Business and nothing personal, just business. 

Business and nothing personal, just business. 

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Announcement of material for the upcoming Memorial Day on May 8 🕯 🕯 A minute of silence, a military salvo, sadness on their faces, many wreaths and other attributes of memory.

{ The same machines kept records of those killed in the concentration camps.

The Germans kept statistics on imprisoned Jews. Even the codes that were used to organize the data are: Code 8 - Jews, Code 11 - Gypsies, Code 001 - Auschwitz, Code 001 - Buchenwald and so on.

The book provides truly disgusting details of the way IBM equipment was used in concentration camps. In particular, IBM punch cards were used to catalog the victims: each victim of the regime was referred to as a certain "class" - homosexuals were assigned the third number, Jews - the eighth. Each prisoner received his own specific number assigned to him by IBM computers.}

The most widely cited U.S. doctor comes to a stunning conclusion: the government hides an unprecedented number of deaths from coovid vaccination.

One of the most famous doctors in the world with experience in treating #COVID19, officially denounced the U.S. government's approach to combating the covid and stated that the government's strategy, implemented in collaboration with the Epstein Paedophile Friend Foundation, who was killed or hanged in prison in the same country, bill gates and his wife, and WHO, which is also run by Gates, as the largest donor to this private shop of globalists, has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and are now being replenished by thousands of deaths. McCullough is the most cited cowid physician at the National Library of Medicine, and his writings have received more than 600 references to them, he testified before Congress and received numerous awards for his distinguished medical career.

McCullough said in a 32-minute interview with journalist Alex Newman that if it was some other vaccine, she would have already been removed from the market for safety reasons.

Between 14 December and 23 April, VAERS reported 3,544 deaths as well as 12,619 serious vaccine injuries. These figures could be expected to cause a scandal and an investigation by the CDC. But the opposite happened. McCullough said the government had dismissed the alarm and ignored such a staggering number of vaccine deaths that would not be vaccinated as the result of genocide.

"Typical new medicine, about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black box warning, your listeners will see it on TV, saying it could cause death," McCullough said, "and then when about 50 people died, it was taken off sale."

In 1976, during what was called BigPharma's "swine flu pandemic," the U.S. tried to vaccinate 55 million Americans, but at that time the injection caused about 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths.

"The program was discontinued when 25 people died," McCullough said, "Compare this type of reaction with the government's response to the much, much higher recorded number of anticosic-related deaths associated with Moderna and Pfizer vaccinations, and this contrast is alarming. Especially when the injections have not even received full FDA approval and are allowed on the market only under an emergency permit. Today in the U.S. (as of the end of March) about 77 million people are vaccinated against COVID- 19, and we have 2,602 deaths. This number of deaths is unprecedented. Then on March 8, the CDC announced on its website that they had reviewed about 1,600 deaths with unnamed FDA doctors, and they indicated that none of the deaths were related to the vaccine. I think it bothered the academic community. I have led and participated in dozens of data security monitoring boards and been a member of these committees, and I can tell you that it would take many months to review all the laboratories, death certificates, and all the circumstances of the incident. It is impossible for unnamed doctors from supervisory bodies with no experience with the covid to believe that none of the deaths were related to the vaccine. 

Previous studies, including a Harvard University study, have shown that only 1 to 10 percent of all vaccine-related deaths are reported in VAERS. 

To report a death, a health care professional must enter it into the system. And if death does not occur during the usual 15-minute period of observation, they are often not reported. Most deaths occur within 72 hours of the injection. They accumulate on the first, second and third day. By comparison, each year, VAERS

about 20-30 deaths related to the flu shot. That's 195 million people who have been vaccinated against the flu. Compare this to the cooida vaccination, which has already recorded 2,602 deaths as a result of 77 million vaccinations. This is a stunningly high death-to-vaccination ratio - the highest for any vaccine in U.S. history, and yet no major media has launched an investigation. The media of other countries are also silent, which can not but suggest gloomy thoughts about who is in them and for whom he works. 

So the U.S. government has decided, together with stakeholders - the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma, WHO, the Gates Foundation - they have committed to mass vaccination as a solution to the pandemic, and we will really witness what will happen and go down in history. Right now we're sitting on the biggest number of vaccine deaths, there have been tens of thousands of hospitalizations, all because of the vaccine, and they're gaining momentum. McCullough testified before the U.S. Senate on November 19, 2020, and he goes on to talk about it. At the time, I thought we could have saved half the dead. Currently, there are current estimates that about 85 per cent of all deaths could have been saved through so-called consistent oral combination drug therapy. But instead, the government and its "stakeholders" at Big Pharma decided to focus on vaccines. At the same time, news organizations were brought in to present only one side of the vaccination story.

