Bull Nose Ring Girls

Bull Nose Ring Girls


What is the psychology behind a womam wearing a bull ring between the nasal septum of her nose?
I would advise against psychoanalysing people based on their fashion choices. It won’t teach you much about them as a person, but it might teach you something about the culture they come from. Piercings are deeply cultural, and septum piercings are downright ancient. Humans have done this for as long as we’ve been wearing clothes. It’s very similar to ear piercings, though in western cultures it does have an “edgier” connotation.
Everyone around the globe has a different sense of beauty, and it larger depends on where you grew up. Many people find nasal septum piercings to be stunningly gorgeou
I would advise against psychoanalysing people based on their fashion choices. It won’t teach you much about them as a person, but it might teach you something about the culture they come from. Piercings are deeply cultural, and septum piercings are downright ancient. Humans have done this for as long as we’ve been wearing clothes. It’s very similar to ear piercings, though in western cultures it does have an “edgier” connotation.
Everyone around the globe has a different sense of beauty, and it larger depends on where you grew up. Many people find nasal septum piercings to be stunningly gorgeous! They are used in various cultures, both eastern and western, old and new. Septum piercings were very popular among Native American tribes. Shawnee leaders like Tecumseh rocked the septum ring, as well as people from New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. To the Asmat tribe of Irian Jaya, the most popular septum jewelry was the "Otsj," which were large and thick bone plugs, sometimes made from the bones of their enemies slain in battle! The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans all adorned their septum rings with gold and jade for religious significance.
Septum piercings are also associated with punk and anarchist subcultures today. Piercings in general increased in popularity during the '70s, when hippies were inspired by the culture of the East, specifically South Asian countries like India. Starting in the '80s, septum piercings were adopted by punks, and adopted as a symbol of rebellion. Today, they still have rebellious connotations and ties to punk subcultures. But at this point, it's mostly a trend that anyone and everyone is getting on board with. Celebrities with septum piercings, like Rihanna, Zoe Kravitz, and Lady Gaga are even rocking the look, further popularizing it for the mainstream.
If you really want to learn someone’s personal reasons for piercing their septum piercing, why not just ask them? Communication can go along way, and you might even make a new connection! Just make sure you’re respectful to them, and keep your mind open to their answer. Most of the time, piercings are simply not that deep, like ear piercings they can exist purely for the aesthetic.
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Do boys like girls who wear nose rings?
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 194 answers and 421.7K answer views
Prior to the 8th/9th century people did not have surnames (last names). Scarring, piercing and tattoos were some ways in which tribal people or clans would mark themselves.
From Africans, Britons all the way to the Vikings, this is the origins of body modifications.
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 67 answers and 307K answer views
I personally got my septum pierced because I liked the style and knew it would be easy to hide if I ever needed to see certain family members or were around otherwise unwelcoming people. I’m wearing my retainer up right now because cold and flu season is winding down where I live (septum rings do not look good with boogers) - but once it gets warmer I’m looking forward to scoping new styles at my local studio.
As a middle aged man I think they look great. When I suggested to my wife it got met with a strange look but has since agreed that they are quite sexy. She now is not only looking at getting one soon but already talking about a larger more prominent one. It seems to be the psychology is one of breaking out of norms and being a bit outrageous I think
What is your first impression of people who wear nose rings or nose piercings?
I wish to be respectful and not offend anyone, but since you ask, I will take this opportunity to tell you my first impression of people who wear nose rings.
First, let me say I’m an American woman living in a big city with many international residents and visitors, and most of the people I’ve seen wearing nose rings are Indian or Pakistani women. I understand it is part of their culture and that it is attractive and symbolic to them in a positive way. I like learning about other cultures to better understand and appreciate them, so I’ve read about nose rings, and some are large and worn during
I wish to be respectful and not offend anyone, but since you ask, I will take this opportunity to tell you my first impression of people who wear nose rings.
First, let me say I’m an American woman living in a big city with many international residents and visitors, and most of the people I’ve seen wearing nose rings are Indian or Pakistani women. I understand it is part of their culture and that it is attractive and symbolic to them in a positive way. I like learning about other cultures to better understand and appreciate them, so I’ve read about nose rings, and some are large and worn during weddings and to indicate a woman is married. I love jewelry so the special gold adornments are intriguing to me, and I can see why women who love them enjoy them. If it is your culture, it is important to you, and I respect your right to wear whatever you choose.
I will be honest. When I see someone (including American women) wearing anything through their nose, big or small, all I can think about is how uncomfortable it looks. I immediately feel like I’m wearing one too and want to take it off. It also looks like it would always irritate the inside of your nose and cause extra mucus requiring cleaning. Because of this, I feel very uncomfortable in stores or restaurants where the server is wearing even the smallest ring or post through her nose, and do not want them to serve me. I wish they wouldn’t wear it and I’d prefer to leave, but I don’t. I tell myself it is none of my business if someone chooses to wear one and I shouldn’t make assumptions as to their comfort or cleanliness, especially if the person looks well dressed, clean and comfortable with it. It does not change my respect or regard for the person. I am not judging them. I’m just telling you how it makes me feel as a first impression.
