


Easy Bulldog Training Step-by-Step Guide

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Bulldog training may seem daunting when you first get that adorable puppy, that is why this guide will break down the process in simple and easy to follow steps. The secret to a well-behaved bulldog is to start with training as early as you adopt him.
Early training helps the puppy better develop his brain and habits (potty training, leash training, socialization and more!). Bulldogs as pets are a great choice because they are a happy and relaxed breed. The bulldog originated in the British isles and its name was chosen because it was originally bred for a sport called “bull baiting”. This was a cruel sport that was, fortunately, banned almost 200 years ago. The breed retains its strength but has become a calm and amusing breed. Bulldogs have the bad reputation for being stubborn and strong-headed but don’t let that scare you. I have personally worked with many bulldogs and non of them were stubborn at all. The stubbornness of a dog comes from not understanding its owner. The training methods outlined below will help you communicate with your bulldog successfully! As you train, keep an eye for some common British bulldog health problems like respiratory problems, overheating and skin allergies.
If you just got your bulldog puppy and are wondering what to do, just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to a well-behaved furry best friend. Bulldog training can be fun and easy!
Socialization is the single most important exercise you need to do with your puppy and you have only a few months to work on it. It involves showing your puppy the world he will be living in and making positive associations with the things, animals and people in it. Take your puppy to your friends and family’s houses, take him for a car ride, pretend to clip his fingernails and brush him.
Every single new event, person, animal, object or sound your puppy encounters should be followed by a treat. This will make every association positive and you puppy will learn no to be fearful of new things. Learn more about socialization exercises for your bulldog puppy dog.
Probably the second most important task is to teach your bulldog puppy to potty in one place or outside. Puppies are very smart and can learn simple things very easily. Potty training requires patience and perseverance.
The main idea is to create a schedule or habit for your puppy to follow. A bulldog puppy can hold his bladder 1 hour for every month of life (tops!), so if you have a 3 month old puppy you should take him to potty every 2-3 hours and give him a treat after he is done. If you can’t watch your puppy, you can crate-train him to avoid accidents . If he has accidents, simply clean them up with an enzymatic cleaner and move on, do not punish your bulldog. Learn more about potty training schedules and techniques to teach your bulldog to potty outside in as little as one week!
Puppies are curious creatures and they like to explore the world with their mouth! This means that your puppy may want to bite your hands, shoes, pants, couch, table legs and even walls! There are two important things to teach your puppy about mouthing:
Crate training your bulldog puppy can also help prevent home destruction and teach your puppy that the only things available for biting are his own dog toys.
Don’t get stuck with the idea that bulldogs are stubborn and can’t be trained. They are smart dogs that can learn as much as any other dog breed. Follow these steps to teach your bulldog the basics of obedience training.
Positive bulldog training is about rewarding your dog for doing something right and ignoring your dog when he does something wrong. Positive training also involves actively teaching your pooch the things you would like him to do (instead of expecting him to know on his own). There are two training methods that are very useful to teach your furry friend obedience: luring and capturing .
Dogs can only make associations withing the present moment. That is why punishing or rewarding a dog for something he did in the past does not work. To help with timing, dog trainers use a marker word or a clicker .
A marker word is used to mark the moment the animal did something correct and it is followed by a treat. The use of the word helps you have better timing, which in turn helps your bulldog understand what you are rewarding for faster. To teach your pooch the meaning of a marker word, all you need to do is say it and follow with the delivery of a treat.
It's important that the treat comes AFTER the word, otherwise your pooch won't learn it. Practice 10-20 repetitions, 2 to 3 times a day and you will notice that your pooch will start responding when he hears that magic word !
One of the most important things to teach your bulldog is its name . This is always neglected, you name your bulldog, then assume he will understand that is they way you call him.
Unfortunately, this is not true and recognizing its name is one of the most important things a dog should know. If your puppy doesn't look at you when you call him, how is he going to do what you ask?
Teaching a dog its name is super easy, here are the steps:
Now comes the fun part, training your bulldog to respond to basic commands
Once you are done with the basics, and if you enjoyed training your bulldog, you can teach him a few advance tricks and commands:
If you started with the basics but are still having problems with your bulldog, here are some solutions to the most common behavior problems:
Enjoy your bulldog puppy and train him to become the best companion dog!
While you work with your pooch, you can also keep an eye for common bulldog health problems such as respiratory problems, skin allergies and eczema.
