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Instagram Models Monica Huldt (Swedish Bella) Creates Sexy Content & Stuns Fans Posted on October 2, 2019 October 9, 2020 5 minute read by Anthony
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Ambition, dedication, and beauty are the cornerstones of any successful influencer and model. Born in Poland, raised in Sweden, and ready to take on America, Monica Huldt (aka Swedish Bella) has embraced an entrepreneurial spirit. She’s worked passionately to build her profile on Instagram while living in Los Angeles.
SWAGGER Magazine got a chance to chat with Monica, while vacationing in Mexico and enjoying the sunshine and margaritas. View exclusive photos, and read Swagger Magazine’s interview with this popular Instagram influencer and OnlyFans content creator.
Model Monica Huldt for SWAGGER Magazine, Photography by Edwin Villanueva, Photo Editing by SWAGGER
Known as Swedish Bella on Instagram and Miss Swedish Bella on OnlyFans, Monica Huldt is a self-proclaimed foodie and cat lover, hailing from Sweden. She also happens to be a sharp entrepreneur and one of the most successful models on OnlyFans and Instagram, earning a six-figure salary from her work on OnlyFans alone.
On her Instagram, Monica has over 1.1m followers. She’s always ready to show off her stunning body in smoking hot lingerie, skimpy bikinis, and sometimes even less. Her shots are highly polished, produced in partnership with professional photographers. You’ll find her at the beach, hiking, and in general living the good life—while absolutely flaunting it.
She’s also well known as a content creator on OnlyFans and has been able to turn her work on the platform into a successful full-time job. Her content there is racier than Instagram yet also more down to earth, intimate. For her, though, it’s not just a job. She knows that for many of her subscribers, her content is not the only reason they keep coming back. They want to feel connected and get a boost of self-esteem. She communicates with her subscribers regularly and often gets to know them personally through intimate one-on-one chats and DMs.
Monica has hit it big and built an incredible following while maintaining a focus on authenticity and keeping it real. Here’s the scoop.
Huldt took a risk to uproot her life, moving to America in search of success about five years ago. Monica has a bachelor’s degree in teaching from a university in Sweden but turned towards modelling and business when moving across the ocean.
Monica: “When I moved to America, I realized how important social media is and that you actually can make a really good living of being an influencer on Instagram. So, I started to invest in producing high quality content like photoshoots and paying for promotion on big Instagram pages. It was at that time my career really took off and my following went up. After that, I started to get payed by companies to promote their merch.”
Model Monica Huldt for SWAGGER Magazine, Photography by Edwin Villanueva, Photo Editing by SWAGGER
Of course, she quickly realized the complications that come with showing off one’s body on Instagram, as well as trying to separate yourself in a crowded social media landscape.
Monica: “The platform does create somewhat of a problem for Instagram models and influencers. They tend to remove accounts and take down posts, for sometimes no apparent reason and without warning. So, having more than one account is today a necessity for influencers and models. I have had my account taken down about 4 times now.”
Monica has over 300,000 followers on Instagram , where she posts professional content and candid stories regularly. She also has well as over 68,000 followers on Twitter , where her posts sometimes are much more intimate, as happens with the different posting rules for the two popular sites.
Monica: “I always try to vamp things up and keep it interesting,” she explained. “I also believe in keeping it real and putting my own touch on the content I post. I try not to get to focused on what’s hot right now but more on how I can show my own personality through my posts. Mainstream has never really been my thing. The biggest lesson being big on social media has taught me is that you’re always going to be ‘Too something to someone.’ Too skinny, too curvy, too muscular, too big, or too small. When you put yourself out there, you’re going to get people’s opinions of you thrown in your face. The key is to always keep it real and always be yourself.”
As Monica continues to rise and succeed, she is thankful for those who have supported her. She’s especially grateful for the women in her life and looks to support other women as well.
Monica: “The best tip I can give any new model trying to get into the industry is always stay true to yourself and your vision. It’s easy to get lost and try to be like everyone else or try to copy what someone else is doing. But the best thing is just to be your unique self. Be creative. Just because something works for someone doesn’t mean it will work for you.”
Model Monica Huldt for SWAGGER Magazine, Photography by Edwin Villanueva, Photo Editing by SWAGGER
It’s important for Monica to be honest and be herself. Fans and companies alike are attracted to those who are genuine and have their own style and personality.
Monica: “I only work with companies that I believe in. I don’t want to work with a brand that I feel is ripping people off. Even if some companies and brands will pay good money for posts, I will not work with them If I feel like their products are not good.”
For interested men, unfortunately for you, Monica is happily married and ready to start a family. Of course, you can still enjoy her content until your heart’s full. She does have some advice for single men looking for a partner.
Monica: “For me, it’s all about the chemistry and the vibe. I like a guy that’s confident and dominant, since I have a submissive side and a soft personality. I’m very feminine, and I need a guy that’s very masculine. I like a true gentleman—a guy that opens doors and pulls out your chair. For me, it’s not so much about what a guy has or earns. It’s more about his personality and integrity.”
As for what she notices first in men…
Monica: “The first two things would be his hands and his personality. I love strong and nice hands. It’s a plus if he has tattoos. But most important is his personality and vibe.”
Model Monica Huldt for SWAGGER Magazine, Photography by Edwin Villanueva, Photo Editing by SWAGGER
Monica looks to continue to successfully balance her personal life with her professional career. She enjoys cooking, hiking, and fishing for fun. In her career, she plans to start a YouTube channel soon. Those two sides of her may soon merge, as she wants to have her first child.
Monica: “Time to bring on the hot momma vibe.”
You can find the stunning Monica Huldt (Swedish Bella) at:
Anthony is a generalist, a consumer of all kinds of popular culture and current events, and often of an opinion or two. Always looking for a good story.
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