As a mature, kind and respectful person, I always keep my feelings under control and carry on. I do my best to ignore my own discomfort, smile, and hope there is nothing about me and my wardrobe that makes the other person feel uncomfortable either.
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 225 answers and 342.2K answer views
Why do cows have nose rings on them?
It is to better control the animal, The nose is rather sensitive and a ring through the nose makes it possible to lead the bull by a rope like a horse. Bulls are way too strong to be lead by a halter, it would be like trying to stop a runaway train with a toothpick and a foot of string.
It is rather rare that cows get nose rings, if they have one it is usually not an ordinary nose ring but one made to prevent that cow from suckling the udders of the other cows she is with, some cows do this and since a cow is large and strong this may harm the udder of the other cow and cause it pain. Cows can
It is to better control the animal, The nose is rather sensitive and a ring through the nose makes it possible to lead the bull by a rope like a horse. Bulls are way too strong to be lead by a halter, it would be like trying to stop a runaway train with a toothpick and a foot of string.
It is rather rare that cows get nose rings, if they have one it is usually not an ordinary nose ring but one made to prevent that cow from suckling the udders of the other cows she is with, some cows do this and since a cow is large and strong this may harm the udder of the other cow and cause it pain. Cows can be trained to be lead on a halter like a horse, they arent as rambunctious and unpredictable as bulls and are way more friendly towards the humans they know and trust.
Bulls on the other hand are very unpredictable and sometimes very dangerous animals, you can never trust a bull, no matter how docile and well handled he is. The nose ring may seem cruel to those not used to it but it is no worse than having your ears pierced and in some cases it is the only way that bull can be kept alive. Without one there would be no way some bulls would be safe enough to be around, not only for people but also for other animals.
A bull who has caught the scent of a cow won’t let anything stop him and they can harm and kill other bulls if they arent kept on a tight leash. Bulls are incredibly strong and not all that bright and this combination is not a good one at all.
Nose rings have been used for centuries and it allows the handler to move the bull around, take him from one pen to the other, introduce him to a new herd, transport him or even show him at fairs. There have been pictures on the internet of bulls with bleeding noses and everybody starts to claim that it is animal cruelty and that it should be banned and what not, but they fail to see the entire picture. If a bull has a bloody nose it means that he has become uncontrollable and fought against the handler, he could also have been spooked while tied up although that is not very likely, nobody ties up an animal that way without anybody being present at all times. The nose ring was probably all that kept that bull from charging someone or something. It does look bad, i agree to that, but nature is also cruel and blood doesnt mean that something is wrong.
We have had people accusing the farm i grew up on of animal cruelty because there was blood on the tail of a cow who had just given birth, this just shows how far some people are removed from the nature they claim to wanna protect and in reality they arent doing anybody any favours at all, least of all the animals. I bet that a bull would prefer to have a nose ring fitted and wear that for some years while getting some sexy cows and being fed the best food above getting shot or end up as veal.
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 353 answers and 4M answer views
Has anyone been judged or judged someone for having a nose piercing?
I've had my nose pierced for over 12 years. I used to get a lot more judgement about my nose ring when I first had it, and I actually had to take it out for a job at 21.
The most overt judgement I got was from older men (usually complete strangers) who would say things like, “If I was your father, I'd rip that nose ring out.” They would also say this about my navel ring, my 18 ear piercings, and my eyebrow ring. It was weird, as it was essentially an older man trying to exert control over what he perceived to be a young girl. It was always icky, as voicing opinions about a 19-year-old's body is
I've had my nose pierced for over 12 years. I used to get a lot more judgement about my nose ring when I first had it, and I actually had to take it out for a job at 21.
The most overt judgement I got was from older men (usually complete strangers) who would say things like, “If I was your father, I'd rip that nose ring out.” They would also say this about my navel ring, my 18 ear piercings, and my eyebrow ring. It was weird, as it was essentially an older man trying to exert control over what he perceived to be a young girl. It was always icky, as voicing opinions about a 19-year-old's body is weird. That kind of response stopped as I got older, for two reasons. Piercings have become more acceptable in society, and I'm now in my thirties and am no longer an easy target for strange men. At 32, I am far more confident and would clap back immediately.
Like I said, back when I first had my nose ring, employers judged me. Now, not so much. Some conservative workplaces still do, but it's far less difficult to get a job with a nose ring today. It's been years since someone made a negative comment about my nose piercing, or any other piercings. The last time was when I was at a friend's party eight years ago and her son called my piercings gross. Rather than telling her kid not to be a dick, my friend laughed. We are no longer friends. But an ill-behaved teenage boy's opinion about my piercings is not of any concern to me; nor are anyone else's views.
If you're thinking of getting a nose ring, you shouldn't face too much backlash. That said, I recommend developing thick skin in case someone feels the need to express their opinion.
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 246 answers and 5.4M answer views
I had mine pierced twice - once with a gun and once with a needle. Both times, I had studs inserted.
