would be able to go and just cancel the party all together.
"What is the matter? There's nothing to be ashamed of." Jenny spoke in a reassuring tone.
"Your my best friend's mom. Everything about this I should be ashamed of. The moment I meant you my heart fluttered inside. I couldn't explain it but that feeling grew. I tried my hardest to push it away. I couldn't accept the feelings." I frowned. I hated myself for having feelings for my best friend's mom.

I was actually attracted to my sister in law before ever even meeting my wife. She works in my company, but was already married at the time. She's very short at 4 '10, blonde hair, brown eyes....wide hipped but amazing legs and feet. Her skin is always that tan color and they always look so smooth. Her feet are size 6 and toes are on the shorter side, but they are perfect in every way.

I wound up marrying her sister 3 years ago. They show some resemblance but are still very different looking. My relationship with her is very similar to a mother in law. Although she is only 33, she has 4 kids and acts much older than her age. We get along but have never had a friend type of relationship because of her generally serious demeanor. Over the years I've spent many parties, BBQs, etc getting long glimpses of her incredible feet. I got incredibly horny one day when she brought up the subject of her having the nicest feet in the family. She has said it many times since, which is somewhat out of character for her. But I never had any sort of opening to realistically touch them, etc

A few weeks ago my wife mentioned that her sister was going to be sleeping over our house one Friday night soon so they can hang out like they used to before she had kids. I didn't think much of it, since she is always so straight laced. It turned out to be last Friday. She came over at 7ish with two bottles of wine, which was slightly shocking, as I've only seen her drink once, and that was at our wedding. I kept out of their way for the most part and let them do their thing. I was in the living room watching tv around midnight when they found their way onto the couch with me. By this time they were both pretty hammered. My wife was borderline sleeping already. They continued chatting for a few minutes before they both started to become quieter and quieter. My wife fell asleep first and my sister in law made a comment about how she snores and maybe she should go up
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