The mainstream media agreed not to allow any news critical of vaccines to reach the American people. This corrupt collusion falls under the Reliable News Initiative, a global collaboration signed by major social media giants and many of their corrupt corporate media partners.

To date, the trusted News Initiative is a contributor to the Associated Press, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google / YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters, Reuters Journalism Research Institute, Twitter, The Washington Post. The New York Times.

Reporting the dark side of experimental mRNA vaccines is considered "dangerous misinformation" by the globalist media elite behind the Trusted News Initiative.

So I think it was an effective cleaning, as we've seen elsewhere. There is a Reliable News Initiative and it is a coalition of all the mainstream media and governments interested in vaccination where they are not going to allow any negative information about vaccination. They are concerned about the indecision about the vaccine that if Americans had received any fair and balanced coverage of safety-related events, they simply would not have come forward and received the vaccine. 

The Trusted News Initiative is really problematic - because we've now reached a record number of deaths, they continue to happen every day. 

In my professional opinion, the safest vaccine on the market was the J'J vaccine.

Many Americans don't realize how strong these stakeholders are

BigPharma, DeepState and other Global Cogal. Keep in mind that the NIH is the National Institutes of Health 

is a co-owner of the Moderna patent, so they have a personal financial interest in preserving these vaccines."

Macklowe also says that after more than 15 months of nightmare with the covid, there is evidence that the U.S. government has colluded with the Gates Foundation, CDC, FDA, AND WHO from the outset. Russia is also in cahoots, although the Russian media are trumpeting about sovereignty, just sharing the markets for potions. McCullough said they started promoting vaccines before they came out of the line trials, which is contrary to U.S. regulatory law.

McCullough also said the government has never paid attention to treating patients, preferring instead to focus on the WHO-recommended strategy of social distancing, isolation, masks and vaccination - that's exactly what moves pedfoil friend Epsteinia Eugenic and the most massive maniac in the history of mankind is not Dr. Gates. McCullough said that if the strategy were focused on a scheme that includes a comprehensive drug treatment for early symptoms, tens of thousands of lives could be saved and forgetting what a kovid pandemic is. confirms Dr. McCullough's warning that harmful and dangerous events caused by the vaccine are being hidden by the medical establishment, the government, the media, apparently including both Russian and social media giants Google, Facebook and Twitter.

A kansas City-based physician told that of a recent sample of 500 nursing home patients who received the injection, 22 died within 48 hours. 

Cool, isn't it? This is just an astounding death rate of 4.4%. 

But all the and all are silent, believing itself will dissipate? There's no way to suck up, and the traditional media, as well as the american social networks barricaded for the truth, have long been sent to the ass and fucks, and we're doing a great job and succeeding without that fascist bastard. 

According to the doctor, most people in nursing homes in the Kansas City area receive the Pfizer vaccine.

"I can't prove that they all died of the vaccine, all I can prove is that it happened within 48 hours," said the doctor, "The requirement is that they only have to be monitored for 15 minutes. So we'll never know the real numbers. If this happens outside this 15-minute window, it will be impossible to prove... If the FDA approves this, God will help us." 

A Kansas City doctor asked not to divulge his name for fear that he might lose his medical license. Also, Canadian physician Dr. Charles Hoffe recently broke his silence and spoke publicly, contrary to the ban, saying that "injections kill patients with disabilities." 

Readers may have heard and probably know that many companies and firms worked on Germany before and during World War II. For example in Germany it is "BMW," "Volkswagen" and others.

German companies and factories were located in Germany at that time. After the occupation of Europe, the Germans worked all European industry. That's understandable, too.

Few people know, but with the Nazis cooperated companies that were not threatened and they worked with them for profit. There were enough of them. Many of them, especially American ones, are working and now have become even more famous in times of truth/lie crisis with the working title pandemic 😷 COVID -19 (crown 👑 virus of conscience and professionalism).

The most famous, the loudest, most ringing in the ears is "IBM." It was even a cause for scandals, lawsuits of victims of fascists against the company, but this company was not clear enough and we will repeat again. 

"IBM and the Holocaust." 

A strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and the largest American corporation. 