I'd rate the pain of being pierced with a gun 6/10 and the discomfort 8/10. With a needle, it was 4/10 pain, less than having your blood taken with a needle since the moment of contact is so short, and discomfort 6/10. This coming from someone who's a wuss where pain is concerned.
With a gun, my nostril throbbed for weeks and they had to bore a large hole. With a needle, they could make a narrower hole and throbbing only continued for an hour afterwards, with minimal discomfort following it. It
I had mine pierced twice - once with a gun and once with a needle. Both times, I had studs inserted.
I'd rate the pain of being pierced with a gun 6/10 and the discomfort 8/10. With a needle, it was 4/10 pain, less than having your blood taken with a needle since the moment of contact is so short, and discomfort 6/10. This coming from someone who's a wuss where pain is concerned.
With a gun, my nostril throbbed for weeks and they had to bore a large hole. With a needle, they could make a narrower hole and throbbing only continued for an hour afterwards, with minimal discomfort following it. It was less of a throbbing than a sharp stinging sensation, as if someone with very sharp nails is pinching the skin around the pierced area.
Really though, the anticipation of pain when a tube is slid up your nose is almost the worst part of getting your nose pierced with a needle. With a gun... I felt like my skin had been brutally punctured and there was no space left in my nostril (again due to needing to have a large hole drilled in).
Your eyes will tear up, as other answers have mentioned but its not from the pain. Its a reflex action.
After the initial settling in period, a nose piercing doesn't hurt. You're vaguely aware of it and it does make picking your nose a little trickier (particularly in the initial weeks when you're supposed to be gentle around it), but all in all its no more painful than wearing earrings.
What are the pros and cons of nose piercings?
Have fun on your nose piercing adventure!
Originally Answered: does nose ring look good on girls?
Yes nose ring look good on girls just you have to select the proper nose ring according to your face type. You can select various types of nose rings according to your choice
You can try either having 2 or 3 piercings on the same side of the nose or even go a step further with a double piercing, one on each side.
From small, shiny studs to larger metallic studs or to creative designs, such as hearts or infinity signs, the options are endless! Plus, depending on the size of the piercing, they can be more apparent or less visible.
Yes nose ring look good on girls just you have to select the proper nose ring according to your face type. You can select various types of nose rings
according to your choice
You can try either having 2 or 3 piercings on the same side of the nose or even go a step further with a double piercing, one on each side.
From small, shiny studs to larger metallic studs or to creative designs, such as hearts or infinity signs, the options are endless! Plus, depending on the size of the piercing, they can be more apparent or less visible.
These two can vary wildly in size: from round, large hoops to fine ringlets that are close to the side of the nose, everything is possible!
Also known as the bull nose piercing, septum piercings can be extremely beautiful. They don’t go through the cartilage or bone, but instead they go though the skin of the septum, that is right underneath the cartilage
The bridge piercing is done through the skin on the bridge of the nose, as the name suggests, and should end up directly between the eyes.
Do boys like girls who wear nose rings?
I may like the girl who has the nose ring, but I feel that women with nose rings are less attractive. You can like someone who is not attractive, but I think the person asking this question is referring to attraction with the word “like.” If I am misunderstanding the question, then I apologize.
I am pretty open minded and greatly appreciate beauty. There are many piercings and tattoos that I find quite appealing and highly attractive. However, nose rings are so repulsive to me. Every time I see one I have an involuntary physiological response of bile rising in my throat. It makes me especially
I may like the girl who has the nose ring, but I feel that women with nose rings are less attractive. You can like someone who is not attractive, but I think the person asking this question is referring to attraction with the word “like.” If I am misunderstanding the question, then I apologize.
I am pretty open minded and greatly appreciate beauty. There are many piercings and tattoos that I find quite appealing and highly attractive. However, nose rings are so repulsive to me. Every time I see one I have an involuntary physiological response of bile rising in my throat. It makes me especially sad when a beautiful, young woman-who would otherwise be quite attractive-ruins it by inserting one of those disgusting contraptions in her nose. I do not know the motivation behind it, and I believe it may be different for each woman.
Maybe it’s a statement against objectifying women? Perhaps a show of individuality or rebellion? Could it be related to the feminist movement or lesbian love? Or perhaps some women genuinely feel that those things actually look attractive? Well, I am just one man sharing his opinion. Hopefully my comment doesn’t offend anyone.
Why do college age girls tend to get nose rings?
Before I give you my view I will reveal my age to you. I'm 60 years old. Every generation can tell you about crazy things that we all did when we were very young and now when we look back on them, they don't really me
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What Does a Nose Ring Mean on a Woman? Female Wearing Bull
What is the psychology behind a womam wearing a bull ring ...
Amazon.com: cattle nose ring
What My Nose Ring Means to My Queer Identity - Repeller
bull nose ring — Ring For Girl
Nose ring (animal) - Wikipedia
Bull nose ring | Etsy
Why do Bulls and Cows Have a Nose Ring? - UntamedAnimals.com
Bull Nose Ring Girls

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