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Bulldogs have a reputation for being a fairly stubborn breed. In fact, the phrase “stubborn as a Bulldog” is still used in today’s popular culture. However, the Bulldog is actually quite a misunderstood dog. Due to the Bulldog’s “tough” appearance, many people believe them to be aggressive, ill-tempered dogs. In reality, most Bulldogs are quite docile, eager to please, and generally relaxed. When understanding how to train a Bulldog, it’s best if you are familiar with some of the Bulldog’s special behaviors and traits that affect how it learns new concepts. Here are a few Bulldog training tips.
Bulldog puppies are very playful, and are often cited as being one of the most adorable puppies. Indeed, many Bulldog puppies seem to be lost in folds of wrinkled skin, falling over their own feet while attempting to explore new environments. To train a Bulldog puppy, it’s best if you start right away, as soon as it becomes a member of your household.
When your Bulldog puppy first enters your home, they will be naturally curious about this new environment. Allow them time to investigate your home, though it’s best if you closely monitor their behavior. Avoid saying “Bad Dog!” when they jump on furniture, sniff at the garbage or try to chew on household objects. A Bulldog will respond best to positive reinforcement training, which focuses on rewarding desired behavior, while ignoring bad behavior.
After your Bulldog puppy is done exploring, you can begin with initial training. Help your puppy to become familiar with their food/water dishes, crate, toys and the areas of the house in which they are allowed. If you plan to keep your Bulldog puppy out of certain rooms, be sure to gate off these rooms with a “doggie gate”. This type of gate usually fits easily in between the doorframe of a specific room.
Establish your role as your Bulldog puppy’s teacher by providing them right away with treats when they exhibit good behavior (such as paying attention to your voice). You can also combine treats with your Bulldog’s training program, which has proven in many cases to be very effective. Positive reinforcement training is best accomplished if you provide a food-based reward for good behavior, at least in the early stages of training.
When crate training a Bulldog, it’s important that you are very patient. Bulldogs are relatively slow learners, and have a relatively short attention span. In addition to this, some Bulldogs are prone to appearing to develop short term memory loss. However, this is only because a Bulldog requires a command to be repeated from 80 to 100 times (or more) before they are able to fully understand it. Be patient, and your Bulldog will learn the command eventually.
Bulldog training requires that you purchase the right type of crate for your dog. When your Bulldog is still a puppy, choose a small crate that will allow your dog just enough room to lie down comfortably. Since your Bulldog will grow, you can choose to purchase a crate with adjustable sides, in order to avoid having to purchase a larger crate when your dog reaches adulthood.
Allow your Bulldog to investigate the crate, watching them closely. It’s best if you put a bowl of food or a handful of treats inside the crate that can’t be easily carried out. Your Bulldog should eventually become used to staying in the crate, especially during mealtimes.
If done properly, you should be able to establish a house training routine with your Bulldog in as little as two weeks. However, this does not mean that your Bulldog will be house trained after this time. Establishing a set routine is very important, especially for Bulldogs. Begin by getting in the habit of feeding your Bulldog while they are inside their crate. Leave them in the crate for about 15 minutes after they are finished eating, and then attach a leash to their collar. Immediately lead your Bulldog outdoors, bringing them to their designated “potty area”. If they go to the bathroom, reward them with treats and a good amount of praise. If this process is repeated at every mealtime, it is much more effective.
For proper Bulldog training, it’s best if you keep your training sessions fairly short. Due to a Bulldog’s short attention span, they will not respond well to training sessions that last more than about 45 minutes. Choose one command to cover at a time, and focus on that command until your Bulldog has mastered it. Though training may take a bit of time, it’s still important that you remain patient. Your dog seeks to please you, and will make every effort to participate in behavior that will make you happy.
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Published by Ross Under Bulldog Care on August 19, 2016
This article is dedicated to our family member bulldog Yahtzee whom just passed. I personally was so devastated that I had to take time off my Hawaii airport shuttle business to cope and honor him. We love you Yahtzee!
There are many kinds of dog breeds to select from, not to mention the huge number of combined or mixed species available. When you are looking for a breed of dog that will make a remarkable companion, a bulldog puppy will be a remarkable choice. When you do decide on bulldog puppy, you will see that this is a remarkable pet for the whole family and this dog breed gets along well with all and sundry.
One of the important features or characters of a bulldog puppy is that they want more attention. Bulldog is a remarkable companion for families with kids. Bulldog is also extremely good with other pets. With attention and love, a bulldog could be extremely loyal as well as loving to their owners. (more…)
Published by Ross Under Bulldog Training 101 on August 18, 2016
Bulldog is a powerful, lovely and muscular pet; a family could have into their homes. Of course, the training could be funny and entertaining; however, you have to handle them with proper care. This is due to the natural instincts of this breed of dog. If you get the best knowledge and skills on how to train a bulldog, the reward will be a benefit to you. So, knowing some tips is very much essential.