In February 2001, Edwin Black wrote the best-selling book IBM and the Holocaust, detailing the involvement of the firm's computers in the Nazi extermination of the Jewish population of Germany.

The author is the son of Polish emigrants who survived the Holocaust describes the incredible scale of cooperation between IBM and the Nazis.

Form-up time

IBM's origins go back to 1896, when, decades before the first electronic computers, the eminent engineer and statistician Herman Hollerith founded a company for the production of counting and analytical machines, christened TMC (Tabulating Machine Company) - the predecessor of IBM.

Mr. Hollerit, a descendant of German emigrants who was openly proud of his roots, was prompted by the success of his first self-driving cars.

John Shaw Billings, a senior official at the Census Bureau, Hollerite's future mother-in-law, suggested that tabulation could be done with punch cards, and Hollerith spent much of the next decade trying to develop such a system. Now it's hard to say what led Billings to this idea - but, one way or another, he allowed Hollerit to design the system. By 1890, Hollerit had finished work.

The essence of the invention of the grandfather of the "blue giant" was that he developed an electric switch that allows to encode data with numbers. The carriers of information in this case were maps in which holes were made in a special order, after which, punch cards could be sorted mechanically. This development was patented by Herman Hollerit in 1889.

Technical explanation: Hollerite Map

Hollerite's taber cards were the size of a dollar piece of paper. Each map had 12 rows, each of which could be broken through 20 holes corresponding to data such as age, gender, place of birth, number of children, marital status, and other information included in the American census questionnaire. The agents who conducted the census recorded the responses of the interviewees in special forms. The completed forms were sent to Washington, D.C., where the information contained in them was transferred to the maps by perforation. The punch cards were then loaded into special devices connected to a tabulation machine, where they were strung into rows of thin needles.

In tests conducted by the Census Bureau, Hollerite's statistical tabulator emerged victorious in a competition with several other systems, making a real furor that allowed the 39-year-old inventor to receive an order for his unique machines for the U.S. Department of Statistics, and the inventor was contracted to conduct the 1890 Census.

Hollerite's machine was so fast that preliminary calculations were completed after six weeks, and processing of the collected data took only one year, as opposed to the eight years it took statisticians from the U.S. Census Bureau to obtain the results of the 1880 Census.

Earned funds and established contacts helped Mr. Hollerit in 1896 to create TMC. At first, the company tried to produce commercial cars: it sold them to railway offices and government agencies. Hollerite machines were purchased by Tsarist Russia, deciding to conduct a census at the current level, but in the run-up to the 1900 census, the company repurposed to produce counting and analytical machines for the U.S. Census Bureau.

However, three years later, when the state "feeder" was covered, Hermann Hollerit again turned his attention to the commercial application of his developments.

Hollerit has won several awards, received a lot of praise and the title of professor at Columbia University.

"This machine," Electrical Engineer wrote admiringly, "works as unmistakably as the machines of the immortal gods, but far surpasses them in quick action."

Hollerit proudly called himself "the first statistical engineer", however, it was in fact.


When Herman Hollerit founded the company, he was already 39 years old. He was getting old, his health was deteriorating. And by 1911, TMS was sold to Charles Flint. It was valued at $2.3 million. Hollerith received just over half of the money from the deal. It was not just a purchase, but a merger of TMS with other companies - ITRC and CSC. Of these three firms, one was formed, which became known as CTR. It was like ibm we knew. So it turned out that IBM has a grandfather (Herman Hollerit) and a dad (Charles Flint).

If Hollerith was an engineer, a scientist, then Flint, who took control, was a talented financier. He was able to subtly and accurately determine what financial union would be promising, which company with which better to combine and in which direction to direct investments. Its offspring still function, develop and bring profit, for many years having experienced its founder.

Founded in 1911, CTR corporation produced unique technology equipment. For example, systems to account for working hours, punch card equipment, scales. Three years later, he was replaced as flint's director by Thomas J. Watson, who a year later, in 1915, was appointed president of the corporation and will be president of the corporation in 1956.

In 1917, the company acquired a modern name - IBM (Business Machines Co., Limited). Under this brand it entered the Canadian market, but on the American market - a little later, in 1924.

The company has been operating steadily for a quarter of a century, having survived the Great Depression with virtually no redundancy measures. In 1928, IBM released a brand new kind of punch card containing 80 columns. This novelty was called IBM Card and was in great demand for counting machines and computers for the next few decades

In the 1920s, the American economy was booming, and demand for tabulators and arithmometers grew rapidly. After learning of the results of the studies, which claimed that only 2% of all calculations in the U.S. are automated, Watson gleefully exclaimed:

"Just imagine what vast expanses for work lie before us!"

IBM's business was more or less stable. Even during the Great Depression in the United States, the company continued its activities at the same pace, almost without laying off employees, which could not be said about other firms.

Finally, the government order helped to form the image of IBM as the largest and most reliable manufacturer of computing machines.

In 1935, the Social Protection Act began to operate, and the U.S. government needed to keep employment statistics for more than 25 million people.

The tabulators needed were supplied by IBM. The company itself remembers it as "the biggest settlement operation of all time." It also opened the doors to other government orders, just like at the very beginning of TMC's operations.

The company became the "official supplier of the White House" and four years later it employed 11,000 people in 79 countries.

In Germany, a subsidiary of the German firm IBM was Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft).

Friend of the Third Reich

Watson realized early on that the German government was in the process of reform and that this was reflected in the state of the population. The situation favored IBM.

 In the 1930s, when most of the world's companies boycotted the Nazi regime, IBM continued to work with Germany. However, business is business.

 Nazi Germany was IBM's main client outside the United States.

 Note: Many other companies also collaborated with the Nazis: Standard Oil, General Motors, Ford, General Electric, Coca-Cola - at least 100 American companies were in business contacts with Nazi Germany.

 This material is only IBM.

 In 1933, the Third Reich offered Watson to oversee a still unknown plan.

 Hitler, having set himself the goal of exterminating all Jews, at least in Germany, wanted to pre-register them.

 The preparation of such a large-scale event as the destruction of a multi-million people required careful preparation. First of all, it was required to develop a system for identifying Jews so that none of them could evade extermination. This also applied to those who considered themselves Germans, French, etc., having forgotten about their distant ancestors in their genealogy. And for this, it was necessary to conduct not just a population census, but a racial census, which the statistics did not know until then. Secondly, it was not an easy task to determine the total number of Jews in the world to be exterminated. And thirdly, to solve the first two problems, it was necessary to use the latest technologies for that time.

The technology was exclusively owned by IBM, as the company controlled about 90% of the global market for electronic computing machines.

Now imagine you're Thomas Watson, IBM's ceo, and you have a choice. Hitler has just set fire to the Reichstag, staged a night of long knives, came to power in Germany, but you decide whether your German branch of Dehomag should fight for a government order to tabulate the census results, which is going to be held by the Nazi regime. While you ponder this important ethical issue in your New York office, local newspapers are full of stories about the Jewish pogroms committed by this regime.

On March 18, 1933, the New York Times reported that the Nazis had expelled all Jewish professionals - lawyers, announcers, teachers. An editorial titled "German Refugees Tell the Tales of Nazi Outrages" describes how black shirts pulled Jews out of a Berlin restaurant and let them through a line of stormtroopers. The last victim's face "resembled a steak."

Other newspapers describe how Jews are forced to clean the streets with toothbrushes, the burning of books, the burning of books, the tens of thousands of refugees from Germany and thirty thousand Jews, political activists, homosexuals, etc. thrown into concentration camps.

On March 27, from your broadway window, you see a 50,000-strong rally in Madison Square Garden demanding that U.S. campaigns boycott Germany. Will you, Thomas Watson, fight for this contract knowing all this?

Watson faced the choice of selling or continuing to own Dehomag.

And he chose to tabulate the Nazi census of 1933 and 1939.

Without the identification and selection of Jews, it would not have been possible to destroy them.

As early as 1933, the life of Jews was put on a punch card. The basis for identification was a cunningly compiled questionnaire, which with the help of seemingly innocent questions, in the process of processing, was to identify among the population of Jews. And not only those who "were not shy" to recognize themselves as Jews, but also those who concealed their Jewish roots - baptized, or changed their surname, tying themselves marriage ties with the Aryans ...

The machines were so good that they allowed the cross-analysis method to identify even Jews who had been carefully concealing their origin for several generations.

All the information, if in doubt, was double-checked.