The moment you bring your puppy home, you should immediately begin with potty training as well as housebreaking your pet. The perfect method to house train your dog is through crate technique. You have to ensure that the crate is big enough for your dog to move around securely. You also need to ensure that your dog has space to lie down. You need to line half of the crate or cage with newspaper. You need to place the crate in a place where the dog doesn’t feel restricted from the family. Witness the area where the dog has done their business, normally they keep returning back to the same area. Sooner or later, you might see that they can cut down on the number of papers you place down. (more…)
Published by Ross Under About Bulldogs on January 22, 2016
Bull dog is considered as one of the most common purebred dogs. It is common among families and celebrities. The broad shouldered, burly bulldog with it distinctive under bite and pugnacious gait has long been a symbol of sports teams as well as military units.
Similar to its temperament, the bulldog care is also distinct to any other breed of dog. However, their quiet and tempered character which belies their tough image makes them a good pet for families with young kids. Bulldog is so expressive and once you look straight on their eyesm, you can almost see what they are thinking. Their growing popularity with celebrities has added to their publicity and they are the second most popular breed of dog in Los Angeles.
A bulldog puppy makes a remarkable companion. A noticeable feature of this breed of dog is that they want more attention and can get along very well in a home with kids and other pets. When dog owners provide the right attention and care, you are assured of an extremely loyal pet in return. Bulldog care needs a bit of firmness. It will be hard to deal once you spoil them. In case they are used to lots of attention and lose it, like for example if the owner have a baby, it can act out through barking or biting. So, attention have to be consistent as well as firm, so the dog senses it places in sees as it group. (more…)
Published by Ross Under About Bulldogs on January 21, 2016
Article written by Ross O. of Honolulu Plumber
So you want to have a pet bulldog at home. If you really want to maximize their potential to become an excellent canine companion, you will need to know some important tips about your bulldog. Improving their aggression is one of the most common concerns of bulldog owners. The protective skills of this dog breed actually make them a perfect guard dog that you need at home whenever you’re out and about.
Hence, the following are the top 10 tips you needed to know before you buy a bulldog from your local pet shop: (more…)
Published by Ross Under About Bulldogs on January 20, 2016
Apparently, one simple thing to consider before adopting a bulldog at home is your tolerance to such animals. So what do you expect from a canine companion? If you really want to test your compatibility with bulldogs, read this article and determine if you can be a good pet parent for this particular dog. Don’t forget to verify if your home is bulldog friendly because this breed must not be kept in warm environment.
If you want a dog buddy that can come with you during your hiking activities, swimming adventures, or field trips, bulldogs are not a good choice for you. But if you want a canine companion that can locate T-bone steaks when you’re out for some grilling, then they are the perfect one for you! Always be sure of what you are exactly looking for prior to your pet adopting decisions.
Bulldogs are actually easy going, smooth, and laid back. Their worst enemy is actually extreme heat weather conditions. You might kill them by just having ultra hot temperature at home so be considerate when it comes to your home environment. Also, if you love to go for some joy rides during your free time, you can take your bulldog with you because they love car rides wherever you want to go. (more…)
Published by Ross Under About Bulldogs on January 19, 2016
General Information About Bulldogs 
If you are looking for general information about bulldogs and their nature, you’ve visited the right site. For pet lovers out there, bulldogs can be a good choice regarding their special abilities and temperament. However, if you simply want a good pet dog at home, you need to consider the overall character of bulldogs before buying them from your trusted pet depot.
Bulldogs are medium-sized dogs which are commonly known as British or English bulldogs. Other breeds consist of French bulldog, Leavitt bulldog, Old-English bulldog, and American bulldog. Physically, bulldogs are muscular and heavy with characterized wrinkled face as well as pushed-in nose. In the US, this dog breed is actually the fifth popular purebred based on accounts of AKC ( American Kennel Club ).
Appearance and other Physical Features
When it comes to appearance, bulldogs show wide shoulders and head with well-defined mandibular prognathism. On their brow, there are commonly thicker folds of pelt especially on their rounded, black set of eyes. The diminutive muzzle has distinctive folds known as “knot above the nose” which hang under their neck. Bulldogs have pointed teeth and drooping lips and are rarely underbite.
The fur is typically sleek, flat, and short with several colors including piebald, brindle, white, fawn, and red. In the UK, standard bulldogs weigh 50 pounds for males and 40 pounds for female dogs. On the other hand, American bulldogs usually weigh 45-55 pounds for mature males while 20-25 pounds for females. When it comes to temperament, the disposition of bulldogs must be courageous, resolute, kind, and equable. (more…)
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