The racial census, according to the data, revealed about 600,000 Jews in Germany, including those who "shamelessly" considered themselves to be a hundred percent German, even though the Jewish blood of grandmothers or great-grandmothers flowed in their veins. "The census revealed the level of penetration of these polluting Aryan elements into German culture, trade, industry, jurisprudence, medicine, and... The census revealed the confiscated Jewish property - houses, shops, factories ... »

In the apt expression of Edwin Blake - even before hitler's army soldiers crossed the borders of Germany, his "statistical soldiers" have already occupied outposts in Europe ...

The weapons were also different: some assault rifles, others - just Hollerite punch cards. But the goal of both was one.

And all this with IBM hardware.

Now imagine yourself as Thomas Watson in 1937. You know that the census and other work done by your branch in Germany was used not only to count the number of cars and cows, but also to identify Jews.

You may even have read the comment of one Nazi statistic that "with this statistic, the government now possesses a roadmap to go from knowledge to action." You saw broken glass and drank tea in a beautiful house with a German official who told you that the house used to belong to a Jew who had fled Germany. Finally, Hitler is going to award you the Order as a sign of your merits to the Third Reich. Will you accept this order?

He did. For his services to Germany Watson was awarded the "honorary cross of the German eagle with a star" - the Order of Merit of the German Eagle.

The German leadership considered the head of IBM a "friend", but, according to Black, Watson was interested primarily in profit, not ideology.

According to Black, Watson continued to cooperate with Germany not only on the basis of his sympathies for the ideas of National Socialism, but also for purely mercantile reasons - wanting to strengthen and continue to dominate the European computer market.

Numerous IBM documents have preserved evidence of attempts to maintain the company's monopoly in the Nazi market, but not a word has been written about the moral side of the automation of the Third Reich or the cessation of cooperation that resulted in the mass murder of Jews.

Watson traveled to Berlin at least twice a year, from 1933 to 1939, personally checking on Dehomag. All the main correspondence was translated for the New York office and Watson's personal comments. He insisted on the only verbal instruction of German leaders.

Often the latter were negative about his "authoritarianism", especially after the municipal authorities granted him the right to veto any action by German assistants. They constantly signed their reports with the phrase "waiting for your follow-up instructions."

Cars were not sold, only rented out. IBM was also the only source of all punch cards, spare parts. Only IBM could handle hardware maintenance.

There were no universal punch cards, everything was made directly by the company: to fix incoming information and to clearly tab the outgoing. For example, one series of punch cards was created not only for tabulation of religion, national origin and native language, but there were also columns for The Jewish and Polish language, Polish nationality, occupation.


World War II began on September 1, 1939, when Germany occupied Poland.

And on September 9, 1939, dahomag's chief executive, Hermann Rottke, in a letter to Watson in New York, asked him to supply alphabetical tabulators. Meanwhile, Reinhard Heydrich, head of Himmler's security service, distributed a secret express letter to the heads of Einsatz group working in the occupied territories. Heydrich's document of 21 September 1939, entitled "The Jewish question in the occupied territory", began with the words: "I would like to emphasize once and for all that the main measures (i.e. the ultimate goal) should be kept secret.

The first step is to control the population through census and registration. This is followed by an evacuation.

Krakow. Poland 🇵🇱 

The evacuation is based on census documents. These documents are also a card giving permission to stay. Therefore, everyone should be handed cards before they are deported. Anyone who does not have a card will be executed... The census will be conducted on December 17, 1939."

How long can it take to deport millions of people from different regions in Eastern Europe?

Heydrich stated that the mass evacuation would not begin until January 1, 1940, and that Nazi Germany used only one census method- punch cards, each of which was made specifically for a separate census.

In Krakow, the Department of Cholrita on Polish Railways opened, which kept records of all trains, including those that took Jews to death in Treblinka and Auschwitz. Leon Krzemieniencki may be the only survivor who worked in the Hollerite department. His duties included tabulating and sorting information about all trains starting with regular passengers on freight trains. He never thought about taking part in transporting Jews to the gas chambers. "All I know is that modern equipment has made it possible to fully control all the railway tracks," Krzemenienski said. "I knew they weren't German cars because they had English labels on them."

Selecting people at the entrance to Auschwitz 1944, SS officers select those who die immediately, who to use as a slave or for medical experiments. The entrance to the main krpus is in the background. The exact number of dead in the camp has not been determined. Between 1.1 and 1.6 million people; about 90% of the dead were Jews.

By the end of September 1941, all work on the identification of the Jews of Europe was completed. The total table of Jews to be exterminated went down in history as Table 11 million.

It was this number - 11 million people still alive by then, but doomed to become corpses - counted the chief statistician Reich Korerr. By November 1941, all preparations for the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" were almost complete, and a meeting of central authorities could be convened so that, as Goering had instructed in his letter of 31 July 1941, to "engage them in the task at hand." The conference venue is a lakeside villa.

At the conference, it was reported that 11 million more surviving Jews were to be killed.

And the destruction camps have been fully operational.

The same machines kept records of those killed in the concentration camps.

The Germans kept statistics on imprisoned Jews. Even the codes that were used to organize the data are: Code 8 - Jews, Code 11 - Gypsies, Code 001 - Auschwitz, Code 001 - Buchenwald and so on.

The book provides truly disgusting details of the way IBM equipment was used in concentration camps. In particular, IBM punch cards were used to catalog the victims: each victim of the regime was referred to as a certain "class" - homosexuals were assigned the third number, Jews - the eighth. Each prisoner received his own specific number assigned to him by IBM computers.

In addition, IBM counting machines were used in the Reich Statistics Committee. With their help, the Nazis counted all the statistics of the Third Reich, much of which related to the genocide of jews, including, for example, such as the number of deaths per square meter.

The cooperation between IBM and the Third Reich was legal and remained so until the United States entered the war in December 1941.

With the help of more than a hundred researchers who worked in the archives of the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Israel, Edwin Black found documentary evidence of the dark links between the American campaign and the Third Reich that continued during the war: Dehomag employees continued to communicate with IBM's headquarters in the United States through Geneva, Switzerland.

When the United States entered World War II, Watson proved to be an ardent patriot.

During the war period, IBM worked for the government and is not always in direct business. Its production facilities and workers were busy producing rifles (in particular Browning Automatic Rifle and M1 Carbine), bomb disposal sights, motor parts, etc. Thomas Watson, who was still in charge of the company at the time, set a nominal profit on this product of 1%. And even this minuscule went not to the piggy bank of the blue giant, but to the foundation of the fund to help widows and orphans who lost their loved ones in the war.

It was also used for counting machines located in the States. They were used for various mathematical calculations, logistics and other war needs. They were also used equally actively in the work on the Manhattan project, which created the atomic bomb.

After the defeat of Germany, IBM machines were able to track the fate of many people. Although this did not prevent various groups of people affected by the war and the Holocaust in particular, to demand an official apology from IBM. 

The company refused to bring them. Even though during the war its employees remaining in Germany continued their work, even communicating with the management of the company through Geneva. However, IBM itself absolfed all responsibility for the activities of its enterprises in Germany during the war from 1941 to 1945.

Why didn't all this become known immediately after the war?

In August 1945, in London, the three powers - the USSR, England and America - signed an agreement to establish an International Military Tribunal. The Allies identified a list of issues that should not have been addressed during the process. It was decided not to affect the racial census programme. As well as the role of the USSR at the beginning of the war as one of the participants and initiators also did not affect . De facto, the USSR recruited poland acted as a prosecutor in the Nuremberg Trials. But that's another story. 

Watson is a personal friend of President Roosevelt and his wife. His company has provided invaluable services for the army and the state.

The war was good business for IBM.

Thanks to Watson's policy, IBM has benefited the most from the war. In 1948, its annual turnover more than tripled from pre-war to $140 million...

In addition, after the WMV, IBM actively cooperated for the needs of the army.

In response to the book's publication, IBM stated that it was not concerned with the continued use of the equipment, it was simply selling machines. In addition, IBM is not the only U.S. company that has done such a business on the blood. 

IBM Company

Information technology

Since 1911

United States


1 New Orchard Road

Top managers:

James Whitehurst

Krishna Arvind (Arvind Krishna)

Thule Pat

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Lauren's States

Smith Rod

Mollot Michel

Riegel Mike

Mooney Jerry (Gerald Mooney)

Robert Merkel

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International Business Machines (IBM) is an American corporation, one of the world's largest IT providers.


Berkshire Hathaway - 1,86%

November 2017

I went to the director and asked: Who did this? I'm not going to do anything, I'm not going to scream, I just want to look him in the eye.

A hundred people come out. I say:

"Guys, who did this?

They say:

"We are!

I say:

"Who are we?"

They say:

"We have a narrow specialization. One gives rise to ideas 💡, the second lobbies for budget allocations of finance, the third is organized the production process, I personally sit and control it all. 

Do we have a claim? 

"Hi guys! You're well settled!

          Happy memory day guys. 

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